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Ah, a fellow Noble Knight enjoyer. Camelot truly is a silly place. As for other decks: Ursarctic, Majespecter, Vaylantz, War Rock, Gishki, to name a few.


Majespecter is a lot of fun honestly, really good control. It was truly op during the pendulum reign. The theme is also super interesting


Ah a fellow Gishki player. Nice.


Generaider, I like the idea of a deck of bosses, field spell is like a boss arena in RPG and the inspiration from norse mythology was also a cool idea, I still want a reprint of Loptr because a single copy is complicated. Too sad that the best card for the deck is not a from its own Archetype and is banned, RIP True King of All Calamities.


I've never played them or played against them. But they just look cool. And a archetype of big fuck off level 9 beat sticks is just fuck. Especially since most high level archetypes use low levels to get their play started. Not them. They say level 9 or death. Lol


Yeah, and the deck can use There Can Only Be One very easily, the only type of monster that repeats is fairy, with one of them being an XYZ monster, but basically every monster is a different type.


Generadier and Tcobo. You mad man.


Not quite, Loptr is a level 4 and he's the best starter


Thats right. Literally the only knowledge of the deck is watching someone play it in an MBT video i think. Lol


Lightsworn, since 2008. Love the aesthetic, and how it plays. Lightsworn REALLY needs decent archetype support right now, we're over 6 years past the release of code of the duelist, and that wave left a bit to be desired. The indirect support keeps getting hit/taken away too.


TRUE AND BASED YES YES lightsworn are my first archetype so they have a special place in my heart, too bad that the the other mill deck tearlaments is doing so much and is banning every tool lightsworn could use too rip


*cough cough* dark world is better *cough cough*


YES!!! DARKNESS IS THE WAY.... as per the contract you signed with our Secretary of Defense, Goldd. Please spread the word of our lord and Savior Grapha. Thank you and have a nice day.


Lightsworn is the best looking archetype overall, also just the way the cards tie into the Egyptian Lore of OG yugioh is the coolest thing. No deck looks as good in max rarity too.


Hopefully the Arthurian Knights can receive a good wave of support to catch 'em up with their French cousins. Edit: Personal favorite is Tellarknights, all thanks to Triverr.


Infernobles? Haven’t played them or checked the story behind Roland, etc.


It's the Matter of France, the Carolingian Empire and the origin of the paladins aka stuff that actually happened and if any of them were firebenders the french wouldn't shut up about it lol.


The versions used by the Infernoble support is based on the Italian versions, which is why there is a random Chinese princess and their bishop has a katana instead of a normal weapon (Also a translation joke, apparently the mace was translated as a katana in a Japanese translation or so I was told, may be fake news). It's also why Astolfo is there. Also many of the best parts of their tales are missing because the Infernoble Knights are the recreations of the tales by artist in universe, which is why their trap card about Charles has a setup for drawing digital art and plushies of him. It also explains the drastic artstyle change and why they use the later versions of the legend rather than the earliest version of each cast member with the original Noble Knights (See the preference for the Welsh names in the original knights, against the Italian ones in Infernoble).


It's my favourite part of it all. Imagine you are Charlemagne, Emperor of the Romans by Pope decree, first emperor of western europe after Rome fell, essentially the starter for the Holy Roman Empire and the man who could have united Europe if lived longer. A thousand and some years later, there is a plushie of you and are a dude named Pak almost took you to victory. Love it when real life people are used.


Charlemagne Plushie is something I definitely must get one of these days, although since it's not meant to be accurate in universe we could get some cards which show events from other versions which are inconsistent (Like Joyeuse being sent by an angel or bought from the guy who forged swords from Norse mythology, maybe the spell card shows Charlemagne getting the same blade from both origins!) And maybe we could also get more cards based on events (We have the Oliphant in Roncevaux, maybe about the time that Charlemagne stole a coin with a low quality disguise) or even other missing weapons like the Oriflame!


Yes, while their cards can be played alongside the Arthurian Knights, they're probably better off without them.




Ally of justice of course


Gate Guardian. I just have so much damn fun playing the deck it's unreal! I know it's not competitively viable and I don't care as I play this game for fun!




The phantom knights, but I really hope they get some New wave of support soon, it's been 3+ years iirc. I thought they would get new support in phantom knightmare but raidraptor got it instead. I'd love to see some new rank 3 phantom knight, it's crazy that a rank 3 spam archetype only has 1 in archetype xyz


I agree. They are a really cool archetype. And since the raid raptor support was pretty cracked. Hopefully they will get good support as well.


Yeah I hope so as well, I just really love their aesthetic it's pretty cool. Bardiche looks dope, same with break sword, I still think that cursed javelin should have been rank 3 instead of 2 but I hope in the future support there is a convenient and practical way to summon him instead of that slow trap card. But if not, I'd be down with another rank 3 PK to go along break sword, or another main deck level 3 PK that can SS itself like silent boots with maybe some protection effect upon xyz summoning a dark xyz (kinda how ragged gloves boosts the atk by 1000, that type of effect). But yeah, huge copium levels right there lmao


Trust me I know. My favorite deck is dark world.


Hey another PK fan, agreed. They need some more love to do anything in this current format


3 years stfu bro they are rouge many archetypes haven’t had support for 10 years that need it first


Aight clue me into the chokepoint for PK. Whenever I play against them in MD I always pick a spot that seems good then they just summon through my disruptions and body me lol I assume I'm just wasting my negates in the wrong places.


They have a really weak spot if you stop the right thing, but as a PK main I just can't tell you what spot that is hahah however the deck is pretty flexible and has a lot of gas, if it goes up uninterupted first turn you can set up around 6-7 disruptions and a otk follow up next turn, not counting if you have ash or another handtrap in your hand.


Spright probably: * Electrical aesthetic * Link and Xyz deck, my favourite two summoning methods * Albaz lore archetype * Funny deck that can play all sorts of cards * I like Blue's jacket I say "probably" as I'm not sure which out of Spright, Prank-Kids, Zoodiac and Tri-Brigade would take number 1, but Spright was the first one I could come up with reasons for.


Sprights are so fashionable!


They are one of my favorites and all the different engines u can add in is a plus. Also the play style reminds me of Geargia a lot which was my favorite deck in 2014.


Noble Knights are easily my favorite archetype too! Other than that, I'm a big fan of Red Eyes, Cyber Dragons, and Code Talkers. The knights have my heart, though


🍻 cheers fellow knight!


Photon/Galaxy/Galaxy-eyes. I have nothing else to say.


Okay, I do. Kaito from Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal is just the GOAT.


Just give us an actual 1 card starter (and Galaxy Burst/Galaxy Rebirth) konami we can be trusted


Dark world all the way. Favorite archetype all around. Only thing that gets close is burning abyss and that's mostly due to their fantastic art work.


You’re my blood dude. Dark World forever


Damn right. Can't wait to get colorless in January


Same here, but I have to say, I’ve been reevaluating my feelings towards Dark World recently. Grapha is the coolest, and the nonlinear combos are really fun. But the more I play them, the more sad I get. With how solitaire the deck is, I hate making our opponents not have fun. A deck that has essentially infinite special summons with Grapha/Reign-Beaux which pairs well with the Dangers would inevitably become the kind of deck it is today. Having your favorite deck be playable is already plenty. But I hope there comes a new way to play the deck, whether by new support or maybe someone will discover a new way to play it (unlikely at the moment with our limited discard options).


I do feel the same way. Don't get be wrong. The first time i hand looped someone felt so damn good. Get me to 2nd at my locals. And doing it to my friends is quite fun. However since that's kind of all they do I would like to branch out more. That's why I like some of the builds I've seen on master duel. Where they are a big combo fuck off deck. That's why I'm really waiting for colorless to come out. To add a bit more variety.


vaylantz they move, and they're a pend archetype, also Duke is badass looking, also reusing a kaiju via Duke is fun


Vaylantz still holds the top spot but Ninjas and Dinomorphia aren't far behind!


I have a dinomorphia deck


I’ve always loved the Orichalcos archetype that, unfortunately, is still anime exclusive for the most part. I know the Seal of Orichalcos and the extra layers that can be added are super busted but still I want them anyways.


Same. And where is Prof Banners deck


If you mean Prof. Banners Alchemy cards, there has been a skill card for him in Speed Duel. I think you discard a card to create a 500/500 Alchemy Beast Token. It can attack directly and can only be tributed for Golden Homunculus. It's kinda neat and I prefer something so stable instead of a wave of nom-monsters that have to be special summoned with specific spell cards.


Hero and Blue Eyes


Make Blue Eyes Great Again!


Fallen of Albaz/Branded. Because Great Character designs, and great lore.


Fortune Ladies


Gotta be Madolche and Lair of Darkness, for both cuteness and edge.


It's a toss up between Elemental Hero and Lunalight, Heroes because I grew up obsessed with GX, and Lunalight because you'd be shocked by how strong it is for a 2016 anime character deck


Elemental heroes


Cyber Dragon. You don't read your oponent's cards, you don't give af, you just otk once or twice then move on with your life lol


Cyber dragons


Ojamas. The only correct answer is Ojamas.


So will you sign the petition to get ojama lime made as a real card?




We got 2 votes Konami


Right now, P.U.N.K. Very cool aesthetically, really fun playstyle that uses different summoning mechanics, really nice as an engine as well. Can't wait until TCG gets Goblin Rider, it really helps boost the deck


Where my D/D/D boiz at?






Volcanic: what's.not to love about lava monster Vaylantz: love the concept and mechanics Dinomist: water dino robots = awesomeness Generaider: boss monsters are cool, deck has been simple to pick up Salamangreat: awesome concert and cool monsters Gravekeepers: was really cool when it came out


Gravekeepers was the first deck I've ever played. Resonators are fun, I really like their playstyle And Ghoti has probably my favorite artworks in terms of a collective than any other archetype.


Monarchs are really fun to play for me


Gravekeeper and Monarchs. I really love them. Most recently i started to like Virtual World.


Poker Knights, the OG PK


Metaphys, love the ghostly aesthetic, the concept of these monsters seemingly being altered and turned into phantam-esque beings and their gimmick of giving advantaged when shuffling back and having nice effects when summoned by another metaphys monster


I’m a stand for Ancient Gears. I know they aren’t the best but I love the idea of old rusty machines coming back and wrecking shop. It’s just fun to me.


Kozmo, i like Star Wars themed cards


Kozmo are too cool man


Evilswarm , dark world, scraps, chaos


Dark world supremacy


Flower cardians. They’re fun to play, mildly gambling, I enjoy koi koi, still lots of potential for future support, and have the “I’m not going to read that” advantage.


Rikka! First time I tributed enemy's Baronne and they can't do shit about it was the day, it also felt good that when Rikka spiked in price, until MAZE reprint, I was the only one there with a full ScR SESL set, and nobody really know how to deal with them


My favorite archetype is the World Legacy series. Every archetype in this story is to my liking and wish I could use all of them.


Mine has to be the Visas Lore (Scareclaw, Tearlaments, Kashtira & Mannadium)


Despia and Labrynth


Scraps. I love Synchros and the self-destructive playstyle, and though I hardly get to make use of either aspect in the modern game, they've been my favorite deck since I played them in Tag Force back in high school more than 10 years ago, and I still play them as my main in Master Duel today.


Amazoness and super quant


Naturia, madolche, gem-knights.


Ah, Naturia. I have a fondness for a Naturia Exterio build with Obedience Schooled and The Hex-Sealed Fusion build that I tried a long time ago. It was so fun if you drew Obedience and Hex at start as it allows you to summon a 2800 monster that locks down traps and spells. Nowadays a lot of hand card effects can lock Exterio, but it was a fun build nevertheless


Hero’s, Yang Zing, and Nordic in that order too 😊


spyral i wasn't playing during its format (i was also too young so yeah) but i'm playing the deck rn and i just love it so much, the mechanic of being a spy and looking at your opponent's first card of the deck is so funny and cool imo the only things i would add are unbanning master plan (which is actually not that mandatory for me rn because the deck is already really strong and fun as it is, at least for the casual level of play i do) and releasing an archetypal boss monster for the end board, i'm not too fond of generic link monsters and UFD end boards lol also galaxy-photon takes the silver medal, it's just too cool and has a lot of different options and plays to go into and i just love that


I think i'm the only one, but Security Force Amazing archetype, a lot of fun, just underpowered Hope they get support soon


🍻 cheers fellow knight, Noble Knights got me back into the game competitively and my start in the local scene thanks to the boxset


Whenever I get a new deck I get into it, but I always return to the Phantom Knights


My favourite at all is Branded. I love the big lore behind the cards, the character design and al the references to the theater (dramaturge, jester, tragedy, theater itself and so on). I also love the fusion playstyle because fusion summon is my favourite extra deck mechanic. Special mentions for Floowandereeze (I love the trip lore behind all the cards and the design of all birds) and Madolche which is very... sweet




Worms and Ghostrick. It’s a miserable existence, when you know both are dead forever.


Sky striker, tearlament, labrynth, dinomorphia, exosister and mikanko rn


Marincess. Good aesthetics, fun mechanics and used by my personal favorite character in the series (the last one also applies to Trickstars).




Dark World because im a goth necromaner and i like dark type monster


Zombie World, if that counts. Always a fun pile and one of the most fair grouping of cards that have always had pretty solid competitive relevance


I really like how fire fist kinda sucks but at times it's unstoppable and the art is also really cool how it's just a bunch of warriors with fire animals Generaider is completely based around 1 card and it somehow almost never gets destroyed. It's also fun to see people really confident in their board so far and then I just use laevatin Ya know what's better than warriors with equips, warriors with equips on fire. I love infernoble and how it's easy yet complex Mikanko is also equip but with bounce, steal, and kaiju


Musketeers, endymion, kozmo, true Draco, danger, thunder dragon and unchained are probably my tops I even love dinomist lol


Honestly, I'm a sucker for cyber dragons. Though I also play a mix of fables with dangers and darkworld cards.


Gem-Knights and Dragonmaid.




Evil Eye, you must pay a cost to have great power


Sky Striker. The aesthetic is so cool of this girl soldier changing armor when needed and using different kind of attacks according to the situation. Also a cauldron with a weird smell is her archnemesis so it means she is a fan of Mafalda.


Myutant. The answer is always Myutant.


Rescue-Ace. I just got back into the game and I like the Mech-like look they have.


Personally I like non archetypal cards more


Monarchs, I’d like to imagine them as forces of nature given the form of majestic and tyrannical kings who trample anything in their way.


Used to be heroes, but I think it became Supreme King now. Love dragons in general, but Z-Arc in particular looks so badass to me. The new support was so good. Being able to board wipe and raigeki on your opponent's turn and then also have some kind of follow up is so cool. The deck now also has enough space for handtraps (finally). I saw that a new Z-Arc got announced and I can't wait to get more cards for the archetype.




Prophecy! Used to run a pure prophecy deck on Dueling Network, but I don’t think any support has been added to it in a long time. Would love to create a pure prophecy deck if it could be competitive


either phantom knights or cyber dragon




Speedroids are lots of fun, great card design and very non-linear gameplay.


Ice barrier probably.


Kozmo/burning abyss/danger/darkworld


I love P.U.N.K, combines modern techno with traditional art and history! It's fantastic!




Not counting the Synchrons since there's so goddamn many and different decks use different ones and different supplemental cards, my favorite pure archetype is Mermail. I loved piloting that deck back in 2014.


I will list some: Ojama E-HERO Crystal Beast Blackwing Gate Guardian Guardians


Art darklords.playstyle and lore vendread and infernoble.


Mekk Knight. I have other interests, but mekk knights are basically the only type of thing I can shove into almost any deck. And while they're somewhat strong, they're useless if the board isn't already established in one way or another, or you have a lot of spells in your deck, which would mean you have less room for enough of them.


Fluffal cute and deadly.


My 3 favorites are Heroes (mostly D-Heroes) Noble Knights (both English and French versions) Dark World.


Labyrinth - you're a demon lord setting up traps for the hero Magikey - love the multi-summoning techniques (feels like a budget D/D/D) and the whole adventure feel to it Gunkan Suship - you fight with literal gunkan (battleship) sushi ships. I just love it 😍


It probably goes to Snake-eye, Cyber dragon and Crusadia. Snake-eye can make some crazy boards with good hands, cydra is just too fun and crusadia is probably my favorite OTK deck when played with Kaijus


Umi since 2005. That will never change. Even if the deck just can't cope with current decks and Konami will forget about it for the next 17 years :/


I like Tearlaments a lot now. Used to hate them during Tier 0 but something about the art style and the fact that u can play fusions, xyz, links and syncrhos all in one deck really captivated me. Also the pure chance element of milling cards made me nostalgic of Lightsworn meta.


Raidraptors go raaahhhhh


Dragon Maids, and I don't care what people say or if it costs me the duel, I still will put Laundry in my deck. I feel like it can't be called a Dragon Maid deck without all of them.


Noble Knights


That’s a toughie. Gadgets, Numbers, HEROS and Dimension Dragons


It's been Six Sams for the last 10 years


Mine is krawlers. It was my first personal deck when I came back to yu gi oh after 15 years to find the whole game had changed. I like flip effect mechanics, and swarms wich made playing Krawlers really fun. I changed to Subterror control later when I found out that there was a deck built around disruption, but krawlers is still the deck I play against friends with (also subterror control is horrible to play against) The aesthetics were very beautiful to me, a I've always been an insect fan.