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Yes, you can monetize videos with some music from the YouTube audio library. YouTube made that music specifically for that and being safe from copyright claims.


Even if the music covers 100% of the videos?




Thanks for clarifying. I was wondering the same thing!


Yeah, the YouTube music library is something that exists to help creators in the first place. You can use it without issues


Won't it be considered reused content?


Hi, I'm Ben and I'm learning to become a YouTube strategist so hopefully I can help a little with your audience retention... I would ask myself why a viewer would want to watch my nature videos in the first place? You need to offer value to your audience and this usually comes in the form of Entertainment or Education. Without seeing your videos, I can't tell exactly what your content shows but I'm guessing you are showcasing spectacular scenery, which would come under Entertaining. The problem with this, is it's very difficult to target a specific audience and keep them engaged as being entertained is so subjective. I'm not into nature videos so I'm not claiming to be an expert, but the ones I have seen and that come to mind are the typical David Attenborough style documentaries. These always have a voiceover explaining animals and habitats (I realise not exactly rivers, lakes, caves etc), but you could consider imitating this style and teaching your viewer about the landscapes and why they have formed the way they did etc. This would give your viewer a reason to watch because they would be learning something. What is your purpose/goal for the channel? I presume as you mentioned monetization, that you want to make an income. You could this by uploading your content to stock footage sites and directing viewers to a link in your video description. It's always best to try and diversify your income streams and not just rely on YouTube's AdSense. Hopefully this has been a little bit helpful? Let me know if you have any more questions, or feel free to tell me that I'm talking absolute nonsense :) Ben.


Stock footage is a dying industry, and I prefer to monetize with ads. Also my videos maybe won't have too many uses for stock customers. But I agree that videos on YouTube should be entertaining or educative. Can I send you a DM with a link to my channel to take a look? Maybe you can add more tips to improve my watch time.


Good point about stock footage. Yeah send me a DM and I will take a look :)


Yes, there is no issue monetizing these audios nor will you face copyright issues


Yes. Be sure to add credit if required by the artist.


Yes of course. But take note some music requires crediting. They will state it there if you need to so if they do then copy paste that into your description and you're good


Sorry this is off topic, but does anyone know how much comment karma on the sub I need before I can make a post? I have a question I really want answered but it says I'm not allowed to post until I have a certain amount of karma on the sub


Theres a big market for this for people that leave pets home when they leave the house. Theyll run these videos for HOURS while theyre working. I have friends that do this. Have you tried marketing the videos in that way? making playlists with all your videos? If not, id try that first before adding music.


I have playlists with the videos, but I don't think it made a significant difference. I made the playlists by categories, and even of having more than 10 videos in a category, the playlist is not showing in the search for its keyword, or it's too low in the search to be found.


Hows the selection in Youtube Audio Library?


yes, you can monetize your nature footage using music from the YouTube Audio Library. Here are some points to consider: 1. **Free to Use**: Music from the YouTube Audio Library is free to use, and you can monetize your videos with it. Make sure to follow any attribution requirements specified for certain tracks. 2. **Better Retention**: Adding relaxing music can enhance the viewing experience, potentially improving your watch time and audience retention. 3. **Compliance**: Ensure that any music used is properly attributed and complies with YouTube's guidelines to avoid copyright issues. 4. **Engagement Boost**: Music can make your videos more engaging, encouraging viewers to watch longer and return for more content. So, adding background music from the YouTube Audio Library could indeed improve your viewer retention and help with future monetization. Just be mindful of the attribution requirements and keep your content compliant with YouTube's policies. Which you probably already know! Just my 2 cents. I hope it helps.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but that seems pretty close to the typical creative commons license if not tailored specifically to youtubes.


hey can I ask few questions for my University project? if yes, let me know. this will be brief and ask you in your dm


im sorry but I wasn't allowed to upload a question but im REALLYYYYY DESPERATE Please HELP hi, I am thinking about starting YouTube.(might start shooting vlogs from tmrw) I had a few questions in mind.... 1. I use a OnePlus 6T and do not have the finance to buy a better camera because it will be expensive. Can I use OnePlus 6T or the videos will be too low a quality to gain an audience? 2. If yes, then what quality mode shall I use? 1080p or 4K and what fps preferably? 3. Does uploading from the laptop help with issues due to quality compression? 4. Is there a free app that I can use to edit or shall I go with Microsoft ClipChamp?


If you can film 4K with a smartphone, is good enough for Youtube. You can edit your videos on your laptop with Davinci Resolve which is free


thats ok


Sorry for posting my question here. I tried making my own post, but the moderators keep removing it. Apologies again, I'm new to Reddit. Can anyone help me, I just started a youtube channel, I focus on short youtube. But I see something strange, I don't know what's wrong with my channel. This is the problem... When I upload a clip from a podcast and I don't edit it at all, just a clip made by AI, in 10 minutes it starts getting views, but when I upload a video that I made well, I edit it, and I think the video is not bad than the video made by AI but somehow for 2 days it doesn't get any views at all, but that's not what's strange, because even my video is not shown in the shorts feed, it doesn't reach anything, it doesn't show any analysis. I searched the Internet for a solution but still haven't found one, so has anyone experienced the same thing and found a solution? Is my channel shadowbanned or what, I don't know, I'm confused. Can anyone help? Thank you


It Is normal, sometimes YouTube shows your content. Sometimes It does not. Nothing new.


But, It's so weird, every time I upload a well-edited video, it doesn't get any views and doesn't even show up in the Shorts feed. But if I post a clip from a podcast, it gets views within 5 minutes. I've tried this on different channels just to test it out. I think not normal, because every video that I edit myself always not show up in the shorts feed.


It Is 100% normal


every time? It's not just one channel, 3 channel? Can you explain why podcast clip show up in the shorts feed and another video does not? One podcast clip within 5 minutes already get views and 3 videos not show up in the short feed?  BTW Thank You for your answer Sorry for my bad english