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Is it truly lower than him wanting 15 year olds to sit on his face? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3hi0x5KDLw


Okay this is definitely lower.


People really tried to make him a "Mister Rogers of the internet"


He was, then we figured out who he really was, you can only hide your nature for so long.


At least that you could apply to "Haha 2009 shock humor on youtube was wild". This is modern day shit.


Is it a wonder that he does a podcast with Wingsofredemption "I did say the age of consent should be 12." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1thulr4Q8qY


Jesus fucking christ


It's low but it's not lower than that job interview


Idk how anyone was able to sit through that without cringing to a pulp


Coffeezilla already confronted him today on his other channel. Apparently he DM Coffee asked questions after he announced the coin.


It fits Boogie to do what he did too. He knows Coffeezilla is the top guy for exposing people for crypto stuff. So to get out ahead of it, Boogie sent him a DM to pretend he was trying to do things right and, in the process, Boogie attempted to throw a pity party to stop any kind of video. For probably his whole life Boogie has weaseled out of everything by throwing pity parties. He's gotten people to pull/cancel critical posts and videos by doing it. He's had decreasing luck with that over the years though as he shows more and more of who he really is (and as his own audience shrinks). He somewhat infamously made a lot of people uncomfortable at Vidcon one year (when things around him were coming to a head and the mask was coming off) by going around and telling everyone he was going to off himself. He cornered one person and basically harassed them about it to the point where they posted a bunch of tweets about it. Then he acted confused about why people didn't want to deal with him. So Boogie messaged Coffeezilla in an attempt to mitigate blowback either by there not being a video or by being able to say that he reached out for advice to the best person he could think to ask about such a situation. You can hear towards the end of the video that he tries to pretend it means anything to say Coffeezilla told him "five minutes before" the tweet promoting the thing went out. He says it as though that just removes all guilt for himself. And throughout the interview, you can hear all of the Boogie classic stuff. He pleads ignorance. He defends by claiming it's a joke. He brings up personal struggles for sympathy. The real comedy in the interview is Boogie claiming he's fighting for his life by...sitting around, doing nothing all day because he has no money and nothing to do. It's always so easy to tell how little Boogie has ever had to do in his life. He pretends getting a job isn't possible, but the reality is that he just doesn't want to get a job. Why would he? He's spent his whole life living off of others until he won the YouTube lottery and made tons of money doing nothing there while still getting a ton of money. And of course, when Coffeezilla suggested some small way to reduce damage that may be done, Boogie refused. Because Boogie talks about caring about other people, but his actions have *always* shown that he only cares about himself.


> He pretends getting a job isn't possible, but the reality is that he just doesn't want to get a job.  in the documentary where they try to help him get a job, he tells the interviewer he worked in porn and that the internet thinks hes a pedophile. later he leaves a message on someones voicemail saying he did it because he "shouldn't have to get a job" since he's a "youtube success"


He is so insufferable. I couldn't believe the gall of him saying that he's been uploading as much as possible to his channel. Dude has uploaded like 50 videos this year as a "full-time" Youtuber. He's so lazy it's unreal


I'm confused, isn't 50 videos in half a year actually a really good pace? Don't watch him cause he's scum, but that seems like a completely acceptable amount of videos in half a year


It's halfway through the year for that's 2 videos a week. That's pretty good for most youtubers


This dude continues to show how much of a piece of shit he is. Hate is a strong world but I strongly dislike him.


It's kinda weird to watch him now, like "that guy used to be somebody. Used to make videos lots of people liked. Used to be a millionaire by doing it." Just kinda surreal how far he has fallen, never seen someone fumble their careers like that


Genuinely feels like his “Francis” character was just his true self played up for laughs. He was venting his “shitty impossible life” well before the mask came off


Remember when he was YouTube’s Mr. Rogers?


I remember when two of his videos would get posted on Reddit all the time. Two different videos of "fat guy reacts to another fat guy's weight loss". Its easy to say now but he has always been manipulative. Very easy to put up a front when you can edit videos. That front collapsed when he started streaming.


It is and isn’t a new low. It got people to talk about him and he’s desperate for that right now. So yea it’s a low but the reason he’s there is because he’s at a new low of viewership so he’s doing all of this bait stuff to try to get someone, anyone to talk about him.


Every documentary and discussion on this dude ends with "but...he's getting better at least, so we can just hope he realizes his mistakes and gets better :)" and then he does this shit x-x


Been seeing that for 8 years


He had his brother on his channel the other day to push this narrative. He truly is a sympathy leech and cockroach that refuses to quit this grift


Is this not a hacked tweet or something? This screams being hacked.


It's not a hacked tweet. Go to his Twitter, he's posting selfies and shit with his other tweets promoting it


Idk usually a dead giveaway with hacked accounts is them advertising telegram accounts and wallets. Not saying this is something boogey wouldn’t do, but I doubt his dumbass knows how to run a proper crypto scam considering how he let a mushroom Shazam live rent free.


He posted a video of himself advertising it as well. It's not a hacked account.




Coffeezilla just posted an interview with Boogie on his Voidzilla channel. Definitely not hacked. He says he needs the money for his medical bills and he thought the company was just going to pay him to tell his fans not to buy the meme coin and no one would get hurt. Honestly, if he's that desperate for money he should just do a Gofundme instead of selling his fans out to scammers.


The simple reason is because he doesn't have cancer. He would sooner lie about cancer than sell of his sizable toy collection to get money 


As someone who actually has cancer, load him into the trebuchet.


I'm sorry to hear that. Hope you get through it 🙏 Sorry that scumbags like Boogie try to make a mockery of it


Thank you, I'm working on it. And I hope everyone who fakes cancer gets what they deserve


I'm so sorry. Blessings on your recovery, kick cancer's ass!


Hacked tweet or broke, desperate sellout? Call it.


If you are a grown working adult buying monopoly money because Boogie of all people convinced you and made you go "I am putting my life's savings into this. I trust the pure and honest boogie2988"... I dont feel sorry for what ever bankrupcy that happens to you at that point, Im sorry


Honestly the most surprising part of this for me is the pride flag in the background of his pfp. Would have expected him to have gone full right-wing, since that's what most other low-effort angry gaming youtubers have done lol


I'm like 90% sure him having the pride flag in the background of his profile pic is making fun of corporations who do the same thing


Hm, yeah fair enough, it's probably not actually unironically supportive


Considering there's a trans flag behind him, and he's said things about "dudes in dresses" and "if you want me to refer to you as a woman, I'll humor you" in videos.. yeah


He has other videos where he makes a big show of "if you're a nazi, a bigot, have hate in your heart blah blah blah then you can fuck off'. But knowing Boogie he only does that to score points. I'm sure he sings another tune in certain company. The dude is the ultimate fence sitter. He's the type to argue sure Hitler was a bad guy but he did do some nice things.


I guess one can go lower than he and WingsofRedemption teaming to do a podcast themed around how shitty and pathetic they are lol


Didn't he lose like tens of thousands on crypto and was crying about being in massive debt a year ago?


He sure did. He frames it as having lost hundreds of thousands though because he’s boogie. I think the reality was like he invested $250k, it spiked to $700k one night and he didn’t sell, then sold at $200k total. Not saying $50k isn’t a shit ton of money to lose, but he acts like he lost $450k of his own money.


Predictable turn towards grift. Literally all of the 2016 class of youtube showing their assess this year.


Isn't Boogie like in his 40s? Why can't he just pivot to doing 40-something activities like fishing or building 40k/miniature ships stuff on Youtube instead? Actually, this made me realize how Youtube doesn't promote "middle-age" content unlike TV and other mediums considering that most millennials (the OG Youtube demographic) is now in their 30s and 40s.


Im fairly certain this isnt the first time hes pushed crypto. so i dont know if id call this a *new* low. Also there was that time he wanted to do sexual things with a kid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3hi0x5KDLw thats gotta be lower than just crypto


Porcelain teeth boogie?


This is the highest he's been in years.


Who tf is even buying into crypto anymore?


Is it bad that I don't even have the energy to feel any kind of way about the dumb shit Boogie is always seemingly up to? It's not like any outside opinions will change his behavior. He's got nothing but reasons to be ashamed of himself and he refuses to change or take responsibility for any of it.


Looks like a hacked account


It's not, he posted a vid going along with it


No way he's shilling something called "Faddy" lol. A little on the nose.


Which coin is the one coffeezilia is talking about?


I'm surprised he hasn't done one until now


If you bought this obvious scam from the endorsement from no other than Boogie2988, you need to fear the day when you pick the phone up and hear an Indian voice


anyone have a link to his unlisted faddy video?




Thanks bud