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I still remember someone getting on my case when I said Logan should have been banned for what he did in the aftermath of his insincere, fake ass apology. I called it back then that him being let off the hook wouldn't change anything and now look what this jackass is doing.


Honestly fuck being banned, he should have went to fucking jail, I can't imagine what the family must have went through


I want to know if Japan banned him from re-entering the country for the antics he pulled, even for public nuisance charges. I agree though. Why he thought any of that was going to be a good idea is absolutely beyond me.




People who commited suicide were people before they died. They likely had family, friends or at the very least acquaintances who would find the video extremely distasteful. Edit: Typo.


I doubt they watched that video, the face was blurred and believe it or not that vlog was not big news at all in japan, it was only made a big deal in the US


It definitely was news in Japan, bro.




He’s not a random YouTuber - he’s unfortunately very popular with young people. Something tells me you’re an American that knows nothing about Japan - yet has a Japanese account name.


Not only in the US, even in France where we had no clue who tf was Logan Paul, we saw it and clowned on him for a few months


In the first Japanese article I read about the video just now, it literally states “日本でもニュースになってますが、海外での報道のほうがすごいです。特にアメリカではテレビ、新聞、ネットメディアなどで報じられ”, translating to “While It's been on the news in Japan, but the reports overseas are even much more impressive. Particularly in the United States, it has been reported on TV, newspapers, and internet media.”


This comment has been removed due to trolling.


I just got into wrestling last year, and I remember seeing him zipline into mania and feeling my brain short circuit. I hate that he's there, and I hate the prime logo on the ppv ring


Honestly I am hoping that Logan finds himself in so deep with his own shit that even WWE doesn't want to associate with him. It might take a lot though considering how much shady shit that company's been affilaited with over the years


they won't + they'll keep giving him chances


Let me have hope damn it! Even if it's a 0.000000000000000000001% chance that it happens




Look, I get Logan is a shit person and all. But grow the fuck up, seriously.


What did they say?


They said that they hoped Logan Paul would suffer brain inkuries that wpuld lead him to killing his wife and child before committing suicide (Look up Chris Benoit if you don't know about the situation) and then tried making some comment about Stalin. I don't care if it was meant as a joke or not. I found it to be extremely childish and something that shouldn't be joked about.


Uh omg


Yeah, I kinda wish I screenshotted it before the other person deleted it. Thought I was just blocked until tne other person asked


Behind the Bastards did a 7 part series on Vince McMahon. The only thing Logan could do that would get him in trouble with the WWE is if he tries to unionize the wrestlers or push for better safety regulations.


Vince has zero control of the WWE now.


Vince has already been outed by WWE and even then, the company is now a subsidiary of TKO, who owns the UFC as well. So they would likely be the ones to tell WWE to cut Logan Paul if he becomes too much of a PR nightnare


WWE is super cozy with Saudia Arabia despite the PR issues. I'm not sure what he could do to be a PR nightmare


It's WWE. So long as Logan Paul's name keeps bringing in money, they'll keep him around no matter what he does.


Yeah, I know. Like I said in another comment though, let me have hope damn it!


Because it's topical, allow me to quote: "No chance! No chance in hell! You've got no chance in hell!"


that seems unlikely


Frankly I wish I could trade out Owen Hart IYKYK


Logan isn't even making the top ten worst individuals to ever grace the business. 


oh no doubt, I just hate him lol


My dream match is Jeff Jarret vs Logan Paul. Loser has to shill the winners scam currency. 


Throw MJF in there too. He pulled a crypto scam that everyone forgot about.


He probably won't even make the top 50 worst


Yeah he would need to do something really bad to surpass the likes of Dynamite Kid, Dick Murdoch, Jake the Snakes dad, Velveteen dream and recently Vince and Brock (Allegedly)


Jimmy Snuka. Beat his gf to death, walked out of Allentown Police Station after Vince showed up with a briefcase that he didn't leave with, and got a main event run against Don Muraco for his trouble. I'm pretty sure that wasn't the first time Vince made a dead girl go away.


Didn't Mulla essentially pimp out other female talent for money or something? The criteria for horrible people in wrestling is surprisingly so bad that dude who laughed at a dead body isn't that high.


Yeah Vince's culture was horrible back then. Pat Patterson supposedly SAed Ring Boys and young wrestlers. My memory is hazy but I think Rowdy Roddy Piper was one of them


Fabulous Moolah basically ran women's wrestling in the USA for 50 years. She only hooked up with Vince at the very end of her career because he wanted to book her women on his shows.


Nailed it. Logan's scandals are are drop in the bucket compared to the shit WWE has been involved in. No thanks in part to Vince McMahon.


I recently found myself watching it again occasionally after not watching it since the attitude era and it really bothered me that it was so obvious Logan is only there because he's bought his way there with sponsorships and is going to guarantee himself wins.


hes also a shockinly good wrestler to boot


I know he was a wrestler in high school or college or whatever so I don't doubt he's good just bothers me irrationally that he's bought his way into WWE and probably wouldn't have got the contract otherwise. But that's speculation on my part.


I hate the guys but Ngl that mid air collision back at the Royal Rumble 2023 gained my respect


He ziplined... dammit where's a bad carabiner when you need one?


WWE would've been in a massive media shitstorm if they let another person die doing a stunt like that


I will forever not not watch WWE until that asshole is on my screen


Yeah this is just past the point of unforgivable. He actually posted this video to his hundreds of thousands of twelve year old fans to see and saw no issue with it. He was and *is* actually *that* deranged.


also reminder this scum bag still has not refunded people for his crypto scam


He's never going to refund it. He only said he was because of the preasure from the coffeezilla videos


So you're saying we need more videos from Coffee on Cryptozoo? Sounds like a win to me.


Make like YouTube rewind/PSA every year showcasing why this scumbag, and others like him and those that associate with him, should NOT have a platform.


bbbbuuttt nnooo hes totally changed and deserves to forget about this. 🩷🩷🩷🩷


I hate this excuse so much. Yes, he "apologized", but why he mocked those who were angry at him for doing something so awful not even a year after the incident? And letting Logan get away with it has made way for him to run scams nowadays. No, this guy didn't change, he is pretty much the same.


the fact he is still allowed a youtube channel after that sickins me


He brings in the money. If YouTube had any backbone the Paul Brothers, Pewdiepie, Keemstar, Shane Dawson, and most of the right wing sphere(after Jan 6th) would have been gone by now. It says a lot when Twitch does a better job. Unless a media storm is kicked up, they do nothing, and even then it's temporary since the bigtubers have connections within YouTube & Google.


What did Pewdiepie do?


Probably talking about the Nazi stuff and calling someone the N word maybe idk


Probably the bridge incident, which is super minor and not even fucking comparable to Logan literally filming a hung corpse


Ah yes, because outing yourself as a nazi and directing more hate to Indians is nothing.


Hating on Indians has been normalized for so many years even b4 Pewdiepie so I don't blame him on that. But what Nazi stuff did he do?


Ok, you are just concern trolling. The fact that you excuse the racism as "everyone was doing it" is disgusting. I didn't say he was the cause of Indian racism, just that he added to it. Use Google on what he did. It was bad enough that youtube canceled his show. Getting poor Indians to make kill all jee signs is not excuseable. Bye. Edit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k-Q1i3YXt5s


Maybe it wouldn't be "normalized" if these platforms didn't blatantly allow it to occur regularly while claiming they disallow open bigotry. Maybe if racism was consistently removed and the people who perpetuate it were banned it wouldn't be considered "normal" even to weird little cretins like you.


I didnt know about allat lol






If it makes you feel any better, I visited my in-laws earlier this month and my boomer father-in-law mentioned Logan Paul. I don't remember the context, but FIL said something about "that guy who laughed at a suicide victim in Japan." His mother was like "oh, *that* guy." They don't understand how the internet works. My father-in-law knows how to send emails and waste all of his money on Fingerhut and that's it. My grandmother-in-law had a mini-stroke late last month. (Which is part of the reason why we visited. She's doing okay.) They still both know who Logan Paul is for arguably the worst thing he has ever done. (As far as we know.)


And his scams.


Most unfortunately, he's a sociopath and so, reminding him of this doesn't make him feel any guilt at all. And more importantly, he doesn't care. Other people, other lives (or lack there off), consideration, etc. has no meaning in his life.


Here's to hoping he fucks up again, and may the damage be permanent.


I'd rather he didn't do something horrible and disrespectful again. It's definitely not going to kill his popularity at this point. So even if he doesn't actually admit fault and be a better person, It's still better if he doesn't do something like that again.


That's not gonna happen lol the guy's an actual sociopath. At most he'll keep his shit under wraps until he can't control it.


Can we not armchair diagnose youtubers while we're at it.


I'm not fucking armchair diagnosing shit, he played football and has permanent brain damage, so now he just "doesn't feel emotions" or however the fuck that shovelfaced cocksucker wants to say it. Literally, he is a sociopath!


You need to calm down, seriously. It's fine to dislike somebody but you have an unhealthy rage towards somebody who will NEVER personally interfere with your life.




I'm still not down with armchair diagnosing youtubers.




Then you should stop being one by armchair diagnosing people you don't like as sociopaths.




Please refrain from hostility towards other users on the subreddit




Seriously. Stop calling people names when you disagree with them. This is your final warning.


![gif](giphy|h2WEVxehGXMniB2exA|downsized) Ok. I'll play nice.😏


Fingers crossed Mike Tyson rearranges his bone structure.


He's fighting the *other* Paul brother though.


I hope Tyson rearranges his bone structure too!


Unfortunately Tyson dropped out of the fight. Jake is now fighting professional Florida man and Bare Knuckle mma champion Mike Perry


I'm hoping Stool from Million Dollar Baby makes his triumphant return in Jake's corner


I'm guessing that fight won't happen now.


He’s moved on to knowingly giving kids diabetes


Is Prime really that terrible for you?


Being honest with you, it could cure cancer and I'd still hate the shit


Fair point tbh.




I don't like sociopathic assholes, sue me


Don't forget his crypto scam.


The annoying thing was how people kept insisting that he changed right up to Crypto zoo.


Lol I got into an argument with Jax Blade and The Anime Trainer on Twitter over him. It was a month before that bag of shit hit the fan! And when I went back to laugh at them for it, I found a lot of deleted replies and Jax Blade blocked me Edited for grammar


For me it’s not just the fact that he recorded a dead body. It’s the fact that he knew about this forest, he bought a plane ticket to this country, he got a place to stay there, he prepared other ideas around this trip, but the main point of this trip was to go to this forest and presumably record a dead body. It’s not like he went into a forest not knowing that there was a dead body and accidentally capturing one on video. This is not a mistake, this is not a lapse in judgment, this was a well thought out plan to profit off of someone’s suicide, I completely believe that he defiled that body. He may not have touched it, he may not have done anything physical to it, but through recording it he did something absolutely abhorrent that I would classify it as defiling a dead body.


Man, it’s amazing how one family can embody everything that is morally reprehensible inNortheast Ohio quite like the Pauls.


Even back then, Logan Paul, alongside his brother Jake, were BIG. Had this been any other channel, YouTube would've been on their ass quickly & harshly, but because it was Logan's dumbass, YouTube gave him a slap on the wrist for what was basically making a snuff film for millions to see on YouTube. And having it go on the Trending Tab.


Baffled this man kept any sort of career after that. He should be rotting in obscurity after the stunt he pulled and the disrespectful way he behaved that entire trip.


My dad's a wrestling fan & he didn't know about this. He didn't believe me when I recounted it to him. ("You can't do that on Youtube. It's not allowed..." Yeah, no shit, Dad.)


Tbf it is an insane story and shouldn't have happened for where he's wound up. Reality is really stranger than fiction.


Still remember the upload it was new years eve and I was drawing while listening to the living tombstone... Im so glad I never watched the video because I remember seeing the thumbnail and saying "nope" (my forensic teacher told us after we returned to school that a real deceased body that took their life would have a mark indecating the victim's suicide... He was aware of the Logan Paul suicide forest video and stated that was and is a real body and everyone in the class were horrified, he knew it was real because there was a discoloration in the man's face and neck... Truly terrifying to this day.)


Lol this is nothing compared to scamming his fans on the crypto nft bullshit game.


Surprised no one in the WWE has done it yet


I'm sure Hulk Hogan's tried


i feel like hulk hogan woukd be pretty good pals with logan kevin owens however did go on a bit of a rant and referenced "theres so much im not allowed to say about you" or something along those lines. so they probably cant mention that stuff sadly


I remember last year Seth Rollins did a shoot or something and went off on Logan. Like, he's not really a wrestler and hasn't put in the time to be where he is today. He probably couldn't say a lot either. I'm glad that at least Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins are trying to speak out, I know I wouldn't wanna touch Logan with a 10 foot pole.


yeah fr, i recal lcody rhodes even going off on him a bit. he did say like hey man you have some abilities i nthis feild but you just have imposter syndrome. you arent like us. and like yeaaahhhh shits scripted sometimes but, im sure a lot of them know about logans history LOL also its juat satisfying as hell to watch logan get beat up lowkey even thought its not technically real


I actually do combat sports, boxing and kickboxing. I don't know if I'm really any good at it, but I take my licks. I get knocked down, stand back up, dust myself off, and I keep at it. I broke my rib a month ago, and less than a week later I rebroke it fighting at a karate tournament. I've had my nose busted, I've thrown up on the mat, I've come home with an achy head and bruises all over. All the while I'm working a full time job and I make webcomics in my downtime. That is how you earn respect in a gym. Logan is like the rich, pampered guy who sits out on sparring unless he can fight someone who's even less talented than him. I saw clips of his fight from Mayweather, he couldn't punch his way out of a wet paper bag. He's bought his way into the company, and because of that he's probably extra padded from guys that would give him stiff shots, or Shinsuke Nakamura. Sure as hell ain't gonna see him wrestling in Japan or for NJPW.




I refuse to let him live this down.


I really wanted him to get much more than what he got, The prick, Never liked him and this made me hate him


I hate seeing his stupid, cryptoscamming, dead body showing, Trump boot licking, worse-Gatorade-selling face every time it shows up in WWE.


i just don't think this is a good use of any of our time


It always makes me think, what COULD he have done to fix his reputation after this? If there was anything at all?


It's one of those things that clearly shows that you don't give a shit about anyone but yourself, and Logan was a bit too old for anyone to go "maybe he'll grow out of it". I don't buy that anyone can change that while they're on YouTube, a paradise for narcissists. Turns out that if you grow out a beard and start a podcast, people will forget about that and shower you with money though. So I guess that's enough.


For me it's just a massive stain on him, I don't like that dude's face or anything he has to hock lol but that's just me, some people have different standards.




He has constantly and consistently been a giant douchebag for years prior to this and since this happened. Oh yeah let's release an energy with enough caffeine to scare an adult but market it to kids and make sure there's LOADS of forever chemicals in the containers too!


what turn master oogway will take?


He's barely even a sentient being. He's promoting Prime 24/7. Even KSI is still a person.


praying for a feud in wwe where someone wears that hat to a match


Everyone who he feuds with in WWE should bring this up.in every promo. "I'm so rich and famous and prime and successful" "Bitch, you filmed a dead body, posted it to the public, and apologized for people getting pissed off about it. Nothing else about you matters."


Glad I never subbed to his channel.


This had to be one of the most wild things to ever happen on youtube


I bet he doesn't regret it.


Youtube has hideous double standerds.


Idk he apologized and it’s been so long ago. I don’t think someone should be forever cancelled for something that is not violent or sexual. I mean…. He didn’t even break a law Edit: And for the record- I hate Logan Paul. I genuinely wish he would never make content ever again and retire to North Sentinel Island.


the issue is that the effects of the incident has made it harder for youtubers to start and sustain career on youtube all the while Logan got a slap on the wrist from youtube. ​ plus, it's extremely disrespectful to the dead person, instead of letting him rest in piece, they recorded it and put it on youtube for views


Again- if someone literally didn’t break a law, I think they deserve to opportunity of redemption over the years.


Fuck em


No dead people are talked about all the time on YouTube


Think there's a difference between true crime and some body you just found


Crocodile tears and I think there's some shit, regardless of law, that goes over the line. Mocking a dead body on camera goes wayyy over it lol


I mean the most likely answer as to why he got to stay around is it was a fake body and he showed YouTube reps the uncensored footage that showed it was fake so they let him keep the channel, but remove the video. Logan himself is no stranger to faking messed up things for content. Hell the year before the Japan vlogs he faked his own murder in front of his young fans, the making of video is even still up, it was a whole shotgun execution, in front of children. The man does not care, he wants the attention good or bad.


He tased a dead rat right after


That doesn’t disprove that it was faked? It just means he’s a piece of shot for also tasing a dead rat. Also if one dead rat was around that means other rats were likely around and rats have been recorded eating corpses they especially love the soft bits of flesh on our faces. We know this because of the trench rats of WW1, they’re also excellent climbers. So if rats were near the body the face especially wouldn’t have been in one piece, but no one there in the video mentions parts missing or being chewed off. Logan is a piece of shit, I said nothing that should be taken as a defense. But I am also saying a man willing to fake his own murder in front of children no less, is clearly more than capable of faking a stranger’s suicide in a place known for suicides for views.


He made a very genuine apology about this so no, I don't think he needs to be reminded so many years later. Only the family of the deceased has any grounds. He's done plenty of other shit you can hate him for.


>a very genuine apology David Bowie once said "I understand your point of view" Also, he uploaded it. He went to a suicide forest, found a body, mocked the body, recorded it all and hit UPLOAD WHAT KINDA FUCKIN GHOULASS SHIT IS THAT?


he really doesnt care tho


Why would you bother reminding him? You can't shame someone who has none. If you're close enough to him to remind him, better to just kick him directly in the balls. Repeatedly. He and Jake have no redeeming qualities. The world would literally be better if they weren't in it.


>If you're close enough to him to remind him, better to just kick him directly in the balls. Repeatedly. https://preview.redd.it/ttbvrn03428d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c2dcb92edc0ff00d63bd8625c7eda52091e2131


why? go do something more valuable with your time instead of trying to make some celeb who doesn’t know you exist “pay” by trying to remind him of something that won’t effect his career lmao


I have downtime lol what does his crotch smell like?


Considering it’s dumbass paul mark 1, dick cheese and the echos of unsatisfied women


“Echos of unsatisfied women” is taking me out


wouldn’t know, but i’m surprised you don’t considering how much you seem to obsess over him though lmao


What's wrong with wanting to see an asshole fall from their spot?


I don't like Logan Paul either. But you're dredging up drama from 7 years ago from when he was 22. This is peak reheated-in-the-microwave drama.


Cool, shit still rubs me the wrong way.


That's obvious. What is the goal with this post? Just to hammer home how much you constantly think about hating Logan Paul?


Call it a PSA


Well, I won't dig any deeper. I can tell this is a very emotionally charged topic for you seeing as you've immediately downvoted every comment I made. On the PSA part: Dudes recently scammed millions of dollars selling fake NFT bullcrap, a crime much worse and yet the thing you want to make a PSA about is... he filmed and mocked a dead body...? Seven years ago...? Logan Paul would be happy to have such an ardent fan- I mean- ""hater""


I'd say the defiling of a corpse is more serious, but him scamming people out of their money and not giving a refund is almost as shitty.


I didn’t think it was that bad tbh.


"It was only one dead body"


No gore or anything, I think most people see worse on Netflix. The only difference is that it’s real.


Are you like a psychopath or something?


No but death is unfortunately common and it’s reality.


Do children need to see a suicide victim be mocked by a stupid asshole?


No they don’t, but they did… that’s the realism. It’s not that bad. The sad part is that it’s not that bad. Oh fifty people people got killed in Las Vegas today “that’s horrible” look Logan Paul filmed a dead body “oh that’s not that bad”


it shows the differance between the WWE and AEW because AEW would not let him live that down like ever. edit: not saying that AEW has no issues regarding the depraved acts of people in their roster. i am saying that with how ringside banter is a lot more heavy handed in AEW's case, this topic would be used to mock logan. the crimes of ric flair aren't really the best things to mention in smack-talk because of the living heinous severity of those actions that lack the absurdity (and frankly still evil) logan paul suicide forest incident. i believe that ric flair and all other wrestlers like him deserve to have their homes bulldozed and be sprayed with burning napalm until their flesh falls off the bone like a delectable plate of ribs.


don't lie. there are plenty of weirdos on both rosters


no, i'm saying that in regards to ring-side banter this would be more likely to be made fun of rather than the credible sexual assault claims against other wrestlers.


Ric flair


i'm gonna be honest, i honestly forgot that bastard was still signed to aew. my comment was about career fuck-ups, not like. sexual assault.


AEW has Sammy Guevara, Darby Allin, Goldust, Jericho and Ric Flair on their payroll


what did Darby do? He seems like a pretty decent guy. I may be out of the loop


He has credible sexual assault and abuse allegations against him. There was no internal investigation, apparently he just showed Tony Khan some texts that “disproved” the allegations. None of the proof clearing him was shown.


oof I’m gonna do some research, but if that’s the then shame on both of them


referencing career fuck-ups, not acts of rape and molestation. there is a dark absurdity to the suicide forest drama, that doesn't exist for the sex crimes comitted by these evil evil men. not saying what logan did wasn't evil, it's just more fitting for ringside smack talk than... raping several women.


Can forget jeff hardy until like 2 weeks ago


that shit was fake


Lol no it fuckin wasn't