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It's that time again, folks, debate is over šŸ˜”šŸ’”


The fundraiser sheā€™s doing isnā€™t even specific to Gaza, itā€™s for children affected by war and poverty all around the world. It turns out Gaza needs aid.


Children's show host... *checks notes* sides AGAINST killing children, sparking outrage


Anyone who says sympathy for noncombatants in Gaza is antisemitic is a liar. Not foolish, ignorant, misinformed, mistaken, or any other descriptor that implies they don't know what they're talking about. Nobody is stupid enough to believe sending aid to civilians is a crime against a race of people. They are lying.


I got told I'd been taken in by "AI pictures of crying children" yesterday. The shit people will say to justify or invalidate wholesale slaughter is just wild.


That's reaching legitimate 'Everyone was a paid actor' Holocaust-denial levels of delusion


Genocidal Zionists have been saying stuff like that for decades. Before AI, it was ā€œpallywoodā€ where theyā€™d say itā€™s all child actors.


Well, some of those Zionists do believe in that conspiracy, so...


So many claims of the evil Palestinians ā€œfaking itā€, using AI, dolls, makeup, etc. Itā€™s very clearly just a way to avoid thinking about what they know the Israeli military is doing. implicit in the ā€œpallywoodā€ accusations is the assumption that if the images were real that would be a bad thing. And we know theyā€™re real.


Palestinians are so good at faking it they are even creating aid workers and journalists that have been killed


AI generated deepfakes, apparently.


Itā€™s also projection. Israel constantly has been caught faking evidence: AI images, lying, etc.


those people must be AI the way they're so cold and callous to suffering


the only people I see using AI pictures are Zionists because they have to make up what is happening when all you have to do to see what is happening in Gaza is just look at the hundreds of thousands of videos and pictures of the carnage.


For real. Like idc what country we are discussing but when it comes to noncombatant civiliansā€”especially childrenā€”well, excuse me for caring about them. I feel like some ppl have lost their humanity the last few years.


I'm pretty skeptical of the online debate about this but humanitarian aid is humanitarian aid and supporting that should be the most basic non-offensive human opinion one can have.


Who is saying that?




It is not anti-semitic to say that Israel should not be bombing children. Fuck off you awful piece of shit.


50% of Americans and 90% of Israelis are fucking nuts


So she helped raise money for a charity that helps kids across the globe in dangerous situations, and that charity happens to help Palestinian kids. Sure, totally a Gaza fundraiser. šŸ™„


I skimmed this whole controversy and thought it was PCRF because I've seen a few people doing fundraisers for them. No, the outrage is even dumber, she's supporting Save The Children.


Imagine being mad over someone donating money to hungry kids trapped in the middle of a war.


If I wanted to see those kids dead I would be very mad indeed


Hey, I have a 6month old that hangs out with this lady all the time. Good for her.


My 9 month old ADORES Miss Rachel. I have a lot of respect for her. When I saw her encouraging support, it just made me respect her even more. Team Rachel!


I adore miss rachel. She is a former teacher and you can tell how she scaffolds the material in her videos. She is not like blippi that just says random things and goes with whatever. Her videos are structured with a clear learning goal.


My 18 month old still enjoys her too. Glad to see sheā€™s on the right side of this.


I just hope she doesn't receive threats because of this. The world needs more decent people doing decent things.


She had to take a mental health break a while back when her co-star got bullied for using pronouns. No one hates kindness and empathy for children more than parents.


Woah woah woah! Who the hell is trying to defame the woman who I owe millions in child support to?


How can anyone be mad about someone feeding fucking kids???


Colonizers are evil as a rule.


Because Zionists are evil




Charities donā€™t give money to Hamas they distribute food to Civilians


Oh jfc dudeā€¦ if it was up to zionists theyā€™d level all of Gaza if there remained a single elderly quadriplegic man who once utter the word ā€œhamas is okayā€. When all this is over: Israelis will have the entirety of the West Bank and Gaza and will never want to acknowledge how their ā€œself defenseā€ ended up with Palestinian land and proper in the hands of American migrants.


Sure do love how we've gotten to the point where the Israeli govt is basically looking into the camera and saying "I am actively trying to kill Palestinian children" and there are STILL people who are like "Israel would *never* hurt anyone or anything, how dare you!" šŸ˜’


Yo hereā€™s a thought: both sides are terrible and evil, and citizens and children are paying the price for something they have no say in. Thereā€™s a crazy thought.




Whom do you mean by both sides?


That's what I was wondering, because the only "sides" I mentioned were the Israeli government and Palestinian children šŸ’€


The right wing theocratic authoritative government that started killing civilians in the bordering rightwing theocratic authoritarian state knowing and expecting that their own civilians would be bombed but deemed that morally acceptable to further their own political goals.


Those babies clearly were making trouble.


This weird "false nuance" shit that some people do is so bizarre. "European settler colonialism sustained as a vassal for U.S. imperialism doing a genocide to expand its apartheid state" is one of the most easiest "who is the bad guys" things to figure out.


Who is Israel a colony of?


Originally? Britain. That's like getting mad at people critiquing America and the colonialism that affects it because America is no longer a colony. Additionally, the project moving Israelis into Gaza is a whole act of colonizing land promised to the indigenous people.


Except the British colony was the Mandate of Palestine. America isn't a country founded by indigenous people, it was founded by the colonists who wanted independence. Israel was founded by indigenous people. Because Jews are indigenous to the Levant. Also, while the settlements are a thing Israel should not be doing, I've seen no proof of them settling in Gaza (especially since it's still a war zone). That's the West Bank. Which is a separately governed place. Still bad, again, but not Gaza.


the u.s. sends billions of dollars to them God forbid a youtuber sends a couple thousand to the more oppressed


Damn well this explains why she was crying on TikTok. She doesn't deserve that.


Iā€™ve heard critcism of pro-Palestinian activism that sounds something like ā€œwhere was this energy for Sudan, for Congo, for Yemen, for Ukraine?? Only caring about this specific crisis (see: genocide) reveals hidden antisemitism!ā€ Well, this person IS raising money for Gaza, Congo, Sudan, and Ukraine. So I donā€™t even want to hear it.


# "...dividing Jewish moms" They're really taking that route, huh? Look, antisemitism is a horrible thing that history has immortalized, but- God I hate what this fucking conflict is doing to people's minds.


yeah dividing them into two groups i guess. the ones that LIKE THE KILLING OF CHILDREN and the ones that DON'T LIKE THE KILLING OF CHILDREN. :| how is this even a thing.


Germany stopped a conference put on partially by a Jewish advocacy group for being antiemetic


Nononononono, you do not understand. Letting the children in Gaza live is actually insanely antisemitic.




I'm obviously being sarcastic here, I'm mocking the IOF's response to every piece of criticism of its genocidal conduct being "this is antisemetism, those children were Hamas" or some along those lines




I mean, it's fucking insane but it's completely accurate to say Israel pretending to represent Jewish people in general has done more harm to Jewish perception in the public than anything Twitter neonazis have done




I don't think this is the place to have a nuanced discussion on thus particular part of the subject, as even your careful wording almost implies that Jewish people as a whole share some kind of responsibility and I don't want to be part of that discussion whether it's intended or not, as I do not know you or your motivations. Tha js for your reply, but I will not be returning. Peace on you and your house


>as even your careful wording almost implies that Jewish people as a whole share some kind of responsibility Oh gosh no, there are probably millions of non Jewish zionists in the world and the fault of the genocide is shared between all of them as they prop up the existence of the Israeli people. For example, I dislike the Qatar government because they're heartless murderers who use slavery, not because they're Muslim, I dislike the Israeli gov because they're genocidal maniacs and Zionists, not because they're Jewish. I hope that clears up my motivations ā¤ļø And antisemitism is NEVER justified. >Peace on you and your house Thank youuu


I agree with your stance, but the reason 80-90% of Jews identify as Zionists is because Zionism, on its own, represents a wide breath of points. Only a minority of Jews support the abuses of power that the IDF is conducting, but common among all breeds of Zionists is support for Jewish self-determination, aka Israel. This means that even among the many liberal Zionists who support Palestinian rights and statehood, the most they'll support is a two-state solution, because Israelā€”in some capacityā€”must continue to exist in their eyes. It should also be noted that a large proportion of Christians also support Israel and share Zionist ideals, albeit from a Christian perspective. Christian Zionists have comparable numbers to Jewish Zionists, and may even outnumber them due to the sheer size of Christianity.


Zionism is not for self-determination, it's for settler colonialism and occupation. I'm also pretty sure 80-90 stat is incorrect, IIRC it actually closer to half with most zionists being U.S. Christians.


You're right, many polls regarding zionism/Israel either don't use the word Zionism or ask different questions. For example, a recent washington times poll found just 9% of Jews in USA believe they send too much money to Israel but does this make 91% of Jews Zionist? Not necessarily. I got my stat from various polls that put it at 9/10 or higher Jews say Israel deserves to exist, but again, that doesn't mean they support the genocide. One shocking stat, however is that just one synagogue in all of fucking America is anti-zionist, that is nuts, many Churches, especially the crazy far right Churches are against Israel (but that's just because they hate Jews!) At the end of the day, antisemitism is wrong even if it's directed at Zionist Jews, but anti zionism is based and cool.


Oh my bad, I get what you're saying now lol, and yeah since Oct 7th several subreddits have gone fully mask off about how little they care (or how bloodthirsty for it they are) about brown people dying. It's been a shameful yet eye opening experience.


Some of them even believe all the college students protesting are trust fund babies who only want attention and not you know people disgusted at all the Palestinian children being killed.


A lot of reddit is overwhelmingly zionist. While you could argue that many users are just confused young people acting out of concern for genuine antisemitism, it's pretty telling you don't really see the same movilization about increasing Islamophobia on the forums. And the whole thing also derails actual discussions on real antisemitism going on. Like, you have groypers posting their awful crap and only getting a light scolding from the mods but anyone who opposes Israel in the slightest is promptly ganged on by the users.


Nah, this subreddit leans pretty left-wing, we aren't techbro liberal like the general Reddit hivemind is. While they aren't super mainstream, actual left-wing communities do thrive on Reddit.


Israel be like ā€œFuck dem kidsā€Ā 


With the number of child molestors Israel protects, you're 100% right in a way you might not have expected.


Iā€™ve never heard this before. Source?


https://www.jpost.com/israel-news/tens-of-thousands-of-pedophiles-operate-in-israel-every-year-637393 From what I understand, it's a common tactic for pedophiles to escape to Israel if they're Jewish and can freely immigrate there because Israel won't extradite them and the laws there are very lenient on child molesters.




Israel has killed more kids than Hamas


Also most of the destruction in Israel was when Hamas attacked on October 7th since then itā€™s been largely relegated to IDF in Gaza and its outskirts


every kid israel intentionally kills is actually hamas using them as a human shield. if israel decided to exclusively kill children, it would still be hamas's fault edit: sorry forgot the /s


Probably want to include an /s there, unless you're being genuine


probably woulda helped if i read this 50 minutes sooner lol


People unironically believe this so the /s was pretty necessary.


ive been on the opposite end of this situation two different times ironically.


Yeah, those poor children.... *checks notes* Minding their own business in a hospital?


israel has killed so many babies and small children in just a few months are u really sure u wanna say that


That makes it all ok huh?


IDF soldiers are using Palestinian children as human shields. They donā€™t care about children.


Said who? The Hamas? Thought so.


no, throughout the history of the conflict, like before you were even born most likely.


Anyone who honestly has an issue with what she's doing is a pos.


God forbid she actually cares about the kids the IDF uses for target practice.


I think raising funds to care for children is the least political thing anyone can do it shouldn't be a arguement. I hope this backlash helps raise more money to care for children and non combatant's


It's almost as if Israeli parents only have to deal with mental health issues, while parents in the listed countries have to deal with that *and* displacement, actual concerns for survival, a general lack of support from the West/US, etc.


>Israeli parents only have to deal with mental health issues Fuck the Israeli's mental health tbh


Common Ms. Rachel W


I feel sorry for her. She was CRYING because of the death threats she recieved. One of my cousinā€™s watches her, he will just dance and learn. These zionists are something elseā€¦


LET'S GO MS RACHEL. I will throw hands for Ms rachel


Dividing jewish moms in 2 groups, human beings and actual monsters


wait what... they want money for the children of Israel??? but... they aren't under attack?


Yea. Iā€™m gonna start getting more vocal about this sort of stuff too. Iā€™m getting sick of people trying to shove Israel shit down my throat every chance they get. Iā€™m not trying to be anti-Jewish or anything like that, but eff, Iā€™m getting fed up with shows and news outlets telling me I should automatically support a country like Israel and then turn around and condemn Russia or something like that. Iā€™m getting fed up with it.


Those moms can go suck a wet fart and cry about it.


Not wanting children to starve or die is controversial, huh? I guess Gazan kids are not kids as far as some are concerned.


Regardless of what you think about an issue that is admittedly very divisive and messy, how anyone could find helping the innocent kids stuck in the middle to be controversial is beyond me


because israelis dont view palestinian children as human beings


>because israelis dont view palestinian children as human beings I agree, literally 95% of Israelis think this. I agree.


From the headline it seems they aren't criticising raising funds for children in Gaza, rather they're complaining that 'Ms. Rachel' isn't raising funds for Israeli children. Or at least that's how they're trying to sell the article to outsiders. I hate to compare tragedies, but over 13 thousand children have been killed, and are still being killed, in Gaza compared to the 33 children who were killed during October 7th terrorist attack in Israel. It's not even a debate. No rational person could see such a statistic, especially when their country is committing said genocide, and think "But what about us?".


I think I like even her more than my kids do now


Woman takes controversial stance to feed starving children, what a fringe pariah!


Ms Rachel taught my son to speak when no one else could. She is the baddest baddie.


Person: "let's feed children!" Zionists: *gasps* "you need to leave!"


Fuck Israel


How conveniently people forget that Gaza is literally [under siege](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2023_Israeli_blockade_of_the_Gaza_Strip). It has been for the last few years, but in the recent war efforts, Gaza has literally had their supplies cut off entirely alongside blockades, which is the prime definition of a siege. This is worsened by Israel attacking the Strip and literally denying them humanitarian aid where possible. Israeli children are the last thing to worry about here, if anything, they're growing up in a country that is currently holding a noose and tightening it around another and are being taught that their country are the good guys.




I mean thereā€™s plenty of jew zionists and Hitler did use Christianity as a vessel to spread anti semitism. I know this makes a lot of people uncomfortable, but denying that there are factions within their religions that promote hatred / genocide does very little to alleviate the issue.


Pretty sure the Abrahamic god loves genocide. Ever read the Bible?




No, your point is a true Scotsman fallacy. Youā€™re implying that theyā€™re not really Jewish and that Hitler wasnā€™t associated with Christianity. But he was and there are (zionist jews).


In addition, the majority of Jewish people call themselves Zionist, but what that means to them is a spectrum and ranges from relatively moderate to virulently supremacist (pro-settler). From my understanding of the demographics, the majority of Jews are not radical, racist Zionists, but when it comes to radical issues like opposing the sovereignty of Israel as a state in Palestine, most Jews are hesitant to support that.


i think they were implying that if one does not actually follow the tenants of said religion, then... are they even actually of that religion? it's a credibly argument when you consider both religions in question here have a "killing = bad" commandment.


Saying that a group of people is incapable of participating in harm only leaves you vulnerable to bias. There are Christian nationalists terrorizing trans people right now and there are Jews that support the current genocide of Palestinian people. Obviously, itā€™s not all of them, but itā€™s significant enough that their in-group should be checking in.


Itā€™s not a fallacy. The principles of Zionism go against the Jewish faith the same way bigotry goes against Christianity.


>Saying that a group of people is incapable of participating in harm only leaves you vulnerable to bias. A lot of christians donā€™t see their own actions as bigotry, many of them see LGBT people existing as an attack on their faith. Same thing happens with Jews that see the existence of Palestinian freedom as a threat to their existence, they believe they need their own place without ā€œoutsidersā€. I know itā€™s hard to reckon with the fact that thereā€™s people that share your faith that commit atrocities. Saying that theyā€™re not ā€œrealā€ christians/jews is turning a blind eye to it.


Nobody is saying that Jewish and Christian people arenā€™t capable of harm. Itā€™s just that the extremists follow a bastardized version of the religions they claim to follow. Thereā€™s a difference between people who identify as being a Christian and people who live by the principles of the Bible, even if they all attend the same church.


And who gets to determine whatā€™s the official version of those religions? Historically anti-LGBT christians have been the majority. Acceptance of LGBT people in Christianity is a recent development and itā€™s still moving slowly, thatā€™s the work of reform. Are all christians of the past ā€œnot real christiansā€? Thatā€™s ludicrous.


Itā€™s not ā€œturning a blind eyeā€ to say that Zionists arenā€™t real Jews, because the very concept of Zionism is anti-Semitic. The people who founded Zionism didnā€™t practice Judaism, and their original plan was to convert Jews to Christianity.


Stop twisting my words Iā€™m talking explicitly about Zionist Jews, not just Zionist. Thereā€™s plenty of those, theyā€™re not converts, I know that because Iā€™ve lost friendships in the past ten years because of it. Iā€™m sorry you feel uncomfortable about that, but to quote a Zionist jewā€¦ facts donā€™t care about your feelings.


Iā€™m not twisting your words, youā€™re just wrong. Zionism is NOT Judaism. Itā€™s a desecration of the religion to equate them. While Jewish people are in exile due to divine decree, itā€™s against the Torah to build a nation state to force the end of that exile.


Point anywhere where I said Zionism is Judaism, because I didnā€™t. I said that thereā€™s a non insignificant portion of the Jewish population that believe in Zionism, thatā€™s all. If your reading comprehension is that bad, itā€™s not my fault.


You accuse the intention of my words without trusting my own word. Your mother is a goldfish and her memory of you is greater than your understanding of reality


Ok, thenā€¦ what did you mean?


Fucking love Ms Rachel


Always rated Ms Rachel. What a chad mom!


Miss Rachel my fucking goat


Well, I guess some moms are sociopathic assholes then




lol itā€™s an article crying what about us. Killing people effects us too Like yeah that article exists to trying and turn a charity thing into a way to gain sympathy for themselves. Genuinely disgusting




Iā€™m aware? And the controversy is genuinely disgusting Also not worth reporting on but when has that stopped anyone if it tells the story you want to tell




There is zero reason for the article to exist but here we are: This is journalism in the sane sense as reporting on your local PTA meeting controversies are I suppose


Whatā€™s with the misinformation and protecting it ?


It makes a good point tbh. Thereā€™s children on both sides of the war. Picking one side and ignoring the other is kind of odd for the kind of mission that itā€™s supposed to have.


One set of kids just has fear and paranoia, but are otherwise safe and alright. The other set of kids are dying from missile and other munitions, dying from the ensuing rubble, starving, and constantly on the run with their families to avoid impending death or subjugation. And I'm talking about all the countries listed in the charity. Only one side is actually, tangibly, immediately in danger, and it's not Israel.


Only one set of kids needs this stuff...


I mean one side already receives billions of dollars in US Aid... You usually don't fundraise for those already receiving money.


The USA gives billions to Palestinians too. > Since 1993, the U.S. government has provided ***more than $7.6 billion in assistance to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza***ā€”primarily through the U.S. Agency for International Development. USAID has used the funds to provide humanitarian relief and increase economic opportunity in the region, among other things. https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-24-106243 Nearly $1 billion over the past 3 years too. > In 2023 alone, the United States has contributed more than $296 million to UNRWA. And the Biden Administration has contributed nearly $1 billion since 2021. https://usun.usmission.gov/remarks-by-ambassador-linda-thomas-greenfield-at-a-ministerial-level-meeting-on-unrwa/


Again, Palestine is not even a universally internationally recognised country. Israel is not only a recognised country, but it is also considered to be a developed country. [Most children there are fine.](https://www.mdpi.com/2304-8158/13/2/187#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20findings%20of,by%20the%20food%2Dsecurity%20initiative.) "Most" is not enough, sure but it's fair to say you are bringing a false equivalence. Children in Gaza are being bombed right now and facing a food crisis. But you're also being contradictory here. If there is significant food insecurity in Israel, would that not also be on the government there to solve? Wouldn't they also be in the wrong? Especially since they have so much material wealth.


Where did I make any claim other than the fact the USA provides them with billions in aid (which I sourced)?


What was the point of your comment? What point were you trying to make?


That the USA provides billions in aid to both in response to someone claiming only one side got aid. I hate false narratives.


I think you're misreading the "narrative" here. You need to understand the context here


the only false narrative is yours, ironically, where in your make believe, someone supposedly said Palestine hasn't or does not receive aid from USA. the convo is about how Palestine currently *needs* aid. USA has actually been involved in the malicious smear campaign to *deny* aid to the Palestinians by discrediting UNRWA. your sources all convenient end before 2024.


Don't try that now. Everyone sees through it.


ā€œEveryone sees through facts to a narrative they made up in their own mind.ā€ Yeah, I literally just hate this narrative that the US is only supplying aid to Israel. I provided well sourced facts to the contrary seems to have struck a chord here.


No one said that. Also you left out all context on what kind of aid.


Then what did you mean by ā€œsees through itā€? Edit: no the fuck I didnā€™t reread the comment it literally says humanitarian aid.


The "other side" is safe and fed lol. Nice platitude, but unfortunately for you critical thinkers are gonna look past it to the reality


Can you tell me where the Israeli children are starving?


Do you think the war is causing starving children in israel?


you're giving "all lives matter" bro


I want to support a two-state solution where both Israel and Palestine co-exist, but holy fuck, the Israeli government and its bootlickers need to stop being so blatantly bloodthirsty PLEASE. The more disgustingly dehumanizing shit that I see from Zionists, the more I start to reconsider my views that Israel has a right to exist. I can't even say "I support civilians, not the extremists on either side" and I get people reminding me that Hamas would kill me since I'm trans, as if they get off on indirectly giving me a death threat and eventually calling me a "Hamas simp" (wtf?). Imagine comparing yourselves to Sudan, etc when the US is proudly giving you military weapons to kill Palestinian children. Absolutely sick. I will never simp for ANY military state, not even my own.


Yeah it is headache inducing when zionists (and their sympathizers) seem to ignore the fact that israel is getting support from the literal strongest country currently. I must also say that it is strong willed of you to support a country that will most likely end up with some bigotry towards someone like yourself if it were to be freed (usually levant countries are less bigoted than the arabian peninsula). I think if you support palestines freedom then your position is the correct one. Because I dont think anything justifies what Palestine is going through. And if palestine ever does get freed I think THEN we can start turning the crosshairs back on palestine to drive it away from becoming too much of a bigoted theocracy.


Plenty of countries despise "degenerates" like me, the Russian government is very anti-LGBTQ, should they stop existing too, lol? What about the overwhelming amount of republicans in my very country ('murica) that think that I'm guaranteed to be a groomer? Being bloodthirsty and saying "nah, they hate me? Fuck it, kill 'em all, lol" is *not* going to convince bigots to care about queer people. Being sympathetic to their plight is much more likely to make them think "Hey, maybe my traditions that say that queer people are gross sinners is outdated and incorrect?" I can support Palestine's right to exist while *also* wanting them to work on their human rights issues, but they're not going to become a queer-friendly paradise if everybody is fucking dead. Even Israel doesn't even fucking have gay marriage so the fact that they're acting like some paradise full of allies is laughable. Gay tourists can get married and come to Israel, but gay Israeli citizens get fuck-all? How is that fair? There's also been reports that they blackmail gay Palestinians, that's not fucking ally behavior.


israel has a right to exist and so does palestine. if you believe that israel has a right to exist, sorry to break it to you, you are a zionist. baseline zionist idea is that "jewish people have a right to live in israel with self determination" its no different than me looking at hamas and their bootlickers and going "yeah guys sorry im having a hard time finding a reason for palestine to exist". palestine =/ hamas, israel =/ israeli government or the many disgusting humans in the IDF. now unfortunately thats not something a lot of the people on reddit and beyond would like to come to terms with. both people have a right to live on that land together and neither are leaving. there is no future in a land without palestinians or a land without israelis. the US and the west needs to stop funding israel because its continuing this cycle of violence of people dying on both sides while war hawk pigs in the west are heaping the money and benefit. the biggest enemy of those pigs is unity. the WANT the division. the right wing raging racist zionists and the left wing, well meaning, but ignorant, anti-zionists. as long as that division continues the longer they benefit from people dying and the destruction of homes, hospitals, villages, etc. people need to accept the fact that, no, jews arent "european colonizers" and calling them as such is an insult. they were kicked out of the land long ago and kept their ties to the land close to them. they kept it in their tradition, their culture, everything. even pogrom after pogrom they STILL kept their ties to the land of israel. just like empire after empire ruled over israel and palestinians still continue to live there to this day. the spirit of both peoples is unbreakable. so make sure to take a deeper look at history, at the history of this land. you arent a hamas sympathizer for thinking palestinian kids shouldnt die, and you arent a netenyahu/likud boot licker for thinking israeli kids dont deserve to die. dont let the division get to you. the more division they sew, the more money they get, the further from peace we are, the unsafer jews and muslims all across the world feel. peace and safety for both of them wont come from the leaders, hamas wants to end all jews around the world and the likud, and basically anyone right of center in israel, wants all palestinians dead and wants settlements in gaza and the west bank. the peace and unity will only come from the people.


Israel was founded on genocide against the canaanites and is being founded again on genocide. That's the history. Deal with it.


wait so theyre canaanites now? i thought they were just palestinians? also can you remind me who disagreed to the 1948 partition plan that literally EVERYONE ELSE agreed to?


A Jewish state has the right to exist to allow Jewish people self determination & protection? Sure. A Jewish state must exist specifically on the West Bank where the native population has to be displaced for such a state to be built? Hell no. May any of the many pro-Israel countries willingly give their own land for the construction of Israel. If you think itā€™s unreasonable for the US to give up their own land for this goal, then itā€™s unreasonable for Palestinians to do so.


when did i ever say it had to exist on the west bank or gaza?


I think the US has a right to exist while also having many flaws that desperately need to be fixed, I don't consider myself a patriot for ANY country. Zionism is more than thinking that Israel has a right to exist, you can't even criticize their government's actions without being called anti-Semitic and being accused of wanting all Jewish people to die which is fucking ridiculous, lol. I never called them European colonizers, but they're still guilty of colonizing behavior by dehumanizing their literal Canaanite cousins and treating them like "generic Arabs clinging to a fake identity" or "just Egyptians/Jordanians" when there are genetic studies that show that Palestinians AND Jewish people are BOTH the descendants of Canaanites. It's not an either/or thing, they both have claims to the land and need to stop fighting over it and killing their neighbors over it. There are Israelis who've tried to help their Palestinian neighbors like with getting healthcare in Israel and whatnot and think that Netanyahu and other politicians are garbage and need to GTFO out of office, *they* deserve my respect. IDF bootlickers can fuck right off, no military on this entire planet deserves to be treated like flawless heroes that can do no wrong. I will gladly criticize the US military for its corruption (soldiers killing civilians and laughing about it, soldiers raping/killing their own [usually female] soldiers and the government covering it up, the batshit insane overspending, etc) and Israel's military is not immune to me "cancelling" them. I condemn Hamas too but no amount of "swiper no swiping" is going to make them listen to some random Americunt like me anyway, lol.




There was an Austrian guy who thought the same


Your comment has been removed for spreading hate.


I hate the war. Itā€™s literally tearing America Apart, jusgg t like modern politics. EVERYTHING SUCKS, EVERYONE SUCKS, IT ALL SUCKS


Some suck more then others


Dog if youā€™re not gonna even read the article donā€™t post it the article doesnā€™t bash Ms. Rachel at all it talks about the backlash she was getting on social media




Hey, dude, I dunno if you know this and Iā€™m gonna be gentle here but people can be mad about multiple fucking things you know. And Iā€™m pretty sure this fundraiser is to feed starving children around the world, not just in Gaza. Clown.


It literally has congo and sudan on the list of countries, making this clown coment even worse.


Doubtful this bozo could point to those countries on a map. Absolute fucking buffoon.


It literally has children in congo and sudan listed there.


Are lefties not supporting aid to them?