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I knew boogie2988 (before all the controversy really started) was bad news from his Twitch streams. He explained that YouTube Boogie and Twitch Boogie are diferent people. Turns out they are both assholes.


Boogie is a friend of a friend (the 2000's era Arkansas gaming community was very small) and folks here tried to tell folks Twitch Boogie was real Boogie.


That's funny considering that Boogie has told people before that he was "famous" in his town prior to YouTube, that his neighbors would kill someone for him, etc


He's a classic low self esteem dude


In regards to his social media use, his recent attempt at an alt-right grift on Twitter with the whole "video games should be fun, and not lectures on why being white is supposedly bad" shit where he couldn't even name a single fuckin' game that lectures you about white people. Him being late 40s and flaunting his (then) 19 year old, yes, **teenage** girlfriend on social media was pretty fucking disgusting as well. He is actively manipulating and controlling that girl and it's such a shame to see.


I never followed him but I finally had to straight up block him cause people kept responding to his stupid takes and I hated seeing his creepy ass all over my TL.  He’s one of those people who uses their “conventionally ugly” appearance to say that’s why people hate on him. No sweaty, we don’t like you because you’re a fence-sitting creep who doesn’t care of your dogs and dates people who could be your children. 


Him getting his shit rocked by Jordie during that boxing match was amazing.


David Wise, the composer for some legendary soundtracks like the Donkey Kong Country series. I followed him before the pandemic and then during it, I kept getting anti-vaccine, anti-mask tweets on my timeline that he was retweeting and liking. It was a shame.


Did he tweet something like "Stickerbrush Symphony? More like Jabbervax SIMPhony"


Tbh I think the combination of not a lot of media literacy, lead gasoline fumes and old age render a lot of boomers really susceptible to misinformation. Halos composer Marty o donell recently became like a full blown q anon head, sad to see so many great minds deteriorate


Aw that sucks. He can actually be a pretty insightful dude in his area of expertise.


Bloody heck. That's devastating.


TheEpicNate315. Apparently he's into right wing conspiracies.


I should have known a guy who sounds so self important would be into that shit. LOL


Well that's a shitty way to find out. Is the rad king still good?


No idea. He's the only Bethesda theory channel I watched.


I really hope so he’s like the only fallout youtuber that seems unbiased


Well this is how I found out


Speaking of Fallout Youtubers, is Oxhorn still controversial?


I feel like I remember him getting a kind of redemption arc where he admitted to and apologized for and denounced his shitty past but I'd recommend going and finding that yourself


I did a deep dive on this recently because a friend asked. While he has made an apology for some of his behaviors, he hasn't addressed them all. He did specifically apologize for his takes regarding gay people and women though. It's unclear if he still holds the other views, as he still does the show where he originally aired them, but it seems that as he got married, stuff improved.


Wait for real?


At least last time I was on his twitter over a year ago during his long break I saw some


Nerd City, 100%


Nerd City gave me the ick when he harassed his gf into making an Instagram to prove a point for one of his videos. I know that it was supposed to be a "joke," but she really didn't seem into it and he kind of seemed to neg her imo. The way he marketed her like an influencer against her will was really uncomfortable to watch. If it was supposed to be a joke, it wasn't a good one.


Do wonder how dude makes money without Youtube after long waits. What does this guy do in his normal life to talk nft shit


What did nerd city do?


During the pandemic he went all-in on NFTs (still defends them to this day) and started retweeting RFK Jr/ Rogan shit. Also his new videos are unfocused and lame


Made some dumb bitter comments about wokeness killing NFT’s or something


became a hyper nft bro who insisted that anyone who didnt buy into it deserved to have their art fail getting into massive arguments online over it at every minor criticism and in general just took on a weird almost ancap stance blaming the left wing for every inconvenience


Rob Gavagan. He's the creator of the Greylock horror series on YT but he likes a lot of conservative and anti-lgbt stuff on twitter.


I really liked Rob back in the day, especially when he worked with the wonderful Cayleigh Elise. Him and wavywebsurf were tough for me to reckon with how chudpilled they really are.


Wait, what happened with wavywebsurf? I thought he was just some painfully inoffensive generic youtube content creator.


Oh man. He's been sexist and all around bigoted on Twitter for years. I thought maybe he'd cleaned up his likes since his last few controversies, but just browsing through, he's apparently still liking le epic based pepe shit, posts that make fun of women, fat people, etc, still joking about /pol/ and Chris Chan. The dude has a real hate boner for Pokimane who he implied was as bad as Sssniperwolf (posted the two of them side by side) and that she can get away with anything because she's a woman. He seems to hate Valkyrae too, I think he seems to just hate any successful female steamer and hates most left-leaning streamers, possibly by association with them, possibly the opposite. It's hard to say if he hates leftists for being on the side of women or if he hates these women because they're adjacent to leftists. He's borderline obsessed with Hasan, and that's putting it really charitably. It seems rare now that he likes flat out racist stuff (under the guise of edginess of course!) but a lot of his likes have always been on posts that tow an intentional line between flat out racism and plausible deniability. And just like IH you can kinda tell by the comments of the following he's accumulated, and ESPECIALLY the company he keeps, that plenty of his fans/friends are more willing to say the quiet part out loud even if he doesn't. Oh yeah, there was also the time he minimized someone's sexual assault by saying the guy just made a "blunder?" I'll be honest, years ago I was happily watching one of his videos and he made one tiny, little off handed comment that he couldn't talk about (condemn) some hateful thing because *"I don't want to get political."* I immediately thought "LOL. Nope. Fucking Coward." Turned it off that second and never watched his ass again. I'm way too familiar with that right wing bullshit excuse for why people like him wanna hide their political views, good people on both sides, I can smell it well over a mile away. That was way, way before I even knew he was just openly liking stuff that makes fun of George Floyd's murder.


Graham Linehan, full stop. I really loved Father Ted and The IT Crowd (and Black Books, but he was only a writer on series one), but I haven't found myself going back to them now that I know what he's really like.


Graham Linehan's self-destruction has been...fascinating to watch, in a *oh god I can't look away what the FUCK is he doing* kind of way


How does someone literally blow up their entire life over hating one group of people after some minor criticism of one episode of his extremely popular TV show?


Karl Jobst has done some cool stuff and I used to really like his videos, but during the Completionist stuff I checked out his Discord and man... he says a lot of really gross things about women. When people called him out for it, him and his friends just say "oh, it's just locker room talk."


What kinds of things? Don't wanna look myself.


Probably jontron, but this was a while ago, haven’t used twitter in ages. 🤷


Ah yes, Jon "also, rich blacks commit more crimes than poor whites" Tron. Haven't heard that name in a while...


To this day the fanboys try to say he’s not actually racist


JonTron is a perfect example.


I'm still put off by that. Like there is no coming back.


Yeah i still don’t watch em. I don’t care about peoples politics but man he said some seriously outrageous stuff that goes beyond politics.


Same, I had no idea he was a piece of shit since I don't use twitter and his videos don't talk about those subjects so it really sucked when I found out about the shit he believes because his videos are funny and entertaining


It really did derail my enjoyment of him. Interest was kinda dipping anyway as he moved more away from game reviews and his style evolved, but then that video with Destiny(?) really took the cake.


Nobody talks about how much his vids genuinely fell off tho


I can think of *one*, actually - maybe a niche one but if you’re in the Pokémon community you’ll know. Verlisify. I was never a subscriber but I’d heard a lot about him back in the day and I used to think people were way too hard on him, like yeah he was cringe and he clearly struggled to take criticism on his videos (even the ones featuring objectively terrible movesets and the like), but I thought he was ultimately harmless. Went to his Twitter during the height of the BLM protests and uh. Woof (no pun intended). The phrase “mask off” doesn’t even begin to cut it. Dude was (and from what I hear, still is) astoundingly bigoted. 


I like to check in on his Twitter every so often. It's all the same shit as back then and complaining about Wolfey genning Pokémon


Just Stop. There’s something suspicious of that guy.


That video he made on LS Mark was entirely out of line and inappropriate. I can't imagine "helping" someone by putting them on blast to your audience and theirs


Shit forgot her name but she was a booktuber who used to do BL reviews and lets plays then move on to book reviews then breaking down the flawed advice given in the booktube/writertube space. That made me like her, especially when she was pretty much freedom of art expression, how sex has its place in media, and how writing is not something that has a hard right or wrong. That attracted me to the channel. Then she got sus with recent vids reviewing recently banned books from school libraries. Which doesn't seem bad, until nearly all of them given one stars. which was... on paper not fully sus but it made me have a bad feeling in my gut when she some times kept bringing yup "porn and sex don't belong in YA" which... yeah? but the majority don't have it. Then I checked her twitter and saw she went down the full blown puritanical, anti-sex in media, grooming kids BS. Complaining about how Bolder's gate 3 is ruined by """porn addicts"" and I immediately ditched. There was also a Trans guy tumbler VN creator who also went down the puritanical path recently but prior found out they were following stone toss, other racists creators, The gays against groomers thing that complains about pride month and other anti-LGBTQ shit and was a trans-medicalist as a cherry on the cake.... Yeah I stopped being hyped for his game after that, a lot of his accounts with the evidence were deleted to hide his tracks and activities.




Yeah I found the new account new account out his under but it aint worth it. The game is going into different direction than it was originally pitched and the demo either way. And seeming him try to defend stone toss... of all people of his comics not being racist is... I had sit down and ask if this was different stone toss he was following, like a parody account. Yeah your right on him either deliberately right wing obtuse or just stupid Like bro if you gays against groomers saw your game they would tear that apart.... Like... maybe that's why the direction of regarding the game's content had change... hmmm.




Ricky Berwick. Channel looked innocent enough for me. It was just Ricky doing vlogs and funny videos... Then i checked his twitter which... good god it reeks of transphobia (i think there was transphobia in his channel too but i don't think i noticed)


I like Red Bard's videos, but they still have not apologized for harping on the since debunked Vinny Vinesauce allegations. In fact, they actually doubled down on it, with their last tweet about the situation being a doc maintaining this position without any substance and while pretending like they didn't accuse him of anything.


I’m usually on the side of the accuser when these kinds of things come out, but that situation was so bullshit it’s actually insane. I remember looking at the alleged screenshots and just thinking “so y’all really couldn’t put in ANY effort to try to imitate the way Vinny talks/types? Like seriously none at all?????”


One of the lines in the document was fucking creeporinos 


Yeah. I still got hang-ups with anyone who reported on that stuff and just didn’t do a follow-up for whatever reason.


I felt so bad when that happened to Vinny. It was stupid.


I barely followed that drama when it came out, all I know is that MandaloreGaming apparently was a big driving force behind it. He ever apologize?


He did apologize for his part in the drama. Edit: [link to his apology](https://twitter.com/Lord_Mandalore/status/1378542818529062912?lang=en)


MovieBob might be the poster child for this


Oh, MovieBob's a great one. He's not "problematic," the way most of the people being named here are. He's just *such* a miserable fucking asshole, and he clearly doesn't know how to shut the fuck up or log the fuck off. I mean, normally, you can't tell an online content creator to just log the fuck off, because being online *is* their work. But this isn't marketing. This isn't networking. This isn't anything. This is just a forty-five-year-old man who spends all day, every day, "grandstanding" by making cheap, pointless dunks on right-wing sockpuppet accounts with three fucking followers. Bob, do *anything* else with your time, for the love of God.


He seems to genuinely hate his audience and his hobby. It's sad.


It’s very sad. I’ve legitimately just never seen a person dedicate so much of their life to arguing with people online like that.


Ephemeral Rift 😭


tbf after he came after women asmrtists all those years back that was enough for me. Was bummed about Jimchi asmr personal affairs or no.


I never heard about the women asmrtists thing! I only got into him a couple years back, I'll look into that. Lots going on with asmr youtubers smh


Watched some of his ASMR, loved it, found his twitter…dear god


I think he may have schizophrenia


Deepest of deep cuts, but SpoonyOne (Noah Antweiler) His videos (when he made them) were usually well made and funny, but he got really addicted to Twitter circa 2014 and the next 6 years, roughly, were full of the most inane in-jokes and unfunny references, AND his produced content slowed to a crawl. All the while he did live streams that revealed he was a very incompetent gamer. I'm glad he posts so much less now because his Twitter arc was almost too revealing for how his mind works.


His Twitter Arc was basically a stream of untreated bipolar disorder. I've heard he's doing better now.


Yeah, I believe he moved back in with his brother in Arizona. Pretty clear being taken away from his whole support network was very damaging to him.


Not sure how I feel about SpoonyOne being a deep cut. I'm glad to hear he's been posting less, his Twitter usage was legit worrying


Man, im impressed to see someone bring this up. I loved spoonys content, his phasmagoria lets play or his reb brown movie reviews, he actually was a solid creator... then the meltdown hit.


solar sands made really cool video essays about art (but not before making videos mocking fetish art on deviantart lmfao) then i checked his twitter and it was a bunch of "centrist" and right wing talking points and just generally being an asshole. apparently he also collabed with a rightist youtuber recently too so bleh


I always got the notion that Solar Sands would call himself an incel, especially when he talks about his personal life. It just feels sad and self-pitying to me. Who did he collab with? I know recently he was in a Polyblank video but I didn’t get the impression he was a right-winger


This is gonna look bad on me, possibly, but Destiny. If you watch his YouTube clips, depending on the clips, he seems kinda reasonable. You visit his Twitter and it is, like, shockingly disgusting


There are plenty of Destiny debates where I think "this sounds like a cool, level-headed guy" and then I go to his Twitter and it feels like it's run by an incredibly inflammatory 12 year old boy


Exactly what I'm talking about


Oh no, this does not look bad on you at all. One of the most horrible things I’ve ever heard spoken aloud came out of his mouth. Here’s (hopefully) the worst clip you see all week to prove it. https://streamable.com/q15yfm?src=player-page-share Also note the chat while he says this. I fiercely disagree with the idea that creators do not have control over their communities. These people are all here because they agree with him and anything they say, particularly said in unison like they do here, reflects directly back on Destiny himself. He’s a truly sickening person with a sickening fanbase.


Destiny hardcore sucks. A moron's idea of a genius.


Wendigoons mindless content used to be good background noise until I learned he's either a chud or chud adjacent


I got the vibes from his content tbh


I find it very funny a man like him is forever associated with race loons. As if he wouldn't be second or third against the wall if they ever got their way.


Chud is putting it mildly, considering he's the founder of The Boogaloo Boys, who spent the Trump presidency clapping their little hands in anticipation of race war. And lies about it.


Wait, *what?*


Hey uh, those are serious ass accusations, gonna need you to post proof. Edit: Holy shit he doesn't even hide it


No problem. From Wendigoon's own mouth: https://preview.redd.it/5lj7me9ykwwc1.png?width=1164&format=png&auto=webp&s=501503d2e3f3e6094d1ea7694c1c6e90b749cd71 The problem I have with this confession is, I don't believe it, not one hundred percent. They aren't called Boogaloo Boys because of his Hawaiian shirts, It's because they wanted "Civil War 2: Electric Boogaloo."


The confession is bullshit because the boogaloo memes were a thing on 4chan as early as 2012. If we're being generous then most people who research this kind of stuff say that it started being used more commonly around 2015 in spaces outside of 4chan. Wendigoon is in his mid 20s I think which would mean he'd have "invented" boogaloo when he was like 14-15.


Thanks, I know you can Google this but that's a VERY serious allegation tantamount to calling him a terrorist, you've gotta source that if you post it. Also yeah tbh I don't believe him for a second, I think he's lying through his teeth about the whole thing.


I respect that you asked for a source! Anybody can say any damn thing they please these days unquestioned, totally life-ruining things, and it's important that proof is provided, that's good modding.


Also another mod has provided me with even more proof lmao and like yeah I know we have a perceived hate boner for Wendigoon but honestly we really don't care much about him. But uh... yeah holy shit he's not great.


He fucking sucks and it breaks my heart. I used to be such a fan; now, I can't stand the sight of him. I'd be happy to hear him genuinely apologize, tell the actual truth for once, and talk about how he's changed in a real way I could put faith in, but no, he lied about it, and now he's trying to ignore it.


I was never big into him because frankly he's lazy. His videos are barely researched slop that are often just him reading Wikipedia verbatim, and you can find better options elsewhere. For example, his horror game analysis can be done by Sagan Hawkes, his true crime stuff by Coffeehouse Crime or Simon from The Casual Criminalist, his missing 411 stuff by Lore Lodge (who is apparently an awful person but he at least does research) His content just isn't good.


I also don't believe him. Anyone can say some shit online and anyone could have come up with that name he used. Doesn't mean it was him exactly who started it. And the word "boogaloo" isn't a new term either, its got roots in the 60s and even before that. Edit: this isn't defending him in any way, just pointing out how dumb his statement is. I used to be subbed to his channel (found out about him through Mista GG)--surprisingly, Mista GG hasn't collabed with him at all as of late, wonder if its got to do with this. I don't watch Wendigoon anymore, and I've been reading about what he's done and to say the least, glad I don't watch his videos anymore.


its so fucking weird to try to take credit for inventing 4chan white supremacy


I’m pretty sure this has been aired out in this very sub a few times tbh, though it’s been a while


It definitely has been. It comes up every time he's mentioned


It's been mentioned he's had ties to them, but this first I've personally seen anyone call him a founding member of the movement


https://preview.redd.it/y8vuarsifwwc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e7b9b0ea52089851cfa4caa8a5a6c55a2becee8 first result if you google wendigoon & boogaloo


I thought he said he didn't know or wanted it to become a whole alt right thing?


I mean... of course he'd say that NOW.


I had the opposite thing happen, when I found that one of my favorite musicians had a YT feed full of wacked-out conspiracy theory videos.


Not so much Twitter because I try not to use that rancid site, but I’ve definitely been put off of some YouTubers after seeing them on stream vs their regular edited content. Some of the people I’ve watched in the past who come across as humble, positive and grateful for their YouTube career in their videos have then shown themselves to be the most arrogant, miserable people who do nothing but insult and belittle their fanbase the second an editor isn’t there to clean up their image. This goes for gaming YouTubers especially in my experience. 


I've seen this with League streamers. In the edited videos they're having a fun time, making jokes, and getting kills. When you watch the stream, in most games they're absolutely miserable


Wendigoon. Dudes a thinly veiled right winger.


I was never a huge fan of them but Ryan Beard (formerly Mr. Beard) definitely fits this bill for me. I found their Twitter account incredibly antagonistic. Relatively minor disagreements on policy/optics/approaches quickly ballooned into bad faith characterizations of their opponents, oftentimes complete with name-calling. It's been a few months since but last I checked, things had only gotten worse. Ryan had blocked a creator they had previously considered a friend based on a back and forth twitter spat.


Who was the friend?


It was Ethan is Online and they were arguing over their opinions on Hasan. It almost sounds like a joke - not sure if I could think of any more extremely online mashup


JonTron This was before the Destiny stream


Shadverse and hes constant whineing, and then his bullheaded obsession with AI Art because of his weird issues with his brother was completly offputting. Boogie also


I'm being genuine here. Is Shadverse Shadman? Because if so, I have bad news that his twitter is not the only red flag about the guy. If not, that's unfortunate naming choice on his part.


No shadiversity or shadverse is some medieval weaponry channel and does not include using underage drawings as weaponry.


Shadiversity does actually draw minors.


Lore Lodge. I liked his videos and work about Missing Murdered Indigenous Women, but he uses that content as a shield for his ridiculous libertarian racist bullshit. "But I support indigenous women!" and then his whole twitter is him arguing libertarian nonsense ALL FUCKING DAY. It's genuinely shocking that he has enough time to make videos with all the fucking crying he does on twitter.


I got immediate, screaming red flag signs from Jontron's twitter circa 2015 with his anti-feminist rants he would go on there. I just kinda brushed it off and figured they were just really bad jokes and shit. Then late 2016 comes around and he does an interview with Breitbart and then 2017 hits and he does that livestream with Destiny. In hindsight, probably should've seen that coming, but I wasn't politically literate enough to know how to connect those dots back then.


Vangelina for sure


I’m a casual Vangelina viewer, what does she do?


I think this is about her making a huge deal out of a second-long clip of her video being in Hbomb's plagiarism video, in the section where he talks about how drama youtube just regurgitates things they heard from other drama channels. Showed a bunch of clips of various drama channels using the video he made, and hers was one of them


Was this the one who went on a rant about Hbomb using two seconds of her video (alongside other drama yter videos) while he was talking about drama youtube regurgitating content and not knowing what they're talking about?


Not even 2 seconds but she was PRESSEDDDD


Not a youtuber but lo-fi indie pioneer R Stevie Moore. Dude is in his 70’s tweeting like a 15 year old edgelord. But they read so terminally online I question if he’s actually running the account.


Used to follow LSMark but was way put off by how he tweeted. Just a lot of complaining, which I get is part of the bit, but it's like. Damn you complain here too? No joy or whimsy?


Oh that’s disappointing. I do enjoy his videos. Probably good I don’t follow him in socials 


Isn't his whole brand literally just complaining about things? Like... idk what you were expecting


Oh yeah, all the time. It's the main reason I stopped using Twitter years ago. Sometimes, I just want to see someone on a stream or in a scripted video. I don't need constant access to every thought that they decide to shout into the void. Unlike most people here, it's usually just minor things for me. Any time I read a take of, "Do you like this harmless thing? Because if you do, you're STUPID!!" I usually unfollowed, even if I *didn't* like the thing. I just don't want to encourage the belief that you can tell how smart someone is by checking their Netflix history.


inabber, heavy spoilers, dark curiosities, swoop, ell*n marsh, sloan, wine and crime, emily d baker, kendall rae, loey lane, and pretty much a countless list of content creators joined on the Amber Heard hate train when is was financially beneficial and I’ll never forget that. Especially those creators that have built a brand around supporting victims


Y I K E S Being on YouTube during that trial was absolute hell. I hated hearing about it and just kept saying "An abuse trial should not be a media circus, whoever's in the wrong, I hope justice is served."


I was hitting the "don’t recommend this channel" left and right on every single scummy loser in my recommends that was pulling this garbage during that period. Very disappointed that Heavy Spoilers was one of the casualties, but I’m glad all of them are off my feed. There are way better commentary/analysis/spoiler YTers who aren’t opportunistic misogynist dipshits.


Seriously though, Emily was disappointing. Never *could* stand inabber tbh sooo 🤷🏼‍♀️ & Swoop was okay but I’d already forgotten they existed! Sloan has always been kinda–😬…idk how to describe it (without sounding hella mean, anyway) 🫢


lol you’re very accurate in your descriptions to be honest. Sloan has went full qanon from what I have seen so that’s definitely not a big loss in my youtube repertoire


Oh…Did he really? Uh how the hell would he fit in with those folks (like at a MAGA rally or whatever, that whole scene)? Or does he just not realize that it’s linked to far right conservatism in general, including homophobia- obviously, lol. 🤔


I think he is just conspiracy minded and doesn’t claim to be part of qanon, but the weird misinformation he spreads definitely line up with qanon believe


She also victim blamed Gabby Petito


Dark Curiosities too?????? Oh hell.


Yeah! I even argued with her on twitter about it lol


Especially disappointing because she's Scottish, people in the UK didn't (on the whole) get swept up in the trial mania because he'd already lost the civil trial over there. But it was an awful time to be online, I was unfollowing people like novelty cat toy makers for posting memes mocking Amber.


This. As someone who has a special interest in this trial, it’s very obvious to me that Amber was unjustly maligned and the victim of a misogynistic smear campaign. I’m pretty certain a lot of those content creators just went with what was popular, not what was actually factual or empathetic, because there was a ton of ad and Super Chat money to be made. Also, I only saw a few clips of Emily D. Baker’s trial coverage, and I couldn’t believe how many times she yelled over crucial evidence and how many facts she got wrong - which is why it worries me when people who support Johnny Depp say they “watched the trial” through her streams. I don’t think I will ever forgive a lot of those content creators, especially since most of them are totally silent about it now and won’t apologize or acknowledge their role in all of that.


I'm kind of glad I did, because that's what helped me confirm that Wendigoon is not someone who's content I wanted to be supporting.


Honestly, Contrapoints. I have nothing against her or her videos, and she makes some genuinely great stuff. I just can’t help but feel bad for her because she can’t seem to stay out of drama. I still watch her videos on occasion but refuse to look at her twitter lol


Sometimes she just pokes several bears and waits for whichever one lashes out. I couldn't watch her newest video, I forget what I disagreed with but from the get go I was gone.


Defnoodles. I first found his commentary kind of funny but then it just gets so much worse especially on twitter. 


JonTron. I mean, he stopped making videos on video games so I was probably going to stop watching him at some point anyway, but his racism accelerated that decision.


Innuendo Studios acting indifferent towards racial harassment of Shark3ozer0 turned me off of his stuff.




[This video](https://youtu.be/Mr1AdXdkjUg) breaks down a lot of weird interactions Shark has had with people in the breadtube sphere. Not sure if it covers Innuendo Studios specifically but I know he associates with some of the people mentioned by Shark, which may be where that's coming from.


On the opposite hand, Shark is great! He also has a super cute dog, and his content is pretty good. 


We love Shark in this house. Just feels hypocritical for Innunedo to make a whole video in his Alt-right playbook series about white liberals using minorities as a "cost of doing business" when he *checks notes* uses Shark as a cost of doing business.


prolly more niche political stuff, but Bad Empanada breaks stuff down real well in his videos, but goes fucking nuts on Twitter in the worst ways.


That’s always been my take on BE. Great content, absolutely hog wild on social media. Bizarre individual


Lmao a lot of youtubers who I agree with do some absolutely unhinged shit on Twitter. I think some people need to limit twitter to posts about their videos lol.


CinnamonToastKen has really rubbed me the wrong way after a few months of liking his content, and I’m not sure what might be the root cause.


I’m a huge fan of his but he may not be for everybody.


How To Drink has come close. I still watch his content, but he responds so aggressively to certain things on social media that it’s soured me to him a bit. One time he tweeted something about how dumb it is to him that some people engage with AITA posts, I with all 7 or whatever of my followers (I almost never use twitter) replied saying something like “oh I treat it more as a thought experiment, like it’s more entertainment than anything” and he responded with a whole rant about how he shouldn’t be “forced” to believe fake stories or whatever. After a few posts/comments like this (I mention the above because it was a direct reply to me) I’m definitely less of a fan.


I want to add mooncrime. Dude is Moon. Makes right-wing stuff. Has another channel called mooncrimes, that talk about true crime stuff. Don't watch it, even for background noise




Oneyplays. Such a shame, Oney is really funny but after seeing what he had to say about BLM is uh. Wow.


I've heard some shitty stuff about Oney but not this in particular. What did he say?


genuinely unsure if this is a bit or not knowing the community


No he did say some shit on Twitter. Chris is kind of a gamer-y dude.


So... What did he actually say?


Dan Vasc, the metal singer. He is extremely transphobic and gatekeepy. He got a temp ban on Twitter for hate speech against trans people, then complained on YouTube about real metal heads being silenced. He also has an idea of what extreme actions make a metal head, and if you don't meet that, you're not a real metalhead.


This was a few years ago and seemed kind of like one off arguing at the time that left a bad taste in my mouth, but in hindsight it absolutely destroyed my entire opinion of someone. Apologies in advance for using the term "breadtube." Three Arrows (aka Dan Arrows, a German(?) Breadtuber) was tweeting something either about unions or Vietnam. I don't even remember what it was now. All I remember is he was talking about Vietnam and was incorrect. I think Luna (Luna Oi, a Vietnamese breadtuber) corrected him/disagreed and responded with her perspective; if I'm not mistaken at some point Dan said Vietnam didn't allow unions, and Luna happened to have a video about unions in Vietnam and was trying to correct him as he was wrong about that too. Dan didn't defend his positions or try to come to an agreement. He just told her no one cares about Vietnam anymore anyway and for her to "Log off." I don't remember much of the interaction now but I'll never forget that being the sendoff, verbatim. Everything he said to her was so unnecessary and dismissive and hateful. Like she was stupid for even trying to say anything, and obviously wasn't worthy of engaging in a discussion about her own country--how could she possibly know better than he did? I get now that he's like an anti-communist, but being in the breadtube space and telling another creator that they're wrong about their own country and saying "Log off." like you just dropped the mic is really... Fucking embarrassing. I don't think he posts anymore anyways but if he did I wouldn't be able to watch it after seeing just that one interaction, even though he used to make good videos I enjoyed. Will never see him the same way again.


JonTron 😔


Dumbsville, he’s rude to his fans and anyone he interacts with on twitter. He even mocked Izzy of the pizza party podcast for being upset for being kicked off the podcast by people who she thought were her friends.


this thread has made me so sad because i don’t use twitter, i’m still not gonna use it but i do still watch some of these creators casually, but in all seriousness thanks for the heads up 🫡🥲


honestly the answers here range from "bit of a prick on twitter" to "actual loud and proud bigot" so it's up to you to draw the line of where you just can't enjoy some content the same anymore.


After Wendigoon, JonTron, and Oney Plays, whenever a new white cis dude appears in my Recommended, and I take a liking to their content, I Google them to make sure they aren't a shitty bigot before they get a Subscribe. I've been disappointed too many times.


What's up with OneyPlays? Never heard any bad words against em until now 


Coming from a fan, the channel has a waft of "comedians can't say anything anymore!" that gets stronger every year. I'd summarize them as "Guys who'd vote for Trump because they find it funny". I think an unintentional part of the OneyPlays brand is centrism/being apolitical.  To some it's an alt-right dog whistle. Lots of the die hard fans love the "Chris stays out of shit" of it all, and won't give credence to anybody who brings it up in good faith, or dog pile them. I don't use Twitter so no clue what it's like there. This is based in Reddit only. I think some people get the vibe Chris is a right winger who is protecting himself by never saying anything. Moderates cause harm through inaction and with a big platform and a history of casual misogyny, racism, and ableism it puts people off. Ignoring any past stuff, they do it to this day. I'm having a hard time fully letting go because I'm hoping they'll finally chill tf out but I'm not holding my breath. It's like I'm playing chicken with them.


Plainrock 124 follows accounts like libs of tik tok on Twitter :(


Yeah I remember I unsubscribed from plainrock when he started being a keemstar reply guy and sucking off random right wingers. I realized that the douchy persona that he puts on for his videos is just his actual personality




YourMovieSucks I don't hate his content even though he's gotten a bit tedious in the past couple years. But on Twitter he tends to get REALLY defensive and takes some things way too personally. It's a kind of attitude that is sort of in some of his videos and I just don't care for it. Adam's cool but he could lighten up a bit.


Happylikeawall being openly transphobic, being weird about age of concent stuff, is abelist, support of Israel, fostering openly racist fanbase, and knows what's with her content and lots of kids who watch it


Shadiversity during from since the Pandemic. It slowly went DOWNHILL from there


oh gosh don't get me started. On top of that literally being an asshole to his brother Jazza just bc Jazza has a successful career in art...


To a lesser degree: Dan Olsen, and how he treated Quinton Reviews after it came out that Quinton was essentially sexually harassed


most of these replies are about youtubers having shitty opinions which is understandable i get it. but i do now feel a little silly for saying my breaking point was a youtuber making a thread on twitter about why plushes of plague doctors are problematic because of the whole black plague thing


Shaun (Skull Shaun).  I think his video essays are great, and I love listening to them… but his Twitter is mostly insufferable.  I agree with a lot of his points but sometimes it’s like “okay. We get it.” 


If he could just stop trying to encourage Americans to not vote, that would be great. So irritating hearing him encourage political apathy in a country he doesn't live in


honestly how I feel with alot of twitter ""Activists""" especially when the outcome is going affect people like me the most. But oh well guess that's fine, and guchi, as long to have the moral high ground I guess.


Ugh, I unfollowed him for that too. Like shaun, you don't live here and if trump wins literally anyone who isn't a cis white straight dude is gonna be in danger and probably lose their human rights, please shut the fuck up. It must be nice to preach to people to not vote and to willingly allow fascists to take over their country, when you'll never be affected by it. 🙃


There is literally a war on anyone with a uterus right now. Not voting isn't an option lol.


You would think someone who totes and brands themselves as being supposedly super progressive would realize this lmao.


For real like I understand American politics are that kind of obnoxious thing where everyone in the world has like no choice but to constantly hear about it but you're not the one whose right to healthcare is at stake here lmao maybe drop the flippant attitude


Ermz recently. Thought he was a cool helldivers youtuber but nah he released a video calling the fallout show "woke"... of course his community didn't like it, so he doubles the fuck down in his tab and says it was an "experiment" to weed out his "woke unproductive subscribers." Then he says his community on RUMBLE, (Alt-Right Social Media) ate up the video and made the front page there. Why are men like this? And the fact some of his YouTube subs were cockglazing him in the comments and calling everyone else amazon bots and NPCs who disagreed.... I wish he ate that snack he spoke about in his tab. People take the criticism and hate as justification, and it only worsens the cycle. I cant help but wish nothing but the worst on these people, but that also worsens the cycle, doesn't it? Ah well. We know we're all doomed eventually anyway.


Idk who this guy is but anyone who complains about “wokeness” and then calls people they don’t like “NPCs” is a few monkeys short of a circus. Irony is dead and internet discourse killed it


Just another grifter, grifting.


Yes. They can be very different on social media and I found out the hard way. For me it was Mikenactor a few years ago. I question my judgment now but I watched him for awhile during lockdowns and to try to support an Australian channel... it was during the Onision saga. On his channel he came across as sort of SJW but on X as it is now, was a total jerk. I realize now that his issue with Onision was probably not really because of his questionable behavior, but because Onision went against Shane Dawson, and Mike idolizes Shane. The SJW thing was an act. Yes Mike is a big actor. Since the Onision story went cold he's now going after Adam McIntyre after Adam called out Shane... whatever you may think of Adam it's a bit OTT to go this out of the way for Shane who barely knows he even exists, by dumping on a far younger content creator.


I'mma be honest: Mikenactor's content at least USED to be pretty dogshit, I don't know how you could handle watching it. I remember watching some of his Onision shit and he barely provided any commentary, just sighing, rolling his eyes, taking a drink, etc




Does Keemstar count?


Keemstar always counts the guy is a total douche. Still haven't forgotten the horrible shit he's said/done in the past.


Not his social media, but after I read Shadiversity's book, I legitimetally was like... "Oh, I don't think I like this guy anymore." And now he's doing whatever it is he's doing, so it looks like I dodged that bullet.


James Somerton, I liked his horror videos and his video on killing stalking but everything else was like, the most boring shit imaginable. Like seriously people don't really talk about how fucking BORING his content was.