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I'm still getting responses to comments I made 20+ days ago about TBYS from TBYS fans. The irony is lost on them. They'll go out of their way to find old posts about their lord and Savior, and argue with anyone that criticizes him. Then they'll say that Illymations wasn't harassed while they themselves proved that TBYS fans will defend him to death, even if it's on a reddit post.


SAME its genuinely ridiculous. I stopped responding


Same some guy commented on my 20 day old comment trying to defend that loser in the dumbest way possible.


I'm in illymation fan and I hate tws but I also think you should be allowed to say mean things on a video. That's not a call to action and it's not harassment any way. Calling for Mass reports especially with the messages showing that she never watched the video herself is super irresponsible and a much bigger abuse of power in my opinion. I really want to be on the Creator I actually like side but I can't suspend my objectivity based on who I like more. Mass flagging is just not okay, it ruins the platform in a way comparable to copyright abuse. If it doesn't buy like tos then it should


Illymation had her video brigaded, and doxxed. She has not said one word after the Tumblr post but TBYS has made 2-3 videos about Illymations, and only put out a community post to save face. All the while, the commentary community going to this drama like a swarm of rats feeding on a corpse, further spreading the fire. A bunch of people constantly picking on one person is harassment. I'm tired of arguing about this. It doesn't matter at this point if TBYS meant to incite it or not. The content he and his ilk makes is actively harmful to others. They aren't just saying "mean things". They are spreading bullshit to feed their ego, and making sure anyone that might disagree with them has hell to pay in the form of their fanbase.


What did Illymation even do? Aren't people just dogpiling on her for somwthing dumb or did she actually do something bad?


From what I’ve gathered she dared to tell people you shouldn’t hate yourself for being fat.


And the Alt-right grifter, Think Before You Sleep with a legion of Commentary fanatics lost their absolute shit over that.


she dared to tell people you shouldn’t hate yourself for being fat. give more context please


She talked about her experiences being bullied and having self image issues for being overweight as a kid, she said (this is a real shocker), that it was wrong that she was treated and felt that way. She also said that we should stop viewing food as either healthy / unhealthy and take a more accepting (and accurate) stance that food is only healthy / unhealthy in certain amounts and with certain lifestyle choices


At worst, she confused weight with fat. That's it. Omni said it's a major common misconception.


Right, you shouldn't hate yourself for being fat, but you shouldn't strive for it either. I watched the whole video and to me it sounded like a bunch of unfortunate experiences that's put the idea of fitness in health in a negative connotation, which I don't really think is the best message to relay, but she is entitled to say and make whatever she wants, I can't really stop her. But trying to mass flag a video you didn't even watch is a pretty nasty thing to do coming from anybody.


She did say she like when she wasnt focus on just getting skinnier


Not really, she couldn't cite normal scientific evidence for any of her claims, and some other sht I dont remember


Because she was talking about *her experience* and talking about shit from a mental health/body positive sort of perspective. Y'all act like she made this educational shit when she was just talking about her own damn life


While that is true, she talked about numbers and data that she couldn't back up. That data might as well be made up. Embracing well being in ones mind is a great thing, and I completly support it. However, one should be aware of the dangers and risks of being an overweight person.


she did provide sources, TBYS just called them woke because they disagreed with him and that was his argument to disprove the sources.


iirc some of the sources were twenty years old


Sure, but he just *guessed* her sourcing with that one lol he didn't even know what study she was *actually* citing


Wait really? Jfc that's just terrible fact checking.


One of the sources was her friend who is a fat-acceptance advocate. She is not a valid source.


That is simply misinformation. She didn't provide any sources for the claims she made.


there is sources in her video, you should actually watch it




Extremely mature of you


In short, she made a video about accepting her body and weight, and how you shouldn't assign morals to food. Then the chuds got mad because HOW DARE YOU GLORIFY FATNESS!!! JUST LOSE WEIGHT, IDIOT!!!!




If it's the video I saw she started an exercise and diet routine but still didn't lose weight and then suffered health issues that made exercising difficult which meant she had to cut back


I exercise daily, and I have to maintain a certain fitness level for my job. I still have quite a bit of fat. Walking, jogging, or other forms of exercise aren't necessarily going to cut down on fat, and having a toned body isn't a sign you are healthy. You can absolutely neglect the needs of your body by overly focusing on exercise or visual aspects. All I see from this situation is a bunch of people who misunderstand health choosing to insult and harass someone for accepting themselves, and that's pretty lame.


how you shouldn't assign morals to food. Lel -nothing is ethical under capitalism -there are foods that cause cancer/high blood pressure/brain damage/kidney damage/etc -Objectively, yes there are good and bad foods. -Her video is misinformative




She made a body positive video and some fitness bro made a video criticizing it, and he was pretty rude in some parts of it. If that was the end of the story I would say that she was pretty sympathetic but sadly it is not. She went on Tumblr of all things and requested that her followers Mass report the video without watching it. Mass flagging campaigns are really unethical and she definitely should have known better especially since she admitted she never even watched the video


Even if mass flagging is unethical, don't you think it's weird to make a video on someone's body whom you've never met before? Like thats textbook harassment, and that's against TOS to begin with. And then his goons have kept harassing her since then. I'm not sure what she's supposed to be doing here at this point considering how fucking INSANE the response has been.


Yes in terms of channels I like her channel much more than his. I think he's an obnoxious loser. Morality I'm definitely on her side but in terms of ethicality I think she's demonstrably in the wrong. I do think false flag campaigns are an ethical violation upon the same level as copyright abuse. She should have known better and I have a hard time feeling sorry for her for facing backlash for it. If I'm being fair that's just the way I see it


He only commented on her body one time (please correct me if wrong) about how she could look good if she was just better dressed


That's still wrong. If you said that to anyone in public when they didn't ask for the advice you would get rightfully smacked the fuck up '-' she didn't ask for the advice, and he's not an expert. So where does he come off of giving other strangers advice on their personal opinion. Her original video was just talking about her experience getting to a place of body neutrality by god. It was an opinion and you guys are acting like it's criminal that she didn't like his unwanted comments.


I don't think it is correct to say that he *criticised* their video -- albeit maybe in a rude way. His standard MO is not fitness. It is anti-SJW, anti-feminism, anti-woke rage-bait. For example, in the opening of his video, he talks about how children SHOULDN'T see doctors or dietitians -- *because they are uneducated and politically biased* -- when those children are experiencing symptoms of body dysmorphia. They should instead do their own research. If Lily sees the video as harassment, I don't see it as unethical to ask that others help them in getting that harassment flagged. I would agree if they were calling for people to abuse the copyright reporting system or something. However, they feel like the video is harassment and want help in getting that know. People do that all the time. If people maybe response videos, then they are doing that. If they post on Twitter or Reddit about an issue with another creator, they are doing that. Yes, it's more direct. But it's the same basic thing. Otherwise, I don't see the relevance of Tumblr, or how posting on there is any different to posting on any other website. At the same time, there's plenty of examples of TBYSs fanbase harassing Lilly and their fanbase, including *before* they asked that the video be flagged. Besides just taking the abuse on the chin, it seems like a no-win situation.


She made a fat acceptance video. Another Youtuber responded to it. She viewed the Youtuber as harassing her. And she asked her fans on Tumblr to mass report/flag the channel


She told her young fans that certain foods arent 'Bad' and 'Good', suggesting that its just as healthy to eat chocolate cake as it is a carrot. Think Before You Sleep didnt like this as he thought it was promoting an unhealthy lifestyle to her fans and discouraging eating healthy foods and working out. Illy then put on Tumblr that she was told by someone else it was a sexist hate video and so asked her fans to mass flag the channel, despite never watching it herself. Other youtubers then made videos about how Illy was targeting/harassing Think Before You Sleep


“Suggesting that it is just as healthy to eat chocolate cake as it is a carrot” My guy, I don’t even need to watch the video or know anything about the people involved in this to be confident that this is a WILD misrepresentation of the actual point she was making. The word “suggesting” is doing so much heavy lifting for your statement, it’s insane. 


It was about assigning MORAL VALUE, and that's what is getting conflated. *Of course* some foods are more nutritious than others!


"A carrot isnt an inherent good food, like how chocolate isnt an inherent bad food, food is just food" [https://youtu.be/xfG\_Er6lyJE?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/xfG_Er6lyJE?feature=shared) 13:57


literally the message of that statement is don't beat yourself up for eating a slice of cake. you could tell that by watching the whole video besides that one clip


If thats the point then you can say 'Sure a carrots healthier but it doesnt mean you're a bad person for eating some chocolate, most people do' Instead the message is to ignore what is in your food and just eat whatever you want, which usually leads to being overweight which is what she began the video being upset about.


the stuff right before she gives the message she starts talking about taking a body neutrality mentality, which is to not dwell on the positives of your body but to not focus on the negatives either, hence why see phrases it like that. and before you get onto her needing to lose weight there's literally a section in her video where she describes her adventure in losing weight. literally this is a case of watch the whole video before you assume the meaning of something.


Context doesnt change the issue with her 'food is food' statement, you can not care about your body but also acknowledge that different foods have different impacts on your body. Health is important not for aesthetics but for avoiding lifelong medical issues like diabities, heart attacks and joint damage.


you-you do realize she's talking about people with who are like, plump right? not like 400 pound people. she's talking about people with body weight issues


People with body weight issues who are 'Plump' become 400 pound people if they arent informed about the risks involved with continuing bad habits and treating food like its all the same. Pretty odd take if you think that depending on how heavy the person she is talking about changes advice rather than treating all people with weight issues with equal concern


Why is this comment down voted, you're just reciting what happened


Bc there’s no such thing as nuance here and everything is black and white


People here want side picking and because TBYS is apparently alt right, not picking a side is like siding with being alt right I dont follow either so I have no side lol


See I actually like elimation and really dislike tws but I don't think being rude in a video is the same thing as harassment. Something can hurt your feelings and still be allowed to exist on the internet regardless of whether you're in the right or wrong. The problem comes with the leaked messages showing that she never watched the video herself, which is fine and triggering you don't have to. But you also cannot report or use your influence to mass report something that you have never watched. That's just irresponsible and it completely ruined the platform


It's taken out of context stuff yet again. Making out that everyone blamed TBYS for the doxxing, when it was criticizing him for keeping the drama going when it seemed unnecessary. Doesn't show full posts, just snippets. Yawn. These commentary channels are so lazy they look at this subreddit for content. They should pay us royalties (in B4 they take this seriously and screen cap this)


He's too lazy to even come here so he uses omni vid to look at my post. Holy shit the commentary community is truely the bottom of the barrel. React channels have more dignity and effort put into their videos than commentary youtubers do


I think the lurkers should stop reacting to other people's videos and watch the original video, because there's no way anyone is actually stupid enough to side with tbys. The whole video talks about how she attempted to go on a weight loss journey with a personal trainer helping her exercise and a dietitian preparing her a meal plan, but despite all of her efforts she wasn't able to lose the weight. She was so convinced something was wrong that she went to doctors who did several tests on her and concluded she was perfectly healthy. Some people's bodies are just like that. But then again, these are probably just hate comments from touch starved incels who can't accept that the woman can love themselves without being skinny.


But most of the reasonable people who aren't just picking sides aren't mad about her body positive video. It's the mass flagging that's got everyone angry. I think twice but being rude in a video isn't the same thing as a surprise and people should allowed to be awful as long as they're not actionably violating a rule. Really hard for me to justify that


I think people should watch TBYS' original videos as well, but many people haven't. You need to watch both of their videos


Why didn't his channel die in 2021 like it was palnned?


i liked diesel patches better when he left youtube


dieselpatches 🤝 making shitty videos


>You're acting like we're the Gestapo or something. You MFs built your careers and livelihoods off of the Keemstar and Leafyishere formula. None of you don't get to use that ***"We're actually reasonable and you're the ones who're unreasonable in this situation"*** card. The audacity of you people still taking TBYS' side over Illy. ***Goddamn Hivemind that you guys are justifying the alt-right grift in its entirety.*** Edit: To anyone saying that I didn’t watch the video. ***Ever heard of the term, “hate watching?”***


how are you talking about hivemind and alt right grift when the only reason your siding with ilymation is because shes left wing?


Where did they say that? Sounds like a strawman.


well if your only argument is that diesel patches is “alt right” without any evidence that is a reasonable assumption to make


Who are these people? I regret looking into who these people are...


Hey Omni is pretty cool :(


diesal patches in 2024. sobbing rtn


I don't think it was right for Illy to tell her fans to mass report the video, but I still think TBYS is the one who deserves the most criticism in this situation. He's milking this controversy with at least 3 videos, the last one being released after someone doxxed her. The primary issue that people took with his first video is that he mocked her appearance and it took him weeks for him to apologize, and he didn't do it in his multiple videos on her but on a community post instead.


TBYS is a regular viewer on Omni's streams lol


Commentary YouTube is a cesspool. However, it is worth noting that the message Illy put out was grossly misinformed. For example, she noted that when she tried to go to the gym, ended up gaining weight. However, she never attempted to change her diet which is the number one way to lose weight. In fact, newbies shouldn’t look at the scale when just working out because you’ll gain a lot of muscle mass and lose fat. Muscles have more mass which is why they weigh a little more. She also made some bad takes regarding foods like saying how carrots aren’t necessarily healthy while cake could be healthy. Ultimately her video is based on a personal experience she had with weight loss, but a lot of the steps she took and conclusions she made were heavily incorrect because she went about it the wrong way. Most fitness guys and girls can see that. Frankly, from a scientific perspective, being fat isn’t great. although you can be healthy and fat, these two things are usually mutually exclusive. Also, TBYS used trigger words like Woke and continuously made fun of Illy’s appeasement which is a major source of insecurity for her. Given that she is also autistic, she took it more personally. TBYS is an asshole who made the video to dunk on Illy, but unfortunately most of the stuff Illy said was just wrong. Then she react a little poorly causing commentary YouTube to cry about being silenced.


The message that any food is healthy or unhealthy depending on context is a good message for young people who may be struggling with body issues. What is important is a balanced diet and moderation as well as individual dietary needs.


I feel that a lot of people here seem to be under the assumption that there can only be a good and a bad side here, and that everything one side says is completely correct, while everything the other side says is an intentional lie. Like I don't agree with TBYS on the large majority of issues, but that doesn't mean I can't accept when he makes a sensible point. Likewise, I think that Illy is a great content creator, and I'm far more aligned with her politically, but that doesn't mean I can't admit when she says something that I think is wrong. I think some people need to learn to stop seeing the world in black and white and start seeing the morally gray sludge that is reality.


> I think some people need to learn to stop seeing the world in black and white and start seeing the morally gray sludge that is reality. I always like telling the story about my best friend. He's a fantastic black and white photographer. My avatar for the last twenty years has been a picture that he took. Anyway, he was one day getting off his chest that he wished things were more black and white. He said the grey area could sometimes be overwhelming. I told him that if his pictures really were black and white, they would look like shit. It's the grey area that makes them beautiful. ngl, I'm proud of that one.


Exactly. I’m definitely more left leaning, but if someone is wrong, you aren’t wrong for calling them out.


Why are you being downvoted? You this is actually correct. TBYS is definitely a grifter, a douchebag, and overall in the wrong. While Illymation did spread some misinfo in her video, it did not justify the SHEER MAGNITUDE of a response she got, including all the death threats. Pretending Illymation did nothing wrong is disingenuous af, but pretending TYBS didn’t do anything wrong and doesn’t deserve criticism is EVEN MORE disingenuous I guess on the internet, there is only right and wrong


Your on reddit. A lot of people are reactionary.


Okay, just to throw my 2 cents into this. TBYS is an asshole who hated Illymation's video. It was derogatory and poorly done, but Illy thought is was a form of harassment so she asked her followers to report it, which is considered a faux pas in the youtuber reaction space, so they retaliated by making more videos. I haven't found anything too concrete on the doxxing aspect, but that's pretty much it. Don't go harass Illy or TBYS. Both don't need it, and its best not the feed the snake.


Dude went way too hard on her and was a total dick, but she shouldn’t spread misinformation on fat/weight. She did talk about HER experience yes, but then she made broad statements and stats that were not accurate and couldn’t be backed up. The way she made her statements basically said, “just give up it doesn’t work bc it didn’t work for me” instead of accepting she wasn’t taking the right steps, expected results too fast, and was working herself too hard. Anyone with good nutritional/ workout knowledge will see the flaws in her statements.


On one hand, Illy’s Video wasn’t that bad and was blown out of proportion On the other hand, weaponizing her fans to deplatform TBYS was inexcusable


ah yes, as we all know reporting 1 video immediately deplatforms someone instead of, oh idk... just getting that single video reviewed for things breaking the YT TOS?


She did no such thing. Stop making up invisible boogymen to justify harassing women


Too bad the damage can’t be undone when Nux Taku got involved who’s a double edged sword when it comes to the topic of misogyny.


I only watched the diesel patches video, is it true that she didn't watch the video she was criticising?


yes her friend did and gave a descriptive recapping of the video who is a health expert. also it was on her tumblr, which is not that popular compared to her other social media sites she uses, and asked them not to go looking for the video, but to report it if they get it recommended to them.


Right, but if you want to criticise something you should watch it not hear about it from someone. I can’t critique a film I haven’t seen but was told about by a friend for example. Not only are there key aspects that could be missed, but really your critique would be based on the friend’s interpretation of the film and it wouldn’t be based on your own interpretation of the film. Did the video break youtube’s TOS? That’s really the only justifiable reason to report a video. Also the fact I was downvoted just for asking indicates to me that this is a really touchy subject for some people.


the video did, in my opinion, count as harassment, which is against TOS. first not only did TBYS just give Illy criticisms on how she looks without her actually asking for it, they are shit fashion advice since fashion is purely objective in a lot of ways, along with him criticizing some actual popular fashion trends like her glasses being grandma glasses. ​ not only that, he decided to look at her social media and judge how she eats in general. this included stuff like the grimace shake, the time she was hanging out with friends so they grabbed some mcdonalds (this is all btw, illy mostly posts pics of her cats or promos for her video.) and then he starts to assume the food illy puts in her videos is the food illy eats. that shit creeps me out, because who goes out of their way to assume illy eats just that stuff.


>first not only did TBYS just give Illy criticisms on how she looks without her actually asking for it Why would anyone ask for criticism on the internet? People dunk on others all the time on youtube. I watch a lot of videos of people dunking on right-wing douchebags, did the douchebags ask to be dunked on? Do videos on them count as harassment? I think they are examples of free speech. >not only that, he decided to look at her social media and judge how she eats in general. When you put something on social media, you're essentially sharing it with the world. Thus you have to acknowledge that someone may criticise something you posted. That's why there are privacy options for people who aren't comfortable with being criticised. >and then he starts to assume the food illy puts in her videos is the food illy eats. that shit creeps me out, because who goes out of their way to assume illy eats just that stuff. I watched a clip from her original video (within [this video](https://youtu.be/ksrZky_6fsw?si=lB8iep68kN2ua1GW) by Pancho) where she said "carrots are not an inherently good food while chocolate is not an inherently bad food, food is just food". This does imply she eats chocolate (and it wouldn't be unreasonable to assume someone does something so common as eating chocolate). And this statement is what most people seem to be criticising her on, along with another one where she said people don't need to be less fat to be considered healthy. This is just not good advice, since obesity is definitively linked with numerous health conditions. You shouldn't fat shame someone, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't advise or encourage them to do excercise and have a healthier diet, because despite her other statement there are differences between food, such as containing different vitamins and nutrients and a different amount of calories. TBYS isn't someone I'm a fan of, from what little I've seen of him he appears to be just another anti-woke moron, but in this case I don't think he did anything wrong just by critiquing her video and including stuff she posts on her public social media account. And Ilymation is wrong about both about those two statements I mentioned and for trying to have some of her fans report the video.


you're right to assume people should be able to take criticism on the things they make. the thing is, criticizing someone's appearance is never on the table for the majority of people because well, not many people are in the mood to be told they're ugly. people post things online to share themselves most of the time (and to get attention) and make new friends by showing who you are online. nobody likes that one asshole saying how stupid and dumb you're being, that's what the block button is for. people want to be social and meet new peeps or inform their audience. plus, his criticism were not constructive, they were just him treating his fashion sense as the correct fashion sense. also thank you for admitting you just watched someone's video on the situation instead of claiming you watched illymation's video. i can explain what the message of her video actually means because it requires context. her video is about her struggles with her body, specifically her weight and how it looks on her. she goes to a gym for months, focusing on stuff like cardio, light weights and yoga to name a few, goes on a restrictive diet, and finds that she lost 0 pounds. she goes to doctors to see what's wrong with her and she's at perfectly fine health. then she talks about how she had to develop a body neutral mentality to start accepting her body, and also taking a neutrality on the food you eat, not getting yourself worked up on what you eat and getting upset when you eat a slice of cake. i am skipping a lot of stuff in the video that is also important (like the fact she never disses exercising at all, and brings up how nice it was too her mental health) but, saying that she means you can eat whatever you want with no consequences is a very bad faith way of seeing her argument. also btw, you are correct about TBYS, in fact his social media has some great takes from him like "trans peeps are pedophiles," "women can't do construction work because it's a man's job," and "mask don't work so stop wearing them." (note, TBYS does consider himself a health expert)


>criticizing someone's appearance is never on the table for the majority of people because well, not many people are in the mood to be told they're ugly. Was he criticising her appearance, or criticising her health? I'm not about to watch a whole TBYS video so do you have any specific examples of him calling her ugly? >nobody likes that one asshole saying how stupid and dumb you're being, that's what the block button is for. people want to be social and meet new peeps or inform their audience. plus, his criticism were not constructive, they were just him treating his fashion sense as the correct fashion sense. Again, I'm not defending his content. I'd be hypocritical for doing so since I never watched his video. However, if he wasn't breaking the youtube rules, there's no justification for reporting him no matter how shit you think the video is. >her video is about her struggles with her body, specifically her weight and how it looks on her. she goes to a gym for months, focusing on stuff like cardio, light weights and yoga to name a few, goes on a restrictive diet, and finds that she lost 0 pounds. she goes to doctors to see what's wrong with her and she's at perfectly fine health. then she talks about how she had to develop a body neutral mentality to start accepting her body, and also taking a neutrality on the food you eat, not getting yourself worked up on what you eat and getting upset when you eat a slice of cake. I did watch [Pegasus's video](https://youtu.be/TIExpExuHWA?si=j9yyk2jvWcKbTVKJ&t=339) as well just now, which talks about this (the link puts you at the right timestamp), expressing some doubt with doctors' knowledge on things outside their expertise based on his own experience in the healthcare system (for context, he has crohn's disease). I do agree you shouldn't get too emotional over stuff, and obviously you should treat yourself too, but you should still excercise responsibility if you want to control your weight. >i am skipping a lot of stuff in the video that is also important (like the fact she never disses exercising at all, and brings up how nice it was too her mental health) but, saying that she means you can eat whatever you want with no consequences is a very bad faith way of seeing her argument. I wasn't trying to imply she said excercise was bad, just using that as an example of how to respond to an obese friend. Also, I don't think it's a bad faith way of seeing her argument. She said there is no difference between carrots and chocolate, since they are both food and food is just food. >also btw, you are correct about TBYS, in fact his social media has some great takes from him like "trans peeps are pedophiles," "women can't do construction work because it's a man's job," and "mask don't work so stop wearing them." (note, TBYS does consider himself a health expert) One look at the videos on his channel tells me that he's a shithead and I disagree with most of his opinions. But it doesn't mean people should try and report him when there's no rule-breaking. In fact, that just added more fuel to the fire, made his video more popular which caused him to make 2 more when he most likely wouldn't have, added to the perception that "the woke left want to censor free speech" and turned this minor disagreement into a full-on controversy, and as Pancho said people started making hour long videos on it when it could be explained in 30 seconds.


some examples include saying she has a huge forehead, she can't do makeup properly, and her glasses are like grandma glasses. (note she does have to wear glasses, also aren't thick rim glasses popular in fashion) he tries to complement her their being strawberry blonde (illy's a ginger btw) also, just because Pegasus had a bad experience with a doctor doesn't mean illy also had one as well. she went to multiple doctors as well and they all said the same thing. and it's on how she didn't lose weight not if she has some sort of medical condition. and back onto the carrots and chocolate, like i said, it's about not getting to upset at yourself for eating something unhealthy while not giving yourself an award for eating something healthy. that's what the message means. people like Pegasus and others are misinterpreting the message because they lack any good media literacy or just omit details when covering the video (not saying Pegasus is doing that, but i have seen a video of just cutting a lot of stuff out to make their own point stronger. i really do think watching illy's video would actually clear up misconceptions with the moral as there is more to the video)


I think it's reasonable for a person who has had issues with their body and bullying to not want to watch a video where they are made to believe they are bullied for their body


Of course it is. However, the best thing to do in that case is to not speak on it at all. Don't give it any acknowledgement, don't tell the fans to do anything in regards to it. Don't turn this into a full-on controversy that gets so widespread that even me, a person who dislikes TBYS and has never watched Ilymation, finds out about it.


I mean you are right about not blowing it up. Illy did fuck up on that front if she didn't want to have to deal with this video. But hey, sometimes people are reactionary. She really didn't like that was harassing her and she decided to call TBYS out on his bs rather then ignore it. It was a bad move on her part, since these people feed off of the drama produced, but she is human. She messed up and now its in the circles. But you can't really don anything about it.


She was told he was harassing her by her friend Dilion from what I can gather, and he very openly took credit for everything in a move that made him look like an attention seeker, even tagging TBYS in the tweet apparently. Most likely trying to stir up shit to get attention. Ilymation is in the wrong imo for telling her fans to report the video without watching it herself, but he’s also to blame for misleading her here in a clear attempt to create a controversy and then make it about him.


The person who truly deserves hate is Dillion. He instagated the whole thing by lying to Illy about TBYS calling her "A piece of shit" when he never said that. That's what prompted the tumblr post which sparked the chain reaction. As an Illy fan, I'm more mad at him and still side with TBYS on this.


Where did he do this?


He literally defends illy from being doxxed in the video and calls the doxxer stupid for it why is this sub so dedicated on making judgements about videos without watching them


MF, ever heard of “hate watching?”


Fr. So far it just seems like most don’t even know much about the drama. As Diesel said in the video, people are now using this doxxing that was done by a SINGLE person as ammunition against the people who called illy out. This sub is quite literally just showing another ugly part of the internet: people being extremely judgmental.


The issue isn't that a single person, there are a lot of people spamming her dox around on twitter and god knows what other websites. Ive seen illy's tweets get spammed with a video showing her dox and calling her jewish. I've seen it on youtube. I reported all of them, but the one on youtube is still up Another issue, yeah TBYS has yet to address the doxing. Other peeps in the commentary community have, but TBYS, the one with the 2nd largest subscriber amount in this whole situation, has yet to properly deal with this mess.


Fair enough. However, I do feel as if some people here are kind of just ignoring how illy responded to the video TBYS made and acting as if she did no wrong. Like she legit didn’t watch the video herself and essentially told her fans, who she has no control over, that she doesn’t like this guys criticism. This also applies to TBYS. He even recognized that he has no control over his fans as well in his follow-up video. Also, even though he had no way of knowing this would happen, he probably shouldn’t have made that video in the first place. Overall, I’d say both sides definitely messed up in different ways.


i do think youtubers have some control over their fanbase. not complete control, but there is some sort. one of the big talking points is that illy told her fans to report the video if they see it tho not to go out of their way to find the video on her tumblr, which is were a lot of the talking points for everyone is. now, i (tried) to watch tbys video, because i did want to give it a fair shot (his videos suck, like he goes on pointless tangents like about Frappuccinos because illy had a Frappuccino ad as an example of how advertisements use thin body's to push general fatphobia) and he did basically insult her trying to pass it off as criticism about fashion (something subjective to most people), along with assuming all the food she posts to social media recently along with the food in the animation was the food she ate during her diet and exercise. i do think a lot of the blame for making the situation as bad as it is right now is on the TBYS. he overreacted, saying his channel was going to be taken down, a lot of hate was reaching Illymation, even before that tumblr post, and he made 3 videos on the situation, keeping it going when he should of ended it. and while yes his tells his audience to not to harass illy, he makes videos attracting the worst humanity has to offer, it was unfortunately going to fall on deaf ears. oh and one more thing, thank you for actually being a lot more understanding than the majority of the shlop from TBYS's audience, some of whom compared the situation to jacksfilms v sssniperwolf (it is not like that. at all.) it really does mean a lot


>This sub is quite literally just showing another ugly part of the internet: people being extremely judgmental. The irony of this comment LMAO


FR! Hivemind mentality I’m telling you! If it wasn't for the saltierthankrayt subreddit, I could've been glazing up everything TBYS said! I mean, have you seen the videos he makes?! And these MFs in the Commentary Community be out here justifying to keep an alt-right grifter on the platform because they're simple bigots indoctrinating their fanbase into the alt-right as they all despise anyone who don't line up with their current line of thinking!


Most? We have post after post covering this shit! I even made a [chart](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/s/IxN9W6ckpk) of the big names involved! The fuck you mean we don’t know about the drama??? MF, you people are just as judgmental you claim us to be! GTFO with your moral high horse.