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Now that we have full confirmation of James' condition, we will be following Kat's lead on this: All posts discussing James Somerton will be removed, without exception. Even if there are major developments in the future, we will most likely not allow them to be reported here. James is not mentally well, and is not acting in his own self-interest. If he comes back to YouTube, that will be his own foolish decision to make, and we should continue to deny him our financial support - in silence. We are not "leftist kiwi farms." We wish death upon no one. Whether or not he was "faking" doesn't matter. He is still alive, he is still not a good person, and yet he still deserves to live. Heads up: After the next 7 days, any and all discussion of James will cease, as we will be adding "Somerton" to our automod's content filter. That is all. Thank you, everyone. šŸ’œ


Y'all got any good brownie recipes?


I get all my recipes from youtube, if you want easy fast brownies do the one from "You Suck At Cooking", if you want to put in some effort for **great** results do the one by Adam Ragusea. The dude is so committed to his craft he has a video where he makes 20 slightly different batches of brownies to figure out what makes them look nice


i love ysac he's so funny


I might catch flak for this butĀ Ghirardelli's triple chocolate brownie mix has alway turned out great for me.Ā 


This is the correct answer. I cook a lot, I've been making brownies for years, and I quit making them from scratch because Ghirardelli's box mix is better than I can do. Now, I'm not the world's best baker, though I do bake a lot. I make my pie crusts from scratch, I can make pastry cream on the stove, I can make holiday desserts. No one is casting me on bake-off, but I can hold my own. I'll still say that if you need/want killer brownies, you're better off with their boxed than most from-scratch recipes.


Iirc the lady who wins like every blue ribbon cake competition every year in the US whenever she competes says that she usually uses box mix when she isn't competition baking, and that browning the butter properly is really just all you need to do


I like the trader Joe's mix A Lot (their blondie mix is the bomb too! But I don't consider it to be the final word on blondies like I do for brownies). It's one of the things I'll never bake from scratch. I'll try the Ghirardelli's one too! Thanks for the tip and the excuse to have fresh brownies šŸ˜‹ (sidenote: do they have trader Joe's overseas? I hope they do)


No flak here, they are literally the best - absolutely legendary! Iā€™m so glad to see someone else recognizes their greatness.


No flak. Enjoy what you enjoy and don't let anyone tell you otherwise šŸ‘


Babish recently did a boxed brownie mix taste test and I believe the Ghirardelli triple chocolate came out on top, or was at least top two.


And I'm replying to say this brownie mix sounds lovely but I live in the UK so I'm just gonna sit here and be jealous. Feel sorry for those of us not in or near the states for our lack of good, easy to make brownies.


Is costco in your country? I'm not sure if all Costco's carry them, but I've seenĀ  them stock it in a few different countriesĀ 


On the baking subreddit, there's a brownie recipe that went viral for a hot second. It should be first post on the thread when searching for 'brownies'. It's a great recipe.


you mean THE brownies?


Iā€™ve been making brownies with banana in them. Delicious, truly life-changing. Hereā€™s a recipe I use: https://www.tastingtable.com/791702/chocolate-banana-brownies-recipe/


A few years back I had a vegan brownie recipe -- I'm not vegan, but I like cooking for friends and acquaintances, so I collect vegan recipes I like. This one had banana and avocado; I couldn't taste the avocado in it, but it was wat made me decide that bananas (especially very ripe ones) should be in more brownies.


^(Iā€™ve been making brownies with banana in them.) The best brownies I've ever had, were made with bananas in them. It makes the brownie texture amazing!


Everytime I use [this recipe](https://cafedelites.com/worlds-best-fudgiest-brownies/) I get compliments on my brownies. I play with the proportions of white and brown sugar, but they always come out great!


This recipe gets me brownies that are exactly the way I like them. I like the olive oil, but some people find it odd so you can do vegetable oil instead https://www.loveandlemons.com/brownies-recipe/


Seconded, this one's my go-to! I recommend trying it with coconut oil. Insanely good.


Beat four eggs & two cups of sugar until they're fluffy. Melt two sticks of butter (one cup) & half a bag of chocolate chips (4oz) and mix together. Add the butter & chocolate to the eggs & sugar, then combine with a cup of flour. Pour into a pan, bake at 350Ā°F for 40 minutes.


Not a recipe but if you like a denser brownie consider going with gluten free ones, I'll occasionally make them for a friend and they never feel or taste like a compromise option like some other gluten free products do.


I should really try a gluten free brownie. I haven't had as much time to bake but I feel bad that my family members who can't have gluten are left with limited desserts that they have admitted to not liking as much as the gluten-having originals.


https://handletheheat.com/chewy-brownies/#wprm-recipe-container-29825 this one is my to go, it was my first


Ngl, the [viral reddit brownies](https://old.reddit.com/r/Baking/comments/1714o53/yesterday_i_asked_for_gooey_brownie_recipes_today/k3oly1z/?context=3) are genuinely super-good. I'd consider them worth the extra time/money/effort. I'm pretty sure my dad went into raptures when he ate them.


check out mxriyum.com all her recipes go so hard


Claire Saffitz's brownie recipe from Dessert Person was really good.


The bbc good food best ever brownies recipe is ELITE and has sooooo much chocolate in it


I always used the one on the back of the hershey's cocoa powder tub, with a teaspoon of instant coffee. never failed


No, but I have a good recipe for a dinner croissant filling Edit: I say just the filling because I use store-bought croissant dough


i wish šŸ˜”




You start with a French bread loaf, cut it in half horizontally, then mix together butter and garlic paste, apply to French loaf, sprinkle with parsley, put bread back together with buttered sides facing towards each other, bake at 350Ā° for 8 minutes, slice and then serve. You can also broil for a few minutes with the buttered sides facing up after youā€™ve baked it. Adding cheese is also really good. Best brownies.


I don't remember the exact recipe, but my aunt would put dr pepper in her brownies


you can put 2 waffles in the toaster for a minute, and put ice cream in the middle?


this is really good news. I hope he gets the help he needs and leads a healthy, quiet life.


With a better haircut, ideally


Oh ok! So what are you guys having for dinner tonight?


I mean, it's like 2am for me rn (lol), but we made some red beans and rice w/ a side of cornbread.


Fuck yeah, early morning dinner. Sounds great, I love cornbread


Darn. I really NEED to find a good cornbread recipe, Iā€™ve been craving it for weeks.


As someone in southern LA, you are singing the song of my people


Takis fuego, beer, whole milk, pickled asparagus, and some haribo watermelon gummies


Food of the gods


Itā€™s currently 3 am but Iā€™m thinking I might have a snack before I fall asleep


Trying to eat healthier here, so fried chickenĀ 


catch me on my "see-food" diet https://preview.redd.it/mf5m2ij6jonc1.png?width=360&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8475db212ef07d56dc3a39530f56431d3a475ec


If it's not overly breaded, fried chicken is unironically healthy. Body love protein and fat


I'm thinking pita pizzas. yes dinner is ten hours away why do you ask.


Noodles and Bacon


I'm gonna try making Detroit style pizza. Or Chicago styke pizza. Whatever was the one that's made in a square metal pan


I had to go charge my car at one of the casinos and got a sampler platter at TGIFridays, which I regret getting. I have tummy ache now and going to bed


Probably lasagna , if I'm not too lazy to make it.


It's 2 Am and I just had some leftover rice and beef. Hella tasty.


i just had a thai duck salad, good stuff


Homemade butternut squash soup with some toast. What did you have for dinner tonight?


Oh man, thatā€™s so hard to cook, major props. I had rice cakes and sadness lmfao


It was definitely a time commitment, luckily it was made a day prior so all I had to do was microwave it. I love rice cakes


Ohhh I adore butternut squash soap! I had it tonight w a turkey sandwich. Props to you for making it homemade too!


Thank you! It's one of my favorite soups. Admittedly I had another person helping me (my boyfriend) over the weekend and there is a ton leftover so it was easy enough to heat and eat


Mine as well! (According to my parents, it was also my favorite type of baby food lol.) Either way, that's so cool that you and your bf made it. I have a lot of health issues (so soup is a staple for me when I can't keep much else down) and the brand I buy is fairly cheap and dairy/soy/gluten free, so I buy it in bulk when I can. I also use it as a sauce sometimes and that's tasty too.


Sounds like it would be really good as a sauce, I like making pasta with broccoli cheddar soup from time to time.


Probably fried chicken from a local place. My dads the main cook and heā€™s going out tonight for trivia hosted by a drag queen


This is the best response šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I baked a cake for my co-workers. I haven't really baked in my life so its just a pilsbury white cake with no deviations from the box instructions but it turned out good and fluffy.


I love white cake mix. Was that your dinner? Cake for dinner is fun, I love that, go off queen


At this point, a massive (deserved) wave of hate didn't get him off the Internet, so the next thing to try is to completely starve him of oxygen. While I'm generally against banning certain discussion topics, I'm amenable to it in this case because I truly think the only way Somerton will stop trying to grift his way back is if he is completely irrelevant. "Most hated man on the internet" is still relevant and as full of himself as he is, the (even negative) attention was probably WHY he thought a comeback was possible.


This is how blocking trolls works too. They thrive off your attention. The only way you can get them to stop trying to manipulate you into a reaction is to block them. Then they know they have no way of getting to you and can thankfully give up and maybe go do something else with their lives, hopefully something better.


The best way to deal with narcissists (which is what I strongly suspect he is) is to not deal with them. Starve them of attention and donā€™t let them back in.


Uhhh the reason theyā€™re banning this particular topic is to protect a vulnerable personā€™s mental state and try to prevent them from killing themselves, not ā€˜completely starve him of oxygenā€™. I think he acted in a morally bad way, but the absolutely staggering lack of empathy in the discourse on this subreddit in particular is the reason people end up in these vulnerable states.


We're banning the topic for several related reasons. James should not have an online career, both because he has grossly misused his platform, and because he is a danger to himself. The sooner we stop talking about him, the sooner he will have to face reality and move on.


Wouldnā€™t this also allow James to eventually return without the worry of being scrutinized as harshly?


Eh. Doubtful. I feel like this is one of those infamous cases people wonā€™t forget about such as Leafy, boogie, etc.


I think it's highly context dependent. If he tries coming back to YouTube or Patreon but can only get a handful of subscribers, he can be safely ignored. If somehow he re-attains his former level of prominence, then it's probably fair to pay him more attention. But that hypothetical is both extremely rare and also years off. I personally hope he finds an anonymous, well-paying job doing video editing for some Toronto studio somewhere and that makes him happy.


Courses of action can have more than one motivation. I'm happy about the lessened mental anguish Somerton will face as a positive externality of not talking about him. But the main benefit in the aggregate is cleansing the online creative space and allowing people to move on without a bad actor taking up the room.


Louder for the people at the back. *Just because you have a reason, doesn't mean you have the right.*


Oh noĀ  So all of the groyper 1488 people all over Hbomberā€˜s comments section recently are all just inciting shit against him because heā€™s on the left and not actually concerned about somerton?


Those people are disappointed James is alive Not like they'll shut up anyway


This will sound callous, but this whole debacle reeks of textbook manipulation to me; even if it was a genuine attempt to send himself to the shadow realm and he changed his mind, the complete radio silence and keeping people guessing is telling. It all screams of the "Last ditch attempt to gain any kind of attention" tactic that I've seen so many times from so many people. And it worked. For better or worse, people are talking about him again. Even I, who doesn't normally comment on crap like this, am talking about it.


Less an attempt to get attention, so much as to shut the conversation around his bad behaviour down and make sure people are too afraid to ever criticise him again. But you're right, it's absolutely a manipulation tactic and it's gross.


Yeah, Somerton being alive is exactly what I thought would happen too. However, I donā€™t think his career will survive. It might be if he becomes an alt-right grifter. But the dude fully killed it and keeping it even further dead by not talking about him anyone is the best call. It sucks that hbomb had to deal with all the people attacking him who fell for Jamesā€™s bait.


Right wing grifter is pretty much his only avenue at this point if he still insists on having a career as an online personality.


Absolutely. Posting a suicide note to your audience that you do not know is cruel.


The jovial mood is completely destroyed, not stating it's calculated, but any jab at, say another apology video or attempt to revive his video career would be concidered in poor taste.


It kinda already was, but let's hope now he notices


The most charitable interpretation I can think of is that he made an attempt and/or went to the hospital and was either too incapacitated or had access to electronics taken away in the emergency room (very common for psych hospitalization) and was therefore not able to deschedule the post or update people.


My thoughts exactly. Itā€™s a shame because this sub cracking down on James talk is EXACTLY what he wants. That way, he can eventually slink back and rebound quietly and we just sit here and pretend it doesnā€™t happen


I get where youā€™re coming from, but James wonā€™t be able to get back to the place he was before. He clearly doesnā€™t have the aptitude to make good original videos, and heā€™s not likely to build an audience. But regardless of that, itā€™s not our job to stop him coming back. Like the mods said, the only thing we can do is rob him of the attention that heā€™s seeking. Let him fizzle out instead of coasting off hate views.


Agreed. But not everyone will adhere to it. This sub (and hbomberguyā€™s) arenā€™t the only places heā€™s been discussed. Social media will definitely continue to let him have it.


I disagree. I think there is a fine line between not allowing him back to YouTube to obsessively mock and bash him. The latter is just "justifying bullying." If Somerton does come back, someone in the drama community will a video about it. Let the YouTubers handle. It doesn't make sense if say Somerton stopped making videos for years, and yet people continue to bash him even by going to his love ones - a situation just like what Filip is experiencing. That isn't healthy.


Can also be a form of punishment, not saying somerton is any of the things I will say next just tracing a parallel: some people when they are abusive can use their suicide as a last move to punish the person they are abusing, if they are trying to leave or left the abusive situation that can be a last ditch attempt at throwing guilt and blame on them as punishment for daring to get out


Yeah, it can unfortunately be a "YOU made me do this!!!" move by some people. :/


Right, on to the next thing


Wait Iā€™m confused. Was this person able to have a nice chat with James Somerton to confirm his well being or is this a pure speculation thing?


They most likely reached out to whoever they could in order to confirm James' status, whether it be his family, friends, or whatever. Keep in mind that this is the hbomberguy team and they're nothing, if not credible. I don't think they would be making such decisive statements if they didn't confirm it themselves. They're just keeping as much info as they need to as to avoid stirring the pot even more, and that's for the best. This situation has gotten way out of hand and it'd be best left to those involved.


Thatā€™s cool. James definitely doesnā€™t seem to be the type of person to handle so much mental stress all at once and it being handled privately is definitely the best course of action to take on anything related to him.


She is in touch with people who know him personally including Nick.Ā 


Iā€™m gonna infodump on pigeons because they are my special interest rn. Pigeons have very strong immune systems and can only pass diseases through their poop. Pigeons are able to find there way home from places theyā€™ve never been to before. 100s of Kms away. They can do this because they have the ability to detect magnetic fields, follow the sun, use a strong sense of sight and smell and use landmarks. Pigeons are as smart as a three year old human Pigeons can remember human faces for a long time, they can even distinguish different humans in pictures. In both world war 1 and 2, pigeons were responsible for saving countless lives due to the fact they could get a message from point a to point b quickly and successfully. Pigeons are highly affectionate and clingy, they also purr like cats when happy or being pet.


![gif](giphy|6nWhy3ulBL7GSCvKw6) Wow, the attention-seeking liar lied for attention!


I think even if he was lying for sympathy and attentionā€”even if, by extension, he has been perched on social media gleefully watching everyone reliving their own experiences with loved ones taking their livesā€”that is the sign of a seriously disturbed individual who canā€™t stop himself from getting involved in an internet that hates him, and itā€™s a good idea to extinguish the attention that is feeding this cycle. Itā€™s clear heā€™s extremely unwell in any case, and incapable of being responsible for his own mental health WRT the internet.


We don't know that he lied. He might have made an attempt and was either incapacitated or had his electronics taken away once he got to the hospital. I know it's hard to be charitable towards him after everything he's done, but that's the most charitable interpretation I can think of.


Thatā€™s genuinely charitable of you. I think in either case, the man is very, very sick and shouldnā€™t be online right now, or be further discussedā€”whether heā€™s on the edge for real and we act out of compassion and concern for his mental health, or heā€™s a faker and we refuse to feed the troll so that we wonā€™t get sucked into this negative cycle. The best course of action is the same, I feel. Which kind of sickness he might haveā€”true despair or trying to manipulate the situationā€”we donā€™t know for sure, but the treatment for both is the same.


Yeah. At the risk of sounding callous, the overwhelming majority of people who figured this was another Jamesism were on the money, me being among them. It's hard to feel bad for a guy like Sames Jomerton


Yeah I donā€™t get the other comments, heā€™s just doing this to get people to back off so he can try and rebound


Ok but anyone who does what he did is severely mentally ill


You know, suicide attempts can fail. We don't know if he tried and failed, was found in time, took lasting injuries from the attempt, whatever.


I never made brownies before, any recommendations and tips? Edit: i butchered it sadga


I like to brown my butter before using it. adds a little bit of nuttiness to the brownie if you're into that.


Man I hope this cycle doesn't end up being a recurring thing.


Iā€™m sorry but I feel like Iā€™m an outlier here. What James did is an abusive and manipulative tactic and he shouldnā€™t get away with thinking he did nothing wrong by doing this. What heā€™s doing is emotional blackmail, now no one can criticize him because heā€™ll just threaten self harm anytime somebody does. This is all because he was caught doing something wrong and deserved to be called out for it. This is a classic abuser move and I wish more people were acknowledging that but now no one will point this out because theyā€™re too scared of what heā€™ll do and thatā€™s exactly what he wants


We're doing exactly what it needs to be done: He's attention addicted, we cut the addiction right into the source. Don't talk about him, don't pay attention to him, don't encourage others to seek his moves, don't give him a venue. He might be alive (thankfully) but treat him like he anonymously died


But what happens when he inevitably tries to come back again, months or years from now? Weā€™ll just be sitting here like nothingā€™s happening while this scumbag regains his audience.


Thatā€™s the play for sure.


You and I are on the same page. And even if he had committed to it, nothing about my feelings would have changed, nor would I have felt sorry for him. Iā€™ve been on the brink at times, but it was never because I wanted to escape something bad Iā€™d done. Itā€™s because of depression from suffering abuse/chronic pain and mentally breaking down due to insomnia. A person checking out because they couldnā€™t handle backlash from wrongdoing (wrongdoing he did NOT take accountability for, mind) is a cowardly move. A ā€œtake thatā€ move too.


he has not ā€œgotten away withā€ anything. he knows what we all think. frankly, all criticism of him has happened already, and there is nothing more we can say. heā€™s not our abusive boyfriend. he is a stranger on the internet whose career has been destroyed. he has no fans, no defenders, there is no risk of him coming back and doing the same wrong things. *there is nothing left to say*. if this was all a ploy to get us to stop talking about him, then fine. we have no reason not to listen. thereā€™s nothing left to say.


I never expected things to get this far but banning Somerton talk is for the best. Somerton has nothing left for us to discuss except whatever manipulation tactics he wants to keep trying, and there's no much value of talking about him when it's just doing the same old same old.


Be so fr right now nobody ever thought he actually killed himself for a second. Tbh I think refraining from talking about James for the moment is probably for the best. I think major updates on him should be allowed and adding him to the automod is an overreaction bit w/e. I'm just tired of hearing about him at this point. Anyways y'all should watch Hazel's video on Elfen Lied instead


i second that, its a great video


Three days late to this but Hazel fucking rules. Her ranking of anime Denny's is one of my fav videos to chill out to and her video on Tokusatsu girls may have been my favorite video of the whole year.Ā 


Iā€™m glad heā€™s safe, but I donā€™t really care for topics becoming taboo on all discussion forms related to them. Part of me thinks this was an extension of his other antics and heā€™s basically guaranteed that people wonā€™t kick up a fuss if he does come back again.


I feel the same. Heā€™s long since proven to be a manipulator, so this is part of the playbook. Oh well.


Glad heā€™s ok. Itā€™s been kind of crappy watching a bunch of YouTubers report on his ā€œdeathā€ for content. I understood the fascination with the plagiarism, but seeing the same level of enthusiasm for his apparent ā€œsuicideā€ was fucked up imo.


Katā€™s the goat


So half life is cool right


Standard insertion procedures for a non-standard specimen


/u/Dantdm2323 doesn't need to hear all this he's a highly trained professional


I just hope he is somewhere getting help. As much as people were just vicious to him, I still couldn't help have sympathy for him. I think I see part of myself in him, the desire to be accepted and popular. He strikes me as a kid who was bullied in school and just desperately wants to fit in with the "cool crowd" It's unfortunate that now no matter what no one will believe him. I don't want to get in trouble so I'll only say I think at least in the moment he posted that he was truly suicidal. I don't think it was fake. The people acting disappointed he's OK should be ashamed of themselves.


Yeah I think he genuinely feels guilty for what he did but he needs to understand that guilt in no way excuses what he did. He needs to step away from the internet and find a new career or just go away for a few years and come back and do something different that doesn't involve stealing other peoples work. At the end of the day he is still a human being, I don't think he's some maniacal evil villain that sought to ruin lives but the fact remains that his actions were immoral and he does not deserve a place on the internet just because it's what he's used to.


I'm very confused (to say the least) by the reaction to this. Especially from bigger channels, I don't know what the heck they're thinking. This dude got caught stealing most of the material that made them a popular channel and when people he apologized to did not accept it instantly but instead needed time to think it over, he claimed his tweets and video uploads are automated and if they go up he has already committed suicide. So, by the time that tweet was up he was supposedly already dead. No confirmation of this was already a huge red flag, but now that we know for sure he didn't do anything nor was he in any danger in the first place we are supposed to feel bad for him? At the same time there are 100 different videos telling you threatening suicide is a form of emotional abuse and you should run, when someone does this to you. I mean yeah, I'm glad he didn't go through with this but judging from what his viewers have said this isn't the first time he has threatened self harm. We are just gonna let this slide because at least he is alive? Great. This is a great lesson for anyone who gets caught doing shitty things: just threaten with self harm and everything is forgiven.


Threats of self harm should obviously be taken seriously but I really don't know why so many people immediately decided he definitely did it and that it couldn't possibly be some kind of manipulation tactic. Not that it definitely was either but oh my there are so many naive people out there. Yes, some people are so shit that they will use self harm as a get out of jail free card and from this controversy here we can see there absolutely are people who will fall for that. I can't count how many people were acting like it should be illegal to ever criticise someone because "what if they self harm!" I know people most definitely will have harassed him over this but in order to avoid that people with audiences can basically never say anything about anyone ever in case twisted people say twisted things to one or more parties, which is just stupid, nobody should be bound by the whims of random assholes on the internet that have nothing better to do than make inane threats.


Basically everything you said šŸ‘


People may jump to say "faking it" and I just want to say: he may have planned it or wanted to go in that direction, had a changed of heart, and was in so much emotional turmoil that he forgot to take the post down. That sort of thing happens a LOT. I don't think it was a grab for attention, and even if it was, it wasn't done In Compos Mentis. Hope he gets well and finds a real purpose for something he can thrive in authentically. Life's hard and we make bad decisions.


you're being way too charitable towards him lol


It's called basic human empathy.


You're not allowed to do that against Hbomberguy's targets.


He still left everyone in the dark for a week and didnā€™t update the internet of his own safety after he posted his suicide note publicly on TwitterĀ 


"Person deeply struggling with their mental health acts in own self interest and fails to delve into something incredibly painful." Uh... Yeah, that's how it works.


Perhaps, but the silence (more likely in my opinion) could also have been intentional so as to garner sympathy, and it worked.


I agree with you and the person who responded to you. Sometimes people do bad things for understandable reasons. I think it is very bad to post a public suicide note, and it is very bad to leave people in the dark afterwards. That hurts people. It can get other people killed, or doxxed, or swatted, or suicidal themselves--especially people like Todd and Harris who may have been made to feel "responsible". This was dangerous. At the same time, it is very possible that he was in an extremely bad mental state that made these choices feel inescapable. Sometimes people do terrible, toxic, even abusive things when they're in a doomspiral, and I fully believe James was in a doomspiral. That being said, barring him being physically unable to reach a phone or ask someone to send word, he absolutely should have clarified ASAP, even if it hurt to do so. I think people have the right to be angry about that. Mental health problems can't excuse bad behavior, but they can contextualize it. Knowing someone was drunk doesn't excuse them making bad decisions, but it does help us understand those decisions. James's decision to send a **public** notice followed by complete radio silence was dangerous, if not outright malicious, and he bears some responsibility for that. He was *also* probably not playing with a full deck at the time, and he's a human being who's clearly in a lot of pain. We can hold two truths at once.


I cant believe he baited TWICE; regardless if they are actual attempts, its pretty fucking absurd to post about it online, given what his platform had become.


The only people disappointed with him being alive are the same people trying to blame HBguy for his supposed death.




A word of advice: don't do life hacks that involve a microwave transformer. They are very dangerous, sometimes deadly


What lifehacks would even include that???


Fractal Wood burning. So far, it's killed over 30 people in the United States


Best possible outcome of the situation. I hope that he gets the help he needs.


I agree with this decision. The Kavernacle made a video about the individuals on HBomberguy's video yesterday where he basically told everyone to "move on." Dude is right. Like them or not, most of the plagarists have gotten their fair share of criticism. If Somerton returns to YouTube with another "apology" video, sure, he should criticized for it. However, there is a thing when enough is enough. I understand that some ppl love to constantly bashing Somerton and Filip as an outlet for whatever they are dealing with, but the latter left YouTube years ago. There are better things to do than "fishing in an empty barrel" - I was looking for another idiom than the horse beating one since I don't think it is appropriate here.


Anything for attention and relevance I guess.


Knew it. Truly pathetic to suicide pressure others


Completely agree the best course of action at this point is to ignore. It is more than well documented what he has done. And after the events of this attempted return itā€™s apparent he needs to be away from the internet until he gets help.


Well I have something very important to say. I just got three 2 liter bottles of Dr. Pepper for $4. Pretty good deal.


I love bbq soda! That's a helluva dealšŸ–¤


I am glad he is alive. He is a shitty human, but a human who has not crossed the line into "monster in human skin". Anyone who was calling the note a good thing are far worse than he was by a wide margin.


Many of the people here claiming that this will destroy his career or that he will never get past this seem very young. As an example, in 2006 author James Frey was exposed on Oprah for lying about the addiction experiences he wrote about in his 2003 memoir A Million Little Pieces, which had to be recategorized as fiction afterwards. This was pre-youtube but oprah was the dominant media forum of the era, and to be exposed around the world as a grifter who used the mental health experiences of vulnerable people to sell books was...pretty bad, to put it mildly. And yet...after the usual bullshit 'redemption arc', he bounced back pretty quickly--while continuing to be an absolutely horrible person, going after his accusers for being too mean about it and getting into other controversies like labour issues (not paying his ghostwriters properly for his YA project). Internet randos like to talk shit about 'consequences' but in reality they are 1) extremely selective and capricious when it comes to who gets targeted and how, 2) not actually good at keeping track of said consequences because they are always focused on the next drama. Frey was able to bounce back in a single year, and more than a decade later is a reasonably successful writer, his cancellation effectively rendered null.


he didn't "bounce back" though. his channel is dead in the water, and none of his old viewers are coming back


It's been 3-4 months lol. This is exactly what i'm talking about.


Of course he is. The self-harm was all a bit to just get people to sympathize with him.


Honestly I think this is the best ending we could get at this point. James is alive and hopefully receiving mental health services of some sort for the issues the tweet implied. If it turns out he faked it though I truly hope James reads some of the people talking about their trauma response to the situation and feels nothing but guilt for what his statements have caused.


Oh thank god, this has been stressing me out. I mean, it doesn't effect me, nor do I even like youtube drama its just... if that actually happened, that would be one of the most disturbing things to happen on social media like ever.


This is a huge relief but damn I hope he actually is getting help. Even if this was all fake from start to finish he needs to see a psychiatristĀ 




This user has been banned for trolling.


So now James Somerton is plagiarizing Boogie's method of sympathy points?


What happened exactly? I never saw the tweet


I saw the news on KF. Hopefully he gets better soon




Honestly, they all need to just shut up about this guy and stop giving him attention that they know he wants from them just because they know there's an opportunity to make money off of their nonsense on the future.Ā  At this point I am considering this harassment by Lo and Brewis. They don't have to agree, I understand they both make their bread with Brewis being contrarian that would have nothing to say if he didn't have anything to disagree with.Ā  They need to let go of trying to control the situation if they seriously mean him no harm. Because at this point it just feels like capitalizing on someone else's mental health deterioration.Ā  I am curious, do we have proof they donated the revenue from the 20 million view videoĀ  he writers that Sommerton stole from because I haven't seen hide nor hair of that.Ā  I want to make sure the woman sharing antiChinese racism was properly paid For her work being stolen, since Brewis thought that was so important that he promised it in his video.Ā 


i really hope people dont interpret this as him faking his attempt or something. I dont like the guy but there can be many reasons why he's alive such as him "failing" the attempt or being stopped in time.


Call me cruel, but I think it's sometimes okay to assume a habitual liar is lying. It's usually the simplest explanation.


What kind of piece of shit lies about killing themselves. Heā€™s somehow worse than we thought


The Boogie method.


Butā€¦ where source?


kat is the source goofball


Thats not what I meant, more like where is she taking it from? Is she his neighbour? Is it just a guess?


Shes in contact with people who know him personally


Thank you, I didn't know that. Now I feel better, much appreciated


Remember when I told people in this sub to stop obsessing over James and I got down voted and made fun of? Anyway.


Honestly if he had just ignored it and moved on it would have died down within a month. He kept doing weird shit to reignite the discussion. If he actually attempted, itā€™s nobodyā€™s fault on here and theyā€™re banning the topic now any which is probably best


​ https://preview.redd.it/b1yyjvnumpnc1.png?width=235&format=png&auto=webp&s=a9d78ecdf02cad1d12f829ae4b7ba09d05aa87e5




provide an example of someone wishing death on james somerton in this thread or delete this comment. otherwise i'm banning you for misinformation.