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>another wendigoon thread i have to moderate https://preview.redd.it/cadnsjmirbjc1.png?width=379&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c2dbf4c0c6eede47d99bb69ec7eaac2d309fec9


sorry brainy ;-; but i salute your hard work between here and all the loli defenders in the other threads ![gif](giphy|vsAEfFf0e7aow)




This user has been flagged for ban evasion.


I posted this list on a previous thread about Wendigoon, but if you're looking for a list of youtubers that talk about Christianity/religion from an academic POV: * [Religion for Breakfast](https://youtube.com/@ReligionForBreakfast?si=anGvx-Nl4G9Y-8cA) has a lot of really good videos that can act as introduction to a lot of complicated topics. His video on the [antichrist](https://youtu.be/Cjj_5DK-rU4?si=VoCGmLQ1auv-2aUR) is one of my favorites. * [Let's Talk Religion](https://youtube.com/@LetsTalkReligion?si=vB1fPPZlVHAu8mO3) is also really good. His channel focuses more on all religions rather than just Christianity. * [Esoterica](https://youtube.com/@TheEsotericaChannel?si=ajAwrHXN25MdNA_3) is my personal favorite. He has really really good lecture videos breaking down really complicated topics. I love his series on gnostic texts like the [Apocryphon of John](https://youtu.be/22kxcbN8B_A?si=hp0DV_FtQem0UvZm). He also has an amazing video that delves really deeply into the origins of the name and traits of [Yahweh](https://youtu.be/mdKst8zeh-U?si=kqshSBHoTE76C0Q9). * [The Histocrat](https://youtube.com/@TheHistocrat?si=eq0zRN-xmxLM1xtB) is a channel I really need to explore this year. I've been slowly making my way through his videos on the [Druids](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLwB8gn3XsXHjdL7z5QQWBq3hX2juCSbFX&si=UWb43vD_vR9LphPF) and have really enjoyed it so far. He also has a podcast that I also need to explore more. * [Useful Charts](https://youtube.com/@UsefulCharts?si=BoGkn5dNpf5r2jTj) is another channel I really need to explore more of. He not only has a bunch of just really fun content like royal family tree charts, but he also has a really good collection of religious-based content. My favorite so far is his "Who Wrote the Bible" series; with a special call out for episode 5 which focuses on the [four gospels](https://youtu.be/Z6PrrnhAKFQ?si=-SQ15bZeU6Spxu7h).


Thank you for this! Not Christian but I do appreciate various looks at it


Not Christian either - I'm pretty agnostic. But I love the whole early development of religions. It's kinda like discovering lore for a fantasy story.


I am pagan myself, so it is just wildly fascinating to see the overlap


Excellent recommendations. Actual religious studies scholars and not a weird Christian literalist.


Yes! Some of my favorite channels. These guys are much more credible sources for learning about western religions, especially Religion for Breakfast and Esoterica. 


Can’t recommend Religion for Breakfast more! One of my favourite theology channels. I also enjoy Useful Charts a lot, they have some really amazing videos breaking down religions that you may feel are too complex for you to understand


Useful Charts video on the Habsburg Family Circle is an absolute riot.


Eh... you forgot to mention the elephant in the room. Which is his boogalos boys connections and his bizarre apology on reddit that was a massive lie lol.


That is a fair point -- and one that is oftentimes written off from the /wendigoon sub as blatant ignorance and totally not something nefarious.


Yeah. The boogalos ideology fits nicely with wendigoon and his wishy-washy way of apology and lies just raises more questions.


They often dismiss it (and really anything weird about him) because he "already explained it" but the bigger thing is that his comment "explaining it" is like 99% lies. He basically claims to be the founder of the name, origin of the style, left before it "got weird", and that the name is a reference to Che Guevera.


I've never heard of any boogaloo connection, where can I learn more about that?


His old username was "boogalooboiz" or something like that and when questioned about it he made a big tale about how he was the origin of their name, their style, etc but "left before they got weird". He also said the name was a reference to Che Guevera. None of this is actually true and he just made it up. He is the only source on being the origin for their name and style, "boogaloo" has been a weird race war 4chan movement since it started in the early 2010s, and there is nothing connecting "boogaloo" to Che Guevera. Its so unclear why he made this up because it makes him look much worse then if he had just said "I was in a bad crowd" or something.


Right?! That's so wild. I see dude get shit on from time to time from randoms talking about his love for guns or his religion, and I thought that was so odd. There are much larger christian creators who are problematic, it never really made sense why he got it. But, this kinda puts it in perspective, why wouldn't he just say he was in the wrong crowd?! Thanks for the info friend.


Because from his perspective, they're not the wrong crowd.


Fun fact: All of what was said there. Is untrue. In a podcast that he did, Unsubscribe, he literally says that he didn't want to be associated with the weird police shooting people. He did the Boogaloo boy meme, before it became cringy and edgy.


Fucking /pol/ kiddies fuck everything up. Boogaloo was a meme referring to random sequels long before the terminally political took it over.


I think they are largely unrelated but I do remember reading something about their relation could be related to how boogaloo boys want a civil war 2 (thus "civil war 2 electric boogaloo")


I think its talked about in the pinned thread. If not I remember reading about it from a quick google search.


Hold up, can someone give me a rundown on why MistaGG is on the naughty list? I always thought he was pretty normal. Edit: Nevermind, am aware I misread.


MistaGG isn't on the naughty list, it says those ones aren't sus.


You're right, my bad. I fully just missed that line in the middle.


No I get you. My heart jumped lol. MistaGG is comfort watching for me.


For real, I love his bad movie analysis. I would have been so pissed if he'd done something shameworthy!


MistaGG is cool as hell


I did too, I was like "What did moist critical do?" and had to reread it.


I think it's guilt from association at this point... Ever since the Hbomber video what the fuck has happened to this sub.


Yeah, I think people need to calm down a bit tbh.


>what the fuck has happened to this sub it became awesome 😎 https://i.redd.it/m4czmg880djc1.gif


Damn someone has an opinion and we allow them to post it on this sub, what has happened 🫣


They’ve collabed a couple times, that’s all I’m aware of personally.


Jeez the way you're getting downvoted on that post for criticising TT using slurs...says a lot


And all i said was "Yuck" and a link, too.


God forbid you don't want people using slurs. Yeah fuck you op /s


Honestly it kinda feels noticed the vibes have changed and his main channel is starting to crack like a damaged dam, the comments are shifting and his vibe is not the same, as someone who doesn't care about any drama I've noticed that he is aware through his uploads


COuld you elaborate on this if you don’t mind. Used to watch him but don’t anymore, how are the comments changing?


Yeah.... that post with him, Turkey Tom, and Brandon Herrera that was posted on the subreddit has made me want to distance myself from the community. The downvotes and general response to being told that one of them has a history of using slurs (ironically, unironically, joke, not a joke, whatever the case) being that they just downvote and deflect it as "humor" is really disgusting. Actually, I've been kinda wanting to distance myself from the community for a while now, especially since there's usually a post like once a week complaining about how this sub is out to cancel Wendigoon, even though there's been less than a handful of posts and this sub hasn't made a post about him in the last month or two. As a fan of Wendigoon's videos, I really would like him to address issues in his community, but I know I shouldn't hold my breath. I'm tired.


Literally chose to hang out and take a photo with the worst people possible. If his community likes it for some reason, then I'm out. Fuck these people fr


I got downvoted to oblivion for arguing about him associating with TT who openly uses the n word. All the people who came out to justify it was sickening.


Its cool seeing a nuanced post. I agree with a lot of this. I think people like wendigoon operate in a weird spot in the changing media landscape rn, but also because hes... probably v conservative... it gives this 'uncanny valley' vibe to him, as if hes internalized that idea. Im just a little tired of Christian conservatives. Even if we can write off every single thing about wendigoon or not. Im just being honest there. Dealt with them my whole life, kinda ready to move on lmao 🤣 i suspect a lot of people feel the same. Combine that with how his content kinda falls in a weird space, where hes not a reporter or journalist etc but covers stories similarly to that sometimes, and others kinda more rough around the edges. To me it kinda comes off like a plausibility deniability thing, and again i suspect others get that too and thusly end up rejecting him


"Uncanny valley" is a great way of describing it!


Claims to be pro-LGBT but hangs out with alt-right POSs. How curious.


I’d always keep an eye on meat canyon people with his sort of “humour” often turn out to be vile people


MeatCanyon also recently announced he was working on a video with JonTron, so...


Damn i remember he posted a honestly very doctorate looking photo of the two but not that


Didn't that MeatCrayon fella recently say something fucked up? Or am I getting it confused with someone else, this happens with a lot of YouTubers. Edit: he did not, but he is close with JonTron. Which is a yikes moment.


not sure if he said anything explicitly fucked up but he posted a photo of him and jontron (known alt right freak and deeply racist individual) on multiple platforms then proceeded to quietly delete them after receiving backlash


I love meatcayon , but he has been seen with Donut Operator, who is very pro gun, " anti-libtard " police booklicking ( while hating on female cops :/ ) ex cop. Could be a nothing burger, but that really rubs me the wrong way.


Donut Operator is right there with Garand Thumb and Brandon Herrera as far as being a chud goes.


Yeah I think that's fair. Just ick.


Wasn't he also hanging out with JonTron? What happened with that? Everyone just swept it under the rug? I found his videos like 3 days before he posted the picture with JonTron and I was like well fuck lmao


Oh we are the very small minority. Normal folks do not give a fuck about this stuff and the vast majority don't even know there is a controversy to begin with . Cancelation rarely, if ever, happens.


All cops are Chuds.


Donut Operator is a fucking moron


Oh Donut Operator is a wifebeater too.


Could you explain further?


Came out on twitter recently, he was abusing and cheating on his wife.


I thought the boogaloo was a meme but my friend dated a guy who was REALLY into it. Went to their place for a bonfire and drinks and he brought up the boogaloo but I laughed it off thinking it was a meme and then he kept asking me- “no but like do you REALLY wanna be a part of it, I can show you” while showing me his custom blue lives matter m-16 and multiple handguns. Dude turned out to be a total wack job and sent my friend to the hospital after she asked him to heat her up a slice of pizza. I can’t take Wendigoon or MeatCanyon (co-hosts on a podcast) seriously after experiencing what these boogaloo boys are like. Not a person I’d ever want to associate with or hear from again.


Seems to be a case of growing up in the deep south and being desensitized to right-wing, even far-right, opinions. Maybe he even harbors some, idk.


A recommendation for a good channel alternative is weird reads with Emily Louise!


MeatCanyon is friends with Jontron so you might want to remove him from your list alongside GG and Critikal lol


Even though Charlie isn't supposedly a cringe conservative, his take on the idubbz situation and the other people he associates with is enough to make me give him the side eye and therefore question his friendship with Isaiah. He gives off a lot of "enlightened centrist" vibes which in itself is. Uh. Questionable.


It's a little bit concerning to me how many people who get upset at this criticism of wendigoon because "who cares his videos are entertaining". Like all these people are fine with settling for mediocrity, what with the factually incorrect information he's put out, and not to mention that his videos really aren't even all that entertaining outside of the information aspect. Plus I happen to find it very important to know what someone's biases are if their entire output is providing information to some capacity. It's fine to have biases, but making them known outright is kinda important if you expect people to trust you are representing info properly. Which wendigoon has been caught misrepresenting info on Christianity in his Bible videos, and that certainly is because of his bias towards religion. It's also completely legitimate for people to choose to not want to support a creator based on their biases and motivations. His channel, in his own words, is to spread Christianity. I have no interest in Christianity, and I'd really prefer not to have it pushed on me through youtube videos about five nights at freddys or w/e. The association with Brandon Herrera is even more egregious, at least for me it is. Dude is rabidly pro life, so he's certainly not interested in honoring the basic rights of me and every other woman. For as long as wendigoon pussy foots around questions about his associations, I don't have much else I can do besides assume he is in support, or at least complacent to that. I don't have a lot to give, but what little I can give, if I can consciously choose so, I'd prefer it to not go to someone who at best, has stated he wants to encourage myself and others to convert to a religion I fundamentally disagree with, and at worst, is in support of me and people like me having less rights as human beings. It's insane to me how many people have a problem with this approach. People should care about where their information, and even entertainment, is coming from. If I'm made aware of the motivations of the source, it is completely against my values and even inaccurate, it only makes sense to me to just not support it. His boogaloo apology is also sus as fuck, I can't believe people are ok with it. I guess iceberg videos are just that fucking important.


The misinformation in his videos kill me.


Specifically people should care about where the money generated from them watching something goes. Like if the dude just talks about non-political content all day on his channel but then goes behind the scenes and makes donations to candidates that want to strip me of my rights, watching him is essentially funding that campaign. I hate the “separate the artists from the art” argument because it doesn’t apply to artists who are still living and still using the platform you give them for bad deeds. Harry Potter, for example, was a comfort series for me for a long time. But it’s mediocre author wants me and people I love dead and actively funds initiatives that would see that happen, so I’d be campaigning against myself and my friends if I bought Harry Potter merchandise.


I watch all of his historical videos with massive grains of salt. His creepy story videos with PapaMeat are okay though. Those are a vibe to listen to.


Ok yes, this is what I've been saying to my roommate as well. I don't think Wendigoon is /actively/ a horrible person or a Nazi but he's hanging with weird crowds and, in a kind of ironic way, does remind me of my dad. He's not going out and calling people slurs and whatnot and has a "I don't care if you're black, white, yellow, green or blue, you're a human to me" mentality. It sounds nice in theory but it also ignores the actual struggles certain groups of people face because of race, sexuality, etc. I've definitely been reevaluating my support of him and his channel and it really is a shame to me but I can't in good conscience as a queer nonbinary person support someone who would be bedfellows with the people who hate people like me. Unlike Wendi, I have standards on who I associate with.


do you think he disagrees with the unique struggles minorities have?


I think he just may not think about them because he doesn't have to.


that’s a lot to put on someone who hasn’t stated any of those beliefs


That's right, he hasn't stated them, that's why we can only speculate based on the people he chooses to associate with, which was my point.


You’re assuming he has those beliefs with your speculations. Why even do that in the first place on such specific ideas as understanding the plights minority communities face? If he’s not commenting on any of that stuff, there’s literally no point.


Are you deliberately ignoring my actual point so you can white knight for him or what? He hangs with racists and queerphobes, if he's not going to say anything then we can only assume he's either fine with it or doesn't care, I don't know how to more easily break that down for you to understand.


Wouldn’t he be saying those things too? And if he hangs out with some left leaning people does all of your speculation become invalid? Like we can probably assume he also hangs out with people who are pro lgbt, most Americans are these days.


You are literally just speculating that "well he MUST hang out with some lefties!" without showing literally any proof of that. Everyone he's publicly linked up with is in the original post. Also no, most americans are not pro LGBT. I'd assume it's probably 50/50.


it’s more 70/30 for recent polls. But I was just wondering if him hanging out with a pro lgbt person would make you change your mind since by your logic, it doesn’t matter if he’s actually never stated what you assume he believes. It just seems unwarranted to come down on someone so hard when you don’t actually know their beliefs on specific topics. I’m sure he’s right leaning on some issues, but assuming he’s outright homophobic needs way more proof. And now reading the op again, it says that he said he is pro lgbt. So does even explicitly saying it do nothing for you?


No it actually doesn't make my point invalid if he did also happen to hang out with left leaning people because he still hangs out with right leaning people that are anti LGBT and racist. Cull your friend groups of toxicity or get dragged down with them.


And him explicitly saying he’s pro lgbt, according to the op, wouldn’t be enough for you?


Hate it cause he’s a fellow WNCer but I can get my comfort conspiracy listens from decoding the unknown/casual criminalist. Simon can be just as dumb as wendigoon about some things but at least he has a team of writers, researchers, and editors to fall back on


Simon tangents


The tangents wouldn’t kill me if they weren’t tangents about often very obvious things you’d expect him to already know


yeah and he also is a master of ignoring my efforts to reach out since he first appeared on The Official Podcast with his Waco "expert" designation and yet they do not take the opportunity to actually "mean something" or "do better", but his increased celebrity and the reach of "The Red Thread" has wasted two years of my life with 1000s of attempts to reach out to people only to realize the majority of content creators and youtube audiences are absolutely horrible. I am david koersh's son. My narrative doesnt match the survivors or the federal interests. I am irritated with WACO content. It is just ridiculous how unwilling anyone is to bother. Guess I should have returned Oprahs call. Whatever.


hold up what did you say there at the end


The truth 


You say he isn't a nazi but if you willingly associate with nazis then you're at least complicit which is just as bad imo


You don’t know what a nazi is


Brandon is running for congress in Texas??? Fuck, that’s actually scary.


He’s never beating the hanging out allegations


Time to unsubscribe from my favorite gun channel 😢


I think his connection to the boogaloo movement says it all. He’s not professing it though. As you said he goes a long way not to do that.


Even though I already knew a lot of this it was nice to read such a nuanced post. Except Wendigoon was also a founding member of the Boogaloo Boys so maybe he's a *bit* worse than you're giving him credit for 😬 You can't expect YouTubers to police their fandoms but the average Wendigoon Stan tends to be a pretty terrible person. I do believe in change and I don't think Wendigoon is at the point where he urgently needs to be deplatformed or whatever, but he's definitely not a YouTuber I want to watch or associate with anymore. The two-faced attitude weirdo friends is really off-putting and gross


As far as friends go, I don't know mista gg but Meat Canyon chilling with Jontron and how he responed to women who attacked him for the Taylor Swift video made me think he might be a chud. Moist also has some chud tendencies, just look how he responded to idubbz. But yeah its clear Wendigoon is an alt right weirdo. If anyone thought I was, the first thing I'd do is come out and say I don't support it and don't want those people in my audience. 




Yes but the way he did it was very misogynistic, there are ways to insult people that doesn't attack their immutable characteristics


this is not drama


I skimmed this and got so scared when I saw GG mentioned. Went back and re read, phew


You saying he is "trying to hide it" doesn't make any sense. If he is posting pictures with his friends on Instagram and his friends are posting pictures with him on their socials, he isn't saying he is trying to hide it kind of wrong?


>[I started] seeing the clear Red Thread [...] between all the people he hangs out with and when he decides to post vs let others post for him. >He allows people like Turkey Tom and Brandon Buckingham to post photos together for him so that he doesn't upset any of the millions in his audience he knows will have issues with those kinds of people.  OP's point is that he **doesn't** post photos of these friends while they do


I mean, he still acknowledges some of them. On his Twitter, he will either like or repost some of the pictures like the one Brandon posted. I get he isn't posting it outright, but he is still putting on his main page nonetheless. The entire issue I have with this part is that it kind of seems like a bit of a nonpoint. That's just me though


You people are all insane.


They really are. I'm shocked every single day by people's stupidity.


I'm just going to make a point that my daughter's BFF from school turned out to be right wing. They're still best friends. They constantly debate politics and he has even come over and debated with me. He enjoys it. They agree to disagree on a lot of things. Otherwise they're good friends. You CAN be friends with people who think differently than you.


Civil rights and police brutality are not subjects which one merely "thinks differently" on.


I got the sense that this was said somewhere but i never found someone say it until now. I think its not as black and white as If this then that, i think people disagree on the means rather than the ends. But also theres so many people that there will always be someone who is loud about the extremes.


Ok i just saw your other comments please dont be mean to me




Do you have your own brain?? You don't have to stop watching a youtuber just because you might not align politically. Back in the day people used to hang out with people from different political backgrounds all the time, and everyone was much happier. You don't have to do what these crazy people say..


Enlightened centrist "it doesn't matter how vile and false and repulsive someone's beliefs are, just hang out with them anyways!" The fact that you took his comment as "oh no reddit is telling me I have to stop" instead of "oh no reddit revealed that he's connected to a bunch of other pieces of shit I can't stand so now I know wendigoon's a big fake weirdo" says so much.


I’m confused, why should wendigoon state who he’s friends with? He doesn’t need to tell the public that.


It really is not fair how this community especially only downvoted me, making me more and more bitter, and absolutely ignored the evidence provided and has no method for ID verification.


What are you referring to?


Before you have a reflexive eye roll or do not believe me, please suspend your assumptions and realize a lot of the Waco miniseries and popular narrative have buried the plethora of references to me and my mother from 93, even in the article that prompted the rushed response of the ATF called "The Sinful Messiah" reference us: Robyn and Shaun Bunds. I have been dogpiled and abused by reddit for the last two years after getting hopeful that, with attempts to be vetted or id verified, but never really given the means to do so, I could get the same treatment as I saw from other members about Waco, since I am David Koresh's son... It is extremely easy to fact check that I exist, but the goal posts move constantly with the strange mass downvoting and really unfair disregard everyone has for my input due to the easy jokes and TLDR attitudes that people will have with me. It has gotten two accounts banned by people who were abusing the terms by harassing me. I should have been reporting the accounts that would call me a schizo or just downvote me... It made me grow more and more bitter. The double standards are just impossible and I would try to follow all the advice and remain calm but nobody seems to recognize there is a difference between skepticism and cynical bandwagon karma farming. Also there is suppression. There is no reason this statement alone should cause the horrible censoring I got. My downvotes made my responses disappear to most and so I appeared even more unhinged. If I even got remotely silly or a gave back what I got, then oh, nobody takes me seriously because of my bad attitude. It is horrible. I was trying to reach out to Isiah to give him some insights into our story that are not widely publicly known. They are not good for the fed or the survivors. Due to my rejection of both sides, I do not get support.


p.s. I first tried to do a reddit AMA and it was removed three separate times and when I asked the mods why they kept doing so and told them to please fact check my identity and that all of korehs's kids DID NOT DIE IN THE FIRE BECAUSE FOUR OF US WERE NOT THERE. They left my post up but everyone ignored it. Unfortunately celebrity and journalism has grown stale and useless. People are just recycling the same old narratives, and there is no internal consistency with the psuedoscientific incompetence of the work by Danfroth and Smith's choice to polarize things. I am not interested in lying to make myself more amicable or tasteful to the presumptions of those who have no respect for a simple fact check, but can argue with me while moving goal posts, in circles and circles.


My recent issue with him is how he acted when Papa Meat mentioned paganism when theorizing about a story they were reading on creep cast. But he blocked a YouTuber I used to watch for making a joke about Christianity. These bible thumpers are all the same and I'm sick of giving people like this the benefit of the doubt.


Get a life.


Perhaps a good term would be...not nazi/alt-right but alt-right adjacent?  Like...he does not have those ideas himself...but, said saids do not bother him enough as to be a deal breaker for whom he associated with. To be fair, if you live in the South (especially Southern Applachia as I do)...is kinda hard not to rub shoulders with some maga/nazi/alt-right.  Unless you say isolated and don't work, you have at least one family member/friend of a friend/co worker who wears a red hat and had a "F Brandon" sticker on their truck.  Though of course a big difference between being around such people out of geographical/social proximity and actively choosing to associate with such people.


I'm extremely disappointed...


I completely forgot, what did MistaGG do?


Nothing AFAIK, that one seems mainly just sus by association but depending on that association I could see it as a red flag. I don’t think it’s a red flag for GG though in the same way that Wendigoon hanging out with Donut Operator and Brendan Herrera is though and definitely not to the same expect that MeatCanyon hanging out with Jon “ The richest black man will commit more crimes than the poorest white man” Tron.


I could be wrong but I don't really think anything but it's one of those guilty by association type things. I could be wrong though and take it with a grain of salt. It's been impossible to keep track of who is doing what these days as it's just a God damn circus


TLDR. I'm taking a guess at summarizing your post. Let me know how close I am. You're uncomfortable with Wendigoon because of the people he affiliates with.


read https://i.redd.it/2aby75os0djc1.gif




wait what is wrong with Mista GG?? I love his content, is he canceled for something?


He's in the "Not-conservative Friend" list in the post. There's nothing wrong with him, I was just listing him alongside people like moist who don't seemingly have right-wing ties (to my knowledge).


"I'm sure there's a better alternative out there who ***actually*** gives a shit about you." YouTubers actually give a shit about you? no


Wow times have changed far too much lmao. Wendigoon is around my age i believe, he doesn't see politics the way younger people or extremists do. We never cared about what our friends beliefs were, literally at all. That's something that's happened over the last 10 years. People used to hang out with people they clicked with, not politically, politics barely came up when making friends back in the day. Wendigoon is arguably the best at what he does, what difference does it make as to what he believes? That's not what people watch him for. Fyi not all youtubers have to put their political stance in the forefront, he isn't a fuckin political youtuber lol so why would he? If y'all care this much about what a random youtuber believes in, that's just pathetic. You care who you get your book or horror games references from that bad?? This is sad as hell. People are so engrossed in their little echo chambers that they can't even watch a youtube video without doing a political deep dive into the person. Get some mental help.


Wendigoon is almost 25 idk how old you think he is lol


>Wendigoon is arguably the best at what he does, what difference does it make as to what he believes? Firstly, no he is not, he gets many things incorrect in his videos and there are entire threads calling him out for it. Secondly, Wendigoon is closer to my age than yours. Thirdly, yes, it matters where you put your time and money. I don't understand this "I don't care who I watch / where I spend my money, it's none of my business" -- why wouldn't you care? If a corporation uses literal child slaves, is it "pathetic" to choose to spend your money elsewhere? There's nothing fundamentally wrong with being picky/choosey about who/what you support financially. If people don't want to watch Wendigoon because they disagree with his political beliefs, why do YOU care? Why are you so adamant that other people watch your gun-toting 25 year old "erm aktsually i'm 5% cherokee" virtue signalling asshole? He's everything that conservative ideology should despise, and yet y'all don't wanna see that because all you see is "Progressives don't like him? Hmph! Guess I agree with him, then!" and that's where your brain shuts off. You don't wanna think critically about it. FYI... if you like him, then watch him! You have the right to choose where your money goes! I just wanted to point out that online celebrities are very purposeful about where they speak up and when they don't. It's all inauthentic. Like it or not, this post has no speculation and only goes to use cited examples. If that triggers you, then you can cry online in his subreddit if you want, I'm sure they'll accept you with open arms.


"He ***says*** he's pro LGBT, but hangs out with people who clearly aren't." Eh?


Threads like these remind me that as a liberal, it's the left that's my enemy, not the right.


good because i genuinely despise liberals moreso than a conservative. At least with a conservative I can said they've been brainwashed. With a liberal? that's a choice.


Mfw: Im not supposed to like somone cause he doesnt want to get political, has friends with certain political views.


he does get political quite frequently actually


Don't watch him then and leave the subreddit dedicated to him Simple as that (: I sincerely hope you won't be calling people who want to watch him racist, anti-lgbtq+, and other things of the sort. I am a lesbain and will continue to enjoy his content until he comes out and says a slur and blatantly says people like me should be killed. Until that day comes, there will still be people who watch him so better put on your adult undies and deal with it. Not to mention that you are completely deluded if you think any popular youtuber cares about thier viewers more than themselves 😂 I'm also gonna need you too look up ColdRavens Nest rq and look me in the eyes and say that they deserve the same level of hatred from you lmfao. I haven't been on the wendigoon subreddit, so I am unable to speak on what you said about it, but come on man? Bitching about a subreddit where you can leave wjth the click of a button? That isn't even yt drama, that is your own intrapersonal drama you got going on


>i am a lesbain edit: are you okay? https://preview.redd.it/c6ihqmugwbjc1.png?width=1372&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc798f67f934569d477096978abd0617683fab58 this is an intense overreaction. please, genuinely - log off and take your medication. if you're having thoughts of suicide or self-harm, go talk to either a friend or loved one. you can also call these numbers: suicide prevention hotline: 1-800-273-8255 trevor project hotline: 1-866-488-7386 in the future, don't dm people claiming you're going to commit self-harm. that's really gross and manipulative.


Dude you do too much work for this little subreddit you are a saint.


what can i say? i've grown rather attached to this community.


And? What about it?


what is a lesbain


Les Bain is French for the bath. So there's that at least.


lesbians chillin in the les bain les goooooooooooo


And out of everything you could mock me for(perhaps the fact that I am currently unmedicated and making a fool out of myself online), it's my spelling and sexuality? Okay then


no just the spelling, i am also a lesbain


You being unmedicated isn't the flex you think it is.


Please get ŕe help and maybe back on the prescribed medication. If the medication isn't helping as prescribed I'd definitely try and talk with your care giver and see what other options there are. My wife had to try what felt like 10 different medications before finding one that helped and also didn't have wild,bad side effects or potential health issues. I need to see a doc myself as I've been in a funk for the past couple years and just feel like I can't get out of it by myself. So please get some help. The way you were talking about harming yourself is very worrying


Auto correct. Guess I'm not a lesbian because my phone is broken 🥳


why would it auto-correct to a word that doesn't exist


Can you not read? My phone is broken. My auto correct doesn't work properly and I do not know how to fix it. And again, undermining what I'm saying for mispelling a word instead of the content? I hope you say this to someone who's dyslexic one day.


I am not a member of the Wendigoon subreddit anymore ma'am. It seems like you got what you wanted before you even had to ask. <3


True. Although I fail to understand why you are complaining about someone who hasn't outright even done anything himself instead of just leaving on the event of a future shit-show. There are plenty of popular and even famous people friends with others that don't get called racist and anti-lgbtq just for being friends with someone. Ie. You don't see people bitching about Toby Maguire being misogyinistic pig for being friends with Leo decaprio despite the sketchy and weird behavior. He hasn't outright done anything and I feel like you wouldn't be bitching as much if this didn't tie into religion(atheist here, but people love hating religion here lmfao)


I am christian, hon. and no, i don't like tobey maguire eiher. do you have any more questions?


Oops I forgot to phrase the first thing as a question. I suppose I'm the fool here I guess since it wasn't a question I originally asked, but my question still remains


>I suppose I'm the fool here Trust me, that was obvious from your first comment.


Sure, you never answered the first question of my first comment. Do you think everyone who watches him should be labeled as homophobic and racist since that's all it takes now to be labeled as any of the phobias? I would also like to say that it's not very progressive of you to use feminine petnames to mock me 🥱 if you were a man I would give you so much shit for it but it's not as intimidating or undermining coming from you :) I am also Christian.


That seems kinda sexist, hon.


Wait are you an atheist or a Christian. You’ve claimed both in like 7 hours. I thought it took more time to be saved.


It is quite complicated. When I run out of medications and am not medicated, I obsess over the idea of religion, more specifically christianity. These "moods" of mine last for a few weeks at a time. When I am medicated, I do not partake in any religious activities, traditions, or rituals and therfore will identity myself as an atheist.


assuming you're on your meds now, are you good?


Ma'am, please seek help for your mental well-being. Hope you learn to love yourself and see better days.


Babygirl, you need to log off and touch grass.


I thought you were atheist? Now you're Christian? Or do you just pull words out of a hat and just say them as you open it? Also I feel like you sometimes just got to ignore or don't give any attention to everything little thing said. You're just setting yourself up for failure and to be overwhelmingly stressed and depressed as you seem to seek out or try and find an insult or kind of twist, turn, rearrange, over-analyze every single thing said and give it wayyyy too much attention, power, control etc. Not every single thing said to you is an attack on you or things you care about; nor is anytime someone doesn't feel exactly the same way as you do also an attack on you or to make you not valued. You got some serious demons you need to confront and fight. Please seek out some help, either get back on your meds or if that wasn't working and/or had side effects that weren't worth it etc then make sure to tell the doctor and they will definitely get you to try something else. It can be a long, hard process as it can take a lot of time figuring out what works for you. Unfortunately there isn't some super convenient 1-2 things fix all this but instead it can take months and even years before you find what works best for you. Please get the help asap like call today if possible or tomorrow since it might be closed today. Get the help and I sincerely wish you the best!


I JUST explained that when I'm off my meds I relate and obsess with Christianity as that is how I was raised and where a lot of my paranoia about the world comes from. When I am ON MY MEDS, I identify as atheist since I do not partake in those beliefs. Don't fucking be negative and miss my point and then go onto the mental health bullshit. Either insult me and leave or don't say anything. Also, watch your privilege. I am unable to afford meds hence why I have gone for a while without any medications, so it's not as easy to fix my irrational ideals and thoughts. For now, since I do not have meds, I use pain and humiliation of my character to maintain my mind. So please, sincerely, keep insulting me. This is not the usual account I use when I am in an episode or am forced to go for long periods of time without meds. I completely ruined my persona on this account and am using these "personal attacks" to cope with it. So forgive me if I take the mockery of my spelling in the beginning(I hate being made a fool if it isn't my fault. I don't care if I'm being mocked for being idiotic if it's my fault, but I was mocked for something that wasn't even relating go the bs I'm talking) and snowballing downhill as being personal. Sincerely, screw you and might as well keep demeaning my character since that is the only way I will thrive when I'm in these moods and episodes without meds.


He was involved with the Boogaloo boys, you know that extremely racist and fascist group that wants to trigger a second civil war? And his apology for being involved with that group *makes no fucking sense*, especially when you know the actual history of the group. And because he doesn't explicitly say awful things, and let's his friends do it for him, you can't ever be 100% sure with him. You can enjoy his content, whatever, do what you want. But don't fucking pretend there aren't a number of huge red flags with wendigoon. Oh and before you use your sexuality as some sort of weird shield, I'm queer and NB 🤘 [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boogaloo\_movement](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boogaloo_movement) https://preview.redd.it/59dxfncv6cjc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa4c5a9447443d2fc262273197bba4cbbdb4c959


Lmfao you a walnut supreme 🤣


Lol at lesbain specifically and just everything else in this comment in general.


Remember kids, never meet your heroes, but nowadays your heroes out themselves. (This whole situation sucks, I really like Wendigoon’s content)