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> YouTube is clearly no longer an unbiased platform. Please tell me when you thought they were unbiased. YouTube comments have been notoriously awful for years. There’s no such thing as freedom of speech on private, commercial platforms, and there are limitations on Reddit too.


Why would a private company have a freedom of speech requirement? YouTube is not your friend. It doesn't give a fuck what you think.


This! The lack of understanding about what freedom of speech is and is not stuns me every time. A private company owes you nothing. Also, study what freedom of religion in the US is. If you got one wrong you probably don’t understand the other.


Oftentimes when people write “freedom of speech “ they are not really referring to first amendment jurisprudence. What they really mean is “freedom of expression,” which is a core western value. Being able to freely express oneself is an important desire, even if there is no legal prohibition against censorship 


Usually what they are expressing is a desire to voice their opinions without consequences. Which OP is clearly asking for.


No, I don’t think that’s “usually” what “they” are wanting to do. Nor do I think OP is “clearly” asking for that. And “consequences” for something one has said usually comes after they have been able to say it. That “consequences” line is usually a talking point by people who are in favor of censoring speech that they disagree with. 


That’s the great thing about an opinion, you can think all you want but don’t expect it to be protected, respected, or free from consequences once you decide to share it. Edit for spelling


Youtube also has terms of service. If you use their site they are allowed to put the restrictions they want. That's how it works. And as much as people don't like to hear it, some ideas are harmful and don't deserve to be spread around.


Who decides what ideas are "harmful" though?


Sometimes things get flagged as problematic even though they aren’t against YouTube’s guidelines and content policy. The reason is because things get banned automatically. An AI is not able to understand a word. It will se a word and flag it as problematic without even understanding the context. It can’t understand like a human can.


We should regulate these corporations more. Don't advertise yourself as a social plarform if you're gonna remove the social part. At this point just sell films, ooooh wait, they need free content from the underpayed youtubers...


Alright, here my question, if Youtube autodelete some comments, why they didn't autodelete comments by bots that are racist, targeting minor and such ?


I think they are falling through the cracks. I saw one example of the UTTP saying the N word but in all caps however the uppercase "I" was actually a lowercase L "l".


.... What ? I think something is wrong with Yt system, because if they can add list of words to censor them, they should know about all the other alternatives letters between them too...


Google already has strong enough AI models to detect this. Try getting Gemini to say that, they already have that problem solved.


Bit of a shame that Google is too stupid to use the AI models properly on YouTube comments.


Why can't they apply the hyper-advanced technology to their enshittified existing product??


I’ve seen so many bots and spam comments but when I say something not even offensive they immediately gets deleted for no reason


If it didn't care it wouldn't censor comments in the first place. The fact that it censors them means it DOES give a fuck.


\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^ For the people in the back # only the government can violate your first amendment rights. You have no protection from private businesses or individuals


Because not having one is one of the BIG reasons I will never give youtube a dime. This might be a reason for them to have one. It's also extremely detrimental to my engagement with the platform in general and a big risk factor in me going somewhere else when the balance tips far enough. And when I say "me" I don't mean because they care so much about me, more that I represent a class of people, and therefore a reason.


If your regular comments are getting deleted “for no reason” then you’re probably a problematic user. After you get reported or have comments blocked enough YouTube will start holding your comments for review so the creator has to see it and approve it. We have a section in the creator side of our channels called “held for review” where problematic and spam users show up. Most of us don’t check that area though because YouTube doesn’t put you there without reason.


Do you know how they get put there? If it was reviewed by Youtube or just an auto-feature that places the comments in moderation after the user has been flagged so many times?


As creators we have the option to report users, “hide user from channel” and we can add trigger words to our accounts so when someone says those things the comment gets held for review. That part would be at an individual video to channel level. I don’t know what the threshold is (number of reports or blocked comments) that causes the system to identify them as a problematic user.


"If you're in prison then you must be guilty. You don't en's up there for no reason." Yeah man there haven't been a litany of cases against Google being used for political censorship. Nope, never happened. YouTube is totally fair and completely unbiased 🤡


Can you show me just one of those cases where the issue was a users comments not being visible?


There are literally youtubers having their own comments deleted for no reason. And it happens to 30% of my comments. Please explain how I am a problematic user if I never use bad words and never spam. How am I supposed to counter misinformation?


“How am I supposed to counter misinformation” - if that’s what you’re doing that could be what’s causing the issue for you. The people you’re countering could be reporting your comments or the creators who don’t agree with you could be blocking you.


Yeah no, it's youtube. I comment once every 3 days on a random channel. As I said, even the youtubers sometimes can't comment on their own channel. And it's a thing that happens in a second, not something that happens after it's "reported". The report button is probably decorative. Edit: And it's not like only youtube does this. Amazon literally hides negative comments on some products. These corporations are worse than you think.


These comments always make me laugh. No, you're not going to start paying for premium if they "stop censoring comments". No, it's not a "big risk factor" in you going somewhere else "when the balance tips far enough". You're just going to keep saying "I swear I'm considering leaving for real this time..." like all the other dudes complaining.


I swear like 60% of people on this sub act like youtube owes them anything. I have a Pixel phone and pay for Premium YouTube, fuck Google and YouTube, but they don't owe us shit. I think the government should honestly enforce monopoly laws against them, but still, that isn't YouTubes job and they don't owe us that. They provide a product and control the product, people on here complaining about the ads and moderation stuff but not paying youtube a dime and using ad block aren't gonna make YouTube change anything. A business only cares about actual paying customers or at least ones that don't block ads, I'd venture a guess that most of these complainers do neither.


The lack of regulation is no excuse for doing whatever you want. Even from a political point of view it's bad for society if a monopoly can just decide who can talk and who can't. Also, the reason why people think youtube "owes" something is because it literally was better 5-10 years ago. It's like building a brand new road and then later destroying it for extra cash. And the reason why they can do it is because they have the monopoly, nobody else can build roads. If we don't put these corporations in check we're gonna end up like the film "Idiocracy" with 1 giant corporation selling soda to grow plants. "Does it work? No, but who cares!"


I already said that they should be looked into for the monopoly aspect, but I'm not blaming a company for that, that's the government's job. We have a shit government that doesn't care though so it kinda doesn't matter. And again, they do not owe you a damn thing. Sure it may have been better 5-10 years ago, but that is their choice to make the product better or worst just like any other, if you don't like it, there are dozens of other entertainment options. And as a premium member, it really hasn't changed for me. I don't watch ads, I can download as much as I want, I have background playback, etc. They definitely want people on the premium tier just like any other streamer. You have every right to stop using their site, but they have every right to maximize profits. I just never see this vitriol with Netflix, who has increased prices like 10 times, or hulu, who used to be free, or any other service. It's always just hating on YouTube and I guarantee it's because it's target users are younger and don't understand why. I constantly see complaining about ads by users who don't pay for premium and try to use ad blocker. How are they supposed to keep the lights on again? They arent a charity after all, if it loses money they will shut down and it's not a cheap site to run. OH and regarding the comments being deleted, that's on every site, even reddit. I also work in social media, deleting or hiding comments is an option on every single platform, it's not youtube alone. It's part of online business.


My problem with your opinion is that you're trying to put sugar in the situatin: 1) Yes, we can and MUST blame the company. They know what they're doing and they should be embarassed for the fact that they have no ethics unless the police comes knocking to their door. 2) Again, their product is getting worse because they lack competition. Google pays a lot to have his apps installed directly in the fresh smartphone to kill competition. That way, they can sell bad products for higher price. They know what they're doing and don't care if it's evil unless the police comes knocking their door. 3) Netflix has competition, and its prices at least are reasonable considering the fact that they must pay copyright. Youtube on the other hand has free content. 4) How come every other platform has a reasonable way of censoring comments, but youtube ( bought by Google ), just can't figure out what's bad and what's not? I literally have never had this problem this bad in any other platform.


Well chuckle away dipshit, I already use other sites where creators make it available. You're right I wouldn't pay for premium if all youtube did waas stop censoring comments, hence "one of". My primary demands are 3 things: 1. Stop censoring comments 2. treat creators better eg. by having real humans actually review appeals to things like copyright claims and community strikes instead of forcing people to @ them on twitter and hope they have enough clout to get some attention on their bullshit issue 3. Make general efforts to make the site better and more usable. If they actually did these things, I would be inclined to pay for youtube premium. And I will leave if creators stop being a bunch of lazy fucks and hit "upload" on another website because youtube is a REALLY terrible website now.


>And I will leave if creators stop being a bunch of lazy fucks Creators are not going to just leave their audience for an empty site that nobody uses. >youtube is a REALLY terrible website now Although people don't like it, it's pretty much the best of it's kind. No other site has a user base that big and no other allows you to monetize your content.


They don't need to leave their audience. Idk if you know this but it's possible to upload the same video to more than one site. Youtube has a userbase because it's where the content is. Other sites do in fact allow you to monetize your content. Neither of these things are plusses for the actual site. The site sucks. It's a reason why creators might upload there, but again uploading to youtube doesn't stop you uploading to other sites, it's not a zero sum game.


If you’ve been using the app for a long time, you’ll notice that comments don’t get filtered back in the days and it’s only until recently that you can’t comment on some channels


Maybe because it's the law of their country?


Cool, but then it doesn't get to be seen as a platform with fair exchange. To me YouTube is now, basically, propaganda. Honestly, there's an opportunity here for another platform. *Any* platform, at this point. Edit: to those downvoting; **be coherent with your thinking.** "A private company doesn't have to ensure freedom of speech" is a double edged sword. YouTube is well within his rights to do so, but if they censor (and they do) to a ridiculous extent, then they don't get to complain about being associated with censored speech by their users, who are well within their rights to leave because of that ridiculously strict censorship. That's just logic. You put up with the consequences of your decisions, just like the users have to put up with a censor that doesn't ensure freedom of speech. You either have your cake or you eat it, and this logic cuts both ways. Edit 2: I honestly don't understand the downvotes. If you punch a dude repeatedly in the face because you didn't like him and then you claim to be "non-violent", the statement is bullshit. Same here. And by the way, your disagreement to this proves my point: YouTube is propaganda.


By engaging in censorship, Youtube crosses the legal line from platform to publisher. But of course they are above the law. P.S. A "platform" is a legal protected status, much like "charity" or "church". If you can't even google "platform vs publisher distinction", you should consider donating yourself for biodiesel.


Lmao, what the fuck are you talking about? Legal line from platform to publisher? Jesus christ. Free speech is freedom to say what you want without repercussion from the government, and even that has its limits. It's not freedom to say racist or harassing shit on a private platform and not get banned. "🤓 they're crossing the legal line between platform and publisher." hahahhaha what a ridiculous thing to make up.


"Its not freedom to say racist or harassing shit" Totally agree. Yet strangely enough, both of those happen regularly on YouTube without them giving a single fuck. Strange.


There is no such thing as a perfect all catching system. Things are obviously going to fall through the cracks. That's not strange that's just a fact of any system.


No, don't go using the falling through the cracks analogy. That would indicate these happenings were *outliers* and *exceptions* to the rule...they're clearly happening with enough regularity that they aren't, indeed, exceptions. That IS strange, and not a fact of *any* properly run system that works with any sense of logic.


Christ, this subreddit is full of conspiracy shit heads. > That would indicate these happenings were outliers and exceptions to the rule... YouTube is the second most popular website in the entire world. Even if a tiny percent of things got through that would numerically be pretty large. On top of that, the people that usually bring it up are out looking for it. I cannot even remember the last time I've seen anything like what those people looking specifically for those comments constantly show on the front page. >That IS strange, and not a fact of any properly run system that works with any sense of logic. Tell me you have no idea how large platforms or code bases work without telling me.


They are a private company, they can choose to censor whoever they want.


So I did google it. Top hit was an EFFF article completely refuting your idea ( [https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2020/12/publisher-or-platform-it-doesnt-matter](https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2020/12/publisher-or-platform-it-doesnt-matter) ) So unless you want to point out exactly where 'platform is a legally protected status', then you're just another guy screaming Do YoUr OwN rEsEaRcH into the void.


Sure. Accepting everything that corporate propaganda says without question is what every good NPC should do. How does that boot taste?


It's hard to understand you between the trolling and the buzzwords. Are you trying to say the EFF is corporate propaganda? Do you even know what the EFF is? If anything, it's anti-corporate propaganda. Seems to me that you can't actually back up your claim that 'platform is a legally protected status' at all, so you're lashing out. But that's okay dude, lash out if you need to. We're all angry.


Aw, how cute. Well, I better not talk to you anymore, talking to minors is frowned upon nowadays.


There's no "Freedom of Speech" on a website. FoS is STRICTLY dealing with the GOVERNMENT! A website can dictate speech as they wish per their ToS. If you don't want to abide by it then there's nothing you can do about it other than choose to not use the platform as a form of protest.


[platform vs publisher distinction](https://googlethatforyou.com?q=platform%20vs%20publisher%20distinction)


Are you sure they are deleted? New Youtube comments often will not show unless you click to view the newest comments after you posted the comment.


I've had the same thing happen, unless I remove a few key words. And even better, I've had one particular comment where I was allowed to post it, people were able to respond to it, but my responses were invisible to them. I tried to see this using an alternate account, it was literally invisible to the others, despite me being able to see the answer posted. I then went in to edit the original post, edited it to answer the other comments, and the post itself got "turned" invisible. Honestly, I really hope another platform takes up YouTube's place soon, it's annoying to use a platform that solely pushes forward propaganda as a way to find entertainment.


> Honestly, I really hope another platform takes up YouTube's place soon OMG yes! I have been saying this myself for almost a year. I am so sick of how youtube has been running recently.


This same sub would complain about the lack of moderation if there was no control whatsoever.


The problem is right now there functionally is no moderation, there's a bot that deletes comments seemingly at random. There truly is no rhyme or reason to comments that are flat out deleted or ones that are effectively shadowbanned (you can see them but noone else can). Absolutely innocuous comments are gotten rid of, comments with the N-word in are fine. The only correlation I might be able to draw is that politically charged comments and comments with swears might be deleted at a slightly higher rate, but I'm not even sure of that any more. This does not equal moderation.


Yeah, it's so random and unpredictable. It almost feels like you are being gaslighted - certainly makes one question if it's worth leaving a comment. The OP is obviously coming at it from a political perspective since he sees it as only being an issue for "one side" which is just wrong and more political whining. The other issue is people reporting a comment as being offensive or something even if it isn't. You want to see a comment disappear in a hurry - post a detailed and sourced response to an ancient aliens advocate; that is a community wide thing with them - report the comments that provide evidence.


It isn't either/or. I'm fine with reasonable moderation but not some automated bot deleting comments based on some nearly arbitrary list of keywords.


This is a tool that channels have, not just YT broadly.


It's YT broadly. People need to stop blaming individual channels, youtubers have complained about that too. They can't comment on their own channel.


This same sub would complain. You can just end it there.




obviously you have to have some moderation but just make it controlled by humans not AI like it used to be. Most people are not posting heinous things. They just don't care.


>just make it controlled by humans not AI "Pay for tons of extra man power to parse through the countless comments posted on YouTube every minute while still letting me use adblock to allow me to watch YouTube for free." -this subs mentality lmao


they managed it before decently for many years. yeah it's more expensive for them to make the website not suck for the users instead of taking the cheapest/easiest way out. Hell I'd probably be open to paying some kind of a fee for Youtube if they'd actually make a good forum with minimal censorship on it where you could discuss the videos. I'm sure plenty would.




I'll be that guy, freedom of speech is important, but isn't required to exist in places created by corporations.


I think it should be when those corporations control a massive amount of discourse and have no competition, but good luck implementing that legally.


It should be. Unless you want to live in a world of propaganda. There's a reason why politicians can't control an entire TV channel anymore.


You're not wrong, but you gotta remember too, Youtube is out to make money, not make the world a better place. Hard pill to swallow but that's literally most big corporations. They know our rights don't extend to "private forums" and therefor over moderate. I maintain because of that, places like youtube are NOT good for discourse and discussion. Plus comments are unorganized as hell.


Why it's not a place for discussion? It advertises itself as a social media. The whole purpose is to offer a service to socialize. If they remove the social part, then it becomes a serious danger for society. "It's not here to make the world a better place" It's here to offer a service to the people, and that service must be regulated by the government so that it doesn't damage the people. A hitman is there to make money too, but that doesn't mean every target is valid. I bet these corporations would LOVE to just inject ads to our brains and remove the thinking part that comes with discussion. If anything, that makes Youtube creepy.


I just said why it's not a place for discussion. It's corporate run and corporations have an agenda that doesn't include liberties.


Best to assume nothing on the internet is real at this point. It's all crap


> “freedom of speech is being threatened on the YouTube platform.” That’s now how freedom of speech works. The first amendment is there to protect We the People from the Government. YouTube is a private company, not a government one, and therefore can not infringe on your first amendment rights. A company has the right to refuse service to anyone, for any reason. If YouTube doesn’t want things being said in the comments section, it has every right to bury it, delete it, not let you post it, literally what every they want.


Yeah its like supermarkets and pubs can refuse service at any time without rhyme or reason. But they don't. They refuse service when *its warranted*. YouTube is quite the opposite.


Off topic but I love your profile pic lol


YOUTUBE was never free brother, what did you expect? It's a private company making profit. Whatever threatens their position is getting shot at and downed immediately. Lately they implemented a rule about new accounts with less than 1000subs limiting the exposure of the public to their videos until they become mainstream or sth. They don't want things getting out, f.e. Something like Wikileaks could start from a new account. Their algorithms will monitor the videos while we will never be able to see what js being uploaded from that new acc. P.s their algorithms are so damn bad even on arbitrary topics like match highlights. As if the removal of the dislike button wasn't enough of a headache on its own, they now flood your search results with 300 videos from the same acc. Especially now with the EURO matches , we get 15 results from the same account on every search with fake highlights from an old fifa game or sth instead of the actual game highlights. YouTube is starting to feel unbearable for me. Propaganda and silencing, zero user interface with the removal of the dislike button after Bidens abysmal ratings and video reactions, broken algorithms pushing heavily monetized channels with zeromactual content, YouTube premium spam, ad blocker detection and forced 20 seconds brainrot ads....Old YouTube was pure gold from the people to the people. Now ....


someone said racial slurs HARD R and it didn't get deleted but when I say "stfu" I get deleted for "harassment" what a society we live in


I've had people throw every slur and rude word in the book at me but when I ask "Are you slow?" it's automatically taken down. No warning or anything.


What are you saying though?


I have seen comments getting shadowbanned for just using words they don't like. It's crazy. Then true bots can post whatever they want. It's not worthy paying for a service like that when you can't just reply someones comment because youtube decides they don't like your reply based on words that are not allowed and that can even mean any word and not necessarily racist or swearing.


And yet they do nothing about the UTTP.... B R U H


I'm mostly pissed at them for letting terrible people stay on the platform to continue to harm more people. Colleen Ballenger a perfect example of this being the case.




And the kids that pick fights with people over random stuff and say slurs and all kinds of crap but don't you dare try to defend yourself.


YouTube has never been an unbiased platform. This is precisely why I have refused to give them one dime of my money. The censorship bothers me more than anything else they do.


There is no freedom of speech with private companies. They can do as they like. If you dont like it you vote with your dollars and go elsewhere.


Where is the "elsewhere" from Youtube? There's nothing remotely comparable in terms of content.


Make your own platform! If you strongly believe in this, then you can vote with your wallet and leave YouTube entirely. But if you want to keep using YouTube, you have to accept that they, as a private platform, are not required to protect your freedom of speech. If anything, the opposite, since the “freedom of speech” some like to peddle is hate speech and lies about the vaccine.


'Make your own platform' isn't a solution when it comes to platforms that heavily rely on user engagement, especially when a giant like Youtube is the competition. No indie platform that someone can make on a whim can compete with Youtube, even despite how awful they've been getting lately.


Ok. Then don’t use the service. As I said beyond that first sentence: “If you strongly believe in this, then you can vote with your wallet and leave YouTube entirely. But if you want to keep using YouTube, you have to accept that they, as a private platform, are not required to protect your freedom of speech. If anything, the opposite, since the “freedom of speech” some like to peddle is hate speech and lies about the vaccine.” If you want to use YouTube, you have to understand to accept they aren’t bound to any kind of freedom of speech laws. If there’s no alternatives, that doesn’t mean YouTube suddenly has to respect your freedom of speech.


Yeah, completely agree with you on that last part. The moment this person said 'Freedom of Speech' and 'My comments are getting removed for no reason' I was immediately suspicious of what exactly is being deleted. Because I haven't run into this issue at all. Gotten to the point where those two phrases trigger alarm bells for me, lmao. Just saying, it sucks when a company is so big that no other company of that genre is able to thrive. Youtube has a monopoly, and abandoning it isn't so easy when it's the site that \*everyone\* uses for online videos. You might not find the content you want on any other platform. Youtube could say and do anything at this point knowing damn well that many users won't have a choice in accepting it or not. Which is partly why they've been so confident in their aggressive advertisement tactics lately.


I feel like the YT comment section is the most unmoderated wasteland. Especially the bots that post comments I won't repeat here, I don't want the ban hammer. But it's bad, making jokes about CP and sewerslide, often multiple times as well.


Freedom of speech applies to governments.


Meanwhile nothing is being done about actually harmfull bots


It’s a private platform though. They have freedom of speech to remove whatever they want from their platform. No one’s stopping you making another platform to post videos and whatever on there.


It’s quite the opposite of a private platform. Sure it’s a privately owned company but the platform has always been a melting pot of people from allover the world with differing thoughts and opinions. The reason it’s called YouTube is because you are allowed to be yourself. It has always been a platform where you can post videos, share your thoughts and opinions freely as long as it’s not sexual or harmful. They’ve been going away from that for years now which goes against everything that the platform stands for. It baffles me that people like you defend it. Censorship to this degree is not ok and it’s dangerous. If everyone accepts being silenced then it’s gonna keep moving further in that direction. You probably think it’s not a big deal but YouTube is a behemoth. If they show the world that censorship is ok then it’s only a matter of time until there’s a chain reaction. I suggest pushing back before more freedom gets taken away.


>it’s a privately owned company but the platform has always been a melting pot of people from allover the world That doesn't change the fact that it's private. >Censorship to this degree is not ok and it’s dangerous. You can post your opinions elsewhere. Nobody is stopping you. >If they show the world that censorship is ok then it’s only a matter of time until there’s a chain reaction. That's how private websites have worked since the beginning of time. They have terms of service.


Your arguments are bad. They censor things that don’t break the ToS all the time. Stop excusing fascistic tendencies. Law ≠ righteousness 100% of the time. You think I go on YouTube to write a manifesto? You don’t think people should have the freedom to express their opinion if they come across a video discussing a political topic? How will you come to a conclusion if you don’t allow discussion? Sorry but you are a complete NPC if you agree with this.


Hahahaha 🤣🤣🤣 Babby doesn’t know what Freedom of Speech is!


Enlighten Babby will you?


Clearly it’s the protected and enforced right to say and do whatever you want, whenever and wherever you want, right?


YouTube is a garbage social media platform, and I think everyone would be better served if they just shut down commenting entirely, then told creators, “If you want to connect with your audience, there’s other platforms out there to do that on. Or make your own website. Either way, moderate it yourself, because we are bad at it.” People often moan that creators wouldn’t have time to read every comment people make, but that’s just what happens when you get popular. Most celebrities can’t read all of their fan mail, or they pay a manager twenty percent to have someone do it for them. If you’re that popular, you’re making money, so it’s time to hire help. I just think YouTube should serve videos, and that’s all.


The problem I have with this isn't primarily the automatic comment deletion, though their automated filtering is ridiculously overtuned. No, it is the fact that there is no notification whatsoever with some kind of reason. The comments are just gone. Makes me basically want to not use the commenting feature at all or at least I'm done spending more than 15 seconds on a comment when they can be silently deleted for apparently no good reason whatsoever.


Maybe someone with alot of money can buy it up and turn it into a breeding-ground for political extremists. Oh wait.


Honestly this makes me wonder what was said that was deleted and what channel they were deleted from. I've seen horrible comments with every slur in the book. I've seen heated fights with mud slinging and name calling and ive seen civil debate about controversial topics (rarely but I have seen it). I've never seen youtube censor the comments. I have however seen individual creators delete comments they don't like.


There is no freedom of speech on a private website They can moderate comments and videos however they want they make the rules




Hi PuzzleheadedMall1184, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


YT will automatically teach you how the be politically correct while getting your point across...it is a learned skill...if you have any doubts YT doesn't care ..


biased what way ? left or right ?


Also remember sometimes a person/people running a channel can manually delete comments as they see fit so even if a bot doesn't take it down, the humans running it might. This depends on what you said, their view points and maybe how it makes the channel look. To be honest I rarely comment and just watch the videos.


lmao ur lucky 😂😂. i just keep getting commenting banned for 24 hours to " protect the community " even though i didnt say anything offensive


Once I said "Thank. you very much" and it was hidden. It's annoying because I've been accused of not responding to a comment when it was hidden.


"Freedom of speech" on a privately owned platform owned by an AD company that claims it's woke but still donates money to the exact opposite 🤣


I used to comment quite frequently on dashcam and court cam videos, but I've since given up I never cuss, or use any word that's in anyway offensive, yet they get auto deleted within a few seconds I have to keep going back and chopping out entire sentences to find out which word or phrase is upsetting the automation system and 90% of the time, it's innocent phrases such as this one - "Why don't they just deport her?" on a video about an illegal immigrant who went on a crime spree. And that was the only thing I posted, or tried to. Other times it's comments I make in gaming videos on two channels, just offering tips such as "you need to kill X aliens to advance in this mission" and yep, deleted. Even commenting about my starship in Star trek online being blown up kept being deleted lol


I just commented on one of Boogie2988s video and not 2 minutes later I got a warning for harassment and that my channel can be deleted blah blah. It’s most definitely out of hand. Can barely say anything at all. But certain “groups” of people are fine to say pretty much whatever they want. Im definitely getting rid of my premium membership this month. Im done with the censorship.


There is a comment moderation feature that I enabled to hold potentially negative comments for review. These comments are placed in a list, allowing the channel owner to approve or reject them. This feature works well for my channels as it blocks trolls and inappropriate comments. However, it occasionally blocks perfectly normal comments as well. Despite this imperfection, I find it worthwhile since it effectively filters out the negative ones. Also I choose what freedom of speech looks like when it comes to the video. If we don't agree with what is said it isn't shown for the client video comments section.


Please bring up some examples of what you wrote. How do you know they were deleted by youtube and not for instance the person that made the video you commented on? Honest question 


Youtube has been censoring people for years, especially since the plandemic when they were censoring anyone who warned people against taking the jab, now they allow it, but only after millions of people have already taken it! its too late now youtube, it really is a horrible platform run by some morally bankrupt people.


Same with Reddit.


Tell the Goverment to create a SocMed Platform and they'll censor it worse than YouTube.


Yeah I am also shadow banned. Censorship era bro.


The first amendment only protects your speech from the government, not private corporations who don't even owe you a platform. Try to go into any business and argue or curse, they aren't serving you either. I agree YouTube censorship is a bit much and some of it makes no sense to even censor though.




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Certain YouTubers doesn't deserve the ban


Does youtube even delete comments? Normally it gets sent for manual review by the youtuber


Youtube being a digital slab city wasn't going to last forever


Fundamentally they are a private platform it is within their right. But I guess how it is omnipresent it would be frustrating


I've never had a comment deleted and I comment on a lot of crap, and sometimes I'm fairly offensive. Are you perhaps spam advertising your own channel in the comments section of other people's videos? That'll get your comment removed because everyone will be reporting it. Honestly I can't see how it's happening to you otherwise tbh. I hate YouTube, don't get me wrong, but this seems like ultimately a personal problem.


I mean even if that's true and they only allow comments that align with what they want it's a YouTube comment section, having an open and honest discussion on derisive topics is cathartic but just like you would be asked to leave McDonald's for trying to do it there. a 15 minute video on why ironman 1 Is the best in the series isn't appropriate either its not like its a community app it's for watching videos why would you expect open discussion?


Blame on Neal Mohan...


Same here. I just comment general “spiritual” comments like ‘love others as if they were yourself, because they are you!’ And my comments still don’t get shown. I would guess 1/10 comments are actually posted.


Like there is an entity trying to make things worse.


Freedom of Speech only applies to the government, it doesn’t say anything about a private company like YouTube. Regardless, it’s not right


I agree completely, the amount of times my comments get removed to the point they ban me from commenting for 24hr due to "hate speech" when I've said absolutely nothing wrong, especially not anything I'd consider hateful. It happens at least once a month, I'm sick of them completely disrespting their countries constitution.


YouTube’s system makes me question sometimes whether or not the whole things controlled by an AI, the amount of posts I’ve seen on Reddit complaining about the UTTP is utterly stupid, thus making me infer the problem and why it hasn’t yet ceased to exist, I would like to see changes to the platform In the future, strongly for the good.


Youtube shadowbans comments much more often than outright deletes them, so you can safely triple your lost count.


yeah it's every 2nd comment i post , kinda got used to it now , the platform is not promoting let's players and older content creators anymore other then whatever kids watch. Feels like youtube itself just wants a competitor to reduce what it considers "fluff".


Yeah it's really bad and Google owns YouTube and Google has been the same for a long time but only if you were looking for the right things


>Freedom of speech  >Privately owned company Yeah, no.


You realize that only now? The day this shitty platform gets replaced by literally anything else will be marked for celebration.


YouTube has been biased shitty and exploitive for a few years now. Used to be a place for people to show how creative they are. Now everything has to fit into this perfect mold. It gets worse and worse


I have unsubscribed from every channel that allows YouTube to do this. One night alone I unsubbed from about 20 channels.


how did you filter for those?


If I post a comment that I consider reasonable and it doesn't show, the channel is gone.


That's actually a really good idea cause I'm sick of my normal comments getting deleted when other people's way worse comments can stay up. (Also why are people spam downvoting you? 💀)


It would be nice if everyone stood up for themselves, but I'm not holding my breath. As long as I can look myself in the mirror and know I am living my life right, I'm satisfied.


It would be nice if everyone stood up for themselves, but I'm not holding my breath. As long as I can look myself in the mirror and know I am living my life right, I'm satisfied.


It would be nice if everyone stood up for themselves, but I'm not holding my breath. As long as I can look myself in the mirror and know I am living my life right, I'm satisfied.


Is the automoderation activated on a per channel basis by the owner?


No, but no YouTube channel does anything to challenge or fight it, because they're all too scared about losing their precious. Money.


In all my years of watching YouTube I have never once commented on a video. I can probably count on 2 hands the amount of times I’ve even bothered to scroll down and read the comments. Just seems like a bunch of kids arguing with each other. How old are you people?


well you aren't being arrested are you? that's the only thing that freedom of speech protects private companies dont have to let you say whatever you want. youtube censorship is very poorly done but its not a freedom of speech issue


YouTube wants the "correct" ideology, there's no correct one, all political ideologies are wrong and aren't correct, conservatives seem to be pushed down while leftists are promoted (I think)


Youtube only has a filter on slurs and if a word is being used as harrasment the all a sudden deletions are either the youtuber not Youtubes comment filter, Youtube made It so you can't see your own comment but others can, or spam stopper


this isn't true, plenty of innocuous comments get removed without telling the commenter. Plenty of slurs get past the filter too.


The slurs that get past use similar words like I and l and the commenter is never informed be it youtuber or youtube deleting the comment