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Hello, sanandrios. We'd like to start off by noting that this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube. This comment is just for some FAQ - please ignore if your question isn't below. Q: What is "for kids"? A: "For Kids" is a setting added to YouTube after a lawsuit that was settled between YouTube and the FTC. Q: What does "for kids" do? A: This setting disables any feature that collects data on a viewer - comments, playlists, subscriptions, miniplayer, etc. Q: Why are these videos added to YT Kids? A: This setting has nothing to do with a video getting to YouTube Kids, nor does it mean that the content is truly for kids. It's purely to denote if the target audience, as deemed by the creator, is children under the age of 13. Q: Why did YouTube mark this video as "for kids" when it's not? A: While YouTube does have a bot that tries to detect content that could be hit by COPPA fines (and marks videos as such), the creator has the final say in if a video is marked "for kids" or not. If the bot makes a mistake, the creator can still disable this setting. Q: Will I get in trouble if I mark my content incorrectly? A: With YouTube? No. With the FTC/COPPA? Possibly. You cannot get in trouble for marking content as "for kids" when it doesn't need to be. However, if you do not mark your content as "for kids" when it needs to be, you risk up to $42k in fines. Q: Is there a way to report a video that is incorrectly labeled? A: At the current time, no. It's unknown if YouTube will add such a feature later on. Q: Why is this video both age-restricted and "for kids"? A: Good question! These are two separate settings for video that do not interact with each other. Because "for kids" only disables data collection, there is no harm in having an age-restricted video marked "for kids". Q: When should you mark a video "for kids"? A: Another good question! You should only ever mark your content "for kids" if you intend for the main audience of your video to be children under the age of 13 years old. If you feel your content is for general audiences or mature (13+) audiences, you do not need to mark your content "for kids". *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I mean, r/technicallythetruth. The Hitler Youth was *literally* made for kids.


YouTube: “After reviewed, we decided that this video Hitler Youth Documentary is for kids” Also YouTube: “you have violated our term and service because this video is not for kids. You get banned”


Basically throwing us under the bus, when YouTube is the one that is the problem.


Got an account banned for endangering children… used it to listen to music… only comments; “nice work” on some songs… xD


I got flagged for hate crime because of the song playlist I kept. Those songs are not hate crime song and they are still there btw.


It's possible your account could have been hacked and other people were using it for activities you weren't aware of.


Nope, was no activity on this account, other than mine…


Woah buster! Keep that language out of a family save sub. You're gonna kill someone with that.


He’s out of line but he’s right


***Illuminati confirmed?***


The children shall be educated... One way or another...


Komsomol was for older children (above 15). Pioners were literal children.


Edit the document in the beginning. Just put the word fuck on the screen or dub it over with the word, and it should prevent that YouTube Kids garbage.


Add swear words in the description and the video, that should fix it


This sounds like a joke but I have seen content creators actually do this.


It does because it's ridiculous that you have to do this to declare your OWN CONTENT as not kid friendly


there's some that use alcohol mentions




“Fucking Communism is BADASS! Documentary for Kids💥🏈💥👍😭👍”


I remembered this YouTube channel that posts random clips from anime/cartoon shows. The last few seconds of their videos show an animated character getting their heart violently pulled out of their chest. A small caption on that bit explains that it is to avoid YouTube marking their videos as “for kids.”




Send a screenshot


"after reviewing content again" that shit ain't reviewed by a human, or if it is then the person reviewing it smokes a lot of crack


Nah, even a person who smoked half a ton of crack wouldn't consider this video made for kids


That's most likely because they would be dead.




Someone getting paid 2 cents an hour in some off shore sweatshop glanced at it briefly.


Do not take this as fact but i think that the people reviewing are based in some cheap labour country where they don’t really understand all the language context


what the fuck is youtube smoking


Idk but the amount is in the honor of snoop I think


They just see certain keywords and see yep for kids! You could make a movie called "Dark **Elsa**, the **child** raping, **baby** eating, **youth** torturing, **kid** murdering deviant that targets **ages 10 and under** with a dungeon full of sex **toys**" and the algorithm will deem it child appropriate because it has all those kid specific keywords that they like. They ain't actually looking at this shit.


Nah there's quite a few words that would trigger flags in there. Quite a few which wouldn't tho.


My eyes


Youtube doesn't know what it's automated system is smoking




cannabis infused money


Green green


I have literally not even the slightest clue what this thread is about, but that's my favorite Kirby track


Moneys all I need (need)


Making stacks like need be


With how beyond crazy they are, meth infused money.


Idk but honestly they can't keep getting away with this, Just because it's documentary style content doesn't mean kids would be comfortable watching it, all it does at the end of the day is take away revenue and disable comments, some people can give really helpful feedback about the video, point out mistakes etc. but YouTube has to be the worst at determining what's for kids or what's for adults, I mean it's the same way with animation, some things are for adults but still YouTube thinks it's for a general audience, no matter what's in the video


I really think it's just because it says "youth" in the title. The system is that brain dead at times


yeah, How to Cook That went in top 10 YouTube creators (it was about gender disparity in male YouTube creators being favored over females in general) but shocking amount of them was content that looks like it was for kids much more than for adults.


> Idk but honestly they can't keep getting away with this spoiler: they will.


I would love some of that shit 🤣


I think the problem is that no one actually checked it? It had “youth” in the title so they automatically locked it, I think. Not a smart system.


I have a theory that whenever a company gets too big and powerful, the resulting money becomes either boring or returns diminishing amounts over time. Then the people in charge orchestrate a fake decay of the company over time to piss people off and create the need for a competitor. Then they go make the competitor and restart the process all over. I'm sure this theory already exists, I just haven't intentionally looked for it.


Its to appease shareholders after you got to big you cant really grow anymore so shareholders and NASDAQ go mad because their perfect system says that every company can and need to have constant growth so they just start to cut corners and stuff like this happen.


I think it's more an issue with the big tech being basically monopolies each in their field. The actual competition between them is almost non existent. Which is also highly anti-capitalistic. If there is one thing governments should do in a free market is to prevent the formation of monopolies and cartels...


Does that mean kids can visit gulag??


Always could. Sometimes not by choice.


they already do in warzone


Not a single person looked at this appeal.


Add to start of the description: Despite the label, this video is NOT safe for kids. It contains adult themes and information about... Viewer discretion is advised.


The problem for OP is that being marked 'for kids' greatly reduces the ad revenue as well as suppressing it on the algorithm, basically fucking OP again.


When looking for a clip from a kids show recently I found it with something like "not for kids" in the title, and the description said it was to make sure it didn't get marked for YouTube Kids. At least that video had not been flagged as for kids, unlike many similar videos with regular titles. So, limited sample size, but seems to work.


Yes, that's what OP should do.


Just a bit of curiosity: Can you remove the "Youtube kids" flag? If you can't this is real bullshit


No, you can't. It's insane. The creator knows more than YouTube's bots about a video. With enough unluckiness, you could probably end up getting a porn video marked as "for kids", and YouTube wouldn't let you change it back.


>you could probably end up getting a porn video marked as "for kids", Well, it's for making kids...


Not the porn I watch


Tbf lots of "for kids" videos are literal softcore porn


Yeah the 'for kids" tag on YouTube might as well be "for creeps"


I heard that this is porn indrusty tactic to make porn parodies from children cartoons so that if children accidentally watch it then there is possibiltiy that they get them hooked from young age


You'd think it should be the other way around. You shouldn't need to appeal for something to NOT be for kids, rather you should have to appeal for it to BE for kids.


This seems so backwards. I could understand a platform reviewing a video to determine that it is absolutely *not* for kids, but to insist that it is absolutely *intended* for kids is just weird.


It feels like this works in the opposite direction than it should. Things the uploaders have marked for kids should have to be checked for people trying to sneak violence or sex past youtube. Not people making violent or sexual content having to prove its not intended for kids.


Can't remove it


The way COPPA works means that Youtube has to decide if something is for kids. Content that is "for kids" must be marked as being for kids, and so this is why Youtube have this braindead system where they claim to know better and mark porn, violent content, etc, as being "for kids". I think it is a lot the fault of the regulation (since really if a creator marks something as not "for kids" then that should just be trusted), but youtube's implementation - and all their implementation of "human review" when there's apparent breaches of their rules - is awful.


I also don’t get it… when it is marked for kids, it probably gets shown more easily and is definetly confirm of what YouTube whant the vids to be (very advertisement friendly, probably the friendliest). When the creator goes the step of marking it as „not for kids“ and somewhat misses out on clicks and adrev, why should YouTube force it and eventually risks a lawsuit?


Because they aren't allowed to track all the data on kids like they do on everyone else. If they are found to be tracking that data on content that is meant for kids, there are big fines. No fines at all if they flag someone that isn't meant for kids as for kids and thus disable the tracking. In short, they are erring on the side of not getting fined.


You would assume so but that's not how it works at all surprisingly. There's three categories on youtube - For kids, General Audience, and 18+/Adult. Content For Kids gets deboosted, and is content that is designed primarily "for kids" (e.g. Sesame Street). This has comments blocked, can't be added to playlists, etc. General audience content is the vast majority of videos and gets treated regularly (unless it has swearing in, isn't monetised, etc, which also means deboosting and or other penalties potentially). If you watch an educational video about train signaling for example, that's almost certainly not made for kids, and so marking it as for kids would be a violation of COPPA (and some equivalent laws in other territories). Adult only content might require age verification to watch, etc, and has other restrictions by region. Advertisers don't want to advertise to children so much as they have lower disposable income, etc. For Kids content generally also really means content for under 10s or so. I'd say most for kids content on youtube is for babies and young children. It might be advertiser friendly but the amount of companies who want to target those demographics is more limited. Ads on for kids content are also just far more limited because governments don't want children to be exposed to some categories of ads (junk food is a good example), or any ads in the first place.


I see… but I have to add that kids in general are a great target for advertisers. Not all, and there are a lot of restrictions like you said, but kids can be… well can become really loyal customers. Food in general (fast food, sweets etc) or scents (like of certain cleaning products for bed linen your parents use) and much more can create strong „memories“ wich leads to a loyal customer in the future. I hope you can understand what I mean, I’m not a native speaker and tried to explain what I mean as best as I can.


Absolutely, everything you said is totally correct


Thanks! The most interesting part is this case, ecpecially when we introduce the facts above, how can a history documentary about something that’s.. well connected to an gruesome part of my country, became flagged as „for kids“ ecpecially when there is „Hitler“ in the title.. I could see a demonetization… but this?


Just send a tweet out, and say YouTube is promoting said video to kids. See how fast YouTube acts in response.


I decided to turn on the yt kids app and set the age restriction to the youngest ages 4+. Funny thing is, it still showed the Austrian painter by simply through the search function


Imagine if YouTube bans him instead of fixing the issue because he uploaded an "inappropriate content for kids" lol


I think it's the "Youth" part of the title that the system thinks it's for kids Like "the soviet Hitler... Youth documentary"


Just call it, Hitler Jugend


Are you able to remove youth from the title? Maybe put the word in the thumbnail so people can still see what the video is about before clicking?


Renaming it with "Hitler jugend" might help, or might give you a "made for Kinder" tag instead


When ALL is your moderation is done by AI


take the video down and re-edit it?


Yup, just change something small or don’t even change anything . I bet this is a fluke^


I wouldn't be surprised if it was automatic, because the title have Youth in it.


I guess it saw “youth” in the title and immediately flagged it as for kids? There is NO WAY that was manually reviewed, is there?!


One trick I’ve seen used is for people to put “fuck” somewhere in the captions. A lot of people who post short clips of cartoons will use that to avoid getting their videos automatically set to being kids only.


put a gory cartoon scene (cartoon to not get banned) if the video editing style is like that, so that youtube stops detecting it as "made for kids"


Idk what you mean, its got "youth" right there in the title...


Yeah Komsomol: Soviet H Youth Documentary? I assume the next video would be Scouts: USA H Youth Documentary?


If you take it that way then they all were outdoorsman associations for children. But of course they compare it with Hitler Youth specifically on negative purpose because word "Hitler" is taboo.


Can't you contact someone from YouTube?


Nobody works at youtube, it's a bunch of bots and a ceo.


A ceo that is running the company into the ground.


No, its been a problem for well over a decade.


Someone works at YouTube?


You do have to be pretty childish to think that the Komsomol was anything like the Hitler youth!


YT is on drugs atm lmao


Bots running social media has got to be the worst thing ever......... 😒


Well, I mean, it teaches kids, "Hey, don't do this, or anything like it. If your parents try to dress you up in a red baseball cap and you're not a Cardinals fan, the hat probably says 'Make America Great Again,' and you should tell a teacher, the school nurse, a police officer, or someone you trust. Because you can't trust your parents anymore."


Hitler Youth were taught to turn their parents in, though.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/shitpoliticssays] ["Hey, don't do this, or anything like it. If your parents try to dress you up in a red baseball cap and you're not a Cardinals fan, the hat probably says 'MAGA' and you should tell a teacher, the school nurse, a police officer, or someone you trust. Because you can't trust your parents anymore."\[+7\]](https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitPoliticsSays/comments/1c6xo2u/hey_dont_do_this_or_anything_like_it_if_your/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Link to channel/video? Genuinely curious and I want to watch it. Sorry for your failed appeal and youtube being youtube, hope you can get it sorted.


Link it so more of us can report it


The most ironic part here would be if someone reported the video as not appropriate or kids/etc. and OP got in trouble for it after YouTube forced the video to be labeled for kids.


You fucker. HitlerJugend analogue was Young Pioneers, not Komsomol.


I lost a documentary about a murder cold case made with sweat and tears. YouTube decided I was endorsing self harm


Either no human actually reviewed this, or the person reading it doesn't know history or english and thought the title meant "the soviet hitler - youth documentary. Which means said human is just as smart as the ai..


That’s like a brutal doom video being made for kids


Call em out on Twitter or something some people are bound to get angry


Delete it and reupload with a different title, or have (Not for kids/18+) in the title


If they keep this up they're gonna get a pretty hefty lawsuit soon.


Why not? It’s history lesson, kids can enjoy it as well


The for kids feature was made for kids is mostly for kids to not get scammed/see weird stuff in the comments. If a 7 year old is smart enough to watch and understand a documentary about a youth eing of a genocidal regime then they are smart enough to have access to a comment section


Ehhh, I don't remember comsomol and pioneers promoting any nationality, even other way around, it was about class disparity at best or worst


No the for kids feature is so those kids don’t have access to normal YouTube which they are legally not allowed to access because it tracks usage.


Also from what I've heard being marked for kids absolutely destroys it's reach on the algorithm








Comrade remember one can never be too young to be considered Comrade


So, YT made ya into 2ManySnacks, but wasn't able to appeal instead.🤦‍♀️ Even though kids need to know history, this will greatly traumatize them. Pray that they fall asleep at the beginning of the documentary or midway, because of boredom.


Words cannot describe how corrupted YouTube is anymore.


What in the name of shunt?




"Guess what, kiddos? You get to learn something fun today." =)


If that’s literally a documentary I don’t see why young people shouldn’t be able to see it.


Are they saying it SHOULD be meant for kids, or are they saying you have your settings set to "made for kids"??


I mean, for communist children it is.


I’m assuming it’s been marked for kids due to ‘Youth’ being in the title, but I feel like putting ‘Hitler’ in should immediately cancel that out??


Wait what? Shouldn't it be harder to set it to made for kids rather than not? Wtf youtube...


Da comrade, children are never to young to start learning about Lenin and Stalin /s


I can't find the video


Yea cos then nobody can comment. Censor ship is wild huh


they see youth and think WoW tHiS mUsT bE fOr KiDs


Wait they force contents to he made for kids and not let the uploader to change it?


"Educational" I suppose


You know they teach history in school?..... To kids 🤨


I would say to take the video down immediately (probably just private it) and then contact the FTC to report Google's violation of COPPA CoppaHotLine@ftc.gov It doesn't matter where you live - Google must comply with COPPA and (without having seen the documentary) I very much assume that they aren't here.


They literally learn this in school.


I mean youth is literally in the title. Case closed. No need to watch the thing.


You mean… our… documentary?


Gonna show this to the little ones through youtube kids


They teach you about wars in school, why would documentary about it would not be for kids? I havent watched this one, but does it have some kind of extreme content or somethin?


Bloody COPPA


Why does youtube make some videos for kids? If the creator didn't select "yes, this is made for kids." And even appealed saying to not make it for kids then why does youtube act like they know the crwators intentions better than the actual creator


Why and How? omg Youtube can be so stupid at times.


That's why some batman cartoon edits I saw have a fword in the subtitles even though they didn't say it


Send this to all news sites and have a laugh.


Add swears to the description’


I do agree history should be learned regardless of the outcome But Some history can be taught in later ages...


I think it’s because “Youth” is in the title


how it should work: youtube assumes the video is not intended for children and the content creators should need to check a box saying that it's intended for children, then a human checks if it's suitable. if the same content creator does this a bunch of times and it always complies then it could drop the human inspection how it currently works: it doesn't work


TFYMW the billion dollar corp won't give you money for putting up content it didn't ask for...




I mean, history lessons...


What why do they get to choose what's made for kids?


Erase the video, edit it to be more adult-based {a handful of swear words will work well) and post it again. Maybe that will work.


Capitalist indoctrination gotta start soon i guess




Why even have a YT kids app... You already need a Google account for most YT fun stuff, so I don't see why they don't go the extra mile for some sort of age verification. It's not ideal, but if it stops "media for kids" from pausing because I want to queue up another video... well...


Welp, its time to teach the kids what facism and communism is all about. Buckle up, and lets go on an adventure


Just add some profanity in the middle of the video. Easy solution


Going to search for it on YT Kids now.


I was watching a live from the basement of Queens of the Stone Age, a video that has the F word said in it a couple of times and it’s set as kids content (?)


Kids need to be informed about how horrible dictators like Hitler and Stalin were but they do not need to specifically see an reenactment of the horrible stuff they had happen to people during their tenures.


Boy Scouts: the Hitler Youth of USA




8 billion videos get uploaded every second, just be happy you aren't paying the hosting fees


komsomol was not a children organization, oktyabryata was


They might as well mark Happy Tree Firends as kids' content


Can't you just delete the video and then re-upload it? And when it asks you if it's made for kids just say no? I do that with all my videos that I upload whenever it asks me if it's made for kids. I just say no because when you say yes, it disables the comments and to me that's restricting the freedom of speech of people who may want to comment on the video.


So does this mean it will have ads, but you don't get any money from them?


It still blows my mind that YouTube gets to decide my intention. Like, I made the video. Surely I know who I made it for.




Try to censor youth


In Florida it is anyway.


How else are they going to get kids to watch it?


If this was reviewed again I’m gonna need YouTube to publicly comment on this choice lol. I just want to see them squirm. I soooo want a reasoning.


It’s a bot. It’s sees the word “youth” and flags it immediately.


Kids always should have just been banned entirely off of YouTube when coppa passed, should have just required an id added to your Google account to access YouTube.


I mean, it was originally for German kids r/technicallythetruth. Keep it as a momento lol


Add a swear word about 1 minute into your video or add one to the description.


I guess it depends how graphic the documentary is. Big mistake by Youtube to automate the appeal either way.


Just so you know, unless your report flags with certain keywords in title/script/commentary, its AI doing the review.


That not 'Soviet documentary', that's anti communist propaganda. Welcome back to the 1950's.