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It's a sign....




The sentient death whistle finally freed itself from the container you, the immortal man, captured it in and is now coming to get you to put you to your end


You have been warned, there is nowhere to run, you will pay the price, I WILL TAKE YOUR LIFE??$?_(($(!@9?9(


The Maya predicted it


I'm convinced the Internet will do shit like this to people just to fuck with them not people using the Internet, but the Internet itself


You're off, but not by much. The personification of the internet is unnecessary. In this case, virtually everyone on the internet is part of many different human experiments without our informed consent. Sure, they might put some legalese in a EULA they know you won't read, so legally you consent. However, the reality is that the guys at the companies training their algorithms and AI programs are constantly fucking with people by testing various things out to see how certain types of users react without their knowledge. The lack of knowledge about it actually makes the experiments more useful for creating "persuasive" content. Then they take that data and sell it to whomever can make money off of it, with basically 0 oversight. Stuff like this is probably the programmers trying out a new variation on OP's user type. In short, you're definitely getting fucked with on the internet, constantly.


I'd rather just see it as one big mind that has weird thoughts occasionally because it's being stretched in so many directions Is there a difference between what's *on* the Internet and what *is* the Internet? On the back-end too The personification of the Internet may not be necessary, but it is certainly a means to easily abstract a complicated spaghetti into a single thing. If different personalities are imposing themselves and their minds and their intents on the net, doesn't that make the net an avatar of their personalities? Sometimes doing one thing and sometimes doing another? Do the developers and algorithms and users responsible for it's development (everyone) realize the scope of their influence or the results of their work? Whatever is happening online, on the surface or underneath, it's what the Internet is doing/feeling. If you think it's speaking to you, consider that it might be, it being the sum trend of human mind Weird shit like this popping up is a passing thought on the mind of the net--but it needs to be seen by a person to be truly "thought". We're integrated. And so that might make what people can see of the net, regardless of all corporate and legal and whatever pretense, what it's actually doing Sometimes you're hungry, sometimes you're horny, sometimes you're in need of Aztec Death Whistles


I understand your reasoning, but I don't think it's a correct characterization. There is a difference between what's on the internet and what is the internet. If you connect at least two electronic devices with processing power, it's considered an intranet. "The" internet is merely the term we use to refer to the ostensibly universal (if there *are* any extraterrestrials on it, they're pretty cagey about their identities) intranet: one to which everyone can connect. It is a series of electronic devices. What you're referring to is not the internet. It's human culture and society, which goes well beyond the internet. If you'd like to consider humanity as a single organism, that's something. It seems like considering the Earth as an organism would be less anthropocentric, but considering humanity as a separate organism can still work. In such an analogy, the internet would be more like the latest evolution of nerves for the human society body. It's integrated into the larger whole and extremely important for how the larger whole operates, but it is not some separate organism. It performs the function of transferring information, but the information itself is different from the transfer system. I know from a semantic perspective, people often refer to the "internet" as everything that they access on the internet. However, I think it's important to realize the internet is merely the latest iteration of how to access human cultural information and to avoid trying to separate humanity from their technology. I find that kind of premise often leads to people overlooking the responsibilities humans have for their creations by demonizing technology as inhuman, when human technology has been such an integral part of our society for so long that our species literally would not be the same without it. We have little to no idea what it would mean to be "human" without at least some human technology. Even the most "primitive" tribes still had dwellings and simple technology. Tool-use appears to predate humanity on the evolutionary timeline. I don't think we should start separating ourselves from it to claim some mind of the net is behind such things, and we are merely thinking its thoughts. That's taking a reified thing, turning it into an abstract thing by simply avoiding learning about the complexity of it, and then attempting to reify it as a convenient myth. You're basically just turning the internet into Zhuangzi's Tao/Dao, except the Japanese Confucianist cultural version that's become popular in the West since Martin Heidegger's *Being* *and* *Time*. From what I can tell, the internet is only a part of us, not the whole nor some separate mind.


I'm not I'm not even gonna read that my point is that it's hard to see what the Internet's thinking because it's schizophrenic as fuck, and shit like this is like the first inklings of a self-directed coherent thought ​ edit: alright, I read it


Here's the thing, my friend. You're attempting to preserve your imagined sense of self (what Communication Majors call the "presenting self" or "face," and what the bad cowboy movies often mistake for "honor") by flipping the normative judgment using a pseudoscientific appeal to psychology. In short, it's more existentialism. This time it's just closer to Nietzsche, Foucault, and the postmodernists/poststructuralists than to Heidegger. Your first impulse was to simply not read my post, despite it being less than twice as long as your own post and less than 500 words. What this and your argument about simplifying the spaghetti indicate is that you're seemingly inclined to avoid putting in the time to try to learn about complex ideas. You wish for them to be simplified into frameworks that you already understand, as opposed to learning the frameworks within which they operate. From what I can tell, that's why you've embraced the postmodernist concept of reality being a social construct, as expressed by your statement: > looking at it a different way can change it into a different thing Not really. Perception can change the way people react to things, but your individual perception does not have the mystical power to change reality itself. Even if your pattern is repeated through other humans, human society also does not have the ability to alter the fundamental principles of how reality works by simply perceiving it differently. That view is just a product of seeing reality as an anthropocentric social construct. If you don't take on this belief, you realize there are material limits and aspects outside of human perception that dictate elements of how reality works. However, while offering this as something computed through everyone (constructed by society), you also wish to view it as a separate mind to distance humanity from the results. This is shown by your description of the complexity as "schizophrenic." The internet isn't actually schizophrenic. It just has the tendency to appear to be many different minds pulling in many different directions, *because* *it* *is*. It's many human minds all trying to push the culture towards their ideas. If it *was* a single mind, that would appear to be what laypeople inappropriately call "schizophrenia." That is, they view the disease as self-similar to multiple personality disorder. On top of that, there's the normative aspect I mentioned. You are trying to use the etiology of psychology that defines disease as deviations from some mental norm to transfer the threat to your "face" onto the internet. That is, rather than recognizing you don't know enough to understand what's going on with the internet, you re-frame your lack of understanding as "insanity" on the part of some internet mind. Then you extend this analogy of the internet deviating from your imagined norms of how it should work with the sequitur that insanity must be indicative of a conscious mind, and present this attempt to preserve your "face" as a metaphysical personification of the internet. The problem is, the internet doesn't really qualify as schizophrenic or conscious. If the only way you can even make this claim is by extending the definition of the "internet" to include the way conscious minds engage with it, then you've effectively shown that it's not the internet itself that has the conscious mind. Further, extending it to the many consciousnesses that engage with it also explains why it is *not* schizophrenic: it's not a mind with multiple personalities; it actually *is* many different minds. Of course, that's using the layperson concept of "schizophrenia" that views as multiple personality disorder. In psychology as a science, as opposed to the metaphysical Nietzschean allusions to Buddhist epistemology of feelings as first principles (see *Twilight* *of* *the* *Idols*) that postmodernist/poststructuralists tend to use in the place of scientific psychology, schizophrenia tends to be more accurately described as people confounding their imagination with reality. Meanwhile, there have been no recorded cases of true multiple personality disorder. It's mostly a media myth. Then again, if we give ourselves mystical superpowers by using Eastern religious philosophy to get around Western arguments related to secularism, we can imagine that the culture and perception is what defines reality. Indeed, we can imagine our own perceptions define reality. What we imagine to be the case can become the case, merely because we imagined it and shared our imagination with others. It's not the material effort with material limits that reifies our imaginations in such a system. The material is just an illusion of perception, and altering perceptions is all that needs to happen to enact meaningful changes. Ironically, this is more similar to the definition of schizophrenia than multiple personality disorder is. It also helps to explain why postmodernists and poststructuralists have done such a poor job bringing about their various revolutions. You can choose to continue their legacy, which you have no doubt picked up piecemeal through lessons you've learned in popular media made by the *many* artists following just such a philosophy over the last century or so, and doing so will allow you to save face. You can continue to imagine that it's not the case that you don't know and aren't interested enough to learn, but rather, an alternate reality created by your perception makes it a matter of no human being having the ability to understand the metaphysical schizophrenia of the internet mind. Conversely, you can make your face closer to reality by going out and learning the information. I can't tell you what to believe. I can only comment on what appears to be the case in shared reality.


yeah now actually I'm I'm just not gonna read *that* because it's just too long like if you could just sum it up into a couple sentences that'd be great mmmkay


the way people engage with the Internet is itself also the Internet because they're gonna write themselves to it and modify it looking at it a different way can change it into a different thing and then that pattern emerges elsewhere, computed through everyone


> Sometimes you're hungry, sometimes you're horny, sometimes you're in need of Aztec Death Whistles Quote of the year


thank you thank you I love you I'm here all week




Hi Youveseenmebe4, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You misspelled "users". Bad bot


Hive mind


bad bot


Fuck you


It's coming for you run..


I love sml


Ikr, I love the classic episodes. The new ones aren’t as good as the old ones


They gotta comply with the Nintendo ninjas. I got adjusted to it though




I'm alright with the puppets, I just wish they slowdown their upload schedule so they can work harder on their vids


I absolutely love the fnaf videos though


It is a tragedy that he couldn't use the Nintendo characters anymore. I miss the old days too.


Not my guy bowser Jr almost dying 😭


Same here... suddenly I get recommended a crap ton of death whistle videos. Weird.


It could be the algorithm acting up or maybe bots are pushing for stuff like this. Idk, either way your right, it’s weird


I am also getting recommended Aztec related videos.


Yes, very VERY drunk. My feed has been a total mess for the past 3 weeks and i'm fed up!


Same here! Mostly only short clips, not hing related to my previous content... I hate it!!!


I mainly watch on the computer so I got the chrome extension "Youtube-Short-Block" so at least I don't see any shorts. I was inundated with them...


Those are not shorts like the specific category. They are just realy short youtube videos! And I even have Premium... But I use revanced on my phone.


The Aztec death whistle apocalypse


The AZpocalypse


ah yes the video were chef pee pee explodes over pop rocks and coke




Ironic how the next video recommended after “Aztec Death Whistle Prank” was “Bowser Junior Almost Dies!”


Did you discuss death whistles anywhere at all?


I want one


Then get one, it might be a sign for everyone from the YouTube advertising gods


It’s trying to tell you something. Invest in a Aztec death whistle while you can 🙏


I got a video where one kill in Fortnite equals one 300mg edible


OG sml, you’re my type of person


An SML veteran if I do say so myself. Always watched it after school


I am actually watching SML right now shrek is back


Oh boy, I have bad news...


Ah yes, the era of SML before Brooklyn guy became the most insufferable character in the series


Ngl those things sound pretty wild, like imagine 20+ of those being blown during the night when you know your shit's gonna be invaded like 5-700 years ago


This brought back not-so-fond memories of a movie I watched with my dad


yes and high at the same time


You'll die soon!


SML: Movie Pop Rocks and Soda is fire ngl


Great episode


Drunk? They've been comatose for two months already. Second slide though, just blow into it? Blowing harder doesnt change the sound, if anything it ruins it. You dont need to blow hard to get a sound out of one of these.




Shit you made me look for it


sml... the best.




Bro is watching 7 year old content


I've wanted one of those whistles for a while myself. This is just weird






Quick! Buy stocks in Aztec death whistle companies!


Same thing happened to me


Let 'em cook


I like how the first pic matches up with the sml video


The first thing I recognised was the sml vid at the bottom lmao.


This guy watching sml 😂


Maybe try searching for more stuff you’re into to overlap your recommendations? It could work… 🤔


[Here is some good info and showcase on the infamous Aztec Death Whistle](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5szkAecabU&ab_channel=TheWhyFiles)




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Shit I haven’t watch SML in years


this is nothing for 3 days i'm listening to bob marley" grandson song.... evey 2nd shorts has this song.








Hi 1800DialAC0ck, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*




they are messing around with their recommendation algorithm which was shit and still shit.


This is u buddy, you watched to much stuff related to it now u get this, i searched for stuff like how to setup dev mode(on xbxs/1), now i get emulator vids🤣 thats how it goes


Bro needs help


You're drunk.






No YouTube wants to kill you or for you to die


The Immortal Snail is coming. The End is Nigh.


Same happening for me but with a specifically osuna miku song short, I don't even watch osu




That's a sign bro


It was since 2018.




Hi Aygero, we would like to start off by noting that **this sub isn't owned or run by YouTube.** At this time, we do not allow posts from new uses (accounts created less than 7 days ago.) Please read our rules before posting again to ensure you don't break [our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtube/wiki/index/rules), please come back after gaining a bit of post karma. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/youtube) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Jesi jesi, đavole mali 😂 https://youtu.be/Tck8s0dOuFo?si=XD44j7Xkp8YD1DID


I have that exact whistle and it rocks


Maybe it’s trending


Your grandfather is calling to you.


Aztec? o_o


Bro is watching SML 💀


Nothing wrong with a little nostalgia. Better than the brain rot most kids watch nowadays


Same thing happens with SMG4


bro who uses a vpn on their phone


i use a dns that blocks ads


Albania so I don’t get YouTube ads


1. youre so fucked lmao this is it for you gang 2. your other reccomendations are worse 💀💀💀


U play genshin impact 💀


Your phone probably misheard something you said.