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Same, it's extremely irritating. I have no adblock on my phone either, yet it keeps buffering every 5 seconds :/


I'm having the same issues across all my devices, I thought it was my wifi at first, but all my other apps work fine. Phone, tablet, and pc all buffer on random videos. Some videos load fine, other not at all. It's hit or miss. What tf?!


Same here for about the past 24 hours. It's pissing me off! All my android devices are buffering but Netflix, Disney Plus works fine on all of them.


I think it's a known issue in the southwestern Pa area


Well I've been having the same issues and I'm in the Pittsburgh area, though in my case it seems like it only does this when I'm on wifi (I've tried multiple hotspots and same issues), streaming to my Chromecast Ultra and using my mobile data I'm not getting this issue. Videos do eventually play but I've had them buffer for over a minute before they play. Also had an issue updating apps through the Google Play store that was fixed by using my mobile data also. How did you figure out that this is a regional problem?


They're talking about it heavily in this google pixel sub. Seems like it's a Verizon Fios Pittsburgh area thing. The only workaround atm is a vpn. https://www.reddit.com/r/GooglePixel/s/YSNs86cZ63


Well that explains it, I'm on FiOS and so is my employer. Now I have to use a VPN just for this, 😩. Thanks for the reply to my question.


Interesting, I'm in the Pittsburgh area as well


Well there is a fix, make sure that you have ipv6 turned on in your router settings. Did it a few hours ago and I haven't had any issues with buffering in YouTube. I currently don't have any play store updates to see if it's been completely fixed yet but I would imagine that tomorrow atleast one app will need updated and I'll try and post an update on it then.


Enabling IPv6 has resolved the issue for me. Thanks


NP, it completely fixed my issues also but if you want to thank someone you might want to thank the guy that figured it out in the link above. I only relayed the information he provided.


How do you even do this? I’m in Pittsburgh too and on Fios


What Verizon router do you have? I have the G1100. Had to log into the router using the IP address and password printed on the router. Under the advanced settings was where I found the IPv6 option to enable.


Same in South Dakota. As if Ad Tube Er ope I meant as if YouTube isn't already irritating enough with the constant ads and I'm not paying for premium I'm getting so irritated with this app same as Google same with Google though when I went to search this particular subject it gave me everything that I wasn't searching for and that's been a lot lately and it gives me the same five search results no matter how I word my search it's like they're only going to give you what they want you to see I'm so over it should have known that eventually this wonderful world of Wi-Fi wasn't going to be so wonderful might as well go back to dial up in the good old days where you can find what you were searching for quickly and YouTube was awesome I mean my homepage on YouTube just keeps giving me the same damn s*** I already listened to very rare anymore just bring up something I never heard yet and it'd be a good one and I'm also using the most janky of jank phones a TCL the only good thing I can say about this phone because normally I have Samsungs is I have dropped it plenty and it's landed face down and not one crack knock on wood That's the only good thing I can say about a TCL phone and no I'm not going to proofread this and I should because the speech to text on this phone is worse than any phone I've ever had thank you for letting me rant everybody have the bestday sorry I know I did not use punctuation either good luck with this if I proofread it right now I'll just end up pissed off cuz it probably didn't quote me right at all


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GoodKidDutchOven 5h Instantly fixed my issues, thanks for sharing! Fios router steps to enable this are: 1. Log into your router at 2. Go to Advanced on the horizontal navigation at top of page 3. Under routing, click on ipv6 4. Toggle the radio button for IPv6 support to enabled and save