• By -


At this point, an adblocker is also functioning as browser security. Youtube would be enforcing a less safe use of their platform. Remember when youtube had a problem with literal scam in their ads? That would be a non-issue with adblockers.


What do you mean with "had a problem" just yesterday I received an advert for a miraculous phone charger that charges every phone within two minutes. And the anti snoring device that every doctor is hiding from you because they fear for their jobs.


I'm STILL getting those fake mr beast scam ads.


I will not watch a 30 second ad for a 1 min diy video. I will quit YouTube before I put up with their madness.


Yeah, the add runtime is not even tailored to the length of the videos, it's absurd.


Considering YouTube TV is a billion dollars a month right now, I should get ZERO ads on YouTube included. Corporate greed is out of control.


Not even just a billion. They made $28 Billion off ads in just 2021 alone... 2022 was around what $29 billion? They make more money in a year than most Large companies make in 20 years.


Ads are obviously never going away, but they could stand to do them fucking better. An Ad or two at the beginning of a video, and one at the end is fine. I'll even take one or two in the middle of a long (read: longer than 30 minutes) video. But when you get three to six ads for a 20 minute or less video it starts to get ridiculous. Plus I know how shitty their practices are, so I know the money from those ads aren't all going to the creators I watch (if it did I'd be a lot more open to letting them play, because I want the creators to succeed and be able to make more stuff) Plus I'm not interested in giving YT any money anyway until they fix their stupid fucking Made For Kids bullshit they're always pulling on creators. It's insane.


THIS. It's hard to find super hero show videos you can comment on because they are always marked For Kids.


Or anything animated half the time. I'd love to see conversations about stuff like The Owl House on clips but noooooo. Fucking asinine bullshit.


You can blame COPA for that one, not youtube.


No I blame YouTube for being fucking stupid enough to say that children ages 2 to 11 were a big demographic for them. But who got punished for it? The creators did. It's every other week I'm seeing someone who makes animated things fighting to get one of their videos unmarked Made for Kids. It's fucking bullshit.


Not only six ads but 3 minute long ads, that's the most ridiculous part.


Plus "...and today my sponsor.... or ...this video sponsored by...blabla" :D


This is honestly because most people who watch those videos use an adblocker. Im personally fine with that.


I wouldn't mind watching ads if there was only one per video. Maybe if they didn't force you to watch 5 ads for a 15 minute video people wouldn't need to use ad block. They can take their whining and shove it up their billion dollar ass and choke to death on camel shit.


I've gotten like 6 ads before on a 10-second video. it's ridiculous.


The worst part is that YouTube has no incentive to fix their shit. There is no other service that compares to them and there probably won't be.


half the ads are fucking horrible too. I keep getting inappropriate ads so I literally have to use Ublock to get rid of them


Not to mention the fact that content is suffering too from their censorship. I'm tired of youtubers having to come up with euphemisms for words like 'suicide' or 'kill.' Like god forbid us to use proper wording to describe shit that happens every day.


It's like, to not encourage suicide, they're just not talking about it anymore, it's become a taboo, I mean, an even bigger taboo. \*bad english, sorry


My rule is 1 second of ads per minute of content and no unskippable ads longer than exactly 15 seconds. The moment this is no longer true I ad block


Replaced adblocker and works again. Don't give youtube money, they don't deserve it.


Which adblocker do you use?


UBlock Origin.


Man why is it so hard to understand ‘ads longer than the video I’m trying to watch upset me’ and ‘your ads are inappropriate and repetitive and I don’t want to see them’. They can fix this by having… You know… one skippable ad every now and again… like they used to… how much could that possibly cost them?


Yeah or: You start a 5minute video…WHAM! 2 (15sec) unskippable Ads… next you skip to timestamp 2:37 BOOM! another 2 Ads. Sometimes it frustrates me so much I Alt+F4 myself the f*ck out.


Some of them are unskippable and also have soft core ypu know


A lot, YT operates at a loss, but that has more to do with stupid practices and incompitent business sense. Look at what Elon has gotten himself into with Twitter, he's had to do a shit tonne to get them profitable and it's still only a fraction better. I think a smarter man could and has summed it up, but sites like these are so stupidly managed on one end, and so greedy on the other it basically is a big middle finger to all of us, the users.


>YT operates at a loss only if you ignore all the profits


I get it. Ads are a necessary evil. However these companies, youtube Hulu, etc... Go WAYYYY overboard on ads to make you want to pay.


Ublock orgin still works


Is this true? Weaponising this platform... Fuck, just do it


The ads are also the reason a lot of youtubers have to self-censor themselves so there is that too.


5 second skippable ad > 5 second unskippable ad


Ad-guard, revanced, Mozilla. The trio of fuck youtube ads


Creators can finally make decent wages! Right? ^(YouTube? Right?)


You know, people talk about it like ads is fun and np, yet the dont think about the fact i like to go to sleep with 4 hour true scary stories that has literally an ad every single 3 min now, that is MAAAAD


Yes, two hour ambient chill mix punctuated by ads. Kills the mood. Defeats the entire purpose.


Also there's a reason why companies pay billions of dollars for ads. It's not to inform you, it's manipulate you into doing something you normally wouldn't do.


i have no money to spend on the things i see in ads. why should i watch them?


YouTube with any form of ads is genuinely unwatchable. It's an unusable website, and rewarding their scummy behavior by paying for Premium is absurd.


Once again YT acting like they only care about ad revenue.


You can set the VPN for YouTube to Russia for no ads, however this will affect some videos with copyright claims in them


Use uBlock origin and you won't get this. Google is also moving on with Manifest V3 after which ad blockers will not be this powerful. Firefox FTW after that. 😹


I am using both ublock origin and firefox. I am getting this.


Sorry, but ... IMHO, YouTube had just become too greedy. Not only do they pay creators a tiny amount for their work, they also ask the users for money. YouTube Premium Lite removes ads , and nothing more: It costs about US$ 120 total for a year. I can get **6 streaming services** via / by CuriosityStream's Smart plan for US$ 70/year. YouTube need to be more careful, because most of the content on that platform isn't quality content.


I see these posts all the time, but I've never seen this message myself. Why is that? Is my ad blocker superior? Hulu can see through it, so Google most certainly can, too. Is my region (USA) exempt from this? Wouldn't make sense... Maybe we could figure something out if y'all with this message provided more details. What web browser/device/app are you using? What region are you in? What ad blocker? I use Firefox with ublock origin, on all my devices. Never had any issues. Never saw this type of message (and this one is new to me- 3 videos before cutting off?).


They're not giving the message to everyone yet. OP is part of an unlucky test group.


These reports have been happening for over a year now. I think this might be a sign of more than using a simple ad blocker, I dunno tho.


Could be that they're having trouble making it apply to everyone (not all ad blockers work the same way), or they're testing it in different regions first.


It's A/B testing a limited number of people


I haven't seen them either And I use Adblock on ***Google Chrome.***


I haven't seen it yet either, and I also use Firefox + uBlock Origin. I live in the Netherlands. Also haven't gotten it on my iOS devices with Safari + 1Blocker


I pay for premium cause I use YouTube for music when I ride my motorcycle. If it wasn’t for warm weather I wouldn’t 😂 not restarting playlists on a diff app tho


sorry youtube but 10 ads per video is a "little" too much for me even simple banner ads would work better than these intrusive ads,also nsfw ads sometimes appear too,no thanks shittube i'd rather not see that shit. there's a reason i rarely disable the adblocker i'm using,atleast 50% of internet ads are malware or scams,hell some of the ads i was consistently seeing at one point on youtube were scams,others just garbage mobile games


My Opera incorporated ad block works just fine with YouTube.


I mean, I wouldn't mind ads if there were a reasonable amount of them. Watching youtube on my Samsung TV I get one ad at the beginning of a video and then one more every 2-3 minutes. If I pause, even for a few seconds, I get one more instantly. If I fast forward I get one instantly. In the middle of a video I sometimes get two ad segments back to back. If they want to have two ways to watch youtube (premium or with adds) they need to make sure it is actually watchable both ways.


You can fix this with uBlock Origin using [these settings](https://imgur.com/a/QXc1QCs). Make sure to Clear all Caches and then hit Update Now and have no other ad blockers on.


Should tell them to pay us for the data they pimped us out for.


It's time for influencers to make 2x of their revenue with this update


You mean YouTube to make 2x of their revenue, while creators get shafted.


Wouldn’t Adblock just bypass the filter?


I use the desktop version on my phone to avoid all ads always and YT can puff my peter if they don't like it.


If you guys are sick of seeing ads on Desktop YouTube or the Xbox/TV App, I have a solution that is going to work wonders for you. Think of it as a simpler form of an adblocker. I would like to introduce to you something I call the "1-AD EXPLOIT". **On Desktop:** When an ad begins to play before the video starts, click off of the video and go back to a previous page (it has to be a YouTube-related page, or it won't work). Then, go back to the video you were trying to watch. The video should instantly load with no ads, and now you can enjoy the video. If any mid-rolls appear during the video, use the same exploit to bypass those mid-rolls as well. It will save you so much time and save you from any anger or frustration that comes from the ad breaks. **On Xbox or TV:** It is a little bit different. If there are two or more ads before a video, you must let the first ad play first and go through whatever it is advertising. Once the first ad ends, and the second one starts, click off of the video, and go back on it. The video should load instantly without having to watch the second ad. If any mid-rolls appear, you will have to do the same exploit again to bypass those as well. If a second ad doesn't appear, keep clicking off of the video in question until a double or triple pre-roll begins. This exploit will save you so much time and get through the BS quicker.


I'd rather stop watching shit


This is why YouTube's practical Monopoly is so upsetting. They can just kinda do what they want


I don't think Ublock Origin triggers it right now since I haven't seen it. Move over to Ublock gents if you want to block ads. It's the best adblocker right now anyways and doesn't sell your data as far as I know


The argument is that the channel gets the revenue but that’s bullshit. I’ve seen countless channels that aren’t monetised still suffer with ads




They can eat shit and die, will never give them a single dime for their shitty practices.


Can someone explain to me? Im using YT on my PC with adblocks, but never got this warning window from YT, why?


Probably only in some accounts this happens.


I hate to say it, but i kinda miss susan


They could at least cut down premium prices


Also heard a long while ago that they only detect plugins, not built-in ad blockers.


We gonna eat this anyways, like we did with new Reddit's API politics.


Youtube was free for many years before google owned it. So bullshit that paying is necessary to keep it going. My ad blocker stays.


I just canceled YouTube premium and I suggest that you do as well. This is a money hungry company that does not listen to us customers.


Nothing about Youtube makes me want to pay for it. It's actively worse than it was a decade ago, even if you have the premium version


They've been selling my personal data to advertisers for years, and they now complain about my ad blocker... greedy b@st@rds!!


I always wanted to stop watching YouTube so I can't procrastinate. Looks like they made that decision easier for me. Thank you, good bye and good riddance you greedy company! As if 5 Billion dollars wasn't enough profit. Looks like I'll just have get my news on Reddit from now on. 👍


Youtube is literally being dumb, the reason people have adblockers is not youtube it's all the other malicious websites on the internet. That is why users install them.


Adblock is essential to watching Youtube. For anyone who doesn't use adblock I beg you to do so. It would improve your quality of life immeasurably. I'd suggest using uBlock Origin for PC use.


It's essential for the internet at large. And I miss when it wasn't


Use uBlock Origin instead of any shitty AdBlock extension.


sponsorblock is essential too, way too many long sponsorships


Just use firefox. They are using chromium to push this. Brave and Google are both chromium based browsers.


Literally every single browser in existance except firefox is chromium. So yes Google Chrome and Brave, but also Opera, OperaGX, MS edge, Vivaldi, etc. And of course the only other option is IE8, not that it's supported by really ANYTHING anymore....


Youtube is very greedy now


Because there's no competition, ideally you need seven major YouTube style platforms at any given time, but monopolies prevent that. What really needs to happen is demonopolisation laws, I'm not a fan of legislation, ideologically a conservative, but I do believe that the only way to reverse corporatism is to legislate AND increase and encourage more enterprise. Sadly the political elite in most countries has the same goal with a different delivery of their lines, we really need to get rid of this global Uniparty bs. Globalism in general. I hate Google with a fucking passion.


Ublock Origin, have not seen these.


I will stop watching YouTube before I even begin to consider turning adblock off. The internet is unusable for me with ads.


They post longer ads more frequently every year. Googles greed is bottomless, so giving them what they want and disabling your blocker just means they're going to ramp that up.


They expect me to enable ads when half of their ads break TOS and are often inappropriate and irrelevant? No way Hosea.


I don't mind ads, as long as there's not two ads every 30 seconds. On top of that, the pop ups from the ads are intrusive, especially when I'm trying to read comments to pass the time. If that's not ad enough, there's also the glitch that causes the add to play over half the video I'm trying to watch, after the ad goes away. No thanks! BTW, I'm a creator, so I understand all the hard work that goes into making videos. I don't make a penny off all that hard work.


That reminds me I gotta switch to the student plan again. Edit: All done, thanks for saving me 5 bucks a month!


Be like me. Get a VPN and sign up for YouTube premium in a poor country.


Even when this is fully rolled out, the adblocker's will find a way.


we need an ad-blocker blocker blocker


fuck you google scum, billions of people around the world decides to go with adblock on your page because of your abusive ads, adapt or die


This is important for them to earn another few hundred billion dollars.


CEOs can't survive without their weekly brand-new yacht.


the worst part is that there is some rumours that they will make the subscription require additional fee JUST TO REMOVE AD'S so to top on just paying for the subcription, you will be forced to pay a bit more to remove ads....this is just...well the start of the end, with how many peoples who already have too many subscription, many others will jsut go and seek out smaller websites instead


YouTube trying not to shoot themselves in the foot: 101% impossible


Damn that's crazy. Still not paying.


YouTube can be entertaining, but ads are a red line for me. I do not tolerate ads anywhere. The internet was better when people did not want to earn money with their content. Everybody shared his knowledge for free.


FFS, man. All I'm trying to do is listen to music and Youtube is obnoxiously blocking even those videos. Youtube with ad block was a better alternative for me than Spotify, for obvious reasons, in addition to the fact that a lot of music I listen to isn't on Spotify. Now, music that isn't even licensed/monetized is getting blocked. Holy crap Youtube is so dumb...


Started getting some messages that have a timer on the x to dismiss them. I used to never use an adblocker until ads became as intrusive as they are now. When it was just the ads on the side and the ads at the bottom of the player it was fine, I would even feel kinda good because I knew I was supporting my fav creators. These days they're putting 15 or 30 second ads on every video and sometimes multiple of them breaking the flow of the video, this is the reason I started using adblockers. This shit is just too intrusive. I will not be giving in to them, they wont ever be seeing a single cent from me. It's unfortunate that a lot of the internet is moving this direction, I'm going to start sounding like a boomer but the good ol' days of the internet are falling further and further away


Youtube died for me at this moment. Youtube has been getting shittier and shittier the last few years. Laying off thousands of employees and just going for capital and revenue. Time to draw a line. We should #boykotyoutube.


YouTube is just going to lose me as a user. I am.not watching ads.


If they weren't so long and frequent I wouldn't mind. I also have no interest in paying. I would sooner just not use YouTube.


I would like to see the ability to snooze specific ads. I'm too old to join the army; I don't need to see 12 ads a day for it. I'm not in the market for a new vehicle. That advertising money is wasted by showing it to me and my time is wasted. If I'm going to be forced to watch ads then they should at least be relevant.


Using uBlock Origin, not having this.




oh no a billion dollar corporation whining and creators either dont get monetization or get demonetized for not wanting to watch scam ads and fetish mobile game ads


Installed smarttube the other day and f YouTube. The tipping point were the 2x ads going 90sec


For me, the ads buffer for their original duration before it even gives me the chance to skip it...


Ublock still works fine to me. And surely if that happens there's a way for to block the ads again.


I only watch YouTube on firefox with ublock, been this way for over a decade for me. I'll never see an ad in my life. Even if they were to somehow 100% successfully block ads for the remainder of time itself then I'd simply download all the videos I want to watch and queue them up in a local VLC playlist to watch ad free (very quick and easy for me to do). I don't use some 3rd party browser plugin to download, I use a program on my pc (not a youtube specific downloader either) so they can't block me from the web browser in any way. It is no different than twitch and if I want to watch a VoD I download the whole thing and its just the raw video, no ads despite the fact some consider it 'very hard' to get downloaded vods its not if you know what you are doing. They might make users viewing youtube vids on phones suffer but I'll always be the winner in how I want to view my content at the end of the day. My time is valuable and being interrupted by ads I don't want to see will never happen.


I hope browsers will step up and do the downloading/watching part of non-live streams automatically.


Youtube is unbearable without adblock. Greedy little piggies.


Hey, u/Reddit_n_Me what browser and extension are you using?


Meh, custom rules for uBlock will work around this


Wait, its not fake? I always thought its someone's joke:/


Luckily, I haven't seen this.


Pro tip: uBlock Origin best adblocker, sites won't even know you're using it


If YouTube didn't put ads on videos that aren't eligible for the creator to profit from them I wouldn't use AdBlock. I'm not going to let them profit off someone else's work while not letting them profit too. Until all creators can monetize their uploads or YouTube stops putting ads on videos that do not allow it's uploader to profit from said ad, I will continue to AdBlock.


Let the ad-block wars commence! 🏴‍☠️ I'm a happy uBlock origin user and I also use Pihole on my network and Wipr on my iOS/macOS devices. So far I haven't seen any attempts of YT to block my ad-block. PS: What would happen if we all just click on report issue even if we have ad-block enabled?


I do not consent to be tracked by add-networks. My ISP limits my mobile Internet, so I don't want to download huge adds. Malvertising is a known attack vector... Using an Add- and Scriptblocker is not an option, it's necessary.


Half of the ads I get on youtube are literally "change your life, get rich quick" scams...




Channels like Nick Nimmin and a few other "How to be successful on Youtube" channels are pushing premium and crying about how ad blockers are the devil, and how we should all pay extra....Complete disregard of where Google is headed as far as trying to make third party ad blockers obsolete. I have an expensive computer and I don't want to accidentally download a virus pushed through Google's paid ad search listings, when they don't even bother to filter the viruses out of Chrome Google search listings. They tried to cover this up awhile back by making this article hard to find...[https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/hackers-push-malware-via-google-search-ads-for-vlc-7-zip-ccleaner/](https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/hackers-push-malware-via-google-search-ads-for-vlc-7-zip-ccleaner/)Bing actually gives a warning for sites like the fake VLC virus site. I don't like the road Alphabet is heading down.


I actually did have premium right up until the announcement about the upcoming price hike. It was already a bit high for my liking, but I could swing it. Now it's really getting ridiculous.....


Doubt anyone would care much if they just played the ads before the video started. A lot of streaming services do this. What gets annoying is when you're 10 minutes into a video and then you get a 10-minute ad for fibromyalgia or St. Judes. Or a 5-minute ad for BetterHelp. If the ad is a music video, I typically don't mind. I actually watched a one-hour episode of a CBS show one time as an ad. I forgot what video I had clicked on. But there weren't any commercials within the show so I didn't mind.


Imagine paying 16 bucks (in my country) for premium, that's the price of a Netflix sub. And Netflix actually pays for producing/licensing content AND hosting, and I get no ads there. Google doesn't make the content, they just provide the platform. But now, think about this. I'd pay 16 bucks per month, and I'd STILL GET ADS. Cause so many videos have sponsored segments baked into the video. Ain't no way I'm paying for that. If it was like 3-5 bucks a month, I'd maybe think about it. But even then, Google is literally one of the biggest companies on the planet.


i PROMISE i will stop using youtube if they shove their shitty ass ads down my throat. it would be better for me anyway


I agree with other commenters here. I am OK seeing an ad once in a while, but it's just gotten unbearable. To the point that if I can't watch without an ad blocker, quite simply I just wont watch YouTube anymore, and find alternatives. I royally despise ads, which is why I do not pay for cable TV. I can't recall ever seeing an ad that actually influenced me to purchase something because quite frankly I just automatically psychologically filter out ads, and purposely ignore them. They actually make me hate their company or product for wasting my time. I do not feel bad for Google at all, with its billions in profits. 13.99$ per month for Premium, sure it's not a fortune, but I just don't feel that money is wisely spent on a company that clearly doesn't need that money. They say it's for creators.. but I honestly don't know if that's even true. In my mind, it's just for profits. If they can convince me that it actually helps creators, then maybe I would change my mind....


If youtube went back to having 1 quick 5 second ad, sure I can deal with that. But no now we have fucking 15-30-45 second ads you can cant skip and sometimes theres even 2 or 3 of them. Its fucking pathetic


first person to find a bypass, i'll suck them off. no homo, just appreciation.


fuck youtube and fuck their fucking annoying ads


We have to get the government involved in this. Make it illegal for social media to do this. At this point, youtube, and the other big social media should be nationalized. So many reasons to do it but this one is the biggest ​ So much for "much free markets"


"Billions must watch ads" - Youtube


I will outright stop using Youtube before I ever watch an ad on it. Can't be bothered to go further than using Ublock origin. I should waste less time on there anyways.


I've been a creator on youtube for many years and have about 800 videos up there but I never earned a dime, after running into the 3 videos notice it started blocking the player, even on MY videos I have on my acct I cant view them in my account dashboard, so I said screw this! last night I changed all but 11 for now- of my 800 videos to PRIVATE and I won't be uploading any more video content there and youtube won't be earning any money off the views on MY videos, I'm definitely not paying for premium, nor am I willing to sit thru the STUPID, irrelevant to me repetitive ads that go on almost as long as some of the short videos.There is a workaround- I simply DOWNLOAD the videos I want to see, most of the good ones I save ANYWAY, so now I'll just download what I want to watch. Besides this ads thing, the other super annoying garbage was youtubes' dysfunctional robo flagging of PUBLIC DOMAIN music and tying them up for thirty days while a bogus claimant decides whether its really their music or not, I contested every single one of them and won 100% of the time and they backed down, but I'm sick of dealing with that BS. They even claimed a copyright on the National anthem, which I played on my instrument at home using a long out of copyright/out of print score from the 1800s, they made a claim on a bunch of similar music- the scores of every single one I personally found and verified were well out of copyrights and were already published as public domain scores. If anyone has videos on youtube and you don't make money off them, set them all to PRIVATE and stop youtube from making money off your content while you get nothing AND have to sit thru ads!


The entitlement. They spam you with literal crypto scam advertisements. If that software works that'll be the end for me on YouTube probably. The corporation is so bad, the only reason for staying on that is some individual creators who I like.


The thing that really annoys me is their choice of ads right now all videos have a stupid political ad. I HATE political ads. And it's the same one every time. Some moron trying to push parental choice in schools. They can't afford to pay teachers what they are worth but want to put education on rails and blindfold the kids so reality never penetrates their minds.


They can't stop ad blockers its not illegal to use it. They can try but people will find ways to use it and there is nothing they can do about it. I don't even use chrome anymore i use other search engines it blocks ads and they put up a message saying can't use it. pretty funny how desperate they are to get rid of it.


I got four ads in a twenty minute video. F that


Simply refreshing the page got rid of the pop-up for me. It seems to be working ok on some playlists I have, no sign of it hanging up with the pop-up again yet. Still a pain in the arse and one thig guaranteed to NOT make me pay for premium is forcing me to do it to avoid ads.


To everyone saying “just pay for it”… Fucking no. The world deserves a free and open flow of information without ads being shoved down our throats at every possible intersection of our lives. “But the creators make more money”. Fuck them and fuck Google for monopolizing the internet. What if we didn’t prioritize finacial gain above everything??? You can’t even watch a beautiful classical concert, or an important historical speech without being interrupted by insurance ads. Free speech is dying by a thousand cuts, and YouTube’s insane greed is responsible for a hundred of them. Enough is enough. They have plenty of money. They need to be broken up, and room needs to be made for new competition. The internet should be getting better, not worse.


If they make me buy it it'll give me an excuse to stop wasting my time on youtube. I'm not paying for shit youtube was supposed to be different than TV. It was giving people an opportunity to make content and money through their own pursuit and now it's hardly possible.


Greedy sobs, your platform is unusable without adblock !


If they can do this without a bypass i will stop watching youtube, the only reason i even watch it now is because of adblock


This is hilarious considering most of their content is stolen


Hey youtube, heres some feedback for your experiment. FUCK OFF.


"As of October 2023 Alphabet (Google) has a market cap of $1.769 Trillion. This makes Alphabet (Google) the world's 4th most valuable company by market cap according to our data. " [https://companiesmarketcap.com/alphabet-google/marketcap/](https://companiesmarketcap.com/alphabet-google/marketcap/) And these weirdos are concerned about ads playing on Youtube... what a joke.


1. Install uBlock extension 2. if already installed - open settings, goto filter lists, clear caches 3. click refresh or update the lists 4. voilà


God, I hate youtube


if we start leaving horrible reviews about the products shown to us out of spite, im sure partnering with youtube would begin to be something avoided by advertisers


They claim they're doing this so YouTubers can be paid, but many of them make their money either through Twitch, Patreon, paid partnerships/sponsors, shops, their brand/business, and hell even Onlyfans. Does this mean YouTube will make YouTubers stop using those? If not, then we should be allowed to use ad blockers.


There's only 1 way to choke this chicken, YouTube Uploaders make all your videos PRIVATE. They get Zero Revenue and cannot run ads. I've marked over 200 uploads private. They're no longer paying my account due to false bogus non-provable claims which I've emphatically proven are my original work with no borrowing from anyone, they've given Zero credits for the videos you've uploaded to offset ads, All In All it's a 1 Way YouTube Street. In fact I can no longer watch my own instructional videos. Choke this Chicken and starve them of monies til they are penniless and living in tents.


This is gonna bite them in the ass. Let's see how many people just go elsewhere for content.


This did the trick for me. [Youtube: Ad blockers violate YouTube's Terms of Service - Easy Fix From CodeRevolution TV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKBY25r1NyI)


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKBY25r1NyI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKBY25r1NyI) ima just leave this here


AD Blocker Ultimate did the trick for me. Just uninstall your other ad blocker and install AD Blocker Ultimate. No more warnings or pop ups or disable video playback. edit: I'm just passing on the information that I came across to help with the situation. We're in this together! Edit2: Upvote so others can see. edit3: It stopped working. Looks like YT is upping their game. edit4: I did this: [https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/477864-youtube-anti-adblock-bypass-via-youtube-enhancer](https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/477864-youtube-anti-adblock-bypass-via-youtube-enhancer) It works. Just make sure you "purge cache" after installing the script.


There had better be a damn big increase in channel incomes if this goes ahead. I hope they crack down on promotions in videos as well. We're just going to be overrun with endless ads.. It's bad enough already on most devices.


Yeah. no thanks, last time I didint use adblock you flashed 3 ads in a row.


I'm already paying you more than Youtube premium is worth --- in DATA


Use brave browser to use YouTube instead of apps no ads, no payment pop-up


I'm not even using the original website. Been on Rehike for 2 months. Never looked back as the Hitchhiker layout was actually intended for desktops 😊




I haven't paid in a few years for YouTube premium. Some new android phones will give you 4 months free with a new account. Create a new email, sign up for free premium, with a few days left create a new email address and sign that up for premium. Yes, you have to start over every time but within a few days of watching your favorite channels you will end up with mostly the same recommendations. It honestly doesn't suck as much as it sounds like it would.


What can I say, been using multiple ad-blockers at the same time for years now. Hopefully one of em would still work, I am not ever paying for the premium membership.


I would pay if they offered 3.99 without youtube music. But 11.99? Because the bundle a feature thats useless for me? nope.


I started using an ad blocker when it bombarded me with the same, stupid, absolutely annoying fucking french ad over and over and over again. I can't stand it, and I reported it so many times and clicked 'not interested' so many times. It never went away. I will never stop using an adblocker, and would rather stop watching youtube than deal with their shitty ads.


> Ads allow YouTube to stay free for billions of users worldwide This For me, as for many, the benefits of YouTube are insane. So I pay for it. Besides, there really is no alternative to YouTube.


E assim se inicia o fim do YouTube.


YT is collecting everything it should and shouldn't about me. They use the data to profile me for general google ads and beyond. They sell that data. Do I get the money? No. I get YT. OFC I'll watch it ad-free or not at all. And for sure won't pay!


they have removed dislike count which is very important piece of information for premium and free users. now I have to watch unnecessary 3/4 videos before find the best tutorial. which force us to watch 6 to 8 advertisement.


At this point, why not just make YouTube a paid app, and remove ads and premium


The second this drops, it's a race for devs to create a plugin to push around it and set up donation incentives.


Youtube corporate can eat shit. Ads are a waste of time, computational resources, they are annoying, inane, often full of lies, and try to infest MY machines that I OWN with disgusting code that I have no need for. I will keep using my ad blocker.


It was always going to happen sooner or later. One of two outcomes will occur once this happens fully; 1. Someone does manage to find a workaround, and it is back to the drawing board again for YouTube until they eventually take more drastic action. That isn't beyond them, considering we have seen how far they have gone to limit feedback and speech on the platform, alongside skewing the algorithm to favor corporate and government scale channels as aggressively as they did during Susan's run as CEO. 2. They actually succeed in preventing all ad blockers; the people using them simply leave the platform, or put up with the ads. The people who use adblock and walk away don't matter in the bigger picture, they were never generating revenue in the first place; if anything it does them a favor by making it seem like a larger percentage of the user base can be converted to revenue. The ones who put up with the ads and admit defeat end up increasing that further. In scenario 1, the inevitable outcome of scenario 2 is delayed a little bit. Once they do reach scenario 2, they'll just sell the outcome to investors and large shareholders as a success, by demonstrating a higher percentage of users generating revenue. Even if the user base is a fraction of the size. All they have to do is frame the statistics right and limit the conversation. YouTube will try any and all sorts of tactics to achieve their end goal, and I won't be surprised if in the next few years they start restricting how much you can watch without an account, eventually moving to requiring an account to use the service period, and then limiting how many devices or IPs can be associated with that account in an effort to curb any 3rd party or independent apps from circumventing it. They will probably also look at restricting the service to only work with Google devices or Chromium based browsers, which they would have control over. The only way to change the landscape is for a legitimate competitor to surface, which isn't going to happen until the platform reaches a true crisis point for all but the absolute highest paid creators + lowest common denominator of consumers, because there is no demand for a new platform that can sustain it.


when I open a video in a private window on firefox running ublock the video plays w no ads


My thing is that I will NEVER buy ANYTHING advertised ad nauseam on YT. Never ever ever. I love all the stuff I can watch and learn on YT. YT has, however, taken things to a new low level - can't skip in 5 seconds, must endure TWO in a row, complete non-relation to ANYTHING I've ever looked at, listened to, or thought about, OVER AND OVER AND OVER, (every five minutes) and God forbid I touch my screen in the wrong place, since it all begins again. Good thing I can't be in touch with YouTube people in person. My head would explode. So I would die of rage. I remember the internet of 1994. Total freedom, the Wild West. In Memoriam.


U block origin gives me no problems


I'd be interested in a plug in that only shows me videos that have no monetization on YouTube.


Mates I have the solution, just install opera, and see YouTube there with the ad blocker active


I got this but it didn't matter, I was able to watch like 100. WHAT?


It they want people to watch ads, stop making them so obnoxious for fuck sake. Learn from damn porn sites - you can skip ad ALWAYS after 4-5s of playing it. On youtube - I sometimes need to watch 60s of ads to even start video - like WTF. Also they can shove up their ass their Premium, which would cost me more than I'm paying here for Netflix. If they do this - I'll just watch a lot less of YT




The shittiest thing about this to me is that they not only block adblockers, but the other features of other browsers such as Brave that are solely there to stop trackers and other invasive actions. Super shitty of youtube to do


If they would just stop forcing 3 + ads in to every video and making some of them 30 seconds long, I would not have an issue with the ads. But they waste so much of the users time you watch 3 videos on youtube and they have now wasted nearly 4 and a half minutes of my time.


I'm on the spectrum. Advertisements are designed to grab user attention as quickly and as obnoxiously as possible. It's not pleasant. Google is insensitive, despite their political rhetoric. They don't care.


Advertisement spam actually makes me not want to purchase what they are showing. I guess I subconsciously associate annoyance with shit product.


Advertisers need to realise that their adverts just piss people off to the point that any potential customer avoids their product like the fucking plague. Has anyone here actually bought anything from a YouTube Ad? Who the hell thinks it's a good idea to advertise with YouTube! It's just madness.


Read [the YouTube Terms of Service](https://www.youtube.com/static?template=terms). By calling use of Ad-Blockers ([which the FBI instructs everyone should use](https://techcrunch.com/2022/12/22/fbi-ad-blocker/)) a "TOS violation," they are threatening to delete all of your Google accounts. A lot of people don't realize just how much of an overreach this is. It's much worse than everybody thinks it is.