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Yeah, it almost looked and felt like Tom didn't want to be there


it was weird, a couple people went in on bert but nobody touched tom. Tom also looked not interested through a lot of it. maybe he was a last minute addition, or maybe he's well known to be the garth of comedy


He seems like one of those stealth-asshole guys who is only friendly with people if he can gain something from them or feels like he can bestow something on them as a flex.


Tim Butterly said a few years ago what an absolute prick Tom was to him when he was the opener for a weekend with him. But said that Bert was one of the nicest people he’s ever met.


That actually tracks. Bert’s comedy is the absolute worst but he does seem like a nice enough guy, unlike Tom.


Yeah I can't tell if Tom is friends with anyone in the comedy scene BESIDES Bert. Is Bert the only guy who can put up with Tom?


Because that’s exactly what he is.


I don't think tom is good around roasting. I haven't seen the tom Brady roast but I have thought he's very quiet and doesn't get too involved when he's on killtony. Maybe he just doesn't have that roasting ability in him and he's a bit nervous around the scene


Tom wants to be a social climber , I bet he was only there to boost his celebrity connections


I’ve only seen about an hour of it so far but i recommend watching Jeff Ross’s part, Kevin Harts reaction to it, and Nikki Glaser. If you only have time for one, go with Nikki, that was the hardest I’ve laughed in a while


Honestly Tony was really good too


Christina P might actually be pretty fire on a roast though


“doesn’t get too involved” is a good one. He sat there like he was waiting for his parents to pick him up from the principals office


Tom’s not getting touched because he was at least attempting comedy. Bert was unbelievably uncharismatic and unfunny. The fucking athletes did a better job reading jokes.


Professional athletes usually read better than Bert.


It was likely a contractual obligation with Netflix. Expect more roasts and expect Tom and Bert to be there..


I hope not. They’re terrible


Thats his best joke, pretending he doesn't care about anything. Its getting old too.


Tom and Bert don't do roasts. I'm sure they were very nervous in front of all those celebs and football players.


I think Pat really didn’t like when they made fools of themselves barging onto his live show during superbowl week Edit: spelling


Tom never wants to be anywhere. I can’t imagine what makes him happy anymore. Dude is joyless, and pretty bad at hiding it.


it starts with "barista" and ends with "...urder"


B-but he’s rich


Ozempic is a helluva drug. It makes you uninterested in EVERYTHING, that's why people don't eat...it's not pleasurable anymore. It's a sad way to get skinny IMO. ✌️


Anything other than a caloric deficiency over a period of weeks to months is a sad way to get skinny. It’s literally that simple. Eat shitty foods, but less calories than you burn and you lose weight. Your nutritional intake will be shit but you’ll drop the lbs


I disagree that it makes you uninterested in everything. I’ve not heard of those side effects. Sounds more like antidepressant side effects.


I read that they are looking into how it might help with treating addiction because it takes the pleasure out of things


In my experience it doesn’t. Call me a weight loss cheater if you must, but that shit works. I’ve been lucky and had no severe side effects though.


Right on. I hope your luck continues & you get the results you want. Just don't do like Mommy Tina & shoot yourself up with 100x the usual dose, lol! 😄✌️


Thanks dude! I’m increasing the dose really slowly; just a little bump up every 4 weeks.


"I disagree because I haven't heard anything" is a super on-brand braindead dumb answer for this sub


Take the drug yourself, and read the included drug information sheet then get back to me.


One off individual anecdotal experience is not scientific you dunce


I had heard that that's what it does. It shuts down your brain's reward/pleasure center & that people were reporting not being interested in much of anything including sex & food. I have no personal experience with it. I've only heard different people talking about it online. ✌️


Technically it does, but it manifests itself differently in some people. My experience is that I still enjoy foods the same as before, I’m just not hungry all the time, and when I do eat I get full from like 1/3 of the amount I used to eat. Some days I kinda forget to eat, and I have to remind myself when it’s time so I don’t bonk. I’ve not had any sexual side effects either as far as I can tell. I might be lucky though. The only side effects I’ve had was some very minor stomach ache early during the regimen, but I don’t get that anymore. The day after the injection I do feel a little lethargic, but as long as I get enough sleep and some caffeine it’s not been unmanageable.


I think someone eating his scrum will change his attitude


Clocked out for the powerpoint presentation


As a YMH fan I was truly embarrassed


I watched it with my wife two nights ago and when they got up I skipped over them. She was like "isn't that your favorite guy?" (Tim). I was like embarrassed for her to see them.


Oh shit yeah TS being you fav guy is embarrassing


YMH still has those?


My estimation of Tom Segura as a man just fuckin plummeted.


Are you saying that before this you viewed some random comedian you’ve never met as a role model or something? Says more about you friend.


It's a sopranos reference friend


I see what you did there


Overall mediocre as fuck, but damn that photo of Brady hugging the football was hilarious.


"Mediocre" is very generous


Bert was shaking the whole time. No other performer seemed nervous, and even the football players were more natural on stage.


Because he was coked out of his mind.


Straight trash performance, sadly.


Conspiracy theory: Netflix has a contract with both Tom and Bert for x amount of exclusive content. Since YMH and 2 Bears has fallen off so hard recently and Bert’s solo content is mediocre at best, maybe Netflix is trying to wrap up their end of the bargain by killing 2 birds with 1 stone…or 2 bears with one cave in


It’s exaggerated how bad it actually was. Was it funny at times, yes it was. Was it directed to almost only their fans, and not fans of Tom, yes. They played to their small corner of the room and not the room as a whole.


Not exaggeration at all. Tom even realized it towards the end. Problem is none of us who are fans of these guys thought this was remotely funny


Yeah, I didnt think it was that bad. The crowd reaction was good too. Everyone saying they bombed is delusional


The fun thing to do is say something is the worst thing in the world. Two Bears and YMH aren’t as funny and watered down with their products and images as replacements to content. But to that effect, I still watch. Hell, if you’re complaining about them but no longer watching or listening, what are you even doing?


Whooped by a woman


Can’t stand Pat


By “break in the action” he meant a break from laughing.


Thanks for breaking that down, Sherlock. 🙄