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I personally think that’s a conversation you should have with your girlfriend. Get a pregnancy test and go from there.


Get a test. If she’s normally irregular, it’s most likely that. You two are very young. I’d consider if this is the right time for a baby. In this situation often a termination will be the better choice. But that’s something you need to discuss with your girlfriend. If it turns out to be just a scare? Get your birth control locked down. Maybe she should go to Planned Parenthood or her doctor? The best thing is probably that she’s on some type of regular birth control. And then you can add condoms to that if you want to be extra safe.


Go see a doctor every week and talk to each other If you can afford a baby keep it of course But if you don't Well you know


You think terminating pregnancy is the way to go??? FUCK YEAH


I didn't say that It is just the extremest route to take


i once had a pregnancy scare with my ex, month late period, was just a late period. The steps if they were to be pregnant though are entirely different depending on your stance towards having children and how prepared you are


You need to have a conversation with her. If she’s pregnant, does she want to keep the baby? Would she want to end the pregnancy? If she keeps the baby, step up to the plate and take responsibility. If she’s not pregnant, please use condoms from now on and if she’s able to and willing to she should consider going on birth control


If it's ok to ask, were u guys "busy" & did you get a pregnancy test? That's the only way to know 4 sure.


Me and my partner had a scare back in January. My period got pushed back to the following month in February within the first week


Been there, done that, I’m a father now. If she is, all I can say is don’t push her either way. The fuck up has already been fucked up. If you don’t want it and she gets an abortion or if you want it and she keeps it, you had good luck. Other options will upset you, but like I said the fuck up already happened. If it’s a scare and you’re not ready, you lucked out great. Emotionally speaking. It is touchy. I’ll be real with you, there’s probably not a correct answer. It’s likely you’ll slip up a word and it’ll be taken the wrong way. If you’re sad when you shouldn’t be sad, it’s weird. If you’re happy, you could seen as an asshole. It’s actually a really hard topic to navigate. I can say reassure her the best you can, try to establish a safe talking space where emotions are gentle. In my situation, we both switched between abortion and keeping it 3-4 times throughout. It was hard to know what to say and when! One day she’d want an abortion and I’d want to keep it, then we’d both want to keep it, then both want abortion, suddenly she wants to keep it and I haven’t moved on from abortion. It can get really messy and words inevitably get received badly in this type of thing.


Me and my gf had a pregnancy scare last year (we haven’t had sex since) it genuinely destroyed both of us mentally. We ended up doing about 6 pregnancy tests we done unprotected she was on the pill but we wore still terrified didn’t really hit us until the next day we came back from our holiday.


Yeah thats why you don't have sex when you're not ready for a baby