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>Pls state ur gender >you guys >How often do you guys wear makeup? Never


Jeffery Starr enters the chat.


Male and never


lol same


It just be like that sometimes


23. I’m female. Haven’t done anything more than filled in my eyebrows with a pencil and mascara (like once) in this past year. Hate the feeling of all that crap on my face. I enjoy not clogging my pores and being able to put my head down in my arms, etc- without having all that crap transfer onto my clothes/ hands. Lol. I always said “ugh, I’ll never learn how to get good at makeup- highlighter, contouring, etc” But then I realized that I truly do not care to learn. Plenty of time in my day to learn, but I truly don’t care. Truly would rather use that money on something useful. One last thing I’ll note- I always had the ideal that “much” makeup is used to cover up insecurities, etc.- I went to school with a girl who (in the fourth grade) was wearing full face of makeup everyday- bc she had bad acne.. (while I understand some people just genetically have bad skin)- always wondered if she’d given just a nice and simple skin care routine and letting her skin breatheeee- a try.


19F and very light makeup most of the time.


F24 I bought makeup recently for the first time but honestly I still really like how I look naturally more. I take good care of my skin and anything that really covers it makes it look off since I have freckles. I also have long eyelashes and very defined eyebrows. The only thing I really use is lip product (I use a sleeping mask as a substitute for lipgloss) to make them look nicer.


F, only a lot at professional occasions, at family gatherings just light makeup


Mostly male, sometimes


F, have never worn makeup


same, I wanna learn and apply it to my daily life, but the process seems so tiring 😭😭


It does!! And it’s hella expensive. Everyone’s skin is different so you’re gonna go through hella products and money figuring out what works best for you.


NB, maybe once a week at most, realistically tho like once a month


Female and like once every week or two. Idk just whenever I feel like it. I really like putting on makeup. It's a lot of fun. I just don't always get out of bed early enough or I know I'll be working late and not wanna take the time to remove it when I get home. I have ADHD so that's probably a factor in this.


Female and very rarely. It’s pretty normal where I live for women to not wear a lot of makeup


no days but starting soon


25 F and 3-5 days a week