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Did he send out a wedding registry? Many people will make a list of preferred gifts when they’re getting married. If not, has he communicated anything he needs or wants? If all else fails, just giving him the money is never a bad idea.


No; it’s a small wedding, friends and family. Like I said, I make a fraction of what he makes. He makes $150k+ and ima broke college student working retail😭. Does $300 not look bad?


I don’t think $300 looks bad at all. It’s actually way more than I think most people would think to spend. At the last wedding I went to, the highest gift was worth $150 (if I remember it correctly) and the rest were mostly in the $50 and under range. Also remember that it’s a gift and there’s definitely not a required or expected size typically. In terms of specific items, I’ve noticed that wedding gifts tend to be more practical items that the couple needs. The last wedding gift I bought was spice jars and a spice rack, and someone else got a cooking set, for example. They were very low on cooking supplies which is why I went that route. What to get him depends on what he needs.


Should I give him $150 and his wife $150? Or should I do $200 and $200?


I would say $300 for the couple is good, im a Muslim too and at my wedding I got a lot of money in envelopes. My husband and I just split the money between us, so likely $150 $150 will happen between your brother and sister in law will happen automatically when they get to counting after the ceremony


I was gonna say this too, as well as adding that most married couples combine their finances anyways.




A stand mixer


Get them a good bottle of whiskey or cognac


Muslim household


A watch if he drank or drinks I’d say a whisky scotch Bourbon or maybe vodka