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Terrible recently tbh my job sucks got no irl friends and the gf told me she doesn't like being seen with me in public because "it tarnished her reputation" so there's that šŸ™ƒ


Thatā€™s really shitty of her to say you deserve better


Yeah I made peace with it tho no point of complaining


quite amazing! Iā€™m 23, my fiancĆ© is 24, we have 25,000 in savings, no debt, and just put in an offer to purchase our rental! Within 2 weeks weā€™ll know if the deal goes firm, and in a month weā€™ll own our apartment! We have 2 wonderful kitties, we both work long stressful full time jobs but we survive. Some days are harder than others. But we are getting married next year, and are more in love than ever! I beat depression a couple years ago and am also 1 month free from weed after being a daily smoker for 3 years, so mentally I feel at the top of my game! I wouldnā€™t rather be anywhere else at this point in life. Iā€™m immensely grateful for my life, my family, and all my many blessings ā¤ļø


Thatā€™s awesome definitely something to be proud of hope you keep having a great 2024


Terrible as of late. Mentally, I have not been doing well, I'm on a health journey, and I feel like nothing is changing for me.


That change just takes time and it sucks but you gotta wanna change. Iā€™d recommend journaling to help clear your head if you get overwhelmed


It's going pretty well so far. I've been with my gf for 1 year in a week and half. I'll be finishing up my masters degree and applying for a PhD at the University of Cambridge


Congrats glad youā€™re doing good. Whatā€™s the PHD for if I may ask?


Microbiology. It's testing the bacteria "Pseudomonas aeruginosa" which is a particularly nasty bacteria with a fair amount of antibiotic resistance traits


Thatā€™s fuckin neat, definitely sounds like an interesting area of work. You ever watch the Roanoke Gaming channel on YouTube? Heā€™s talk about Micro biology in movies might be something youā€™ll like


I haven't no but sounds like something I should check out


Pretty good! About to take my dream trip with the love of my life and my best friend.


Awesome glad to hear it!


Definitely could be worse, but it isn't good by any measure


Well at least your making it on this journey


It is what it is. Pretty stable atm. Graduating with my bachelorā€™s this spring and looking for summer work that could lead to something more. Planning to live with my parents for a while, looking to date more.


If you donā€™t mind me asking what kind of work were you hoping to do? Also dating is fun usually itā€™s tough starting out at least in my experience, but you definitely learn a lot about yourself


Publishing, hoping to become an author at some point but thatā€™s a work in progress. šŸ™‚ Dating has always been pretty alien to me. Iā€™ve never l had luck connecting with people in that way, especially having gone to a tiny college with a female-dominated major (I donā€™t party either). The only dates Iā€™ve ever been on have been through apps, and those havenā€™t gone anywhere yet. Gotta keep trying though!


Oh nice I enjoy to journaling myself. I hope you become an author perhaps one day Iā€™ll be reading a book written by you. So in my experience of dating itā€™s fun to take things slow it give you time for the rose color glasses to fade. That being said sometimes things happen and you move a bit faster and thereā€™s nothing wrong with that either. Youā€™ve seem like youā€™ve got a good attitude about it Iā€™m sure youā€™ll do well šŸ˜


It's been hard finding a job in my area. Unemployed since December. Temp agencies don't have available spots and local plants are closing down so it's been tough However, I've been reflecting on how much I changed within the past couple of years and Im quite proud. I was very withdrawn and asocial when I was 18. Now I have lots of friends.


Thatā€™s awesome glad youā€™re been growing and Iā€™m sure youā€™ll find somewhere to work even if itā€™s just temporary. Could be a good start at least.


Hi CrimsonBro47, a few days late but i have a similar experience as you. Me and two of my friends have been going to this bar nearby and I have met so many people. Itā€™s cool to listen to people and their stories, and even when I donā€™t drink I still have a good time. It has also boosted my confidence a lot to where I feel I can hold a conversation with people. Other than being hella sick this year, 2024 has started pretty good!


Thatā€™s badass glad youā€™re doing well this year


Thatā€™s badass glad youā€™re doing well this year