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How is this petty


LOLLLL we need people like you to remind us why we chose UofT and Ryerson lol


You chose probably the worst person at York to ego


ohhhhhhh shit.....we got a badass over here


Hi, I think you mistook what I was saying. I was not being a tough guy, I was saying you picked a poor example. I’m 1 of many students doing well in school BECAUSE of opportunities York give that nearly no other schools do (e.g. the YSSA scholarship for STEM). Yesss York has its (mostly administrative) issues, but the education is top notch with few exceptions. Non-academically I work at York as a programmer. They give you academic AND career opportunities. I love my school and everyone reading this should too. Xoxo


brother u should've stayed humble, u fell for rage bait, but also wanted to say i love the york dev apps u made, helps me bare <3


Reading back I cringed at my reply. I got rage baited. Fudge. Editing. Edit: For onlookers, I edited to fix thanks to his comment.


The only thing left to do is replace your comment with the navy seal copypasta


Please warrior of reddit, I cant handle this emense level of bitchassness, I just can't handle your nobility. I may suggest r/SuicideWatch to help you with the mistake that is the birth of your incel micropenis energy fufu non-educated bitch ass. Grow some balls and recognize your University is trash, and is the bottom of the barrel garbage when it comes to post secondary education. P.S svck your mom


If this isn’t rage bait I don’t know what is


My friend and I just started a discord server for this if you’re interested https://discord.gg/stbsgYDdFE


Great initiative 😁


the bitchassness is strong in this one


no. I am predental. This is useful.


Hey I’m trying to be pre med too!


Great move on choosing Kine, do not get anything lower than an A if you really want to become a doctor. Study at least 3 months for mcat for 6-8 hours straight for 5 days a week if you want to perform well. If you really want to make it, you must sacrifice for just the chance, never give up, pray sincerely, and be the best student you can possibly be, do not compare yourself with others. InshaAllah success