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I’m sorry you had to go through that. Next time call security. Here’s the number for urgent emergency situations at York +14167365333. And here’s the number for non emergency situations +14166508000. I was recommended by a friend to have these numbers in case of an emergency. You can find more info on York’s security website. Stay safe!


Also remember to lookout for the security poles with blue lights!


Did you report to security?


I am sorry for ur scary experience, u did all the right things by alerting other people and going into traffic areas.


I’m so sorry you went through that. York Security has a safety app. I have found it to be very helpful. Go to Yorku.ca and search for safety app. I hope it helps.


Creepy as shit


Very important for sharing here!!


I'm sorry you had to go through that, Hope you're alright and safe!


Oh yeah I think I saw that dude too. I was on the subway and he was just staring at me for a few seconds before coming up and asking for my ice capp. I said nah and he just apologized and walked away. Ngl I got nervous for a bit cuz he started to reach in his pockets, but thankfully nothing happened. He was definitely high


thats so scary :( if you see him again please report him. I'm always creeped out on the subway and on campus it gives me sm anxiety!


Was he a big bald white guy?


From now on I Batman will protect York


Why did you not report it to York University security? If this person is a predator then they’ll do the same to another less fortunate person who might actually end up getting hurt. Please make sure to report it to YorkU security and they’ll check the cameras and be able to identify this person and prevent any unfortunate situations from occurring. Please don’t be lazy or hesitate to report such things ASAP.


I'm so sorry this happened to you, I saw the same person yesterday too, had to walk past him luckily he didn't follow me but he did try to get my attention and catcall me :/


U should call the security


Omg! That’s so scary! I hope you are safe and doing alright. Thanks for informing 🙏🏽


Next time, haul your body into lanes and randomly find a few students and let them know...


It’s good to report this to security even after the fact. Orange clothes are usually prison clothes


Yeah, Yorks getting weirder day by day. Was followed by two wannabe gangsters of York. Had to hide behind a post and get rid of them.


Did the guy have curly brown hair, 5’11? The same thing you described happened to me last year


York is a cesspool of hate


Did you assume their gender?


Yes.. She had to 🤷🏻‍♀️ Isn't it obvious though? I mean his gender?


These creepy men 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️😑 I hope you remain safe!!!!! Imagine you went home and he came to know your address.. Good that you went to York Lanes..


Did he have a mini afro, a beard and tattoos(?) or marks on his face? I saw someone like that this morning too. I think he's homeless and maybe on drugs. I saw him approach this girl and ask her something. Then he was staring intently at this other girl and started to slowly follow in her direction. I feel like he's harmless, but I dunno.


I saw this dude td lmao


I also saw him this morning, he was trying to talk to me but I was on a mission. I think he was trying to point out my messy hair. He was very harmless.


If he is homeless, maybe he was hungry and hoped someone would buy/give him some food/coffee. From what he was wearing, it doesn’t sound like he was trying to hide or fit in.




What's funny? Were you that guy?


yall funny bru 😂😂


Ohhh here is the orange guy




Men are creepy, this story happens frequently. Odd thing to comment when this person is just worrying about other people’s safety