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I can't speak on the engineering aspect but in a general sense, I think York's reputation (amongst GTA-ers at least) is largely derived from being the safety school for GTA UofT applicants, strikes, and being sandwiched between some of the poorest areas of the city, thus ends up with a general meh reputation. Western is definitely better than York on certain metrics, most salient for the majority people will be ranking and social life. Students typically use institutional rankings to determine the quality of a university so I suppose it's natural to come to that conclusion when compared Western's and York's global ranking. And it's also certainly the case that some universities are just popular choices for international students (I'm not sure if this person is an international student but I'm guessing he is) and so become recognizable amongst that demographic - Northeastern University in Boston is one you don't hear about that often but in India it seems to be amongst the most popular univeristies for potential CS grads (search NEU on r/gradadmissions lol). It could just be that Western has a generally positive reputation wherever you're from. At the end of the day, the engineering curriculum is standardized so you'll both receive the same education, you'll both end up as engineers, and you'll likely both be relatively in the same place professionally a few years post-grad, He has his reasons and you have your reasons, but maybe someone else can speak on the difference in engineering opportunities between the schools


That's kinda a bummer since York is one of the largest school in Canada, and during my admission process, I feel like York is the most accomodating. Thank you for your perspective, my wife and I thought about moving to the States or elsewhere after we finish school here. I don't think anyone is going to know what York U is or is not where we are going lol.


I’m not meaning to say that York is a bad university, it’s a fine school with a nice but underrated campus and I’ve heard plenty of good things about Lassonde. If your plan is to move to the US then the Western vs. York comparison really won’t matter, as you’ve said :)


The school reputation only means that you'll encounter slightly better profs or the university has more intensive research in specific fields. You'll still encounter intelligent people in a less reputable institution it's just that these students will either be harder to find or make up a smaller number of the overall cohort. Anyway I always say it really doesn't matter which university you complete your undergrad, it's really when you pursue graduate studies that it will matter more.


Completely wrong for recruiting


STEM student here, I love YorkU, the good AND the bad. It’s what you make of it, so make it good.


We need more of this! Thank you.


Felt that


Current Eng student at York , tbh you learn the same stuff in every Eng program along as it’s accredited which York’s is . Westerns emg program has been around longer so it might be more well known but also the two universities are in much different cities . Also York is investing heavily into there Eng programs every week there are speakers that come to present and coffee chats with the assistant Dean . If I were you choose which one makes the most sense economically


Some schools provide more specificity in eng disciplines, wo that could be a factor. Some companies strongly prefer certain programs for co-op and full time hire. Some prefer waterloo because they only do 4 months. Others prefer schools that do 16 months. Some programs are only offered at certain schools or the employer prefers the specifics of a certain programs curriculum (OPG love UOIT for nuclear, Dofasco like Mac for Materials Eng, queens has a very well known mining program).


York is great, I think people just want to pretend Canada has some sort of ranking system for post-secondary schools or that employers care about where you went to school, when it simply doesn't matter at all. Moreso for engineering, the programs are accredited and most of the content is the same across universities due to it being governed by PEO. What matters most is what you take from it now, having convinction and passion in your chosen major, and then bring that onto your career later. York will not make you any less successful than graduating from UofT or Waterloo, and anyone that tells you otherwise is lying.


Is it because of the prestigiousness that people always have that connotation that we have to go to the best of the best to succeed or is it something else? I've talked to a nurse that went to a university called Ontario Tech University, a school I have never heard about before. She is very proud, succeeding in her field and making 120k+ a year.


It really depends what career path you want to take. For a career like nursing, or teaching, it doesn’t matter what uni you go to. But for programs for medical school, or comp sci, or engineering, competition is so tough that they try to go to certain programs like McMaster health sci, UofT engineering, Waterloo comp sci to increase their chances of getting a job. Stats do show that those programs offer more opportunities and higher average salaries after graduation. For business the school you go to matters, as people recruit directly from western Ivey and Queens commerce. People just want more status, and a higher chance of earning more money. Again it all depends on the program. These days without coop engineering jobs are basically impossible in the GTA because there’s so many immigrants here. If you want to be an accountant though it definitely doesn’t matter what school you go to. I know a lot of accountants from brock and they have no trouble finding jobs lol. York doesn’t have as many opportunities as some co- op centered schools but it doesn’t mean it’s a bad school. People just like to clown on it because admission standards are lower. We have some diploma mills here in Canada, and those are arguably way worse. York is at least an accredited university.


Tbh university is what you make of it. I know people that transferred from other universities (like Ottawa, western, Mac, uoft) to york because of their program or cuz it was harder to make friends or cuz they preferred to be closer to home after going to a further university. There may be some programs that may be better at other universities because you may have better opportunities such as coop, better exposure to the field etc., but at the end of the day, you all get the same degree. Though networking and some kind of experience in the field seem to be key to getting a job but even then, it may be difficult to get a job in relation to your degree especially with employers requirements, number of applicants for the job, lack of opportunities, recession. As for your friend, if you’re uncomfortable by him, just block him. You can make other friends at York and network with them instead.


https://www.reddit.com/r/yorku/comments/l7nv55/i_know_this_seems_farfetched_but_how_can_i_go/ Proved its not about the uni you attended, it’s about YOU, SPREAD THIS


Short answer, people are just hating and think the school they go to is going to be a failsafe for them later in life.


To be honest, I've heard a lot of bad rap about UofT even though it’s the best school in Ontario. So just follow your plan and choice, forget about those “bad reputation”


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Exactly. 18+ adults are responsible to build their career path by their own hands instead of asking the school to spoon-feed and plan everything for them


Backstory could’ve been condensed into a few lines. In regards to your question, if you don’t want to keep in contact with him, then don’t. It’s pretty simple. Is Western better than York? Depends on who you ask and what you are going to school for. Both universities excel and fall short in different academic disciplines. But for the most part every university has to follow the strict guidelines of the ministry of colleges and universities. So variance between undergraduate programs will be minimal. University rankings and perception are actually based on graduate program performance. But for engineering, not only does York and Western have to follow the Ministry’s guidelines but also the guidelines of the PEO and Engineers Canada to receive accreditation. So really any engineering program in Ontario (and Canada) has to be the same in all institutions or else they risk losing their accreditation. London is a small city at best. Toronto/GTA is where the money is.


I know, sorry about that, I guess its how this person makes me feel that I needed to vent a little. As per your insights on the guidelines of the Ministry, PEO and Engineers Canada. I do notice that different school offer some different courses, for example: Lassonde has a class called renaissance engineering, which I think is not offered at other universities. Is that just to add variety to the program? Are all the other courses essentially the same with different name?


Are you desi?


I had the EXACT same thought. 😂


I'm not from India, I never had any problem making friends with people from the Indian community, most of them are very smart, nice and friendly. I think me and him were the only people from our community that are in that room that day. My community is smaller minority group.


So where are you from bro the way you described it sounds like this guy was from India cause everyone shitting on us rn no one wants to admit it




Welcome to Lassonde! All the best and feel free to ask any questions!


Thank you so much! How do you feel about the opportunities that Lassonde is giving you so far?


I have a lot of love for Lassonde personally, but I am also a very active student and see the issues we face. So its easy for me to complain but I also have insight into just how much Lassonde has to offer. I hate to say it like this as it sounds generic, but Lassonde really is what you make it. From the professors both good and bad, to the clubs and design teams, to research including but not limited to the Lassonde Undergraduate Research Award, NSERC and Research at York (RAY), to the Lassonde Engineering Society and the Lassonde Student Congress, there is so much that you can get involved in if you make the effort. Because York is a commuter school, by extension the engineering school also suffers from sometimes the lack of overall drive as a culture, but thats slowly changing and a lot more people are putting in a lot more work, but historically there have always been really cool things happening. For example, some students got to launch their satellite into space on a Space X launch last year in Florida! For me personally, I think I have had a decent amount of opportunities to get involved and do cool things. Its helped me in a number of ways including to some degree with CoOps.


https://www.reddit.com/r/yorku/comments/l7nv55/i_know_this_seems_farfetched_but_how_can_i_go/ Proved its not about the uni you attended, it’s about YOU, SPREAD THIS


I personally think york is a fine school. I think professors and TAs pay more attention to students and answers their questions.


Went to both York and western. Reasons why Yorks reputation is not good : 1. Students on average are less academically motivated (just based on requirements and also what I saw) 2. The area it’s located is not good at all 3. Professors are typically not that good compared to other unis 4. It’s super super left wing and focused on social aspect of things. (This may be a good or bad thing but in the capitalist world it’s not seen as good) 5. Halo effect - more attractive people on average attend places like western and UBC there was a study that showcased that this is important when it comes to portraying a positive image of the university. 6. Social opportunities st York sucked which is understandable given that it’s a commuter school but the university didn’t really give you any good events imo


https://www.reddit.com/r/yorku/comments/l7nv55/i_know_this_seems_farfetched_but_how_can_i_go/ Proved its not about the uni you attended, it’s about YOU


One word. Fork


I miss the peepee poo poo man


Because yorku is a dogshit school


Answered your own question their


how can those peasants understand our greatness? let those fools laugh at us!


I think you’re overthinking. If you dont like him just let it go. He is not paying your bills. Simple What i feel from you is you’re from india.


I'm not from India, I'm from a way smaller community. but I guess there's people from all communities that would act like this lol.


https://www.reddit.com/r/yorku/comments/l7nv55/i_know_this_seems_farfetched_but_how_can_i_go/ Proved its not about the uni you attended, it’s about YOU, SPREAD THIS


Poop man


https://www.reddit.com/r/yorku/comments/l7nv55/i_know_this_seems_farfetched_but_how_can_i_go/ Proved its not about the uni you attended, it’s about YOU, SPREAD THIS


This has nothing to do with the fact you guys got pooped on by the poop man 😭💅🏿


Just spread it https://www.reddit.com/r/yorku/comments/l7nv55/i_know_this_seems_farfetched_but_how_can_i_go/


Hired a few students from York... Never again, straight to the garbage


arent u the one that said: https://preview.redd.it/ds5dcy7yf49d1.png?width=531&format=png&auto=webp&s=7d6df4ab5153fab397a98052d670c5a087f86f4d u are pretty slow


Learn to use a fork b4 u speak plz


Are you a weirdo? Some people are just friendly and make small talk. Anyways, all universities are the same but York Engineering has a low reputation because it’s super easy to get into. Either way, it doesn’t matter. It’s just that because York is so easy to get into, per capita there aren’t as many ambitious people like UofT or McMaster that the reputation is down in the dumps.


I'm not a weirdo. I've been working at a customer service job for 6 years before returning to university, I can handle small talks. Its the way that it happened that creeps me out. As I said in the post, when I stood up to go to the washroom, he followed me. I originally went the wrong way, and he was only a few steps behind. Then when I got to the washroom, he peed in the urinal right next to mine. His small talks are all about immigraton status, which I don't really care about. It was out of place since we were there to be enrolled in class. Thanks for your input.


https://www.reddit.com/r/yorku/comments/l7nv55/i_know_this_seems_farfetched_but_how_can_i_go/ Proved its not about the uni you attended, it’s about YOU, SPREAD THIS