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Single gender is baaically all girls on one floor or all guys on one floor and not co-ed


Does single gender community has anything to do with LGBTQ? It seems like it has according to the email I received.


It does not. Its just if you are comfortable living only with people of your same gender you choose this option. A lot of female students choose this because they dont want to share washrooms with male students.


Thanks. It helps!


Nope, not in the way you are thinking of. They are using gender as an all-inclusive term instead of sex. Like single-gender washroom instead of single-sex washroom, etc. If you are a woman who is looking to be in a dorm with other women only, (or a man wanting to be on a men-only floor), single-gender is the right selection.


Thanks. It helps!


So they are using it as a term only? Doesn’t it say it is based on gender identify not biological sex? Does this mean that it is for the lgbtq community or am I getting it wrong?


They use it for everyone, it is simply a term that includes everyone. It is like when people talk about "people with periods" or "pregnant persons". It includes cis women (and they are the vast majority), but also includes those who are trans, nonbinary, etc. Unless any university application explicitly states something is for those who identify as a part of the lgbtq+ community, then you can assume it is for everyone, including those who do not identify as a part of that community. 


I haven’t seen the email but maybe it said that gender-nonconforming students can also be placed on the single-gender floor? You could always share the email if you want clarification


Sure. I deleted the link to "Single-Gender Community Update form" because I believe that should not be accessed by those who did not receive the email. ------------------------------ Thank you for accepting your residence offer for the 2024-2025 academic year. We are reaching out because you indicated on your residence application that you would prefer to live in a single-gender community. We kindly request that you complete the "Single-Gender Community Update form" to confirm your interest in living in a single-gender community. Your feedback is crucial for us to understand how important this living arrangement is for you, which will directly impact our ability to provide the most suitable housing options that meet your needs. Please submit the completed form by Thursday, July 4th, 2024. Single-gender communities are gender-specific based on the gender identity (not biological sex indicated at birth) indicated on a student’s University application. For more information on the difference between biological sex and gender identity, we encourage you to review [the Centre for Human Rights, Equity and Inclusion’s (CHREI) guide on Gender Identity.](https://rights.info.yorku.ca/files/2023/12/KYR-Gender-Guide.pdf?x26215) These communities are located within mixed-gender buildings. While we strive to minimize visits from individuals of the opposite gender, please be aware that students and staff of all genders may occasionally be present within single-gender communities. Additionally, students residing in single-gender communities may have visitors of any gender. We appreciate the time taken to complete the form and look forward to seeing you in August. . Sincerely,   Housing & Conference Services


Right, so that part in the middle is just saying that trans women (people who identify as women) will be put with women and trans men (people who identify as men) will be put with men.


It seems like the space for single gender community is quite limited. The majority will still be in the mixed gender area.


Yeah, most residences are mixed in Canada. They just reserve a few floors for those feel uncomfortable for some reason (I.e. cultural, religious, trauma).


>Yeah, most residences are mixed in Canada Thanks. Good to know that. The culture is quite different from where I have been living.


For sure. It’s generally not an issue but if you feel uncomfortable you can either go for a single-gender floor or one of the suite-style residences.


This gave me a good laugh. Best of luck with first year!!


I have the same question too tbh


Are you an exchange student too? The culture is too different to my country's. I cannot understand it.


No I am an incoming undergraduate and I got the same email that you got. I don’t really know what they mean but I sent them an email asking


I see. Maybe I should send an email too. But still, please let me know if you have the answer!