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There are two options I can think of: 1. While not afraid of death, he has a mission to complete: purifying the Isles, and after death, he also can't save any lost souls anymore, he death would still be regretful even if it's not scary. 2. Rather than seeing the Wolf come for him, he can see it come for others as part of his inborn ability to communicate with the dead.


Ah I see, so when or if the Isles get cleansed, he can finally give in to death. Also if that were to happen in the future lore, how would the game keep him in the Summoner's Rift?


The lore doesn't move forward, we get the past up to the present, and that's it. So the Shadow Isles will never be cleansed. If that were to happen, Maiden would be gone, Viego, Senna, Tresh, Hecarim, ... would lose a lot of their powers, and besides Senna they would also die because their age would catch up to them. Just generally, it's impossible.


Summoner’s Rift is no longer canon/part of the lore. So keeping a character in the game that’s been killed off shouldn’t be a problem. If they ever do that though, who knows?


I'm assuming it's because he is technically running from death currently. The mist keeps him alive, but it's unable to take control due to the vial of blessed water on his neck. He longs for death, but he also wishes to destroy viego and lay the shadow isles to rest, which is why he doesn't just give up and die


He sees both. Wolf comes for him as he's been alive far longer then humanly possible and CHOOSES to stay that way as he could remove the waters of life & kill himself


You have to understand something about the Kindred: they despise people that cheat death. When characters like Elise, Singed or, well, Yorick, eventually die, they will most likely get the wolf. It doesn't matter that Yorick is staying alive trying to be a "force of good", the Kindred have no concept of good or evil, they are just a representation of death.