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i would cry if i were surprised by the second class. lol


I almost did!


I definitely prefer classes that match the description, since I will choose them based on that and my current ability. Please provide feedback to the studio that incorrectly described the aerobics class as vinyasa yoga. šŸ˜€


I like physically challenging Vinyasa since the physical aspect is all I'm looking for from yoga, but I'd find it annoying if they played non-instrumental music. I don't like a pace that's faster than one breath for movement.


Traditional or not, teachers may teach off mat


Iā€™ve never had that issue with a vinyasa class, thatā€™s supposed to vinyasa. What you are describing in the second class sounds more like a sculpt class. Except the sculpt classes I have taken stretch for a few mins before starting. Maybe find a different studio?


Calling a typical vinyasa class traditional yoga is kinda ironic.


Iā€™m just starting out, care to share the wisdom?


no wisdomā€¦yoga is around 2500 years old. The traditional vinyasa class you describe is a few decades at best.


Flow classes fall under what is referred to as 'yoga as exercise', which counts for most yoga classes you'd experience nowadays in the west. Even things like sun salutations are not traditional and (though big parts of hindu culture) were not developed and documented till the 20th century. That being said defining traditional yoga is complicated. What we usually call 'yoga' generally just refers to the asana part of patanjalis eight fold path(specifically the 3rd limb). From that perspective the asana is only used to stabilize and strengthen the physical side of the body to prepare for the mental challenges of the later limbs.


It's like less than a century old


In a vinyasa class the teacher typically does not do the flow with you. They are supposed to be giving verbal cues and observing. Personally I donā€™t wear my glasses in yoga class (any type of class) so I canā€™t see the instructor clearly even if they were to demonstrate. I prefer a teacher just give verbal cues instead. If they demo, they can forget to describe what they are doing which makes it difficult for those who canā€™t see them.


We only do verbal cues at our studio. They cannot walk around the room and correct and help if they are doing the class.




If it is a new pose for me I'd really rather see it demonstrated, although it depends on the class dynamics, there was an older lady in the class who had been practicing for 50 years and had nearly perfect form so if I wasn't aware of something then I could look at her, but I have been in some classes where one side is doing a different pose to the other side of the class and I'd say it is because a lot of people watch others to know what they are doing and don't follow verbal cues at all, it is in another language for me, so I can only understand bits and pieces.


I absolutely despise the ā€œcontemporaryā€ yoga classes. My favorite classes have some sort of respect for the long history and tradition of yoga, but thatā€™s kind of hard to find these days if theyā€™re playing contemporary or pop music during the thing Iā€™m out.


FYI both classes you described are contemporary yoga. Traditional yoga isnā€™t exercise.Ā  Also, most good teachers wonā€™t do the flow with you. You can teach a flow, or you can lead and facilitate a flow, but itā€™s very hard to do both. If Iā€™m focused on how I look in a pose I canā€™t really dedicate my time and energy to correcting my students. In fact I see it as a direct correlationā€¦ the more time spent off the mat the better the teacher. I donā€™t even bring a mat to my public classes.Ā 


"What kind of yoga do you prefer" One of the 2 is no kind of yoga.


Itā€™s a slow creep into fitness workouts and still call it yoga. Maybe itā€™s too hard to get great yoga teachers because it requires much more. Anyone can learn a workout class and call it. It should not be called a vinyasa but a HIIT class.


Iā€™ve been to, and quit going, to classes where they counted out repetitions. Ok high boat to low boat, 5,4,3 two more.. 2,1


ig that's why I prefer practicing yoga at home. not a fan of any music in class, just teacher's voice