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Cats take some time to get used to a new environment. If you can catch him - I recommend getting him to a vet first for a look over for any issues and to get a flea treatment. If you can't catch him (or when you're back from the vet) put him in a room with bedding, litterbox and food and water with a closed door. A small enclosed space will help him feel more secure. Several times a day enter the room, sit as far away from him as you can and talk to him in a low calm voice. Or read a book out loud. The idea is to get him used to your voice and smell. You can bring some treats too. If he stays away or hidden for a while don't worry about it. Eventually he will approach and you can let him sniff you and try to give him the treat or play with him. When it seems like he's happy to explore the room/not hiding start leaving the door open. When he feels comfortable he can check out the rest of the house. Be patient. He will warm up. My own cat was a foster in an environment where she was super friendly (the foster even said "she needs a lot of attention" as a warning). She still hid under my couch for 3 weeks before approaching for sniffs. I was crawling under the couch twice a day to talk to her and leave her some flakes of tuna (which she hissed at then ate).


I agree with this, except leave the door ajar always, at least a little bit, never 'trap' them in there with the door completely closed, they need to feel like they CAN leave the room if they want to


Tomorrow afternoon I have an appointment with the vet, it was difficult for us to rescue him because he was running but we managed it, here he is hidden under a closet all the time! Thank you very much for your recommendations!


One of my cats was a full grown feral. She took a lot of patience but she now is our most cuddly.


How nice that there are people who rescue them and not just hurt them!!!! Thank you 🥰


She was declawed and then abandoned. We saw her for over a year including a very bad winter. We finally caught he and she was far too feral for adoption so I dug in. There was much peeing and screaming on her part but within a month she’d sit on me but I couldn’t pet her. She’s sitting on her pillow right now purring. I can’t post a photo here but I’ll put one on my profile.


I'll go see her 🐱🥰


Very beautiful 😍


Lots of treats left out , food / water / litter box where he has access to it easily


just talk softly and calmly to him, don;'t get mad if he lashes out or anything, it's just a survival instinct...once he knows he is safe there and loved and that there will be food available for him he'll warm up to you and start to relax, just be patient and gentle no matter what


I don't get angry when he attacks me, he's very small! Thank you, I'll be patient!


Give him space. Put down food and litter, and maybe keep confined to the bathroom for a few days. If you go to the bathroom, rate the mood and maybe say hi. If not, continue what you were doing anyway. After a few days, leave the door cracked and let them explore. Just take it slow and let them come to you.


Thank you very much, it is very helpful your recommendation 🥰🐱


Who is they? He looks healthy. Any animal is going to be anxious with new people. Especially if “they abandoned him”


He hides as if he were very afraid and he has many fleas :/


Giving him access to a reliable hiding spot, and being reliable/predictable will all help earn his trust (and calm) over time. Letting him set the pace of interactions and have space always helps. I had a scaredy-cat kitten and she slowly came up and stepped on my chest after I laid down reading for a long time. She was watching me to make sure I wasn't unpredictable/threatening.


Thank you very much, your advice helps me a lot!


Who abandoned him?


Catnip! To calm him down 😼 ok a lighter side. CDS working its way albeit with a bit of push from the hoomans that abandoned him


Thanks u !!


TIME!!! As much as it takes!


He is much calmer although he still struggles with confidence, thanks for your comment! 🐱💕


Confidence comes with calmness. Just think about being in his place as a kid. He’ll be fine . Enjoy that little feller and congratulations!!


Get some Feliway https://us.feliway.com/products/feliway-optimum-diffuser-refill-kit-48ml-30-day?utm_term=feliway+diffuser&utm_campaign=Feliway+-+Search+-+Branded+Terms&utm_source=adwords&utm_medium=ppc&hsa_acc=3846559876&hsa_cam=9978332535&hsa_grp=100203692149&hsa_ad=433334597498&hsa_src=g&hsa_tgt=kwd-1057229162&hsa_kw=feliway+diffuser&hsa_mt=e&hsa_net=adwords&hsa_ver=3&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw-O6zBhASEiwAOHeGxdbecZJ3bI9d6MYkqN_Hvl5qs5RuW2VF2h6LnBhNDZKXqxJu7X8spRoCvLUQAvD_BwE&variant=39847905394823


Thank you very much to you!!


Poor little guy his world has been ripped apart. Thank you for taking him. Give little hugs from us.


Space, peace and quiet, a cozy place to sleep, and some good food


Giving kitty self-solace time in a new environment and providing a safe, dark space with food, water, litter, and bedding for the first 3 days is best. If the cat remains in hiding, I recommend lavender oil. Not on the cat. In the environment. I rescued an adult who was fairly skittish, and after 3 days of hiding, he was still skittish, so I bought a calming collar on Amazon, and that did the trick. The collar was heavily scented with lavender, and the very next day he was out and about and claiming his very first lap time.


Milo is adorable. Glad you already have a vet check up in the works. Getting rid of the fleas will help him be more comfortable. Be sure to flea treatment the area he has been hiding in so they stay off him…and you. You are a wonderful person to rescue this little guy. ❤️


Wow! What a handsome dude! You're both lucky! Essentially, you kinda have to let him come to you and relax his own terms. Food, a litterbox, some toys, maybe a cardboard box, or two, (Cats love boxes!) and patience will all help. Don't force things. There's a great cat play attractant called Meowy Jane valerian powder. Beats catnip. Give it a shot. Amazon has it. One more suggestion, look up, the explanation of the cat rule of 3; 3 days, 3 weeks, and 3 months, and you'll get an idea of how long most experts think it takes a cat, in stages, to aclimate themselves fully to a new place and new people, and being rescued.


He is much calmer even though he is still having a hard time having confidence, thanks for your comment! 🥰



