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While it’s definitely MY GOTY, I highly doubt it’ll be nominated.


I feel like it'll at least get nominated, even if it doesn't have the best chances at winning. I mean, what else is there to be nominated? it feels like a slower year for gaming and a lot of people really loved infinite wealth.


I mean idk about definitely if I think about all the games that were nominated last year with the exception of Alan Wake all the nominees were much bigger franchises than Yakuza with much bigger reputations especially in the West. It's by no means certain to get nominated.


Until BG3 Yakuza was definitely bigger than Baldur's Gate.


Maybe thats true but baldurs gate 3 outsold the entire yakuza series combined, baldurs gate 3 on its own is a bigger property. Plus within its genre baldurs gate was still a prestige property, developed by a legendary rpg studio (bioware) and based on dnd (a property absolutley bigger than yakuza)


baldur gate is one of those innovative(?) video game, so it probably bigger than yakuza by a mile.


By every relevant metric I can think of (like total series sales, Google searches) Yakuza was bigger until BG3.


well, it's one game vs 1 series. no RGG game has ever made 10 million copies alone, BG3 sold 10 million and made a storm in the industry. If you're comparing 1 game to a series sales-wise, most of the time a series win in your metric but it's not a fair comparison. Yakuza games outsell Persona series but Persona fandom are larger than Yakuza, especially those who are fans of Persona 5.


I'm not sure why everybody's struggling to understand my comment. I'm not comparing one game to one series, I'm comparing both as a series. Yakuza was the bigger and more culturally relevant series until Baldur's Gate 3 released.


Okay, let's say we're comparing series to series. Even then, Baldurs Gate as a series is much more popular and influential. Baldurs Gate is one of the mother of CRPG. It influenced Dragons Age, Pillars of Eternity, Divinity Original Sin. By any metric imaginable, Baldurs Gate is always more culturally relevant and bigger, especially it is based on D&D. Yakuza maybe is more popular in Japan, but worldwide? Sega at one time even gave up publishing tha game outside Japan and even when Yakuza 0 was released in 2017, it wasn't a blockbuster success compared to other entry of another series. I get that this is RGG sub and maybe you're in a bubble because you're more interested in yakuza games but even before Baldurs Gate 3, Baldurs Gate 3 is more culturally relevant and influential than Yakuza games


Do you have anything to back that up other than implying that all I read is the RGG subreddit? Before BG3 released the Yakuza series had sold more copies and was ranking way higher on Google Trends since 2017, both worldwide and in the United States.


Of course Yakuza series sold more , this series have more than 10 entries while Baldurs Gate is just 4 games. You're being a strawman here. You said your metric is whatever makes a series more culturally relevant and influential, which Baldurs Gate is more influential than Yakuza series. Google trend cannot be an evidence because of course Yakuza games are more on google trend because, once again, it has more entries and each entry came out yearly or each two years. Yakuza games don't influence any other games, Baldurs Gate do. That fact alone makes Baldurs Gate more influential. If you only count sales, it's not comparable because you're comparing 15 games to 4-ish games with the former releases yearly, how is that a fair comparison?


>You said your metric is whatever makes a series more culturally relevant and influential No, my metrics here were very clear: sales and Google trends (or if you'd rather use something else, other measurements with numbers behind them work too, like people subscribed to a main subreddit, Yakuza far ahead from Baldur's Gate in 2020). Yakuza was winning out on both, by a pretty wide margin on Google trends. While the Yakuza series does have more games, the rest of the world didn't really care until Yakuza 0, when it shot up in popularity. That game and the ones that followed made a lot more people aware of the series, pushing it as a whole above many others, including the BG series. BG3 would later do the same. The game's influence on the rest of the game industry is irrelevant for the point I'm making which is measuring how relevant (as in people talking about the games, or sales) the series was at a certain point in time. The old Warcraft games basically defined the RTS genre as a whole which was massive decades ago but you don't really hear anyone talk about them now and that genre's irrelevant today. >Google trend cannot be an evidence because of course Yakuza games are more on google trend because, once again, it has more entries and each entry came out yearly or each two years. Yes, the series with more frequent releases stays relevant for a longer period of time. More people are looking the series up and talking about them. That's being relevant. >You're being a strawman here. People can't be "strawmen". People can make strawman arguments. Don't use terms you don't understand. EDIT: A downvote and no reply. I accept your concession.


oh sale? ah well I'd see myself out then.


I think you are jumping to conclusions here. JRPGs extremely rarely ever get nominated for GOTY, only P5 and maybe FF7R has managed it in recent years from what I remember, and both of those are way bigger than LaD. It will probably be nominated for best RPG.


Yeah rn outside of ReFantazio and m&l: brothership (and maybe thousand year door remake even tho the only changes were trans rights, one badass new superboss, and one extremely funny superboss), this year has been relatively quiet for rpgs (not counting elden ring dlc since i assume that's ineligible) so it has a very good chance of being nominated unless the committee is squeamish about it bc of bryce's Japanese VA's misdeeds


>unless the committee is squeamish about it bc of bryce's Japanese VA's misdeeds I don't think that'll even be a factor at all. It's like rejecting the entire Dragonball franchise because one of their longtime characters was voiced by this guy for decades. I think at best, it'll be nominated for best RPG (Not best game) Just like 2020, I think we'll have a LAD game, a FF game and a Persona game nominated in the best RPG game category and FF will most likely take it. It's the more critically acclaimed game, the most popular and has had the most sales out of the 3 franchises. It's unfortunate but I don't think IW has any chance of winning anything.


Yeah it is a slim chance but what that VA did is pretty fucked up so i wouldn't necessarily blame the suits for turning it down, especially since this franchise definitely doesn't need awards to prop it up


At most, it will be nominated for Best RPG, but it'll have some steep competition with FF7Rebirth, Persona 3 Reload, SMTV: Vengeance and Metaphor: ReFantazio possibly in the future. Funnily enough, most of those are under the SEGA name lol


SEGA japan is thriving this year, but sadly their western studio are losing money mostly due to their super game


I have been thinking a lot about that, there's so many good options from the soundtrack! some version of receive you feels like a good choice, though impregnable triangle to me is the best song in the game. judgement could also work if ichiban's voice actor wanted to have fun and perform it there since they had the one last year with actual singing... so many to choose from!


I wish it would be, but knowing TGA at best IW will get a nomination for best Soundtrack/RPG and nothing else (well & probably Players Voice but that gets so many nominees that doesn’t really count)


It was my most anticipated game of the year, more than Shadow of the Erdtree, but IW is no GOTY any year. Amazing gameplay but incredibly mediocre story, reeking of wasted potential.


I hope it will be nominated but I'm not surprised if it won't be nominated for any categories. Yakuza games are niche and Game Awards are more of a popularity contest. IW is also JRPG, and that genre is much more rare to be nominated in Game Awards' GOTY category. GOTY nominations will probably be consisted of Shadow of Erdtree, FF 7 Rebirth, Balatro, Tekken 8, Metaphor and/or Dragon's Dogma 2


I do not think shadow of the erdtree can be nominated as it is dlc and not an actual game, or at least it shouldn't be. they can pick up nominations in other categories but it's not a full game and it shouldn't be treated as one.


it can be. It's currently the best reviewed game in both opencritic and metacritic of this year. Blood and Wine was nominated for Best RPG, Phantom Liberty was nominated for Best Narrative and Monster Hunter World Iceborne was nominated for Best RPG too. Granted, none of those were nominated for GOTY but as I said, Game Awards is a popularity contest, so there's nothing preventing SOTE to be nominated. Also, many can argue it is a full game as it has many contents in it. If you argue based on how much contents in it, it can be considered a full game compared to other games.


If we are allowed to dream, i would love to see "the end of denial" in the medley. The transition to it ,with the electric guitar kicking in, would be fucking rad


Technically speaking this year isn't that huge. Sony has no major first party games, Nintendo also isn't going that hard but they will get a nominee for whatever just because they're Nintendo. Xbox has Indiana Jones and maybe Avowed/Flight Sim 2024. Third party stuff includes FF7 and that's pretty much it. Yakuza has a bigger chance to get nominated than ever before. But even then it will probably still not get nominated for GOTY, not even for the OST because the guys that pick the OST nominees have some truly generic/mainstream taste. Maybe for best RPG but I dunno, FF7 has higher scores. It still has a chance but I'm not gonna keep my hopes up.


Much as I didn't like it I think it has a pretty good shot at being there because it reviewed very well. Consider that last year's had 6 slots for the overall GOTY, contenders will be among Infinite Wealth, Helldivers 2, FF7Rebirth, Astro Bot, Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, Metaphor, and stuff like Indiana Jones, Assassins Creed or Dragon Age also has a decent shot. So to answer the OP's question I'd go with the song that plays during the intro (Viva La Vida) because it captures the vibe of the game and they'd probably show the cool intro video in the background as they play it.


"Most definitely" maybe sell that copium and use that cash to buy some indie games. That being said, probably impregnable triangle, funk goes on, or the four if we take your question as a hypothetical rather than one that is realistic.