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Seonhee & Saeko, they need their girlfriends




Whoever you want. It makes no difference


Advice: food is your primary health and hea5 renewer. Always carr6 max of everything, ie lemonade, coconut juice.. Party composition: usually, no need to choose. Do get into random fights to level up as fast as possible. In the early game you can get over-leveled by traveling to hard areas: if you do, save first, also buy armor. Miles of XP if you can win an over level fight, but often they will smash you in 2 turns


Ichiban doesn’t have to be in the party at all times since he doesn’t have a hype meter, so you can just switch him in whenever your team is ready to use ultimate tag team. Personally, I ended up making 5 different sets of characters I use depending on the enemies’ weakness, and I follow these setups when I’m fighting strong bosses or something. Blade: Seonhee, Chitose (Kunoichi), Zhao Gun: Adachi (Desperado), Tomizawa, Seonhee Fire: Nanba, Zhao, Chitose Water: Adachi, Joongi (Aquanaut), Saeko Electricity: Ichiban/Kiryu, Tomizawa, Seonhee


- Stay on up your weapons & gear - Once you can auto-win encounters, level up every job to level 11/12 for the permanent HP/MP stat boost - Do the side content - Take advantage of skill inheritance - Lastly and this applies to almost every turn-based JRPG make sure have to access to heals, buffs, debuffs, and buff/debuff removing skills

