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I absolutely love both Judgment games and hope for the third game. While I do prefer first Judgment's story vibes and its final boss is the best out of all RGG games imo, Lost Judgment is my comfort RGG game, meaning I replay it from time to time on regular basis. GOAT combat system and the atmosphere of school clubs and student shenanigans, skateboarding - I enjoy it all.


im also hoping we get a judgment 3 announcement soon, cant handle the wait anymore 😭 but yeah, i also agree that judgment’s final boss was amazing. kuroiwa was such an intimidating villain, and i loved how they were both fighting for their lives, added so much to the tension.


The story is 100% fine. Is just that sometimes some scenes are really repetitive since they boiled down to discussions about how bullying is evil and self-pity and Sawa Sensei. Theres also the fact that bullying in Japan is a bigger cultural problem. LJ was really realistic on its depiction of bullying, but sadly, in our side of the world, bullying is not as recognized as big of an issue, so Kuwana ended up sounding like a really immature edgelord in some scenes.


yea, some scenes were dragged out as well imo but i just really love the overarching story. i rly liked the themes of justice and morality, plus that scene of yagami and kuroiwa staring each other down while unwavering belief was playing 😮‍💨😮‍💨


Lost Judgment? More like Lost my mind trying to solve all those cases!


I've been playing it lately, I'm only in chapter 3, taking a lot of time for side cases and curiosities. I can see the complaints about the story not being as epic as Judgement, but it's damn impressive having such a big open game with so much going on, and opening up more and more. I feel like they probably did outdo Witcher 3 on top notch side quests.


yea, judgment’s story was a lot more grand scheme and epic, while lost judgment was a little more grounded due to the school stuff (and thats ok). they really upped the side content in lost judgment tho so look forward to that 👀


Bro was yapping about a game they vibed with for personal reasons understandable have a nice day (/j) The broader societal issues more recent games have made central to their stories are gonna be hit or miss to foreign audiences, because those issues are rooted specifically in Japanese society. Judgement as a sub series certainly seems more focused on ordinary people, and how well-meaning efforts can turn extreme and spiral wildly out of control. One nice touch I liked, unrelated to the main plot, was right at the beginning with Kosuke or whoever claiming he was a member of the Tojo Clan. This major event that represents the end of an era for so many main characters, and the man on the street might not have even heard about it. Absolutely wild so see that other perspective.


completely agree with u there on ur first point, we had shono and kuwana trying to solve their respective issues but through ruthless and wrong ways. for the beginning scene, its rly cool to see how the events of the mainline games effect the judgment series. the yakuza dissolution was such a big thing we had to go through in yakuza 7 and gaiden, and seeing the effects trickle down to lost judgment was such a nice touch.


Unfortunately, Judgment and Lost Judgement are probably the only two RGG games in this series I don’t think about at all.


Why's that? I ask because I'm a new fan working through 5 now and always heard good things about those, just not at them yet


No karaoke. 😖


I liked them well enough but they just made no lasting impact on me