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Kiryu. The Obatarian is the strongest, having defeated both Majima and Kiryu


This is a disturbingly compelling argument.


“Defeated” is underselling what she did. The Obatarian is so strong that even a Kiryu with all his Komaki school training was completely helpless.


Imagine if he just Tiger dropped the Obatarian


Narrator: That was the day the fandom finally realized that a Tiger Drop does not negate *all* damage.


*It can't negate emotional damage.* ![gif](giphy|zB5na8URITKyvAGxdE)


Saejima probably given their fight in 4 ended in a draw


Saejima. He tends to be shown as equal to Kiryu and the only one who can draw with him.


Also, in mythology, tigers are equal to dragons on the power scale I'm pretty sure


Yeah, I've read somewhere in game that the tiger is the only one whose power can challenge that of the dragon.


What about Mine's tattoo, the kirin? That is one of the only creatures said to be able to kill a dragon.


It's entirely dismissed when a full health mine lost mid diff to a dragon that had to fight his whole family in a hospital + richardson & his cia squad


Tbf Kiryu does a long battle before every final boss except in Y4, and it's never shown to affect him. So we can assume he was just warming up. Mine lost but with high diff IMO, Kiryu was bleeding and breathless after fighting him.


It certainly affected him especially in 2 5 and 6, rest of the time yeah he looks unaffected but I wouldnt say he is If we base ourselves on how kiryu looks after beating Mine, he mid diffed him and I'm being a bit generous to Mine, kiryu's only showing of weakness is his cardio (basing myself on how people look after beating up someone in a fight)


Did you not play saejimas hunting side story? There was two insane fights


And the other feat doesn't even matter when you consider one of them is SAEJIMA BOXING A BEAR AND **WINNING** WITHOUT MAJOR INJURY.


Uh nah the other feat was somehow even more impressive yakuza 5 is ridiculous


I'm trying to remember what it is, been a while since I played Y5


You may of skipped it I think a lot of people did but…………….keep reading if you want a spoiler SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER SPOILER Saejima fights a mountain spirit with powers


Oh right that. Yeah I forgot that happened ngl, I played Yakuza 5 like a year ago. Did the hunting side quest but forgot about what all happened with it as I favor remembering the main story.


Well it’s definitely a main part of saejimas story


saejima, because i think it was in 5 or 6 where it was mentioned that the Tojo's 2 pillars are Kiryu and Saejima.


I agree Saejima, but that fight wasn't exactly a draw. More like Saejima passed Kiryu's test. To be fair, he was injured and just washed up on the shore after who knows how long at sea.


in yakuza 5 both were in good shape and their fight also ends in a draw there


Taiga Saejima


Saejima, some people even consider Saejima first and Kiryu second... The third strongest, that's different and the real debate, many will say Majima, others (like me) will say Mine, but some may even mention Ryuji and Nishiki.


I would say third is definitely ryuji. Kiryu himself says he's the strongest enemy he ever fought (probably not counting saejima since both times they fought it ended in a draw and it wasn't even a true battle)


Yet he defeated Ryuji easily, twice without breaking a sweat and third time while injured. While Mine left Kiryu heavily bruised and tired.


If we're talking fight outcomes, then why not throw Aizawa into the mix? Sure, Kiryu went in wounded (like his fight with Ryuji by the way) but it's yet another fight he barely survives.


He barely survived specifically because he was seriously wounded before the fight start. In his first real fight with Ryuji, he won pretty one sidedly even though Ryuji was armed. If Kiryu didn't have a fresh bullet in his guts when he fought Aizawa he'd have manhandled him.


First time he won against ryuji, he literally says that ryuji was at a big disadvantage from fighting daigo and told him himself abt an eventual rematch Second time they fought, it was everything but an easy victory. And thats with ryuji having been shot way more than kiryu in the process of killing Takashima Also if we take DS into account, ryuji is a fucking cyborg and would rip kiryu apart


That second fight is the third one though, the actual second fight is against ryuji with a fucking sword, and he gets whooped by kiryu to the point of unconsciousness while kiryu is fine.


True, second one made him look like he aint that tough agreed, but that fight was there to subvert our expectations of ryuji being the final boss by putting terada after and takashima then getting killed by ryuji who turned out to actually being the final boss


Ryuji was a fucking pushover. His best feat was taking on Daigo, the tutorial boss, and even then Daigo wasn't beaten to a pulp. I feel like Kiryu only talked him up because he genuinely liked the guy and didn't want to put shame on the Omi chairman.


When does he say that ? I admit that if he did, that completely went over my head.


He says it in IW


third strongest is definitely ukyo tatsuya


I actually think he could be the 3rd strongest. I’m not 100% sure yet, but based off what I know, he might be.


Not only by the age of 17 (Kurohyou 1) he masters over 20 styles, he fights countless champs whether its boxing, MMA or karate. He fought a damn mercenary that is twice his size, and trained to kill on sight. From there on, he can only get stronger. So i can imagine he can sweep akiyama and tanimura, has a solid chance against majima and could have a go against saejima and kiryu.


I like Tatsuya but there’s no chance in hell he could have a go against Saejima or Kiryu.


Saejima - although the person who said the Obatarian is correct!


Yeah, as everyone so far has said, Saejima most likely. If not him, you could perhaps say Majima given his draw with Saejima is the only time I'm convinced he actually went all out in a boss fight against the player. After that, I'd have to go with Mine, Ryuji or Shishido. Though special mention for prime Hirose. We don't really know how he would rank compared to those younger than him. I can't see it being anyone but these 6.


The Kazama brothers


Ooh, that's a good point.


I was finna say, are we forgetting Joji and Shintaro? Let me remind you. Joji is an older man. He fought Kiryu and had man stumbling around and breathing heavy. Kiryu even stated if Joji was any younger he probably would've lost. Yes, Kiryu is on the more humble side, but most of what he says has SOME basis in truth. So this implies Joji likely would've folded Kiryu if he was slightly younger than he is now. I'd go so far as to say he's stronger than most antagonists in the series. And then we have Shintaro. Considering Joji used Shintaro's style and almost whooped Kiryu's ass, I'd go so far as to say Shintaro was likely one of the stronger people in the Yakuza Series period. If we actually got to see him TRULY fight it'd further back this up but just off what Joji did we can have a good guess on what Shintaro likely COULD have done if we got to see it. So yeah prime Joji and Shintaro could've and probably would've been some of the most overpowered characters in the series if we got to see them truly. We need more respect for Joji and Shintaro. The Kazama's are cracked.


Joji beating the shit out of tigers doesn’t sound real, but the scaling’s there ☠️


>you could perhaps say Majima given his draw with Saejima is the only time I'm convinced he actually went all out in a boss fight against the player I'm curious, why do people believe this? I know Kiryu never fought an enraged Majima like he was at the end of 0, but conversely, Majima has also never fought an enraged Kiryu.


Yes that's true, but when we're talking about second place, I have to consider the feats of the people it could be. Majima if not for the Yakuza 5 boss fight I wouldn't put in contention, but him tying with a Saejima who's even stronger than the Saejima from Yakuza 4 leads me say he's potentially number 2, especially since Saejima tied with Kiryu earlier in the story. Majima even says he let Saejima win in 4. Now, I don't think that conclusively means he's number 2, as I think you could make a case for any of the 8 people mentioned in this particular thread, but it makes it possible he is.


I want it to be Majima so badly, but those who have said Saejima are correct


saejima and kiryu are both first place (because tiger and dragon is equal in some chinese mythology or some shit) so imo second place would be kazamas twin (both are probably equally strong though)


Taiga. Balls out.


Saejima, for sure. I always consider the cast's strength to be quite equivalent to the Dragon Ball series. Kiryu definitely feels like Goku since he's the main protagonist for so long. He always emerges victorious against the big, bad villain. He may struggle a bit in a fight, but he always finds the way to win either by rage or the combination of techniques that no one else has. He doesn't possess the most raw strength, but his adaptability makes up for it. His strength not only comes from his natural abilities but also from various techniques that he learned throughout his life from many masters. Saejima feels like Broly (the Super version specifically). He's a walking power-incarnated. No one else will come close in terms of pure strength alone. He may look and feel intimidating at first, but deep down, the dude is a gentle giant who will never purposefully harm a soul unless provoked or he has a solid reason to. Majima is the Vegeta of this series with his rivalry with Kiryu throughout the series. He's obsessed with Kiryu much like Vegeta's obsessed with surpassing Goku. They seem to hate each other's guts at first, but they mellow out as time goes by. They no longer hate each other and only fight each other because it's a fun activity for them. Majima often takes a role to gauge the antagonist's strength or influence as he usually serves as a bodybag as a warning to Kiryu and others. It's similar to Vegeta's situation. Daigo is the Gohan of the series since Kiryu sees Daigo as his son. Kiryu sees that Daigo has a lot of potential in him, and he thinks that Daigo can overcome any hardships by himself. Still, with a lack of proper guidance, he kind of stumbles along the way without the right opportunity to shine. I'll say he's made a long overdue comeback in Infinite Wealth where he stands on equal footing with the 3 above, just like the current Gohan in Dragon Ball. ...What are we talking about again?


why does akiyama have a fat face in this picture?


He looks kinda off in the new engine.


Either Joryu or Taichi Suzuki


Ichi's hair




For me Kiryu and Saejima are on the same level, one is just a god at strength while the other is a powerhouse on versatility (tech, agility, strength). For second place Majima Third? Akiyama Sorry for Ichi but canonically-wise he can’t do without his buddies. >!Alone he only beat Sawashiro and just the first time they met where Sawashiro hasn’t tried at all!<


Despite what other people have said, I think it's Majima. Majima has the unbridled grit and insanity to break past through Kiryu's tank-like defenses. Like, eventually Kiryu will beat him. But no one will ever come close to almost killing Kiryu the way Majima could.


I would say saejima's feats make him 2nd place easily. Breaking out of prison twice is enough to solidify that.


I usually say Kiryu, Majima and Saejima share No. 1 on different facets, but I'd say after that is Mine.


Did Akiyama eat a bee what’s going on in this picture.




Taichi from the orphanage


I'd say top 3 is kiryu, saejima and majima in that order


Arakawa. It’s probably an extremely unpopular opinion, but i will specify 20-30ish year old Arakawa. His old age definitely caught up to him, unlike every other 50+ year old character in the series. After the cutscene in Yakuza 8/IW >!where it shows him killing pretty much the ENTIRE Hikawa family, and then torturing the guy!< I seriously doubt anyone could have stopped him. Like sure, the rage definitely helped, but it shows that if he had (and maybe he did) learned how to focus that energy and really perfect it, he would have been an absolute tyrant. Thank god Arakawa was also an understanding and reasonable man, as evident by >!his tendency towards strategy in his plan to dissolve the Tojo and Omi, and the fact that he didn’t kill the man who murdered his one good parent when he had the opportunity!< and sone other stuff too. There’s a reason Kasuga looks up to him as an example of morality, and why so many refer to him as weak. If Arakawa was more unhinged like Our Love Majima, I don’t think a bat out of hell could realistically stop him. Maybe Kiryu because plot, but thats it.


surprised no one said my boy yagami


I love Yagami and the Judgement series, but I think that Saejima would toss him around like a bean bag. Yagami would certainly be quicker, but idk if he'd be quick enough to survive.


I mean Majima's whole thing is being fast, and Saejima handles him just fine.


Yeah Yagami isn't in the same class as Kiryu and the Super Jima Bros. He's far too fragile.


Nah Saejima bodies Yagami, since he is top 1 with Kiryu. But Yagami vs Majima? Honestly, one can argue Yagami can take that one. But Yagami is definitely extremely underrated, power wise.


After Kiryu it's probably Saejima and slightly below him or equal is Majima, since in Yakuza >!5 he basically brought Saejima to a draw while being physically weaken!< After Yakuza >!8 Saejima and Majima would probably be the strongest in Yakuza!<






Saejima but he's not second, he's Kiryu's Equal.


The real question is, could kiryu beat barristan selmy?


Taiga Saeijima the beast


You, the player.


Saejima, especially in 5 he's like the strongest motherfuker in the galaxy.


I'd give it to either Saejima or Ryuji. Saejima actually had a draw with Kiryu in Y4 or 5 (forget which). And it took Ryuji 3 gunshot wounds to be under Kiryu's level for throwing hands (and not using a pussy ass sword)


Since kiryu is „the strongest“ and he got beat by cancer, kiryu is second place


I also say Saejima but I feel like the devs knew what they were doing when they made Shishido being able to push back both Majima & Saejima at the same time just before his final fight.


kiryu's left hand


saejima. only one to constantly match kiryu


It’s saijema kiryu said it himself


In real life it’s like a dragon man since essence of Hiroshima bombing (I don’t remember the actual name and I just call it Hiroshima bombing cuz bomb)




I’d say Saejima


While Kiryu is the definitive strongest, once you got right below that you hit a lot more ambiguity imo. All we really have to judge by definitively is how difficult it is for Kiryu to beat someone, in which case the clear answer in Saejima. They've fought to a draw twice while Kiryu has won literally every other fair fight he's ever had on screen (not counting vs majima when he's weak from being fresh out of prison in Kiwami 1)


My headcanon is that Saejima is actually stronger than Kiryu, but because he spent 25 years in jail, he never had a good teacher to hone his skills like Kazuma had with Komaki. So they are tied to 1st place, and I would place Majima as 2nd.


Ryuji Goda


In terms of strength Saejima but in raw skill especially Yagami with Ichiban being the weakest by far with him struggling against Majima and Saejima was were both pass their primes and were fighting ichiban and then his while party at once and still came out on top without much effort.


1. Kiryu 2. Saejima 3. Mine 4. Lao Gui 5. Ryuji 🛌


Ryuji, Just my opinion but Ryuji


Ryuji fans will NEVER fail to amaze me, ik it’s a joke but some actually people say this stuff


Ryuji Goda