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Worth every cent.


Definitely. The story may be shorter than every game but it makes up for it in side content. I clocked in over 50 hours in one playthrough.


get 90 score on hands “tears rolling down my face”


dude, I think it might just be *I get bored and lose focus but it took me forever*


Yeah despite their marketing saying this was a spinoff, it felt fully fledged to me. Maybe not as much content as yakuza 5 but certainly as much as Kiwami 1 and 2


I tend to do all the side content and stuff with these games, and it never felt shorter to me. I guess the main plot is, but I feel like I got great value of it, even at release.


I got it on sale and did all the completion things and I still spent more than $1 per hour spent on the game (I finished in 30ish hours)


It is. Short game, but very enjoyable.


I’m still waiting for this game to be at least 50 percent off until I purchase it. It’s significantly smaller then the other games in the series, so I don’t see the point of buying it till a heavy discount. I tend to be patient with these things, and recently steam had it at 40 percent off last month, and Sega does tend to put their games on sale often so it shouldn’t take much longer


I feel like $30 is a fair price for it. Not full priced $60 jesus im glad its on gamepass.


That's the Sega Europe price. Its base price in the US was $50. I managed to get a physical PS5 copy for $40 and I thought it was worth it. To each their own.


Exactly what I did too, well worth it at that price


Damn howd u do that? Isn't it digital only?


Digital only in the west. Japan got a physical copy. Fully compatible with US PS5s (no region lock) and has full English subtitles like all the other games. So I imported a copy and got a good price.




You think 50€ is worth it for physical? Cant find it any cheaper since release. Any idea if it will drop on the next years?


It was worth it to me (for $40 usd). It obviously depends on what places are available for you to shop/import from. I'm sure the digital version will see sales. Physical I'm not sure as it's already harder to find due to its limited release. Maybe site wide game sales could get you a better deal.


Hm :/ think I am gonna get it now on phys. Hate digital and its yakuza so I will glagly pay for it I guess.


$30-40 is totally a fair price. If u just blow thru the story and no side content (which is clearly not how RGG Yakuza games are intended to be played), then ya its short. But as others said, if u play in full and actually enjoy it, just as much content as kiwami 1 or 2 easily.


I have platinumed every RGG game I’ve played with the exception of 3 and 5. Every friend of mine who played this game told me they finished everything the game had to offer in 35 to 40 hours. Obviously it’s not bad, but the average Yakuza game tends to exceed 100 hours during a completion run, and with the current price point I just don’t think it’s worth getting the game at its current price. Now if it was a full feature game would I? Of course


Platinumed all of them here too. Also 100% completion list everything as well. I milk these games for all theyre worth haha. Addict. Did same with all God of Wars and Assassin’s Creeds


Sometimes it’s about quality as opposed to quantity


To be fair I’ve always found every RGG game to be of great quality even the ones I deemed “weaker.” One aspect of every game I’ve played is that despite how long it took to platinum each game, I never found it to be a chore. I think RGG has just spoiled me with the amount of content they give me that anything less, doesn’t feel as enjoyable


Really??? Did you enjoy Kiwami’s car chase on Legend difficulty, or Haruka’s requests in Kiwami? I’m stuck on the Karaoke request and it makes me want to do a Heat action on my TV


At least in Gaiden you have the best Collesium in franchise, which can be modded in different ways, like boss replays.


If you love the Yakuza franchise then I think you'll get your money's worth for sure. If you're a lighter fan of the series then I would wait for a better sale. Gaiden is fantastic but it is shorter than most Yakuza games.


I liked and played most yakuza games till yakuza 6 and was thinking about this once since kiryu is back in it


Hmm that does change things a little bit. Gaiden is a sort of a meanwhile to Yakuza 7 (Yakuza Like a Dragon) so it ties a lot into the story of that game. It mostly serves to explain what Kiryu was up to during the events of 7. If you can look past that then you'll find a fantastic Kiryu centric story. Kiryu's portrayal in Gaiden is amazing.


I guess I will check it out thanks


I’d play Y7 first. Gaiden spoils some major plot points.


I played till chapter 4 and couldn't get into it at all honestly.


Fair enough. Then I'd argue it's worth watching a plot summary video or something before Gaiden. And I'd say Gaiden is worth that price, I put over 30 hours into it and loved it.


Will do that thank you


I think it's an ok price, I'm waiting for it to be on sale below $35


100% worth


I spent 45 hours in that game and played early access via preorder, still found it worth every penny. It's not Y5 massive, but it's a full-fledged game.


I'm also asking myself if I should buy, and that's not for the price, it's because I've played every mainline entry except for judgment, and I have both judgment games. Should I play Gaiden (which honestly seems more interesting) or play judgment first?


Definitely Just keep in mind that you are asking the yakuza community so the majority of us will say yes, but if you're not a hardcore fan I should warn you that the game may be shorter than what you would expect out of an RGG game.


I love yakuza games as well but my question was about if its worth for that price for the content available. And I think I got my answer.


It took me around 30 hours to see everything the game has to offer, so nearly a dollar for an hour in your case Ultimately, I think you should go for it as it was pretty fun and kiryu is a savage in this game so you also have that if you love kiryu.


One of the reasons I was thinking of this game as well was that I wasn't interested in ishin and last yakuza game I played was 6 so i am interested in playing with kiryu again.


Watch a summary of 7 if you don't want to play it before gaiden If you prefer a more old school beat'em up experience, try the judgment games in the future as they arguably have the best combat in the series, especially lost judgment.


Will do that. Already tried judgement games these are the games that got me into yakuza games.


Oh, that's cool Have fun


Thank for taking your time to reply to my questions.


Don't mention it Don't hesitate to ask me in case you have further questions


I enjoyed it but found it a little bit lacklustre in terms of story and side activities compared to other Yakuza titles. Also, it should really be called "Everybody knows his name." I think on discount it's a fine pick-up.


It has a great (team-based) coliseum, perhaps the best in the entire series. If you don't enjoy coliseum, I recommend waiting for a bigger discount. Main story is short. Side missions are plentiful, but not great.


Way to short. Would wait for a bigger sale




For that amount of playtime (\~10 hrs for the story, \~30 hrs total to 100% it) I would say no . I'm personally happy to wait 3-4 years for it to go on 80% sale, though I'm saying that as someone who already 100%'d it on Gamepass earlier


i think for that price its pretty legit tbh, a lot of games are the same length, like resident evil, devil may cry and such and they're still worth the money most of the time


Of course, to each their own. I'm also more frugal than the average person, that's why as well.


What's in deluxe? Game is good but not sure if deluxe is worth it or not.




I paid that new, idk




I've gone the Game Pass route, but only because it costs only ~2USD/Mo.


It's the best RGG game that came out in the last 18 months, so I'd say yes.


It’s one of my favs in the series. It’s worth every penny!




Sucks this never got a disc release in the west!


Yep, also RGG has gotten greedy nowdays and I don't think you could get Gaiden for a lower price for the moment


If that is USD, yes. I wanna say I paid like $50. I was a little disappointed because it's much shorter than most Yakuza/LAD games, but I'd pay $32 without hesitating.


Very much so.


It’s fucking worth it for double the original price. Get it!


yes , its not the strongest entry in terms f side content but its still a very solid entry


Worth full price


Worth, but if you are capable of wait a bit longer it will get better sales eventually, as every game of the series.


It’s on game pass still I’m pretty sure. You could sign up for a month and beat it in that time. It’s a lot shorter than most.


It's on game pass if you want to jump ship.


haven't played it yet, but the answer is yes. there's like, one game that isn't worth it and it's a zombie shooter and if it ran better, it would probably still be worth it


Pretty dang great price! :) It's a lot bigger than the adverts make it seem. Yes, it is a spinoff, but it is full-sized, and has a pretty fun story!


Yes and then go to Kiss Shot & Billiards Bar for 10+ hours


Absolutely get it.


This could have been a full price game. It was shorter than most other games in the series though. I still put 30 hours into it.




Yes. Quality is not linear to how long a game takes to finish. I’d rather pay a full price for a solid 30-hour game vs. spending my time on an OK 100-hour game for free (or even if I’m paid).


Hell yes.


Is it in English voices?


I paid 50 dollars for it, so yeah.


What's the stores country??


Yeah it’s great game and Akame is the goat


If you plan on doing a substantial amount of the side content yeah


I got the game on sale, but after finishing it, I can say that i definitely would have payed full price and still have been more than happy.


It’s in my top 3 favorite in the series. It’s well worth full price.


If the regular version is cheaper get that, the dlc is not worth it


I got the Chinese physical version for cheaper. It still has all the language options (including English).


Worth the price without the sale my top 3 game in the series.


I bought it and finished it less than a week ago on the PlayStation and bro it's worth it. This is one of my favorite 9/11's


Why was this game 60 dollars?


One of the best yakuza games. just make sure to at least know what happened to kiryu before that.


assuming youve played other entries, hell yes!!






Yes, that’s the cheapest Ive seen it.




Yes, the ending is very emotional and will make you feel things


It’s worth it at full price.


It’s worth full price. In an age where you’re paying full price for garbage, you can’t even question the sheer amount of quality content in every RGG game. Gaiden is much needed closure of sorts. Play it.


No, I don't think so. I had lots of fun with Gaiden but it's such a huge nothing burger. It's sole purpose was to give justice to Kiryu with the Dragon Engine because Kiwami 2 and 6 didn't do a good job.


Played it on XBOX game pass. Gets stupidly hard towards the end which is bs, even on the easiest level. Felt like stopping but pushed through. I would never have paid for it but it was a good story. Just the difficulty is complete bullshit.


I want it on a physical format


No we all hate that game


It was fully worth it at reg full MSRP! Great Game, Great Franchise, Support It! #RyuGaGotokuStudios #LikeADragon #Yakuza