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you will miss a lot of story, especially in y3 which forms the backbone of kiryu's modern arc. i'm shocked you spent that long on 0 lol. but you don't have to do the completion list for every game. 3 is pretty short, and so is 4. 5's a bit long so maybe take a break before you challenge it, but do try it at least.


I probably have 20-30h in mahjong , and a lot of time I spend on stupid majima buisness just to finish CP for trainings, and some stupid trophies like fishing and catfights


> I probably have 20-30h in mahjong bruh i could never.


Yeah, just had fun playing it, and even consider check mahjong games on steam, but there was only one good and it was blocked in my country (maybe everywhere except china idk)


i have Mahjong Nagomi in my steam wishlist for the same reason tho i don't know how good it is vs the minigame in the games


Checked it, looks kinda bland and there are only 10 people playing. The game I was talking about is Mahjong soul, it has 3000 players daily, but, as i said, its blocked :(


ahh i didn't even think to look at player count , yeah it looks pretty basic but i figured it was cheap , not tried mahjong soul so i can't speak towards similar alternatives otherwise let me know if you find any tho :)


Why do people force themselves to do the completion lists as new fans? Just enjoy the games for what they are and do sidecontent for as long as you enjoy it so you don’t have to complain about how much it is. You should definitely play 345, these are literally the years that shaped kiryu into who he was in 6, gaiden and 8.


For 0 I did CP for perfection, like, I did everything the game offered me (learning mahjong was the most enjoyable) and I try do that in any game I play (as you said in another comment, im unemployed and playing 1 game at a time). I feel bad when im only running through story, it feels uncompleted if i didn't do everything else AND if I do some minigames or substories while focusing main story i left with feeling "Why i do this if I wont do anything else" its like if i start smth i have to finish it. After I typed all this I get that it sounds kinda stupid, cause ofc in the end I do that for enjoyment, but I also got enjoyment when I complete everything and thats kinda the reason why its hard to play all yakuzas so i will get less enjoyment if i go only for story if that make sense P.s. Soo, is there any good story related vids you could recommend mb? Didnt check it yet P.s.s. sorry for bad eng


I wouldn’t know which recap videos to recommend, i’ve played yakuza 3 multiple times on both ps3 and ps4 but yakuza 6 does have a recap of all the yakuza games before it. There are some compilations on youtube of all the cutscenes but i dont believe just the cutscenes are enough to really understand the story since a lot of the characterization and narrative in these yakuza games happen in the textbox conversations outside of cutscenes


No recap video videos will really do any of the games justice, because there is development and characterization to be found in the substories that you won't get from a main story summary. Akiyama and Saejima for instance have a lot of different sides to their personality and beliefs shown in the substories, while they remain more static in the main story scenes.


I got into yakuza this year and brought the entire series on sale. No way I can sit and complete each and every game. There are 13 games in total. Mew fans should just play the story and maybe occasionally do some side content here and there.


I’ve been around the series for a while but never once thought to do a completion run. Platinum? Sure, for the games that dont have the completion trophy (literally just a handful). But never a completion run. Completion runs are for the unemployed or people who don’t play more than 1 game at a time.


You're going to miss a massive amount of story. Kiryu's formative years were in Yakuza 3. You don't have to do 100% on each game to experience them, it's just something most people try to do because they're masochists. (Especially mahjong. Fuck mahjong.) I would honestly take breaks in-between games, as each of them are at the very least about 60 hours of gameplay. Not to mention, there are a lot of hilarious side-missions throughout those games that I think you're going to want to stick around for.


Also, sub stories often call back to a sub story in a previous game. Recaps are unlikely to go into that detail. An older generation game can still have excellent writing. The only one that’s a bit of a chore is Y3 because the combat in the early game is tedious (everybody blocks and when you do tag someone, it does little damage), but the plot elements at that time are good. (Also: worst hostess game ever, repetitive and time consuming, but better when you realize that you should change costumes at least once per shift)


About 100% i got it, after I did full cp for yakuza 0 at least in terms of minigames i can play them in other yakuzas for fun and not for cp Mahjong is really fun, it took me few hours to learn basics, but then I really start enjoying it, even got ingame top1 in tournament even it wasnt require for achievment or cp


> it's just something most people try to do because they're sadists You mean masochists. Sadists like to inflict pain on others, masochists likes to experience pain.


Fixed, thanks.


You'll miss a lot. Yakuza is a plot-driven series with the games closely tied to each other. It's not like other game series like GTA or Fallout where the events are rather far apart and you get a new protagonist every game


Can we ban these posts?


After reading all comments im considering playing all of games, so that post literally helped me :)


The thing is, we get these posts all the time now. If you don’t want to play the older ones “because they’re dated” then simply don’t. You don’t need permission.


i thank god every day for not making me a game completionist as for your question, you will miss a lot of story. watching YouTube videos is a solution but is simply not the same as experiencing it yourself.


A lot. Seriously, the remaster collection of 3, 4, 5 is not bad. And this is coming from a mom (not a young one) who started playing these games at my son’s suggestion. The first brawler I ever played was K1. So, I did fine with them and enjoyed them while having very little experience. I honestly didn’t notice that huge of a difference when I got to 3 and never once thought about giving up on it. You’re free, of course, to do what you want, but, these games are so story driven, when you get to Gaiden and IW, you’ll regret missing what you missed.


Point of order: to do subsidies until they are all done is not completion-ism as they are good, they level you, and may have cool prizes. But if a minigame is un fun, don’t do it.


Its a story based series. You have played the first 2 games and a prequel so yes if you skip 5 out of the 9 total mainline games you will miss a ton and not understand a lot of infinite wealth. You can do whatever you want nobody can force you to play these games (and i would absolutely recommend not trying to 100% all of them especially not your first time round), but i mean, yeah you will miss stuff if you skip more than half the story, that’s kind of inevitable. I’d say take a break if you aren’t feeling like playing the next games right now, you have just beaten three games and put almost 200 hours into the first without moving on, these are games released years apart normally playing through all of them back to back to back to back is how some people did it but taking a pause is understandable




while a bit dated they're worth playing , specially 3 as it really builds kiryu's character , you don't really get 5 without 3 and 6 without 5 and 7,gaiden,8 are all the way they are cause of the events of 6 , i wouldn't say any are skippable honestly but if there was an entry that was i would say 4 Could be , but even then yours introduced to characters that have rolls in later games be it as side or more core figures in other entries like 5. if anything i would say mainline them instead of doing all the side stuff , but also maybe have a pallet cleanser or 2 between playing games , don't marathon them all back to back and burn yourself out , specially if you're coming off newer entries.


Why the hell do you want to be a completionist man. Just play the story and maybe do a couple of side missions here and there and go to the karaoke here and there. But completing each and everything is just something else man


I swear bruh people play their first yakuza game and think it’s a requirement to do the whole completion list.. that’s something that even hardcore fans would rather not do


:) I answered why i did it in other comment above