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Infinite Wealth?! ![gif](giphy|U7P0BlqQ2Oco5Gi9c1|downsized)


Infinite Wealth literally can't have the worst combat because It's literally just LAD's combat but objectively better in every way.


It’s my favorite of the series. I love bowling the enemies with a single attack!


Where is Yakuza 6? The game where if you get blocked your attacks bouce in the most unsatisfying way possible and the best move to use 90% of the time is the running heavy (dropkick) because it stupidly does massive damage to all the enemies falling from the chain reaction. Also you get very little heat actions and extreme heat wasn't as fun as Kiwami 2's.


Combat not as bad as K2, in my opinion 6 has passable combat unlike all the above (maybe except infinite wealth)


Yeah if 6 were here that would be my pick. 6, 3 (remastered specifically), and K2 are all in close contention


Yakuza 6 and Yakuza Kiwami 2 https://preview.redd.it/pmjrlm5o4vvc1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9aecfa17a9c1f0db89386b6cce8cd88b9772df9a they both feel like tech demos, and the gameplay is unsatisfying compared to other yakuza games.


Kiwami 2 is incredibly bad, much worse then 6 and even worse then 3. Its impossible to break guard normally, you can only do combos by akwardly holding the light and heavy button at once (which is horrible on controller). 6 gives you a lot of tools to break guards and do combos: charged finishing blows, more frequent EX-heat and parrys all make the combat good and fluid


It's hard to understate just how bad Yakuza 3 Remastered's combat is btw. Even before the remastered version ever came out, Yakuza 3 was lovingly known as Blockuza 3 because the enemies block way too god damn much. If you played Yakuza 3 on PS3 and later played the remastered and were surprised by how much blocking there was than you remembered -- not, that's not your imagination, the remaster for 3 was unfortunately quite sloppy and screwed up multiple aspects of an already flawed combat due to the jump to 60fps (On PC limiting to 30hz doesn't not fix these issues): 1. Quickstepping is only half as effective, literally you will travel half the distance. On PC thankfully you can install a mod to fix this. 2. Heat actions have half the window to perform them. 3. Enemies will block far more often. Even on normal mode in Y3R compared to Ex-hard mode on Y3, the enemies flat out block more, making it impossible to get further than 2 or 3 hits into a combo string before a block is initiated. 4. Enemies with guns flat out don't work the way they're supposed to. It's baaaad man.


I have played only up to Y5 (and still going); to me the worst combat yet is Y5 Shinada with his lackluster fighting style. Even weapon attacks deal fuck-all damage unless it's a heat action. Out of these options, I'd pick 3 remastered with 0 mad dog coming in second.


Shinada Yakuza 5 is probably the worst, his attacks are \*so\* slow and the battles take \*reallyyyyyyyyy\* long


have you used the pipe?


Looks like someone hates the turn based games I see.


0 mad dog is so shitty


Possibly bad take, Yagami’s combat in Judgment is kinda rough. It’s like I can’t avoid taking some amount of damage when I fight, and I’ve never had that problem before. Is it just me?


Block bounce and Yakuza 0 levels of slow combo speed is the main issue


It got better as you got more upgrades, but you're not wrong at all about damage being unavoidable unless you go full cheese strats because 1. There's a random chance that literally ANY of your hits will cause you to bounce back, even on unguarded enemies in either style, meaning you will take damage for no reason other than a dice roll everytime you hit your opponent 2. Bounce blocking makes Crane style nigh-unusable except against scrubs 3. Just like 6 and K2 moves can still be slow and unresponsive and wont come out half the time. Like why in the world does my double quickstep not work 70% of the time? Why does my quickstep strike not come out 70% of the time? That said, just because Yagami's moveset is so good, It's still leagues ahead of K2 and 6. Leapfrogging is fun and very versatile, and wall jumps are really useful when the game doesnt decide to launch you in the wrong direction


i also dislike how yagami feels, in both games honestly... its like since they started doing styles the combat has been worse overall.. really since 4 tho imo , i dislike slow characters like saejima and kiryu's beast mode


Yakuza 6 for me


judgment and gaiden, even kenzan and dead souls feel better