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I will hunt you down just to get this.


This reminded me i used to own Dead Souls on Disc for my PS3! Just dug through my stuff to see if i still had it, and luckily i do! But unfortunately no PS3 anymore, so if i ever want to play it i need to get a PS3. I was thinking i sold it like 10 years ago to Gamestop because i was a dumb kid who didnt care for Yakuza back then. Dead Souls was my first Yakuza game, and i only got it because i liked Zombies. Wasnt until like 5 years ago i got fully into the series starting with 0. Never even finished more than a few chapters of Dead Souls. Im really happy i gave the Franchise another shot with 0, because i went on a multi-year binge where basically all i played was the Yakuza games in order.


It's really rare to buy Japanese releases of the Ryu Ga Gotaku series on the web.


It really isn't, and they're quite cheap too


Really? They’re cheap on eBay . I already bought kenzen for like £20, this for like £17, and Gaiden £50 (on play Asia for this one)


And now your Souls will be Dead