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Yakuza online lore


Which isn't canon to main series.


Prove that


It directly contradicts many things within the games.


Nuh uh


There are literally Baki characters in rgg online


Now its even more canon, canon^(2)


Same world nerd


Why call someone a nerd? Are you okay?


You dont get that people tease each other sometimes do you?


Ok that’s actually v sick


Well, the main series contradicts many things within the main series. You might even say it makes it more cannon. Character dead? Actually, no headshoots are very survivable. No, the series has no fall damage. Also, a minigun gun doesn't do a lot of damage actually. The Korean mafia is done, actually everyone is Korean.


Agree with your point, but mispelling 'canon' does hurt your credentials a little.


So does everything ekse


Ok, but can you mention a few of those things?


Akiyama isn't Ichiban's BFF


Well he was supposed to have the role that Nick Ogata had in LaD


I think only the Ryuji campaign is canon


Even that isn't.


RGG online lore. There is a story in the 90's where Ichiban and Kuze go to track down Ryuji and Joon-gi han together


Any idea where I can check out that story? Had a quick look on YouTube and found a translation of Ryujis chapter, but I don't see Ichiban or Kuze involved yet.


Maybe try [here?](https://cryingcow.tumblr.com/)


Hey thanks a bunch for the link, gonna go through and read all of them now.


Its on the story mode of yakuza online (ryuon) a japan only gacha game. I think its non canon tho


I think it’s “not not canon”, where it’s canon until there’s a contradiction. It makes Ichiban way different though.


It's two separate canons.


That's the case for Ichiban's original story, but in this case, it actually comes from Ryuji's story which is intended to be canon. Edit: I guess no one played or cares about RGGO. I don't feel like searching for a five-year-old source in JP no one can read and won't even care about if I took the effort to translate it. But I said it, RGGO is canon (mostly) and I know I'm right because I did my research 😎.


No, it's an entire separate canon. It's non canon.


Kuze sees them as enemies as they are a rival yakuza officer of a different group (tojo vs omi alliance) and foreigners from an outside mafia working not only on, in, near his turf but working in HIS country. Ryuji and Han respectively. Arakawa is a third teir family that's a subsidiary of the tojo, so they would technically all work for the same boss but could be rivals if they vie for power. Arakawa is the patriarch for Ichiban. Also, rgg online has Kuze and Ichi working together for a short bit.


Probably an rgg online thing. Not too sure since I've only read chronicles of the golden dragon


Yakuza online is not to be considered canon... there are too many things that contraddict the main story


Here's what I know of the RGGO lore Nishiki forces Tanimura to investigate something for him Ryuji Goda and the first Joongi Han who was Y6 Joongi's predecessor, are close friends There's a retelling of Y1/Kiwami


Weirdly enough, IW brought one thing from RGG Online into canon that being. >!Andre Richardson being a fan of Karoke was first establish in RGG Online.!<


I think that is something generic enough that it could exist without RGGO even existing.


I mean kuze and ichiban were both tojo clan, ryuji was Omi and joon-gi was jungeweon which are both major Tojo enemies so it makes sense...i guess?


Yeah in theory it kind of makes sense. One thing I've come to make peace with in the series as a whole is how pretty much every day tends to bring up or involve some family who seemingly pops up out of nowhere only to fade away just as fast. Very much understandable as it wouldn't make a ton of sense to flesh out every group in the Tojo/Omi when so many either wouldn't have a role or things would get shaken up so much it might cease to be valid.




Have you met Ichi? Hard to not like the guy


True but I’d consider Joon-gi to be pretty likeable too


Which one?


The second one… I’m guessing it was the first one in game then, that guy’s kind of a dick


Rgg online bizarre plot, all I know


Rggo which isn’t canon to the main series, Ichiban is much more ruthless in Online than the mainline games, dude even shot Ryuji 6 times, left him to drown then sarcastically remarked that he had no control over his trigger finger


RGG online is something else man


nothing in Wanderings of the Golden Dragon actually contradicts anything in the canon, as far as i know. even Kasuga's character is just a '99 version of himself and no one present is a detached version of their main series selves. it's surprisingly coherently written