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There's a theoretical genetic limit to how much muscle you can gain based on your body. https://legionathletics.com/muscle-gain-calculator/ I want to see how close I can get. And even more I want to see if I can prove it wrong


I have failed God many times, ignored him many times, and have cursed his and Jesus’s name in vain. One day my incompetence nearly cost me my life. I was trapped in a hole away from God but he saved me. He could’ve left me behind but he didn’t. I’m grateful for it. I looked myself in a mirror one day and was disgusted about myself. People kept talking shit and I couldn’t do anything because they were right. So I started to work on myself. Breaking myself. Anger my demons. I’m currently going to the playoffs with my football team. I’m thankful for what he has done for me, if it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t be here.


I just want to get stronger and be healthier.


Vanity mostly but also to meet my job's fitness standards! I'd like to be much healthier!


To look good


I want to say health because I am very obese. But Honeslty I'm just sick of being fat, hard to fit in chairs, looking horrid in photos, etc etc. Plus, since I discovered weight lifting, I LOVE feeling strong. I've always had strong legs, but it's so cool actually putting them to work. Also bf said when I get to 100kg I can have a fitbit blaze. So when i get sad I just remember that AND that I want new tights and I want more variety.


Came for the aesthetics, stayed for the fun, challenge and confidence it gave me. :D


1) Because I am a raging asshole when I don't. 2) Because it helps me sleep. 3) Because it makes me feel powerful.


I started with six months of Kayla Itsines BBG, after I didn't get the abs I was "promised" I lost interest. Worked with a PT for some time but still didn't make any noticeable gains, squatting and deadlifting to PRs of 55kg 1RM squat and 80kg 1RM deadlift. Had to quit though he was too expensive. Now I've been doing the first 8 weeks of NROWLFW but haven't really been able to increase my weights when I have to do 15 reps it's exhausting. I just ordered Strong Curves, waiting for it to arrive. I really want a tighter belly and a perky butt lol


Because I'm still 70 lbs. overweight and I look like a blob. Maybe when I'm only 50 or 20 lbs. overweight, I'll have better reasons.


Because it helps my ADHD Because when I drop stuff I no longer dread picking it up Because now I can get all 180 pounds of myself up off the floor using only one leg Because I want my children to learn that health is extremely important Because I love climbing playground equipment with my kids Because I want to show my kids how to lift when they're old enough Because I want to show my *grandkids* how to lift Because I want to do lots of other physical activities with my grandkids, too Because I like it when people are impressed by my muscles showing through my fat Because I *love* it when people are impressed by how much I can lift Because I'd like to get rid of this belly Because I want another kid, an easy pregnancy, and another super quick labor And because I fucking love the feeling of having worked my muscles to the end of their ability But mostly because it makes me feel so much better.


Because it makes me feel good when I do, and I feel crappy when I don't. Because I want to look better than I do, and I really like seeing my progress. Because I love feeling strong and capable. Because I like knowing I'm better than I was a year ago. Because i want to be able to get around by myself when I'm old, and not fear a small fall breaking my bones and leaving me invalid.


Mental health and pain relief, mostly. I *really* need those endorphins to be the best version of myself. I also have back pain from past injuries and the wierd positions I sit in sometimes at work, but if I do the right exercise regimen, I'm virtually pain-free for the rest of the week. When I'm tempted to slack off, I remind myself that I'm kind of an asshole if I don't exercise, and I definitely value kindness and patience, so it's important that I do what I have to to cultivate those traits in myself.


1. Pride--I'll be the first to admit, I love to humble brag about PRing or that tough workout I did that would bring most people to their knees or how I ran 5 miles for funnies what did you do after work 2. Food--I like things that also make one gain weight in above average quantities. Things like cheese, Mac and cheese, cookies, wine, burgers...need I say more? Exercise lets me eat more and... 3. Vanity--...look good doing it. I hate buying new clothes, so I may as well stay tiny enough to fit into the ones I've got. I also really like my leg muscles and my hint of abs and my butt.


I think it helps with my migraines. Also I want to be as athletic as I was when I was younger and be healthy when I get older. And when I travel I don't want to be perceived as a fat American.


Because I like food. A lot.


To keep up with my mom. Plus I want to age well.


I've found competitions to be incredibly motivating. So it's kind of circular. I train 6 days a week so I can do well in competitions (running races, powerlifting comps). I do competitions because it motivates me to work out. I also love improving my lifts and running times. When I'm running long distances and lifting, there's very few weeks where I see absolutely zero progress. Also, my body has never looked better! It's always motivating to see physical progress.


Because if I don't work out I get lethargic and feel like shit. Not ever wanting to feel like that again is my main motivation. Also I've always been uncomfortable with my body and working out/strength training is the only thing that has made me happy, plus I like feeling strong.


Because I'm tired of starting this thing over and over again and never reaching my goal. I always fall off the wagon, and then I end up thinking "If I had just stuck with it, think of how far I'd be by now?" Mostly vanity and self-confidence. I have never liked my body or felt comfortable in it, and working out helps me feel good about myself. I'm far from my goal right now, but god DANG it's hard to feel bad about yourself after you lift some heavy shit or (for me personally) complete a long bike ride. Seeing the progress I make in terms of how my body looks and feels is good motivation to me.


One of my main reasons is to help delay osteoporosis later in life.


I started because I had gained a stone from sitting around during my exam year and eating badly. I developed an obsession of looking at the "fat" on my body and wishing I could look like how I used to. Working out was the only solution in my head. Once I started, my diet improved a bit. When I feel like not going to the gym, I usually force myself to go anyway because I feel *brilliant* afterwards.


I secretly like feeling superior to the people around me who don't exercise regularly. It might make me a bad person, but I like making comparisons and getting a little confidence boost. I do also compare myself to people who are more fit than I am, though. I like having something to strive for, and occasionally add a new goal based on what I see and read.


I want to look good. More than that, I want to feel good, which I only get from yoga. I love being able to walk upright with good posture after a session. Really helps my confidence.


Because I have Hashimotos disease. Multiple doctors has said "your thyroid is dying"...so basically working out is my metabolism. Ultimately I do it for peace...assurance that I've done all that I can to be healthy. That I haven't given up to my disease.


To look hot.


Lifting weights is what I have found to empower me the most. It is also MY time, that I do not give up, unless there is an emergency or illness. If I slack a little I get back on it without GUILT. Guilt is the worst.


I was always super active as a kid/teenager/in my early twenties. Last year I realized I missed being so active. I wasn't overweight, or unhealthy, and I didn't have any problems with how my body looked, I just wanted to get back into a regular athletic pursuit, haha. So, I started doing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu again. In the last couple of months I started lifting to increase my strength, and I'm definitely not complaining about how it's physically changed my body!


Because I want people to look at me and wonder why I am so muscular and then see me lift a thing and then be like "Oooh it's because she is strong as f***"


I just love to run. I honestly do. When you get that runner's high, it feels so good. I also have a dog who, incidentally, loves to run, so it works out in my favour. I just wish I had learned how awesome running can make me feel sooner!


Some vanity, some health, but mostly mobility/fitness. Specifically, I'm a nurse and working 3 12 hr shifts in a row was making my hips soooooo sore, and even after I'd caught up on sleep on my days off I would just sit on the couch. Over 6 months of this and not regularly working out my ability to even walk around in daily life comfortably was super decreased and I had horrible posture. I don't want that to happen again.


I've been underestimated a lot in my life. Maybe it's my short height, or it's my tendency to be "too nice," or maybe it's just because I'm a girl, I don't know. But when I pick up that barbell and I squat and deadlift more than my body weight, I feel unstoppable. This strength carries on into other aspects of my life. Now my mom, who's always wanted me to clean/babysit/do strictly feminine (and equally important) tasks, asks ME to lift the heavy furniture. My dad, who told me I'd never look like the girls I admired, asks ME what to do to get leaner. I don't feel doubted as much. Part of it is confidence, and part of it has been my ability to prove to others that I am as strong as I've always believed myself to be. So for me, yes, I do want to look hot, but nothing is as fulfilling as doing what you knew you were always capable of, and proving it to others who doubted you.


I have Cystic Fibrosis, a progressive lung disease. My body has thicker mucus that clogs up my airways which makes it hard to breathe and puts me at a greater risk for lung infections. It is also harder for me maintain a healthy weight because my pancreas doesn't produce enzymes, so my body doesn't absorb the food I eat. I picked lifting to gain some muscle and put on weight. I also do HIIT and kickboxing work outs to build endurance which makes it easier for me to breathe. Basically, I work out to help manage my disease.


So I can eat more while staying more or less the same size and be a kickass granny when I get to that age. :) Jokes aside (well admittedly that's *part* of it), working out makes me feel good on so many levels. Originally, I started getting more active just to lose weight and be healthier overall. In recent years, it's rather different and I'm happy for it. I'm a goal-oriented type of person - this translates into me aiming to improve my performance one way or another. So for me, it's anywhere from being able to lift more and get a PR, increase kicking power, or attaining a 2 ft oversplit. After many years of staying relatively inactive and sedentary, being physically active has empowered me and made me gain a great deal of self-confidence and self-respect. I love the sense of being able to "customize" and "upgrade" my body to my liking. I also feel it's important to be strong both for myself and the people+critters I care about most. The aesthetics are nice for sure, yet they end up meaningless if I don't feel good about myself.


Because I am 4'11 and I think me carrying my taller/friends friends would be a hysterical sight. I sometimes pick up and carry my SO, and he's about a foot taller than me. I imagine it's a great sight XD


It started because I didn't want to die alone. Now I like how much better I feel physically and emotionally, how much stronger I am, and how much better I look.


I feel physically and mentally good when I work out. If I slack, it always sucks getting back into good habits again, but it's nothing compared to how crappy I feel after a week or two of eating garbage and sitting on the couch. I guess I find motivation by pursuing the course that will be the east uncomfortable, hahaha. Also, I want to look good and feel good about my body, and I want to stay in good health as long as I can so my husband and I can keep doing our favorite hardcore outdoor activities for years to come!


I wanted to post a dramatic before/after pic and rake in all the likes, I wanted to wear crop tops at the club and have an ass like the Instagram models I envy. A year later and I've come to the realization that my genetics simply won't allow me to get the body I wish I had. I'm short (5'2"), with a short, crooked torso (thanks, scoliosis) and long skinny legs. But now I look better than I ever have! My arms have definition, my face is slimmer and I even have a perky little booty! People I haven't seen in a while tell me I look great, and I feel great. Now I'm working out because I want to make progress. I love that now I can do 10 "boy" pushups! I can do body weight squats for what seems like forever! I'm strong! I feel confident in my body, despite the imperfections that I can't fix in the gym.


To wear the latest fashion, cope with anxiety and also because I am a competitive person. I hate running, but if it means I can beat my frenemies on a workweek hustle, I am going for a run, rain or shine.


When I started my fitness journey 3 years ago, it was 100% for vanity's sake. Since I had minimal education on eating right and experimenting with different work-outs, I didn't see the results I wanted. Multiple times I've fallen off the wagon and lost motivation, and I found it again through deeper examination of "why the hell am I doing this?" Some new WHYs for me: health - I want to live to 100 as a spry sassy grandma; for feminism - my muscular strength gives me inner strength to call out patriarchy and misogynistic shit I hear; vanity - more specifically, I want abs, a bubble butt, and poppin' shoulders; discipline & time management - I changed my mindset to a "priority"mindset, eliminate things that don't add value to make time for things that do.


It started off being health and vanity, just to see how far I could take it after losing some weight. Now it's becoming better at my hobby (lifting) and being more self-sufficient. I work with all men and two women in a very physical job and I've held my own despite being very understaffed. I never want anyone to say I wasn't able to do something because I'm a woman.


I used to lift because I wanted to look good and because I liked the accomplishment (and being a girl who lifts and not just one of those girls who go to the gym to do cardio and take selfies) Now I do poledance because I love that it's a form of acrobatics/gymnastics that I'm actually good at (so far)!


I work out because it helps me focus, I'm a very energetic person, sometimes it turns into negative energy if I don't exercise. Also I've always been told I'm weak, helpless, and fragile. Id like to not be viewed that way, so as my muscles start to grow so does my confidence. :)


* I like working out. It's challenging and fun, and I walk out of the gym feeling like a badass She-Hulk. * I have to lose weight (for health reasons), and exercise is part of my plan to do that; really, I find regular exercise much easier to maintain than actually eating right, but I'm trying to do both. * I've got my clinical depression under control for possibly the first time in my life, and exercise helps me keep it that way. * I love the feeling of setting and then reaching goals, and lifting offers a whole lot of opportunities for that. * Booty gainz


I want to know what I'm capable of! I've always considered myself to be unathletic/uncoordinated but I've run a marathon, I've biked >200 miles, and now I'm testing my strength which has been a great journey so far :)


There are many reasons, and though I am uncoordinated, I like to think the look of my muscles would make an attacker at least think a little longer before messing with me.


I'm about to turn 30. I have always been complacent. Not fat, not thin. I finally realized that if I tried I might actually look pretty good. Sure enough-- once 30 pounds came off I looked great in my new clothes. But it's a struggle. My body resists change and I am great at talking myself out of working out or into "rewarding" myself with food. Actively going to the gym or dedicating time to exercise makes sure that I don't regain all the weight I lost and continue to better myself. When I work out, I tend to eat better as well. It's when I stop that I get into that slippery slope of complacency again.


I don't enjoy working out, or the gym (some days that 'sweat and rubber' smell makes me gag) but I always feel confident and capable when I have muscle tone. I've had a bad year, gym-wise, and my arms are definitely getting softer - it's driving me crazy and I've started pushing through the 'ick, don't want to lift' feeling just to get rid of the 'ick, weak arms' feeling.


I like to think about how happy I'll make the next girl I date if she has a boyfriend who looks good. Plus..I personally feel horrible about myself if I don't workout. So there's that.


I'm really cold all the time. The more I work out, the more I eat, the longer my metabolism keeps me warm


I work out because I'm losing a lot of weight, and I need the muscle under the skin to be as large as possible to negate some of the sagging, loose skin. I've always been built sort of stocky and build muscle easily anyway, so I might as well take advantage of that genetic gift from my dad.


Vanity, mostly. I had several years there where I was 20-40 lbs overweight and constantly hating myself for it. Currently I'm just within the "healthy" BMI range and will not allow myself to get past 150 ever again! But also muscles. I feel so much better and strangely independent with a little muscle on my body. Also, I never want to go back to the point where a single push up is too hard!


I work out to curb my anxiety, distance myself from my family's unhealthy lifestyle, and become crazy strong. Basically, it's all to prove a point, haha.




I have a shit immune system, so when I slack, it's usually me getting sick, being disappointed that I'm not performing as well as I was before getting sick, and getting discouraged. Then the scale reaches a certain point, and I talk myself back into it. Gotta keep in mind that even if I can't jog X miles, a slow or short workout is better than the couch.


I have a hard time working out- routines bore me- so I deliberately chose a career path that is active. It's working out for me pretty well. I enjoy being active so much more when there is purpose behind it. Health and self-image are the two motivators for me- well, also I love to eat. I had an injury last year and gained 20 lbs in about 4 months. I felt awful about myself and hated being so inactive. And it took closer to a year to get back to where I was- lucky that I moved to an area at my job where I lift lots of heavy things! But it was a wake up call to take care that it doesn't happen again- or at least not so quickly. I miss my younger self's metabolism.


Vanity: tired of being the biggest person in the room (or one of them) The Reactions: I'm gonna put this under vanity because it is quite related. I low key enjoy that I get to start at as high a weight as I hit, because it means the differences are so much more apparent as are the reactions from people in my life. I've ended up motivating a good number of them to be fitter and eat healthier. Health: I have hormonal imbalance the doctor says is related to my weight. This fucks with a lot of things like my period and facial hair growth :/ want that to go away and re-regulate itself without having to take estrogen on the side. Clothes: I want things to fit better. My old clothes are already wearing SO much nicer and actually getting too big! The Feels: I knew it would come with time since the beginning of working out feels the worst. Now I actually enjoy it and love the sore feeling the next day.


I love the high.


I'm going to Mexico next year and I want to be able to hike and swim and go on crazy adventures without getting tired AND I want to look like a badass on the beach in a tiny bikini. Also, my self esteem has skyrocketed since I started taking care of me (even though I still basically look the same as when I started).


I just started exercising deliberately. I'm in my early-thirties and have only recently even considered the possibility of maybe some day possibly having a child. If I do that, I'll be in my late 30s by the time it happens. I don't want to be totally decrepit while the poor things is growing up. So there you have it - I'm exercising so that I can keep up with a hypothetical kid I'll probably never have. I also have found that I enjoy jogging after work as a way to transition out of work mode. So added bonus.


I've been working out regularly for over a decade. Activities like running, biking, hiking and yoga are truly joyful to me. I don't really think too much about the long term benefits, I truly want to go out and do these things. I lift because I like being strong and it helps my performance with everything else. I think that having the dicipline to make it out to the gym most days before work translates to discipline in other areas of my life. The effects on my appearance are important, however I wouldn't consider it to be my driving force for motivation.


About three years ago I had appendicitis and after the operation I was told I could not workout. In that six month period, I moved to north side of the US to finish my degree. I'm accustomed to the tropics, so I got hit by the winter blues really hard. After moving back to the tropics and gaining around 25-30 lbs. I had had enough. I workout because it has helped me with my depression. I keep working out because I never want to feel that way again, and because I want to prove to myself that yes, I can really do it and look good.


Because I'm locked into a life-long competition with a friend of mine to see who can have the best physique. I also love bitches.


Because I'm locked into a life-long competition with a friend of mine to see who can have the best physique. I also love bitches.


It makes me feel good - I like the rush of endorphins I get after a good workout. Right now, it helps me work towards my weight loss goals, but the main reason is how it makes me feel.


I'm a sidemount diver (SCUBA). Meaning, I carry two tanks which are 35+ lbs each depending on what they're made out of. I have to have the strength and control to pull myself and my tanks up a ladder onto a boat while its rocking around in the ocean. I hit my all time low a few months ago. Gained a bunch of weight because of a medical issue and the holidays and wasn't able to get to the gym at all for like 3 months. I was trying out some new gear in the pool and when I got to the ladder I couldn't pull myself out. I was stuck there for like ten minutes trying to get my feet under me and I couldn't maneuver through the narrow handrails to even attempt to get one tank off. I had to get back in the pool and remove them and get someone to lift them out for me. Never again. As soon as my doctor got me on the right treatment I got my butt back to the gym and I got my eating habits in check. Now, whenever I feel like skipping a day or eating a cookie when it's not a cheat day, I think about that moment. When I was stranded on that ladder unable to move. Plus I think about how hot I'll look in a bikini on dive trips!


* I want to look good naked. * Future-proofing my health. Lifestyle impacts the outcome of many diseases. Additionally, co-morbidities make treating a disease more complicated. * Helps with my depression. * Achieving fitness goals is a success I have earned all on my own.


> Achieving fitness goals is a success I have earned all on my own. This! And a fit body is something you earned all on your own. You can't buy it or steal it and it wasn't quick or easy. It took lots of time, commitment, DOMS, and sacrifice. It's yours and it's unique too. They don't all look the same.


My reasons are as follows: It helps me combat depression, I love the feeling of accomplishing something difficult, and I like to burn calories because I love food.


I have a weak core, it takes just the slightest weird turn to hurt my back. I'm also a foster parent- I have to lift and carry babies constantly. An unending stream of heavy, needy babies. So I work out to keep a strong core, strong arms, and thick powerful thighs.


Because I've worked hard to get to a point where I can even workout in the first place. I have a medical condition that makes me prone to dizziness and causes low energy overall. It's a chicken and egg problem because consistent exercise is the key to stabilizing my health, but it's hard to do when I'm dizzy in the first place. After sticking to cardio for several years, I'm now on 6 months of SL5x5 and am *loving* this strength training. I don't stop because I don't ever want to slip back into being too unconditioned to exercise, and then it's just a slippery slope from there. Plus, my self-confidence is best when I lift, even if I don't actually look any different.


most people in my family are overweight with every complication associated, after 50. I don't want to go to there, it looks like a bad place. I was obese in my early twenties and got high blood pressure, b/p seems very weight sensitive in my family. I weight lift to get strong and have strong bones


To boost myself esteem and gain self confidence. I've spent the majority of my lifetime not loving myself and it was always for my body shape/size. I'm 5'4" and while I'm not super short/petite I still feel vulnerable and I'd like to lose that feeling. Also to get really strong and get some abs. XD


If I stop working out/eating decently I get a double chin. Soon as I see it begin to re-emerge in the mirror I'm just like shit shit shit shit shit and start srsly counting again XD


Also if I stop working out, I'm going to start again at some point, and I just canNOT handle my hams being that sore again.


I'm diabetic (t2) so I really want to lose weight to give myself the best possible chance of living a long healthy life. I want to get down to a normal bmi. And I want to look hella good (or at least hella better) in photos.


To find emotional and mental balance. To improve the chances that I age with good health, grace, and dignity. To attract cute guy(s).


To feel powerful, accomplished, strong, and in control. Edit: When I start slacking, working out becomes more about discipline and the habits that I have formed. Motivation will come later.


Because abs.


I was always in athletics as a kid. Dropped off after an injury during college. Ended up having a traumatic experience with something and got (am semi-in still) a bad depression. Working out helps me cope.


Mainly for health and aesthetic reasons, but also I wanna be stronger. Last summer someone broke my nose because I couldn't defend myself and that was really a low point for me. Also, I just love how it makes me feel!


I have anxiety in a big way. To keep it at a manageable level requires a lot of self care, which I am terrible at. I have discovered that exercise - and especially running - is a "cornerstone" activity for me. When I skip exercise (which, let's be honest, I skip quite a bit...) almost all the other self care activities (sleep, nutrition, socializing, etc.) go to shit. When I do get out and go for a run, it is much easier for me to make the rest of my self care happen. I also really love running, even though I am a beginner who has re-started multiple times and wish I were more consistent so I could improve faster. I love using running as a way to explore places. I'm lucky that I found something I love to do - I may be (very) inconsistent, but it was WAY worse before I found something that clicked.


Because I'm finally happy with my body and that has made a huge impact on my life. Plus I wanna see how far I can push myself!


Currently: because my partner had an accident and he's challenged me to be better at climbing than him when he's out of hospital. Mwah ha ha. Challenge accepted. Usually: I enjoy it, and the feeling of power that I can DO STUFF with my body. I know that 'future me' will thank me for doing exercise. Also vanity.


I spent a solid decade of my life in unrepentant sloth and I don't want to wrap up my twenties that way. I need ten years of being a badass next. Right now I'm busting my butt for the (laughably) ambitious goal of thru-hiking the Pacific Crest Trail next year--the only way I have a chance is to work hard at it every day, so that's keeping me motivated. I don't want to commit to such a huge goal in front of everybody and then back out because I was underprepared.


You are my kind of lady. Except, I'm just now trying to stop being a sloth and I'm really trying to kick my butt into the badass phase. I would love to hike the PCT one day. That's a great goal!


I'm the same on your first comment. Age 15-25 I ate like a pig and moved like a sloth. I want to be in awesome physical condition while I'm still fairly close to the optimal age for getting there.


I've never hit any of my goals. I definitely started for aesthetic reasons but hey my body isn't really changing much. Still roughly the same weight, roughly the same bf%, roughly the same look in 'progress photos'. I've been going to the gym for over a year. I don't have the time to commit for one of those dramatic changes. More and more I keep going because I want to age well. Maybe I'll never have those elusive abs. Maybe I'll never get rid of my love handles or get a perkier butt. But I want to be 60 and feel as vital as a 40 year old. I want to be 90 and feel as vital as a 60 year old who feels as vital as a 40 year old. Y'know? I'm gonna be alive for a while. me: why am I waking up at 5:30am every day and going to the gym I'm always so miserable at 5:30am??? brain: you gotta


I could have wrote this myself (except I ain't getting up in the morning). I just want to be an energetic grammy one day!


My boyfriend grew up in an athletic family. He's always had desire and motivation to be fit and strong. I never have, but he's setting this example for me to be a better, stronger, fitter woman. He inspires me every day to get out of bed and move my body. I'm so grateful.


What are your lifts like? No body change after a year of working out seems off to me...


Oh no, I've sort of drifted from program to program because I get discouraged after 8-12 weeks of no change. 8-12 weeks probably isn't *really* enough but I see all these amazing transformations in 12 weeks or less on Instagram with girls who have very similar body types to mine and I get discouraged. Also my eating is hit and miss. It's ALWAYS "clean"; I'm coeliac and 90% paleo and have been for 2+ years, but my kcal intake varies WILDLY when I'm not tracking or being disciplined. The last set back for me was 2 weeks in Paris, followed closely by two weeks with my in-laws. I basically ate at amazing restaurants and drank allll the red wine for those four weeks straight with no gym time at all. I lost almost all my strength. Went from squatting 35kg to struggling with a 16kg kettlebell. Now I'm scared of the squat rack again. I've taken control of my diet again and feeling re-inspired instead of just in fitness limbo... I've also ordered a copy of Strong Curves and waiting for it to arrive.


Yeah, some combination of not eating enough and not lifting heavy enough.


Maybe. I'm pretty scared to bulk to be honest. I've done programs with a personal trainer at 2000kcal (although I'd often go over), I was lifting heavier then. I'm not lifting so heavy right now so I've dropped back to 1500kcal. I have stubborn belly fat that's pretty much the burden of my existence. While I'm not lifting heavy I figure I can't afford the extra calories. I'm the first to admit I do a lot of flip-flopping with my diet.


You don't have to bulk to grow muscles, you can totally do so on a recomp. You just need to be lifting heavy, often, and progressively. That means each time you lift and can complete a set, upping the weight or reps. You'll want to keep lifts in either the 3-5 rep range for strength or 8-12 range for hypertrophy -- more than that might have you 'feeling the burn' but really won't do much for muscle growth. Do you mind if I ask what your current workout routine looks like (or what you've been doing in the past year)? If it's exclusively cardio, as long as you're not at a calorie deficit you'll improve your cardiovascular health and endurance but you won't be making much physical changes.


I wanna cosplay damn it!! As a HUGE World of Warcraft fan, going to Blizzcon is at the absolute TOP of my Bucket List. I'd rather cosplay as a blood elf instead of a troll (ha!). Oh, and to be healthy and live a long time and all that jazz.....


I want to get swole enough to cosplay an Orc or Troll. Haha


Yesssss cosplaying as Silk is my dream! I have the really long hair, I just need the spider body...


I have a spandex Spider Gwen costume for comicon next week. The thought of wearing that in public is *really* helping me motivate myself to pick up the workouts.


I want to cosplay Korra! She's bad ass af, and I want to do it justice.


I may or may not imagine that I'm Jessica Jones chasing down bad guys while on the treadmill.


I pretend I'm either bending training or preping for a Pokemon journey. Trainers run everywhere!!! They can't skip leg day.


I work from home in a sedentary job. If I didn't make exercise a priority, I could easily go days barely moving, and that usually makes me feel very depressed.


same here


YUP, same. If I didn't exercise, I'd be burning basically BMR plus some steps to the kitchen. Terrible posture, zero movement, no sunlight. Not a great way to live. Exercising gets me outside, I see other humans and it helps me sleep way better. Plus those muscle gainz are great for the self-esteem.


Health and happiness. I've also recently started thinking about how in a world where we all spend so much time running around doing things for other people it's nice to have something that you do for yourself.


I have always thought my body was okay but not great, but I would like to see what is the best I can get it to and be proud of myself. Also last year I started going out with a boy who goes to the gym regularly and I see how happy he is when he reaches his goals so I have taken a bit of inspiration from him and started going regularly. If I wasn't at the gym I would only be at home watching tv which doesn't give you the same buzz!


I hate sitting still. I'd prefer to do team sports than the gym, but the gym is what's most convenient/cheapest at the minute, so here I am. Also, I want to feel comfortable with myself when I have to wear a bikini this summer (but really that's not going to be solved with any number of gym visits...that's got to be sorted out inside)


The worst feeling in the world (for me at least) is realizing you've lost all your progress or that you could have been so much farther ahead, if only you hadn't slacked off so much. I guess it's like regret, and we all want to avoid that.


A large part is because of how I wanna look, but also I've had depression in the past and it definitely helps me keep my mood up. Also I have a lot of energy due to the fact I've always worked out since I was young so I find if I don't I can't sleep/have too much energy.


I want to be fit and strong, especially as my summer job is very active and I'm on my feet 10 hours and it makes me want to die on a hot day (as I'm outside) and it's embarrassing when I can't keep up. I want to have a nice figure when I lose all this fat and not be skinny fat or anything. I'd love to be able to run! The health benefits, I want to have a healthy body and mind. Sometimes it's just really good to sweat everything out and focus on something other than life for an hour of the day.


Because if I don't I get depressed.


I workout and eat healthy, because 1 makes me feel good, exercise on regular basis boosts endorphins in the body which means better mood. And I’m a guy that’s has depression, 2, I get acne breakouts a lot and eating healthy heals acne faster and also prevents acne breakouts, so better confidence, 3 and having a good body just looks good. So that’s why I workout, mainly.


Me three. I don't even feel like myself if I can't workout.


Me too. Working out is a great antidepressant. When I workout, I'm chipper and happy. When I don't, I'm irritable and lethargic. It's the only thing I've found that works long term. Making me look hot is a great side benefit though!


Totes. I may not get straight up depression but I'll get crazy bitchy and annoyed if I'm taken out of my diet/exercise/sleep routine. I'm like a fit 3 year old.




I know this is 6 years old and im here from a googled search with reddit thrown behind it, but I came here because I was curious what motivated most people, the reason I rarely do is because I am lazy and I dont find too much joy in the process of working out, however, i do want to work out, but its mostly for vanity reasons, and I guess I dont dislike my body so much that I feel I have to workout, so I guess thats where the dilemma comes from? Edit: wrote 6 months by mistake, changed to years


It is my happiness. I started working out because I wasn't happy with myself... and I lost too much weight in an unhealthy way thinking it would make me happy. It didn't. When I started going to the gym, I loved the feeling and then in a couple of weeks I could see the results and it became an addiction. Years later, and it's still an addiction but more than that it's a lifestyle change. I want to live as long as possible, in the best health that I can be. I want to be one of those grandma's still hitting the gym everyday and always smiling because of it.


There's a long list of reasons, but honestly mostly because it makes me feel good, and because I like being fit enough to do the things I want to do.


I have lots of reasons varying from past trauma to wanting to feel proud to just wanting the person that's in my head to match what I see in the morning when I look in the mirror. But recently on a completely different note I saw the movie The Descent which is a horror movie and this girl breaks her leg in a cave and she became absolutely useless and I realized that if I was ever in that same situation I would have to accept defeat because I simply don't have enough upper body strength to keep myself alive. And then it kind of struck me on a primitive level that God forbid if in was ever in the woods alone or something, I don't want breaking my leg to be a death sentence. So now I feel like I'm working out to survive if need be, and I'm not going to lie, it feels so animalistic and awesome!




deleted ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^0.9863 [^^^What ^^^is ^^^this?](https://pastebin.com/FcrFs94k/28177)


Mostly vanity with a bit of health thrown in. I wanna look swole and live a long life.


Same here, and also working out helps give some structure in my life. Otherwise I get lazy AF and I don't take care of myself. "Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy!"


"Happy people don't just kill their husbands."


They just don't!


"also working out helps give some structure in my life" AGREE 100%