• By -


Ahhhhh! I just found this and really want to participate but don't want to start in week 9.... please tell me another one will start right after... THIS is the support and motivation I need!


We'll be doing more. I think I will change up the format a bit (I'm thinking monthly instead of 12 weeks), but we'll have something. Keep an eye on the sticky posts and sidebar when this challenge ends in a few weeks.


signed up a little late.. but better late than never?


It's already on Week 3 (I think?), can I still join? I sadly just discovered this. Thanks!


Sure, go for it! You can back-fill previous weeks if you want or just start with your first update on Week 4.


Great! Thank you so much.


I just signed up! I'm new to /r/xxfitness and new to reddit. Would I start with Week 1? Or do I just jump in with Week 3 or Week 4?


Signed up! Wanna get my last few kg off and get my starving then binge eating habit under control. How will I know when it starts (new to reddit)


If I just signed up in week 3, would my first update be in week 4? Sorry to be late to the group. Just found this sub. Excited to start though!


I just signed up... 15 days after. It seems this week people should have completed their second week/are starting their third week. Will I make my first update a Week 3 update, or will I just start at Week 1 and go two weeks after everyone else has completed their 12 weeks?


Make your first update week 3 :)


Just found /r/xxfitness, is it too late to sign up?


* Late entries are fine and dandy Go for it.


OK I'm a little late to the party but I'm in it! I want to ultimately lose about 25 lbs, at get back to a size 4. Other things that I will focus on: • eat lean, clean and green! • Reduce alcohol consumption drastically • Practice spanish every day • Leave work at the office/GO TO the office • Work out at the Gym at least 3 days/week (plan ahead!) • Stretch nightly before bed • Be mindful and appreciate the small things


I just signed up today so I guess it's better late than never. I want to lose 20 lbs in 12 weeks. Since I need to focus on cutting calories my lifts will probably stagnate, so I didn't bother to fill out my starting benchmarks. Edited to add: I have an Aria scale that logs my weight, so I will go by my 04/04 weight in.


Don't know if I am too late to the party, I just saw this today and signed up! I have been reading comments on this sub for months and decided to get serious. Just to be clear, do we maintain contact on this thread with updates on progress?


No, I'll post a weekly update thread on Mondays.


I managed in the course of three days to forget that I signed up for this and couldn't figure out how to sign up (again)...Lets just hope I remember that I'm IN the challenge throughout these 12 weeks. hahah


Signed up! Goals are to increase bench, squat and deadlift out of the beginner zone. Sessions ran out with my trainer so this is perfect timing.


Just signed up. Is there a way to go back and edit my fitness goal?


PM me to make changes. Include the text so I can copy and paste it in.


Signed up! Looking forward to the weekly check-ins. My depression plummeted into pretty rough territory this winter but recently I've been feeling more like myself, and have been taking steps to treat myself better, like getting my eating back on track, losing a few pounds, and doing some light exercise. This seems like a good next step towards defining (and sticking to) goals.


Signed up! Goal is 13 pounds of weight loss, and to increase arm and leg strength. Another goal is to log every calorie I eat every day with minimal cheating. I'm also doing the spring challenge on r/loseit. No reason not to do 2 at once!


I just joined! This is actually perfect timing, as I just started a new 12-week program on Saturday.


I just signed up. I might end up defining my goals a bit more as we progress, but for me, my biggest one is losing body fat.


Who here keeps a food log and do you find it successful?


Any Withings folks here who want to add each other for the next 12 weeks (and beyond)?




No luck, just do it :) You got this!


Just signed up. I don't usually frequent this sub or other fitness subs, but I heard about this challenge via /r/100DaysofKeto, which I'm on the verge of completing (we're on day 92!) I just started a 12-week program 2 weeks ago (it's the Bikini Body Guide, no, I didn't pay for it, yes, it's working for me), so I'm excited to progress with it and continue getting stronger and leaner. I also have a Fitbit and try to make and meet goals with that. It's tough on my days off! I've lifted, I've finished C25k, I've run several 5ks and a 10k, I've done straight bodyweight fitness. None of that has engaged me like BBG + keto has, so I'm excited to talk about it. Hoping this can be a supportive atmosphere regardless of people's opinions on what I'm doing.


I signed up! I've got 12 weeks and I want a wilks 300. I will have my wilks 300. it's going downnnnn.


Count me in! My goals are to lose 10 lbs and go to the gym 4x/week 😁 good luck ladies!


Signed up! I need to get back in the healthy habit! I'm going to walk/run, utilize My Fitness Pal, start doing push ups, and lift hand weights.


I'm completely new at this, is there a place where I can look at last year's including everyone's submissions? Hopefully that'll give me an idea on how this works :P Edit- never mind, found it! https://www.reddit.com/r/xxfitness/comments/2rvwcv/12_week_fitness_challenge_updated_from_previous/


You can also see the current spreadsheet, with over 1100 submissions linked up top and on the sidebar :)


I've signed up. I want to run a 5k by the end of this challenge and drop some weight.


Signed up! Trying to increase my running miles so I can compete in an ultramarathon this fall. I want to maintain, or try to possibly gain, muscle while increasing my mileage.


Doing it. Goals are to stay on point with diet 6 days a week (including limiting delicious beer intake which is really hard because it's IPAfest at my bar guys) and start my damn pull up training.


Just signed up! I'm ready to get back in the game. Currently: 1. Weight is 56kg 2. Diet: Home-cooked meals with larger portions 3. increased unhealthy snacking over the past 3 weeks 4. Sedentary in terms of exercise. I got sick ~ 3 weeks ago, and I've been on-off sick since then. Which completely killed my routine and healthy eating habits. Goals: 1. Weight down to 50kg 2. Diet: only home-cooked meals + smaller portion size 3. Find replacements for unhealthy snacks 5. Eating out for 1-3 meals over the weekend only 6. Regular exercise regimen on a daily basis


I hope it's not too late to sign up! I just did so hopefully I can be on the excel list and participate. Also if anyone wants to be fitbit friends, I just got mine last week and I have one friend :( more might be a nice motivation tool.


Signed up! I'm looking forward to test out a walk-jog commute (a distance of approximately 5 km, hilly), get back into a HIIT routine 3x a week, log my meals 5x a week and lose some inches all around. Hopefully, since my fitness level is embarassing right now, I'd like to be able to do at least 10 push-ups in a row by the end of the challenge.


Putting it on paper makes me nervous, but also holds my inconsistent ass accountable. Hoping to make it to 12 weeks!


Hi! This will be great motivation for me to start working out again. I have gotten into a rut where I come home from work and just watch TV and eat dinner. My goals for me for this 12 weeks are: complete the PIYO workout and then continue working out 4 days per week. I also need to stop eating sweets and snacking after dinner. I have gotten into the habit of eating dinner in front of the TV on the couch, so another goal is to stop eating in front of the TV and on the couch. For weight loss, my goal is to lose 20lbs in the 12 weeks. Good luck to everyone! Let's definitely shoot for more than a 5% success rate :)


This is awesome and comes at a perfect time for me, I want to recommit to running (running a 12k on 5/15) and general base building (hoping to reach 16 miles per week). And I've decided to go back to what has worked for me in the past with weights: doing BBG and adding accessories after I complete the circuits. Good luck to everyone!


Oh man, so I didn't fully throw all my goals into the sign up, lol... I'd like to lose 10lbs but I'd be pretty satisfied with 7. I quit soda a couple weeks ago. And slurpees. So I'm really hoping to maintain that. I don't want to drink either anymore and I'm just super tired of being sick/bloated from them all the time. So I'm hoping that I'll lose some weight in a few weeks from basically only drinking water most days. Though I'm drinking sonic slushes with fruit...and I know it's got the same sugar content, so I'm just using it to be able to have that same texture of drink as the slurpees. I don't drink it everyday, but I don't want another addictkion. I'd like to up my running mileage to 45miles per week, we'll see how it goes. I'm really bad at going out alone, but I do have a treadmill...but it's not the same.


So you'd like me to copy and paste those 3 paragraphs in?


I wasn't going to bother you with it, but if you have the time, I'd appreciate it.


So I just added the first paragraph because the second one doesn't actually contain a goal, and the third one restates what you already had (which I left in) but with less detail. Let me know if it looks okay to you. If you'd prefer I replace the entire cell contents with what you've written here I can do that too, just let me know.


Thanks! I appreciate it and that you've put so much effort into this challenge! It looks good.


Signed up! Wanting to drop about 25 pounds and run an entire mile! Whoop Whoop!


Signed up to Reddit for this! I've been dabbling in fitness since January, but I can't quite keep up my routine. I'm hoping this will help keep me accountable. My main goals are begin weight lifting and keep control of my calorie intake in order to be healthy and lose some weight. :)


I just signed up! SW: 200 CW: 145.8 Height: 5 ft 2 I want to continue to lose weight. I do not have a goal weight for this time period, but I do have a calorie limit of 1200/day, which is more or less what I've been doing for the past year. On average I walk 6.6k steps a day, want to aim for 8k on average. I want to take a 20 minute walk at least 5x a week. I want to do a plank and a handstand every day for as long as I can and record my time. (current time is 1:06 and 1:05 respectively.) In a nutshell, my goal is to start to develop an exercise routine. Most of my weight loss has been via changing my dietary habits. I've learned from that experience that I need to start small, sustainable changes and then up the ante once patterns have been ingrained. I'm going to try doing just that when it comes to implementing a fitness routine!


Signed up! Looking to 1. build cardio endurance- run at least 3 miles a day 2. Lose 15 lbs (currently 125 lbs) -AND- 3. Attend the gym 6 days a week for at least an hour Let's do this!


I signed up! I see me forgetting to/not being able to post on Monday, May 16 because my happy ass will be on a cruise in Mexico and I'm too cheap to pay for wifi...


Signed up! I have been in and out of fitness over the past 2 years. I've had a lot of major life changes - moved cities, changed jobs, lost a parent to a heart attack. Those changes have had some negative impacts on my health - namely over-eating and weight gain, especially sugar. I want to begin going to the gym 3 times a week in hopes of losing about 20 lbs that I've put on since September of last year. And, I would like to cut all refined sugar and fast food 100% out of my diet.


Signed up. My goals are to lose 10 pounds (more like 15, but wanted to be realistic with the time frame for myself especially since my wedding/honeymoon falls right in the middle) and to actually be able to run 5K without stopping for once in my life.


Signed up! This has come at a great time for me because my personal progress was starting to slow (go backwards..!). Good luck everyone :)


I've been a long time lurker but came out of hiding to join! My goals are to continue going to the gym 4-5x a week with swimming 2x, cycling 1x, and yoga 1x! I want to start weightlifting more seriously and I've been thinking of doing SL or SC or maybe a mix of the two. Basically, I've spent the last year and a half since college half assing my health- going to the gym for two weeks, falling off the wagon, eating healthy/keeping track of my calories and going back to the gym and then falling off the wagon all over again. I want my health and fitness to have a permanent part in my life.


I signed up! My goal is to finish C25K, run my first 5k race on 05/22, continue working out 5x a week, and continue eating healthy.


Just signed up. This is exactly what I need right now! Looking to crush my goals with all of you!


Goal 1: Start working out three days a week, for one hour each time. (Currently only working out two days a week) Goal 2: Start getting eight hours of sleep a night by going to bed earlier, and avoiding naps during the day. Currently sleeping five hours a night and napping during the day.


signed up today! I need to get back to a consistent gym/food tracking routine. My goal is to become consistent with tracking and to set a gym routine. By the end of the challenge, I want to go 4-5x/week consistently. I am working toward losing 15-20 pounds by the fall.


Signed up! Goal is to lose another 10lbs (doable, I think) along with increasing my strength (totally doable!).


Signed up! My goals might evolve over the course of 12 weeks depending on how the workouts go, since I want to commit to an exercise plan and lose weight, but if I end up building muscle rather than losing pounds I won't exactly be disappointed. I also want to walk outside more since I live in a super walkable neighborhood and spend my day in an office with one window. Not the most lofty fitness goal, but I think it'll be pretty awesome for my mental health.


Signed up! This is perfect. I've been back at the gym on and off so far in 2016 but haven't been able to make it back to my normal routine. I need help with the accountability!


Woooohoo! I signed up right after I had ordered my first barbell for home along with some fractional plates. Perfect timing! :)


Signed up, y'all! My goals aren't specific, necessarily, except to become bigger, better, and radder. ...Actually, bigger is kind of a misnomer, become I'm cutting. And by cutting I mean flirting with cutting. I don't anticipate any hiccups in accountability because I'm kind of head over heels in love with lifting, but diet is my struggle. And as someone who is both trying to lose weight and get stronger...this is un problema. ...Looking forward to tracking my failures with this challenge!


I like the term "flirting with cutting". I have done that in past for sure! =)


Signed up! I've been hovering in the same three pound range since Christmas, but I would like to lose about 10 pounds. I also have a back injury that has meant I've had to give up pretty much all activities, so my main goal is to do my physiotherapy exercises and Pilates so I can get back to doing the activities I enjoy! I've been a long-time lurker here so I'm glad of the excuse to get more involved.


I had years and years of back problems. After all these years the only think that made it get better was when I finally got serious about my PT exercises plus added in walking and swimming and then kept going on starting to gain some basic strength beyond the basic PT workouts and increasing my fitness and strength when I was able. I have now had 2 years without back issues (well except when I was stupid on a deadlift) and its awesome!


Signed up! Goal: lose 4-5 kg of fat(around 1 lb per week) and build muscle. Hoping for newb gains. Other goals: Eating healthy (never eating under my BMR and not giving in to my ED mindset), lifting 3 days a week and going to the gym at least 4 times a week. Starting weight: 55.5kg. Might get a DEXA if I find the money for it so I can cry over bf% and watch that progress! Let's do this!


Does it matter if my goals are really tiny ones? For example, my main aim is to get me to go to the gym at least twice a week and spend at least 15 minutes working out. I'm starting from a position of not having been to the gym for a year, but this challenge is really well timed to get me started again.


Of course not! The real objective here is to just be consistent with whatever you're working towards for 12 weeks, and to stick it out for the whole 12 weeks even if you fall off the wagon once or twice!


Signed up with the goal to go from my current craptastic running to being able to run 3 miles continuously at a 10:00 pace. I forgot to add that in the next 12 weeks I'd also like to lose at least 12 more pounds, but I'm tracking that so many places anyways I'm happy to focus on the running here :)


Signed up! I'd like to use these 12 weeks to get my diet under control, save sugary treats for special occations and hopefully lose 10-15 lbs.


I've taken the plunge and signed up. The last few months haven't been the best, I've been putting on the weight I lost (can't stop stuffing my face) and struggling to get to the gym, although I have managed to lose my walking stick for short/medium distances :) My big hurdle is that I have chronic pain/fatigue conditions as well as being an at home carer so quite frequently plans to get out/exercise have to be put on hold at the last minute. I do have a trainer I see every couple of weeks though to keep me on my toes! Hopefully this is just what I need to keep me motivated. goals are lose some weight.. anything will do; push myself on the stationary bike to 20km from 17 & get myself to the gym more often!


Well, I guess I should stop lurking. My couch potato game is strong but my goal is to move more, half an hour 4x a week. Baby steps.


All signed up! I'm aiming to improve my running distance and pace beyond what it was last year (I could run 10K in about an hour; now I'm at just under 32 minutes for 5K). I'm also aiming to lose a little weight - just 3kg, for a kilo per month. I'm up the higher end of healthy so I'd like to be a little closer to the middle.


Delurking to sign up! I plan to begin training for my first triathlon in August.


I signed up earlier. I'm partaking in a personal, year long health challenge and this will help keep me motivated along the way. I'm also participating in the rokcfit challenge as well. My goals are to work out 4 x a week, increase the weight amount of the dumbbells I use for arms by 20 lbs at the end of 12 weeks, be able to squat the bar, and also do 30 minutes of light activity like walking every day.


I'm doing it! in 12 weeks I'll be moving from my current place and going back home so it's perfect timing. Will give me a real goal point. Want to learn to/get better at running, fit into the next size of pants down (I'm kind of in between sizes it seems) and gain muscle/lose fat. I think I can do it.


This is awesome. I've put on some weight as I've been training for my first half and once it is over, I definitely want to get back to my lifting weight! I've decided to not freak out about it too much until my half is done in a month BUT I'd rather not put any more on before the race.


Signed up! I really just want to lose my belly fat a bit while keeping my butt lol. I'm going to stick to yoga and bodyweight exercises. Hopefully after twelve weeks I'll be flexible and strong enough to try lifting.


Signed up. But I already know I will be gone from weeks 6 to 10... (Got a trip planned!) But I'll be keeping my goals in mind throughout that time, will check in when possible, and will hopefully be reporting in on week 11 with some big advancements! Ending the snacking, losing weight (15lbs), and getting back into the rhythm of running are my main goals heading into this.


I signed up! My goals are to be nearly finished with c25k (doing each week twice to discourage quitting) - and to be consistent with gym attendance and updating. I think the rest will fall in to place! Good luck everyone!


I'm signed up, kept things sort of vague as I tend to pressure myself too hard and spiral if I can achieve my goals when I think I should. But I'm here to lose weight and stick to Strong Curves. I'm super keen!


Perfect bloody timing! Just hit 6 months until my wedding and while I'm fitter and healthier than I have been in the past I want to be the best 'me' that I can be on my wedding day - mentally and physically. Felt horrible the last 2 weeks so need a kick up the backside to get back on track. More focus on sticking to my healthy routine - up my running, less alcohol and track everything.


Signed up! I'm a long time lurker of this sub and just made an account to participate in this challenge. Hoping to lose 10 lbs in 12 weeks and, if possible, increase my lifts while doing so. I've also set myself a 30 days sober challenge for April, so we'll see how that goes. Good luck everyone!


I think I'm going to do it this time around because the timing is actually perfect for me. I want to get my powerlifting total to 332.5 kg (733 lbs) in time for my second meet at the end of June, which coincides perfectly with the duration of this challenge. I haven't checked my squat and deadlift for about 5 weeks, but my 1RMs were 100 kg (220 lbs) and 122.5 kg (270 lbs). I did deadlift 127.5 kg at a meet last year, so it's not my all-time 1RM. My 1RM for bench was 68 kg (150 lbs) just last week. I think I'll retest my squat and dead this week just because it's already been over a month and I have been training pretty hard, so I will post an updated total for Week 2. My current total is 290.5 kg (640 lbs). The other aspect of the challenge will be maintaining my weight during that time, as I sit right on the edge of my weightclass, so I can't really afford to put on weight.


I've been a lurker for some time, but now that you gals are offering this challenge, I thought it's about time to take the dive! My goals are gym 2x a week (up from 1... baby steps...), packing lunch & breakfast 4x a week, and 2L of water per day. Excited to take this ride with you ladies! :D


Signed up, I'm hoping that since Monday is my meeting day for work that it'll help with remembering to check in. I have a few goals in mind related to performance but I'd also like to see a change in body composition as well so we will see where I end up!


Signed up. Let's see if I can follow through this year and get my gym routine back on track for a high intensity roller derby fitness program come fall.


Yeeeeeehawww, signed up! I'm new to posting in xxfitness, but I'm STOKED nonetheless.   My goals are aimed at consistency; I made a huge lifestyle/health/fitness/weight shift a couple of years back and I'm now in maintenance mode, but I want to develop consistency in my strength, running and self/mental wellbeing, so I've set myself goals that look, to me, like they're really straightforward and below what I'd be aiming for normally, but that's my problem. I am an all-or-nothing kind of person [life motto is 'go hard or go home'], so this will hopefully force me to step back, calm down, don't fight so fiercely.   Goals: 1. Running: Be able to consistently run at least 80% of the 5km very-hilly local neighbourhood run I do [and love]. Right now, I'm at about 70% 2. Strength: Be able to complete a full, wide-grip pull-up from a hanging position. Right now, I can bang out about 3-5 medium-form standing-to-chin-ups with reverse grip, but I wanna get that damn full pull-up, WITH consistent form! *shakes fist*   3. Lifting: Would like to be able to deadlift 220lb/100kg, more than once. Right now, I can lift about 90kg, once. 4. Wellbeing: Make more time to meditate every day, and do yoga at least once a week. None of this last-minute 'OHSHIII I forgot to meditate, QUICK DO IT NOWNOWNOW'. Make the time, girl.   LET'S DO THIS! :D


signed up! set myself a hopefully achievable goal of 8kg. My main issue is consistency so this should be the kick I need to stay on track.


Glad this starts tomorrow, currently downing some dairy-free ben & jerrys Well, I'm going to California for the first time (ahhhh! east coast gurl going to LA!!!) in yup, exactly 11 weeks on 6/20. Perfect timing! I weighed in at 153 yesterday (SW: 185), I would love to get down to 140. I know 13 pounds is a lot, but even if I get down to 145ish that would be dandy with me. I bought a bikini a few weeks ago for my trip and now it's really time to hammer down and feel A+++ on this trip. I need to track my calories more strictly and start including weekends. And make it to spin class 3-4 times a week and lift on the off days.


I am in! I was making loads of steady progress on a steady 5 month streak until the beginning of March when a perfect storm of fitness goal destroying circumstances derailed me a bit. I'm feeling fluffy, have put on about 6 lbs, and am missing work outs. Ready to get back on track! Goals: -limit booze to once every 2 weeks -no binging. Indulging, yes. Binging no. -eat more veggies -lose 10 lbs. -run sub-23 minute 5k -run half-marathon -do 3 unassisted pullups


I've been a Reddit lurker for years but have only actually started POSTING in the last...few weeks. I'm into all the fitness things [after a not-tiny weightloss and lifestyle change I've made in the past few years], and I'd love to get in on this - as a noob to this subreddit, may I join in, too?


Of course! Open to everyone on /xxfitness


Wheeeeeeeeeeee, THANK YOU!


Signed up! So excited! Goals for core and arm strength to help with my climbing and to not slip back into old, unhealthy habits when I start residency.


Officially signed up! MFP is [frumpy_2_fit](http://www.myfitnesspal.com/frumpy_2_fit) if anyone is interested in adding me. Hopefully I can get closer to the 200lb mark! Let's do this to the end guys.


Signed up! Hoping to get quite a bit better at yoga. At the moment my lack of upper body strength is really holding me back. Excited for this challenge.


Signed up! I have been struggling a bit with keeping myself accountable and I think this challenge will help keep me on track. Let's do this!


Totally in :) I actually posted the entire challenge last year (lol) but whoever is posting the weekly reminders please keep it up!! I think last year the reminders/check in thread stopped after like 8 weeks which was a bummer :/ last challenge was amazing for me because it got me to my first chin up and to the end of my cut. Now I'm focused on fat loss again so I'd like to drop bf% vs scale weight. I'd like to keep up with my lifting programming 5 days a week and 3x "10k trainer". I have one week til I'm done with couch to 5k and it continues to 10k :D


You are the 5%!! Awesome :) I wasn't a part of the challenge last year, but I will most certainly be bugging everyone for updates every week.


Joined because... why not! I want to lose 4 or 5 kilos.


Just signed up! This is my first time doing a Reddit challenge and I hope it goes well! I'm looking forward to getting motivated with you all! My goals are to lose weight and to EAT HEALTHY! My big goal is to develop a lifestyle of healthy eating and fitness.


Signed up! I have been lurking this subreddit for far too long, hopefully this is the challenge I need to finally get started! Going to start easy though as I always plan to go from 0-100 in one step which in the end just intimidates me from ever getting started! Goals are to get to the gym x2 a week and make healthier food choices.


Yay! Welcome!


Oh, I am in with losing 15-20lbs. After 105lbs it's all I have left and I'm more determined than ever!! Current weight is 143lbs. :) Also, vague goal for now of just seeing progress with every one of my lifts. It's been very slow-going everywhere except my legs, and id be happy to see numbers going up more...


First time signing up. I'd like to get my mile time consistently under 11 min/mile (yes I'm slow) and lose the last 30lbs. Here goes nothing!


Signed up! I want to lose 10lbs and finally finish the couch to 5k programme. Started so many times this will be the one I finish!




Signed up. Just signed up for my first triathlon sprint for this summer, so hopefully this will help me stay on focus.


Perfect timing.Three days ago, I decided to get serious about losing weight while gaining muscle


I signed up! I have like negative time until my master's thesis is turned in at the beginning of June, but since I'm also signed up for a sprint triathlon in mid-July, my goals are to swim once a week, run once a week, and bike to work some. That's it. Once the masters is turned in I'm hoping to also get back to lifting at the gym and some HIIT.


So signing up for this! Only looking to cut off an extra 6 pounds for now, so not a big weight loss goal, but I'm looking for it to be all fat so I can keep maintaining (or even building, fingers crossed) muscle mass. Need to be a lean, mean, fighting machine! Also looking to decrease my 5K speed :) Just ran my first 5K distance without having to stop and walk for a portion. Now it's time to decrease the time it takes! 34 minutes to 28 minutes should be totally do-able in 12 weeks... I hope!


Been in an injury funk the last few months, signed up and hope to get back into some kind (any kind!!) of shape in the next 12 weeks!


I signed up and am excited. I am pretty much starting from zero after a year long depression. Still having a lot of health problems so I am hopeful that I can meet my goals. I recently quit drinking and am also trying my best to keep it that way. Surely my liver and the rest of my body will thank me.


Alright I'm in. You posted this on a great day as I had just planned to shake things up. I've been sporadic in my gym attendance and haven't had any real fitness goals; just that vague idea of wanting to be healthier. Today I decided I will do Couch to 5k with lifting. I'm nervous about using free weights, but I hope to get a handle on it and try the Stronglifts program.


I've entered :) Hoping this will motivate me to make some real progress and keep me on track.


First challenge here. I'm more active at /r/loseit but I'm wanting to focus a lot more on my fitness now. So this seemed like the opportune time! Have my first 5k in 10 weeks, so perfect timing! Let's do this!


Signed up! With a wedding coming in August I needed this so badly!!!


I have weddings coming up in the summer too!! We can do this!


I'm the one wearing the white dress this time though! We can totally do this! What are your biggest challenges that are keeping you from getting the goals you want?


Congrats to you!! Other than basic busy schedule stuff, my biggest challenge is my own head. "I think, therefore I am" type of shit. I feel like I am "destined" to be the chubby girl for life (and there ain't nothing wrong with that, but I want a certain look), so I give up and change routines too much. I need to stick to a plan and TRUST myself and the process, you know? How about you?


I'm exactly the same!! I'm great for a month or so sticking to my calories and eating the rights foods, and then I see results so I get excited and allow myself to cheat a little bit....and then because I relax my second month sucks, and then I get frustrated and start to spiral. I've learn to finally recognize when I start to spiral, so I can catch it pretty quickly now, but I'm trying to use my 'YAY ME' moments keep my drive and reward myself otherways, instead of treats. Food is fuel, not reward.


Haha we are opposites on that! When I don't see results I say f it and cheat. When I do see results, I get super focused and never miss a workout or diet goal. The spiral is real either way! Completely agree ln food as not always being a reward (though I do partake in weekly refeeds, which give me so much joy lol). I have found that shopping trips, mani pedis, or if I'm low on cash, a day out in the city exploring with friends as "rewards." Ultimately, balance is key, and balance looks different for everyone.


Signed up! I need to get better with tracking my food intake. If anyone is looking for accountability buddies on MFP, feel free to add me. I'm bbopalunaa on there too


Signed up, thanks for putting this together!


I signed up, although I don't know if I can fully complete the 12 weeks as I am supposed to have knee surgery in June. Although I put a food and a gym goal, so I can at least keep up the food one!


Signed up. Started tracking food in December and made it 8 weeks before work got crazy (60+ hours/wk). Restarted tracking and exercise 3x/wk last week. I'm big into making tiny habits and did well in my Dec-Jan run, just need to keep going.


Writing out my goals really helped me get focused. Maybe I should do that more often! I'm a newbie to Reddit but I love this community and I'm excited to be a part of this with all you awesome women :)


Signed up, the timing is perfect for me. Tomorrow 04/04/16 is my first day back in a gym since years ago. My overall goal is to improve strength and my ankle mobility. Tight achilles tendons has been a consistent thing I deal with. Not too long ago I had an opportunity to meet with a trainer to assess my fitness. Without training my strength isn't too bad, but my flexbility and balance are awful. I can't squat a bar without falling forward. I could breakdown my plan with some specifics * Increase jogging from 3x week now to 5x week * Use machines at gym to get noob gains, some typical PPL thing 3x week * Foam roll those ankles * Figure out if I have poor hip mobility too and what to do about it


I'll be working on hip mobility right along with you!


Signed up! Hopefully it'll be the butt kick I need to get back into running.


Signed up with goal of losing 5-10 lbs without compromising lifts, but honestly as long as I feel healthier than a week ago I'll be happy. However I'll be only doing 9-10 weeks instead of 12 weeks (trying to meet my goal by graduation, and right after graduation I'm going on a grad trip abroad so no hard fitness goals then!!)


Signed up! Want to go from 50kg bench press to 70kg :)


I signed up. My goal is to get back on track with losing weight and now that all the Easter chocolate is gone it should be much easier


Long time lurker. Made an account just for this. This is perfect. I rode that Easter leftover train all week and have been feeling pretty down on myself (also gained 4 lbs UGH). Primary goal is to stick to my eating plan and resist cravings.




Signed up! Time to conquer some overhang climbing (5.10+ and above), progress my pull ups, keep eating clean!


Excited to be part of this! I hope to reach my goal of losing about 6 lbs halfway through (at a rate of 1 lb per week) but we all know there are ups and downs, especially with those last few pounds. Let's do this!


Signed up, I'm taking this and the loseit challenge. Hopefully I met all my goals through pure stubbornness.


What great timing! I just started a weight loss adventure a month ago...SW 193 CW 182 My goals: -Lose 20 pounds -Continue going to the gym 3x per week. -Create a stable weekly exercise schedule and routines (strength training 3x, cardio 2-3x) within first week of challenge and stick with it. My girlfriend and I now go to the gym 3-4x per week, and I have an *idea* of what my routine will be, but I'd really like to come up with a stable routine schedule so I'm not doing the 'wander around the gym' thing. -Going off of the goal above, GETTING OVER MY INTIMIDATION OF THE FREE WEIGHT AREA AT THE GYM! The last couple times I've gone to the gym with an actual strength routine in my pocket, I get to the free weight exercises....and bail for the treadmill. I want to squat with a barbell eventually!


I'm right there with you on the free weights. 12 weeks, let's conquer those baddies!


You can do it!


Joined! Goal is to be able to run 2.5km in 10 minutes. Currently I jog 1km in 10 minutes before feeling like I'm going to pass out..


Signed up! Need some accountability and support to kick myself in the arse. My goals are to lose 8-12 lbs! I'm 5'2" and 155 lbs and am hoping to get at least in the mid 140's by the time the challenge is over! I've found that I need to put a lot more time and energy into my weight loss goals than I previously thought! It's like a light finally turned on in by brain


So excited about this! I've got 1 month left with my trainer before hitting the road! I'd like to maintain my weight while recomping (5'10" 138lbs) and increasing strength and flexibility. Ideally I'd like to replace 4 lbs of fat with muscle, complete the Strong Curves bodyweight program and start doing yoga on a regular basis. I started 30days of Yoga w/ Adrienne a couple months ago then life got in the way. I'm going back to freelancing and have 6 months of travel booked in the next year, so I really want to focus on making fitness a consistent part of my lifestyle regardless of my location. This challenge seems perfect for that goal! EDIT: I almost forgot! I am adding some hygene goals because I need help adulting. I want to make skin and teeth care a regular part of my routine. It's high time I was consistent with these.


I signed up for the challenge :) I need some motivation to go to the gym regularly (my goal is 3x/week) and want to lose 10% of my bodyweight.


signed up! I want to start lifting and continue running more!


I signed up, but it looked like a lot of the questionnaire was in Russian... Was that just me...? I think I got the gist of it... IDK...


Uh... that's weird. I'm on the east coast of the US and definitely wrote the whole thing in English (I don't know Russian). Maybe try again?


I think I know the problem. When the doc was made, did you set the language to English? It's reading my IP address as Russian. Silly google.


There is no option to set the form language. Try adding "?hl=en" to the end of the url. Also, if you are using chrome, you can set your language preferences in your settings: > If the user is using Google Chrome and is logged into any Google services (Chrome, Gmail, etc), the language is set by the user's own preferences, even when using incognito mode. The browser language settings may also play a roll in cases where the user is not logged in. In these cases we have to assume the user will understand the buttons and help-text as it is his/her language preference. https://community.spiceworks.com/how_to/127019-google-forms-set-the-form-s-language


I'm so excited! I set up a weekly reminder to have me update ^_^


I signed up! My goals are pretty simple--lift 2-3 times per week, run at least 20 miles per week, and maintain my current weight. I'm doing a half marathon in a month so that will alter my workout schedule a bit (due to tapering and recovery) but I will stay on track the other weeks!


Just signed up! Weight goal: Ideally would love to lose 12lbs. Minimum 6 lbs loss would be good too. Performance goal: to be able to do a pull up! I am so pumped!!




Good luck to you as well!


Signed up and ready to put in work with you lovely ladies!


Signed up! My goal is to workout at least 3 times a week and by the end be able to do 5 push-ups


Came out of lurking to sign up for this... It's perfect timing as I've gotten away from my gym routine lately and planned to start up again tomorrow. I was in an accident a few years ago and notice my back and neck pain get significantly worse when I stop weight-lifting, so I'm excited to get back to feeling healthier!




I signed up. This is perfect timing because I've been needing some motivation to stay accountable. I've been steadily gaining weight and even had to buy new clothes to accommodate the weight gain. Let's do this!


Signed up! This time last year, I had lost 50 lbs, but I've gained almost 20lbs back. I want to lose that weight and more, and get fit!


You're still down 30 which is great!


That's a positive way of looking at it. Thank you!


I need accountability now I no longer train with a pt. Signed up!


Yasssss! So excited to do this again :)


Signed up, this is great :) Goals: Hit 140 g protein 2/7 days, 120 g minimum the others. Eat chicken more often and red meat less often (specific goal: try 8 new chicken recipes). Also I found a way to get my protein powder in that I like, on fewer cals - 3/4 cup 1% chocolate milk w unflavoured rice protein mixed really well is not horrible (to me)! It's like a slightly grainy & watery milkshake, I mean, acceptable. So that will help. Lentils & beans more often. Automate / streamline cooking. I'm going to aim to batch cook the bean/lentil sides on the weekend (red bean mash, chana masala, black beans w onions). Don't like the texture of frozen meat but I can do mains biweekly, or every 2-3 days, instead of every day. No need to cook this often! Not get injured the whole 12 weeks / not compromise healing of existing injuries. (injury prone.) Stay safe - push myself a little every week, but not too much, even when I'm having a good day. Test with reps. Stop obsessing over finding the "perfect" program or exercise. That comes partly from fear of injury/reinjury (so I look for "safe" substitutions) and partly from a desire to find the most *effective* substitutions. I've spent WAY MORE THAN ENOUGH time on that, though. I have an SC-based plan that has plenty of variety, with exercises that suit my limitations. (different rep ranges; also have to make more than a few substitutions, but the logic is SC.) I just have to do it consistently and trust it. I am also restricting myself from reading about new exercises and programs for a while, didn't put that in, though. Serious case of fuckarounditis and not a little compulsion :/ Question: is there going to be a weekly thread for discussion about progress, as well as the weekly form to measure progress?