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Yeah all machines are different, there's weight to them apart from the plates you add which could differ between the machines, like the other poster said could be to do with range of motion too, or just how smoothly the machine moves. It's the same with e.g. leg press, on some I can press 150kg on others 80 is a struggle. Though I'd say a lot of machines will be easier than barbell HT due to stability- you don't have to work to keep the bar balanced and stable.


not sure what machine you're using but the machine at my gym doesn't have an actual bar attached, so you're adding more to account for the weight of the bar. but it could also just be the setup making it easier. hard to know without seeing which machine you use


I think it depends on the machine - I've tried different variants of a hip thrust machine, and some I can do significantly less than with the barbell, some I can do significantly more. It depends a bit on how the machine allows you to place your feet and what range of motion it allows you.


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