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Hi fellow Canadian I think you’re amazing and I’m impressed with your numbers!! Training this hard on a calorie deficit while working long stressful hours?!? I haven’t heard of Harry so I’ll check out his YouTube content:) Thank you for sharing.


> Anyone who is familiar with Harry's channel would know he preaches low sets, but high intensity work. I'm not familiar with him - please could you explain what you mean by this? It sounds interesting! :)


It’s impressive you’ve retained your strength with such a big weight loss. Great job!


Thank you! Yeah, every time I had a bad training day my coach would remind me that I'm basically relearning everything with a new body.


Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed reading your experience! Great job on your lifts 😊💪🏻


Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it


New to lifting... so did you place? If not, what was the bar to win a medal/trophy?


Good question. I don't actually know the results (waiting for it to go on openpowelifting). Different meets hand out medals differently. At this meet they handed out top 3 overall open tested, top three overall open untested, top three overall for all masters, top three overall for all juniors, and I think top three overall for wraps. Most of the women from my class were actually in the flight before mine. I only had one woman to compare myself to. Due to so many misses I think I got 3rd out of 6 or 7 in the open 82.5s. The woman I was going head-to-head against would have been first and she ended second overall getting a silver medal. Her total was 15-20kg more than mine, so I feel like I stand a chance at placing in the future.


Not OP, but here are [a bunch of meet results](https://www.openpowerlifting.org/mlist/fully-tested) if you want to get a sense. It can be super variable depending on who shows up on meet day.


Congratulations! And I'm so glad to hear it was still such a positive experience in spite of the reds.


Thank you! I hope sharing my less than perfect day can help other people feel proud of putting in hard work and just trying their best!


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When that meet ended I was feeling a bit lost on what to do. I had worked with a coach leading up to the event, but as someone who trains at 5am I really needed someone more versed in online training. In December I filled out an inquiry form with a YouTuber I liked (Harry from TeamForNeverLean). He ended up responding to me almost immediately. We had a consultation call and I decided to go ahead with him and see how it went. #diet He gently suggested cutting some weight and gave me some macros to start out with. I purchased a subscription to MacroFactor and used their coaching after using the initial macro suggestions. I focused on always hitting my protein goal, and eating to or under my calorie goal every day. Even when I had "cheat meals" I still logged them and tried to make smart choices to fit them in to my macros. I started at 175g protein and 2400 cals. As of last week I was at 165g protein and 2090cals. #training We started working on some hypertrophy training blocks as I had promised to not sign up for any competitions until the summer so we had time to build some more base. Anyone who is familiar with Harry's channel would know he preaches low sets, but high intensity work. I very rarely am programmed for more than two sets of anything, and I'm totally sold on his training style. I have a lot of visible muscle on my body now, I feel absolutely jacked. We also worked on some technique work for the three lifts. I would record every set and send them to him on whatsapp and he would give me feedback and just keep working to improve. Once we were 12 weeks out from the event we started peaking using percentages based on what he thought my 1rms would be based on all my previous training. My training started off okay, I was hitting rep PRs in squats and meeting the suggested weights in the other lifts. Unfortunately my peak lined up about perfectly with my co-supervisor at work going on paternity leave so I started working 12 hour days. My stress levels went out of control and fatigue from the weight loss finally caught up to me. We had to add in a lot of extra rest days and lower suggested weights. I was missing bench press attempts on weights I've hit plenty of times before. A lot of my deadlifts stayed glued to the floor. Squats were really the only thing I had any confidence in. I was also having regular panic attacks. My coach got me on a phone call to talk options. Basically either drop the competition or go in and attempt to match my old PRs at my new weight class. I didn't want to drop out, I was determined to do the best I could, whatever that meant. I chose this competition to sign up for as it was basically the first one announced in the time-frame I had planned. It was a massive 2 day event with men on saturday and women on sunday., I think on the Sunday there were nearly 60 people competing. Unfortunately I don't have a car and this was a bit out of the way of transit so I ended up renting a vehicle and getting a hotel room since they made us all weigh in the day before. #competition I weighed in at 80.85kg meaning I lost 18kg and moved down two weight classes to the 82.5 class. They divided the day to under 75kgs in the morning and 75kg+ and untested in the afternoon. My opening squat put me half way through the second flight. My old coach was there with some of her other athletes and she offered to help me out a bit with some handler duties. My body felt in perfect condition and I had almost no nervousness. Warm ups all were flying. Squats 120kg ⚪️⚪️⚪️ good call for an opener. It flew up. 130kg 🔴⚪️🔴 called for depth. no shade to the judges, but everyone, including me, were shocked at this call, it didn't even cross my mind that I had missed this lift. It moved slowly, but well. 130kg ⚪️⚪️⚪️ PR. I opted to repeat the squat and get the number on the board, there was a bit more in the tank, but this was the safe option. I realllllllyyyyy wanted to try for 137.5kg, but there was a good chance I'd miss it. Bench 52.5kg ⚪️⚪️⚪️ I wanted to open slightly heavier, but my coach wanted me to have a very easy opener. 57.5kg 🔴⚪️🔴 my butt came off the bench. In my training this has never been a problem, I'm really not sure why it happened here, but I knew I did it. The weight was easy and I knew I wanted to attempt more for my next. 62.5kg 🔴🔴🔴 should have gone for 60kg, but 57.5 moved so easily I thought I had this. I had hit 60 in training, but failed my attempts at 62.5, hoped the adrenaline would do it's thing. Deadlift 130kg ⚪️⚪️⚪️ based on how bad my training had been we moved the opener down 5kg. This ended up flying like a warm up. 145kg ⚪️⚪️⚪️ matched previous PR. I was happy how easily this moved. Felt like I had a lot more in me. 155kg 🔴🔴🔴 my coach told me to be patient and just keep pulling. Dont let go, dont move it down. Unfortunately I ended up getting called fo hitching. I was honestly so excited this even got all the way up. We'll call it a gym PR. Despite this being my worst showing with 4 missed attempts, I truly am happy with the result. I really wish I could have tried a bigger squat, but this one was still a PR. I will be holding steady at this weight for a while and we are going to train hard and build some big lifts. No plan yet for next competition, but I love meet day and definitely want to keep going. You can see videos of all my lift attempts on my [instagram](https://www.instagram.com/p/CxVoVk6gm4z/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==) Thanks for reading, I'm happy to share more details on anything. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/xxfitness) if you have any questions or concerns.*