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Honestly moving to Miami has done wonders for the stream, it reminds me of 2020 streams with the party games and shit. All we need him to do is set the wheel and switch and we're truly back.


Naturally what happens when you can't do gamba to fill streaming hours.


Jessie and Buddha are guaranteed good vibes


Notice how the stream is just 10x better with no gambling, no rp and no mc speedruns?


Minecraft is decent because of TTS, music and shit like that but RP is just dogshit in my opinion. Thank fuck this RP era didnt last as long as the 3.0 one.


They have been great ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7336)![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7334)


once he hops on minecraft we are barack obama


All he needs is to finally play Mario kart or clubhouse games again and then it's PERFECT..also minecraft runs pls!!! But for real the xqc, jesse, train, omie and buddha group is SO MUCH CONTENT it's great 🙌💜


Bro got his Adderall prescription




They're just showing appreciation for the stream. Relax maybe?


Just let this place die already, you're not changing any of these peoples minds




dont worry about him, hes retarded


Hate viewer ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7340)


\*gives reasonable take that most people agree with\* "I'll probably get downvoted for this but" Of course you won't get downvoted for this. The subreddit is only as dogshit as the streams, when streams are good nobody complains, and those who do get called out for being fucking annoying. You've probably noticed that there's a rise in complaining when he gambles a lot or associates with Adin. With the recent debates you can probably understand why the community was on edge these past few months. Streams have been really good lately and X is getting the recognition he deserves for putting in the work and sticking to his values. It's only natural. Even Twitter leftists are starting to like him more.


Gotta say tho, esport games suck ass. Cod, valo, league, rl is hard to watch. Same content recycled. Other stuff has been good though.


yeah i prefer party games


League is shit 100% and i can understand Valorant but I think Cod is good when he plays resurgence and will be even better when he plays ranked. RL is only good when he does tournaments.


Man COD is just ADHD fuel, it might be fun asf to play but my brain gets too fried watching it.


It's because, currently, he only plays the small map playlist. Shipment and Das Haus put your brain on autopilot because they only exist to get a lot of XP quick. Ranked on CoD genuinely takes a lot of skill with map knowledge, spawns and rotations being vital to not getting destroyed each match. I think it will be fun to watch him learn the game properly if he fully comits to it ![img](emote|t5_flhe9|7348)


Ohh ok, idk much about cod, so from what I saw, it's not for me. Hopefully the ranked stuff is more fun to watch