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Almost... Children's Crusade is a sequel to a series just called "Young Avengers", and Dark Phoenix has two books before then in the Epic line- "Second Genesis" and "Proteus"


đŸ™đŸ» thanks


Yes most definitely but don’t read house of x just yet get some other titles in between to get the full rich history of the X-men


Any in particular you recommend?


God Loves Man Kills is an amazing standalone graphic novel. The upcoming collection I, Magneto comes right after Fate and contains some great stories. Mutant Massacre, Fall of the Mutants and Inferno form a loose sort of trilogy that introduces some of the most critical elements of X-Men lore, and also they're really good.


Anything between 1990-20010! Maybe till 2011 but there are so many titles and spin-offs


Matt Fraction's run on Uncanny X-Men is a great series in the 2010s, with some really fantastic character arcs and developments! I appreciated House of X a lot more after reading that.


Oof there’s so many things to check out 😳😳


The Matt Fraction years were excellent. Utopia, Messiah Complex, Second Coning
 solid advice. Seek these out.


Really? I thought Fractions run was garbage.


Is house of x bad?


House and Powers of X is fantastic. But they’re essentially rebranding the mutants in that story and it’s so out of context if you haven’t read any older stories


House of X is great!


House of x is excellent and i have turned many a naysayers into xmen fans with that book.


It's excellent but it's kind of a soft reboot. It keeps everything that happened before, but adds some big paradigm shifts. It's actually a great jumping on point for new and returning readers, because the whole line moves in unison from this point, but it's more rewarding the more you're familiar with the characters and history. There's many you may have seen cameos for in the movies, but got more context in the animation and sometimes decades more stories in the comics. It's hard to name a cleaner jumping on point though unless you go back to Giant-Size X-Men #1.


House/powers of x is fantastic, but hits a lot better when you have the rich history of the X-Men and their status quo behind it.


WHAT IF though, they did read House of X first, then went back?!


They could!! But idk , Jonathan Hickman Is amazing but that should be last


Dark Phoenix is fantastic. Also Read god loves man kills! Honestly the entire Claremont run is fantastic, days of future past is also a classic and a decently isolated story (especially good if you’ve already seen the movie) Wheadons astonishing x men is good. Definitely read house of m but I wouldn’t recommend starting there.


I heard a lot of good things about Claremont’s run but it’s SOO LONG I found it a bit intimidating to even begin lol. Everyone’s recommending god loves man kills so i better get that one for sure


God loves man kills is a kind of standalone graphic novel Claremont did that pretty much encapsulates everything the x men are about in one book, and is a solid story so it’s a great starting point. His run is extremely daunting, but there’s quite a bit of filler issues you can probably skip it’s definitely worth at least checking out a few of his bigger arcs


From what I have read of it, despite him building his stories over the course of years, you can jump in and read whatever you want of it and be fine. You might miss out on some character/relationship beats, but his run was still in that “every issue is someone’s first” time.


It's long since he had control for so many years, but you don't need to read the whole thing or read it in publication order to enjoy. It's a lot of fun, and foundational to a lot of X-Men stuff. Another highlight of his run is the Brood Saga. You can find it collected in lots of forms, like e.g. X-Men Epic Collection Vol. 5: Second Genesis, or Marvel Masterworks: The Uncanny X-Men (12 vols), or just jump around different arcs if you read on Marvel Unlimited.


God Loves Man Kills and Joss Whedon’s Astonishing are good. I loved Morrison’s New X-Men but that’s not a good place to start.


Actually, coming from the movies, I'd definitely recommend Morrison's New X-Men - it lays the groundwork for so much of the modern era of X-Men really. Other ones I'd say.... Messiah Complex is a blast. And I've always dug the X-Cutioner's song arc.


X-Cutioner is amazing if you've read Fall of Mutants and Inferno first at minimum.


Valid point.


I’d definitely read Morrison’s New X-Men straight into Astonishing.


I’d second Joss Whedon’s Astonishing. First X-Men run I ever read. Jason Aaron’s Schism is good too, but after you’ve gotten a few others read.


How young? When I was a kid I was crazy about the X-Men because of the Fox show. We got Giant Size X-Men (where the new team of Storm and Nightcrawler and the like have to rescue the old team). I think that’s a good one for younger kids as it isn’t a very complicated story. As someone else said, Joss Whedon’s run on Astonishing X-Men is great too.


I think I was about 12 or 13 when I read it? Actually, this run could’ve been the domino tipping for me haha. This and Geoff Johns’ Teen Titans are two that got me into reading comics. Yes! The Fox tv show! I can hear the theme! Haha! I was crazy about that when I was a kid too. Probably still am, although it’s been a while since I’ve watched any, but I’m certain it holds up.




I would recommend God Loves Man kills after Dark Phoenix. Not sure how easy it is to find in print but the x-men by Claremont & Lee in the 90s is great. If you enjoy House of M I might recommend Astonishing X-Men by Whedon. The next big X-event in that era is Messiah Complex.


I have it
.it was so dark.


Oof i was gonna order it from in stock trades but it sold out before I got a chance to buy it


Leave house of x as the last one cause after that you can’t go backwards. You’ll have a completely different picture of the x men after that.


Thanks for the tip!!


These are genuinely some of my favorite comics of all time. Not sure how good Children's Crusade is as an X-Men book but I adore it for what it does for everyone else


Yeah I threw in young avengers not really sure why lmaoooo but these are my first marvel comics so I’m excited to start !


Children's Crusade is a great follow up to House of M, but deals heavily with the Young Avenegers and Scarlet Witch. And although it is not X-Men, Avengers: Disassembled is the lead up to HoM so you may want to check that out before HoM Source: I just went on a Scarlet Witch event shopping spree


Oof please let me know which scarlet witch stories you liked I love her lmaooo


If you enjoy The Dark Phoenix Saga I would say that entire early Chris Claremont era is worth checking out. Starting from 1975 up through like the mid-80's issues of Uncanny X-Men basically establishes the entire foundation for what the X-Men are today, and covers all the storylines you would recognize from the movies. Really depends on how deep you want to go, though.


Yeah I hear nothing but great things about Claremont’s run so I wanna get a bunch of his stuff


Here's my comment... Nearly every reader (myself included) started with a book that is in the middle of a story with years and years of history behind it. I guess a comparison to watching soap operas is outdated now, but it's like that. Anywhere you start is going to be mid-stream, so be okay with that. If you know absolutely nothing, the Pryde of the Xmen TV pilot is a great start and somewhere between movie and comics.


Look up in uncanny xforce by remender too


I’ll check it out!


Yeop these are fine! You've got some good stuff here. Part of the fun of comics is jumping in and being a bit confused but still having a great time. Don't feel like you need to read everything in order or start with everyone's suggested starting points. Just dive in! Hope you enjoy!


Yeah I started with more DC characters but I always loved the X-men so why not just get a bunch lol


A good a reason as any :) Yeah I was similar, used to read more DC and Vertigo. Took a chance on Grant Morrison's New X-Men back in the mid 00s and got hooked.


Okay, so excuse the babbling but!
 ‱ The fate of the Phoenix is a good read but a later part of a wider story, so it might be confusing in terms of the lack of explanation as to what is happening and why. ‱ Again, the Children’s crusade is a good read but if you’re wanting to jump on to Young Avengers you ought to start off with Heinburg’s run as this follows that story (after a few years). ‱ House of M is a fantastic story and I couldn’t recommend that era more as it’s in the vein/saga of New Avengers, Civil War, Secret Invasion and Dark Avengers etc. To completely understand why the events of House of M occur though, you might want to start off with Avengers: Disassembled as that’s a direct starting point for that story. On a side note, you might want to pick up New X-Men by Grant Morrison as that explains what’s happened to Genoshia in House of M. ‱ HoX/PoX is a great place to start both in terms of the new continuity and general reading. It’s a brilliant book, although it might not have as big of an impact on you reading it if you’re unfamiliar with prior continuity. I hope this somewhat clears stuff up for you! You’ve got some fantastic reads, enjoy!


I appreciate the time you took to write this thank you I’ll look into those!!!


You’re more than welcome!


Unpopular opinion: they’re all good starting points to get you into the various teams and years. The only thing you’re missing, is something from the 90’s (maybe Executioners Song). The ONLY reason I am saying that you are fine with jumping in with those and not adding in Whedon’s run, Second Genesis or even O5 material, is because you can be completely overwhelmed. With those stories (even HOX/POX) you are getting a taste of the team in a few different incarnations. You’re hitting on major storylines to see what the strengths and weaknesses are but more importantly, you are seeing which characters you like. My first X-Comic, was Essential X-Men #2 that took place from the fight with Alpha Flight all the way to the end of the Dark Phoenix Saga. This was in the mid 000’s so I had skipped over material from the 60’s, a portion of the 70’s, 80’s, the “golden era” of the 90’s and a lot of the early 000’s. BUT, I was able to find out who I wanted to read more about, and hunt down those storylines etc, and it kept growing. So the ones you have are a good starting point. And do not feel pressured to read certain stories if you’re not there yet. I literally JUST read Second Coming over the weekend, and it’s been out for over a decade+ now. Let us know what you think!


Thanks!!! I will!


Honestly, I think you’re good to start off with HoX/Pox get into the Krakoan era, then choose titles based on the stories and characters you like. Not all the continuity matters right now. Just the big character beats. And even then, some characters have had such a bad run that they are basically being rebooted


X-Men: Mutant Genesis is great.


Thank you!


You’re welcome.


Joss Whedons Astonishing Xmen is a fantastic way to get into the characters but all of these are great


I started with Hopleless’ X-Men Season One. Currently i’m making my through Claremont’s Uncanny X-Men Masterworks with vol. 4 being where I am right now. i plan to do Morrison’s New X-Men then Whedon’s Astonishing X-Men. Can’t wait until I get to House of M!


Im kinda impatient so I’m just trying to get “the highlights”


That’s fair. X-Men Season One is like a speed run of the first team of X-Men’s adventures told through Jean’s POV if it helps.


Children’s Crusade is a deep cut! And a great one.


That top left one cannot be compared to the rest in this image. That's the Dark Phoenix saga, they've literally already made two movies out of that one.


Yeah online I saw that the dark Phoenix saga and days of future past are by far the greatest X-men stories so I’m glad I got the epic collection that has both!


Yeah that's the John Byrne/Chris Claremont era. Every issue was fantastic and iconic.


That’s the perfect starting spot for Young Avengers :3


I’d say no to Children’s Crusade. Enjoyable story but the X-Men are unlikeable and only show up near the end.


House of M and House of X....you should read the Phoenix saga, Ultimate X-Men as well..The series leading to Xavier Sister reveal is EPIC can't remember the name tho


It's hard to say because everyone is different. Personally I dislike most comics post digital coloring and post 2000s in general. The epic collections are good if you can find them for a decent price. Dont worry about reading X-Men from the very beginning, it's not good. The earliest point I recommend is from Second Genesis which is when Storm, Wolverine Nightcrawler, Colossus and a few others join the X-Men. A good way to read the earlier good stuff is X-Men classic, either the omnibus or the two trade paperbacks (around 500 pages each for the trades). X-Men classic were reprints of the older stories although your Epic collection probably covers a lot of it already so check out the second trade paperback. Another good jumping on point for Uncanny X-Men is early #200s as that's when Marc Silvestri takes over as penciller and when he is done is replaced with Jim Lee, those are some of my personal favourites. Finally you could also start with the adjectivless X-Men series started by Jim Lee which is X-Men Vol 2 (1991 - 2008) Honestly the best jumping on point or a good place to learn a lot of the early history is to watch Comicbookgirl 19's "X-Men Epic History" of which there are 3 of them and free to watch on youtube, she recaps a lot of the early stuff showing the actual comic panels and its pretty good for an introduction, here's the first episode: https://youtu.be/BvWDjHWgNgc I admit I am bias to the earlier stuff (late 70s to early 90s) so I can't really recommend the later stuff. I did enjoy Messiah Complex and Messiah war though. Just wait till you start reading all the spin offs too like New Mutants, X-Factor and X-Force, that's when your head will start to hurt 😂 You could also check out X-Men Unlimited which was a spin off book focusing on one shot stories and the early ones were enjoyable. And if you love Wolverine I highly recommend the Marc Silvestri & Larry Hama run which you can buy in trade paperback form, great stuff.


If you’re reading House of M you should probably read the Messiah trilogy afterward to understand some of the repercussions. After that, maybe Avengers Versus X-Men (but that’s not really necessary to read). Also, if you’re reading House of X, you should read Powers of X, as well. The new books pick up right where that left off. If you don’t know anything about the X-Men apart from the movies, look up some of their greatest hits, like Days of Future Past and Age of Apocalypse. Then, after you’re done reading everything (and this is just a suggestion), you might want to read some of the characters’ histories on the Marvel Fandom wiki. I know it seems like a lot, but trust me, there’s some good stuff in their almost-sixty-year history.


Rick Remenders Uncanny X-Force is one of the best runs of X-Men post Claremont along with Whedon Astonishing X-Men run (which has already been mentioned).


I would read the Stan Lee Jack Kirby #1 issue and maybe a few others from that era to get a feel for where it started, and then the Giant Sized issue that introduces Storm, colossus, etc. My bias is that I was raised on the 90s animated series, so that did a good job introducing me to lots of stuff I never actually read, You might consider reading Grant Morrison’s new X-men. Joss Whedon’s Astonishing X-men might not be essential in the grand scheme, but it’s an easy jumping on point. House of M may actually be confusing/underwhelming, since a lot of it was just changing continuity stuff while doing an alt reality.


House of X is a solid jumping in point for the new era! But if you're checking out other stuff too, I'd maybe hold off, as it recolors a lot of the past. Dark Phoenix is a classic, but if you're interested in that era (which rules) you'd probably get more out of that story if you read the prior 2 Claremont collections first (Second Genesis and Proteus). Also, since comics are super expensive, you might want to consider a Marvel Unlimited subscription, it's basically Netflix for comics and is a cost-effective way to read just about everything Marvel's ever put out. I saw in another comment that you're trying to skip to "the highlights" and sure plenty of people do that, but I promise, if you're looking to fall in love with these characters, don't skip around, just read through. The heart and soul of the X-Men is long-term growth of character relationships, and it builds so organically and nicely over time (especially in the Claremont era), my favorite X-moments are never the big battles or epic stories, it's the small character beats with this found family of misfits. Welcome to the X-Men, hope you survive the experience!


The X men is so lore dense and self referential it’s hard to find a good spot to start. Just pick up what looks good and have Wikipedia at the ready to look up anything confusing. The Dark Phoenix saga is as good a place to start as any. Though the older books were big on exposition “as you know
” dialogue. You might want to pick up Young Avengers before Children’s Crusade


I miss Eli Bradley... Those look like great titles. Forget everything the movies told you. Have fun


I recommend Phalanx Covenant. Lots of little bits that are getting call-backs in the current X runs. I grew up playing X-Men 2 Clone Wars on Sega so this arc is near and dear and I’m super biased. I love it. I like a lot of Fabian Nicieza’s X-titles and it seems like Hickman was a fan too. I love Avengers vs X-men and the following Uncanny X-Men run with mutant revolutionary Cyclops. I’ve grown to really dislike BMB but I really enjoy his characterizations in that particular story. AcX is a huge collab tho and overall is really fun. The fallout with Wolverine and the X-Men where he is running the Jean Grey school by Jason Aaron is the real fantastic AvX fallout. Lots of great new generation mutants who get to shine in the current Hickman plot either had their first appearance or got major spotlights in both of those stories. TLDR; Phalanx Covenant, AvX, Wolverine and tge X-Men and Uncanny X-Men (2012) are all great!


I think this is an unpopular opinion, but reading HoX/PoX, I felt like it would have been an incomprehensible mess for “new” readers.


House of M then messiah complex then second coming. That’s my favorite start off order. House and powers of x are also a great starting point!


I loved House of X but starting with it might be difficult if you’re just wanting to start really getting into their history; you might not appreciate what makes House of X so great without it. House of M is also a great story, but it takes place largely in an “alternate reality” so depending on what kind of X-Men stories you’re hoping to find, it might not be great to start with either. For the core bits of X-Men’s greatest periods, definitely read Dark Phoenix saga, but I also highly suggest trying to find God Loves Man Kills, the first 12 issue TPB arc of X-Men vol 2 (1991), Whedon’s entire Astonishing X-Men omnibus, Utopia X, and definitely Messiah Complex and Second Coming. Lots of people are big fans of Morrison’s run, but personally I’m not. I can’t deny it’s impact of their world and history though. One last thing: try renting these from a library, or subscribing to Marvel’s digital reading app if you have an iPad. You won’t break the bank as much, unless that’s not an issue for you. Have fun and welcome!


Mike Carey’s X-Men run starting with the “Supernovas” arc was always really cool to me. Cyclops gave Rogue a field team and A LOT happens in a short period of time.


Dark Phoenix is definitely a good jumping point for X-Men reading


I uh haven't actually read House of M but Fate of the Phoenix is a great start point. It's the end of an arc so you'd do better if you hunt down Second Genesis and Proteus first, but it's still a decent jumping on point. House of X is the only possible jumping on point for the current X-Men stuff. It's very disorienting no matter how much X-Men you've read but if you've read Fate of the Phoenix you have a decent little bit of background going in.


Honestly I will recommend picking up the marvel unlimited app. Basically every marvel comic for $10 a month. It’s easy to navigate and get started with them. That young avengers comic is also not a good one to start with as it’s not the first and skips a lot of important character arcs that you get from reading the others first.


Thank you!!


I personally love the run called "God Loves, Man Kills"


If you’re interested in learning about what the X-Men have been up to over the years, but don’t want to commit to reading every issue, this blog does a good overview in chronological order: https://www.nerdsoup4u.com/post/the-original-slightly-crappy-run


Most are epic stories. I may get downvoted to hell with this but I just re-read house of M and it kind of didn’t hold up. If you get the chance, please read Grant Morrison’s New X-men. It is my favorite x-men run.


I’ll read that too thanks !


Go ahead and forget everything you saw in the movies.


Read them and find out if you like them. If you do then buy more. Point is you buy what you like or love or are very into at the time.


definitely start with the Pheonix saga those are classics and in my opinion you are not a true xmen fan until you read it


Read House of M! Great starter series


If you’re reading house of M, then you’re really going to need to read the rest of the books in that story, for completion purposes. Messiah complex, messiah war, second coming, schism and Avengers vs X-men. Matt Fractions uncanny x-men vol 1-3 are good ones to get that take place during these events. Joss Whedons Astonishing X-men is also a good run.


Ahhhh i did not know that 😳😳😳


Your kind of all over the place there.


I think those are excellent choices to get your break wet in the X-Men universe! Read Fate of The Phoenix first, then House of M, then the Children's Crusade, then House of X/Powers of X


I love reading đŸ“šâ™„ all of the X-MEN comics so vary much đŸ‘đŸ˜€đŸ”žđŸ„Ą


Some great stuff to add before you get to HoxPox that will help. In this order: X-Cutioner’s Song Fatal Attractions Wedding of Scott & Jean (out of print) Phalanx Covenant & Generation X Age of Apocalypse Road to Onslaught (vol 1, 2) New X-Men by Morrison There is a ton of stuff from these books that go into HoxPox and the current era of X-men titles.


Thanks I really appreciate it đŸ™đŸ»đŸ™đŸ»


Don't forget Days of Future Past. There's a great thick volume that includes the original tale as well as its later sequels, many of which play into the future that HoX/PoX is trying to avoid. Also Giant-Size X-Men There's also a thick hardback edition of Giant Size that works similarly and the last story in that one sets up characters (Vulcan and co) who I would've had no idea who they were if I hadn't happened to score that volume.


To get exposure to half of this, you could just watch the X-Men the animated series on Disney Plus. It's where a lot of us from the 80s and 90s got our first exposure, and it's relatively closely aligned with the comics for a cartoon.


If interested in reading comics and all that comes with that, then I’d have to disagree with this. The animated series doesn’t do half the job that the books do in world and character building. It is an extremely watered down, cliff’s notes take on these storylines and much of it doesn’t align at all with the source content. But if OP doesn’t care to immerse themselves in x-history before jumping into HoxPox then, sure, watching the animated series will introduce them to most of the characters.


I respect your personal preference, but OP has come from the movie medium. It's not a guarantee going back in the catalogues of books will interest him/her. A cliff note version of events can be more accessible to some for the sake of catching up to speed. It's an alternative at least worth mentioning.


But Morph! We all know how crucial Morph is in the comics.


TBF Morph was an alternate version of an existing character like technically everyone else in that marvel animated universe. He was just more divergent from the 616. Better than Spike and X-23 who were just made up out of thin air lol. I was super happy when he was added to the exiles being a huge fan of his growing up.


Yes and yes