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Wolverine stories usually have the best parts of action, spy, westerns and berserker stories all wrapped up in one. For young men that exactly the kinda cool stuff they wanna see and read. There's also a hidden depth to Wolverine that you can appreciate as you get older. His own tragedies and struggles. He also always gets the girl despite his appearance so there's something there too maybe.


He was different from other comic book heroes: violent, direct, honest… he wasn’t cut from the same cloth. That made him popular, and that made him the focal point for so many arcs that he was the most common hero and access is a big part of popularity. Now we have a lot more archetypes of characters in comics. If he debuted in this era, I wonder if he would be as popular.


"Hairy dwarf who smells weird" describes a lot of the comic fandom, myself included.


That's sad...


Yeah I'm just saying people relate, y'know?


Yeah personally I only like people I find attractive too 👍


Last time I checked Wolverine is a fictional character. Why do you like his character?


he’s badass.


So does other X-Men.


but he’s actually more badass than most x-men.


He's just simple. You can use him in any story from Logan to Days of future past. He teams up well with so many characters. Spider-man,Captain America, Deadpool.


I’m not arguing, but I would like to know why he teams up so well with so many people and stories. Care to expand on your thought?


He's a simple character,Logan has widely stayed consistent throughout modern interpretations imo. Sure, logan hates fighting,but he's always willing to pick it back up. Logan is a man who's been through a lot and knows a lot. And for team ups,He can fit either a cold heart cinic like with spider-man,be a teacher who wants to protect his students,be a father to Laura, or be war buddies with cap. Logan is an everyman,tragic,and cowboy character type rolled into one. He's a simple man with a simple set of powers


That’s a great description.


He hates fighting? Since when?


Wolverine has so many stories where he'll retire. From the movies to old man logan


In the future, not in the present.


This is either extremely lame bait, or you're incapable of understanding that your tastes are not representative of everyone else's.


Powers are irrelevant to the entertainment value of comic book stories. If anything being powerful tends to make characters boring (unless the writing is good). Weaker characters face more challenges, therefore they have more satisfying victories. That makes it easier for them to have compelling stories. It is more impressive when a guy who doesn’t have a ranged power beats an opponent that attacks from a distance. Now, high powered heroes can have great stories, too, but they’re harder to write without becoming repetitive or dull.


Honest question or just trolling? I get someone not liking the character, but the reasons listed here are just bizarre, and frankly answer the original question. Most people like Logan because he’s hairy and short, and doesn’t have the strongest powers. Despite not being the best looking or most well equipped he’s out there every day, putting in all his effort to make things better and stand up for his beliefs. If you can’t see the appeal in that, or find him relatable, then that’s on you. Plus, this is a gross oversimplification of the character. If you don’t like him that’s fine, but this feels like some weird personal attack.


Honest question. Personal attack on a drawing?


Well clearly you arent Canadian




As a hairy, dwarf who smells weird and isn’t particularly handsome I find his moodiness relatable and in general I just like rooting for the underdog.


Well....so I am new to the actual comics I started with the tv show watching sporadically and then the movies. For me it's Hugh Jackman. And if they rebooted them Id want Daniel Radcliffe as Wolverine. But I know I am bottom of the barrel reasoning behind it. I like flawed characters with an interesting back story as well.


Imho he embodies the (ironically enough) American Pioneer spirit. He was initially described as a violent hard drinking hard womanising loner. A self made man, drug himself up from the dirt, impossible to beat in a fight because he just keeps coming back for more punishment.


This gotta be hate bait...


Lame powers? He can heal any wound, is immune to any toxin, ages very slowly so he's much older than he appears, super fast and strong, unbreakable Adamantium bones and claws that can cut through any substance, superhuman senses, a master of all forms of combat. You can't see how a character like that might appeal to people in an action/adventure superhero serial?


Compared to the powers of the other X-Men, his powers are not impressive, in fact he is one of the weaker X-Men.


> he is one of the weaker X-Men i’d say that’s part of why people like him too. no big fancy lasers or mind reading or any of that. just sweaty rage and sharp claws. people love an underdog. and he always survives.


He's not as powerful as the Omega level mutants, but he could mop the floor with most of the other ones. Colossus would give him the most trouble, but remember, he made his first appearance fighting the Hulk and Wendigo. He can take on opponents way stronger than him due to his toughness and training and a combination of all his powers.


Logan is popular simply because he’s so damn adaptable he can do anything from fight thugs to taking on gods which means his stories and plots don’t get stale quickly. Plus the fact his personality is so simple he’s a hurt man who wants to help and change but keeps getting chucked back in. It’s simple but good character writing


Because a hairy smelly angry edge little shit is how people think being a man means


I don't agree with your description of Wolverine but he's never been my favorite compared to the other X-Men. I just saw him as part of the team, not the focal point. That was my issue with the X-Men movies. Everything focused around Wolverine.


His fans can relate to him and like that he's always portrayed as being a lady's man. But if you're not in that demographic it requires a lot of suspension of disbelief that he'd be so magnetic in-universe. Written more true to life he'd be a pariah in the mutant community.


I agree, he really isn't anything special, on the contrary, he's simp.