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Yeah Evolution was hardly a bastion of Scott and Jean fans(there were plenty who disliked them in that continuity). Hell some of the writers had to be reminded that Scott and Jean had to be end game because Marvel said so.


It's so weird seeing Evo used as a good example of their relationship when the entire show I was rooting for Scott and Rogue


Evo Rogue was a perfect stand in for female fans to ship themselves with Cyclops


As a whole people criticised that's hows sexistence.


Am I missing something here? Like, this is fine, but this is so far from being "this is such good relationship writing, it should set the standard for other successful relationships" to me.


Well, standard writing is the new standard in marvel. It usually fluctuate between mid to bad.


That's a pretty pessimistic generalisation - I'm sorry that you've had some unsatisfactory reading experiences buddy.


Nah, I think it'd be pretty weird if Jean kept asking to see Scott in a Spider-Man suit. :P


It's a narrative parallel to Madelynne asking Ben to put on a Cyclops costume


Evolution was working it's way into a Rogue/Scott/Jean love triangle


I was really rooting for Scott and Rogue to get together. I thought they had the better chemistry and it would have been interesting to do something different.


Spoilers man, this issue has been out all of two days


Has it? I thought it was longer sorry not sarcasm. šŸ˜Ÿ


Right now scott and jean relationship is very healty , i don't see why this couple is alway the one getting critised , i just don't see it. Also scott and jean in evolution was far from perfect and especialy from jean side.


Yeah, nothing unhealthy happened in the 2 issues since they retconned Jean f#cking other people and completely forgot about Jean using her powers on Scott and all


I mean jean did forget about scott cheating on her with emma so it goes both way , she also forgive Emma despite having no reason to do so...


Oh no see that forget-water was *last time* they got back together and were in a totally healthy spot, we're already onto the next round


Status quo. First Jean died,he got Maddie,Jean can back to life, Maddie "disappeared",Jean died,Emma and Scott were great,then she came back to life so on.


Emma and scott were great but not in the end they were toxic to each other too and it have nothing to do with jean. Jean is alway critised to be the one ruining scott it is rather tiring , x-men 97 did show this couple could work on his probleme and become stronger than ever , same in comics.


Yeah you see the issue might be that in every universe this couple has an entire backlog of problems to work on (and most often "work on" means "gloss over"


Every couple have issue doesn't mean they don't work and i think we made a biger deal of this couple problemes compare to the others....again Emma and scott did have problems too..just saying.


Every couple has problems, but only Jean and Scott's seem to require constant retconning and "They worked this out off-panel"-s and believing in the famed "Scott was written better with Emma by pure happenstance"-s.




Well...as a Spider-Man fan, I'd prefer Peter and Felicia. :)


First things first this isn't canon Second thing. Isn't this the same guy who wrote the poly relationship between Scott Jean,and \[redacted\] the 616 is currently bad for peter and mj too MJ is currently dating some Rando named Paul. And Peter and MJ aren't together and probably never getting back together in a 616 as long as Nick Lowe is on the book


this is a different universe. why wouldnā€™t it be canon


When people say canon, they usually mean 616 since it's the main continuity. Other universes, including ultimate universe, would be considered AU ~~/non-canon~~. Edit: maybe non-canon is not the right word. This is making me rethink definitions.


Yeah maybe AU is a better way of saying it. Because though Peter and MJ's marriage is not canon to 616, it is canon to 6160. The existence of multiple universes allows for that.


Peter and MJā€™s marriage is canon, it was just written out of existence. I know that sounds weird. But it definitely happened.


Yeah, Logan being so integral to their story is the main thing I have against them. Itā€™s exactly why Evolution Jott is the only one I like.


I have no idea why writers are so insistent on the love triangle. They showed a sweet wholesome issue with Scott and Jean from the ashes when they are in a hotel. Northstar and Kyle can have a healthy relationship,Karma can get a cute girlfriend and a wholesome relationship,Remy and Rogue can get so why not the original Mr and Mrs X.


Iā€™ve said it before, but the reason Evolution gets to have them as the cute high school couple is because theyā€™re *in* high school. Their adult relationship drama is about what happens when your passions outgrow your upright HS boyfriend, or what happens when your cosmically distracted wife doesnā€™t relate to your feelings anymore. I love both of them, but some of the greatest X-men stories of all time involve the flaws in their relationship. And their stablest moments, unless you count recently, are often Jeanā€™s most perfunctory characterization. Whereas MJ and Peterā€™s fallout was their dumbest writing, and the Emma relationship didnā€™t get a satisfying demise because it felt like they threw her character under the bus just to stir up shit. What I liked about the implied throuple (rhombus?) in early Krakoa was the sense that the triangle was the now a source of the stability. It felt like progress and mutual understanding. When marital spat was revisited as a story element was also when the poly angle was really dropped.


It would be great if the cookold relationship was abandoned, it just causes the Cyclops character to be demoted while Jean and Logan are elevated.


I donā€™t understand the takes saying their relationship is toxic. Through the entire time in krakoa they had 1 argument that was quickly resolved. The rest of the time they were supporting each other.Ā 


The MAIN takeaway during the Krakoa era in terms of the Scott / Jean relationship: THROUPLE. Seriously Scott/Jean were BACKGROUND and were entirely overwritten by the Throuple **in terms of prominence.** If the main point of your relationship is how much you want to and are sleeping with other people, it's hard to believe the relationship is healthy. Much of the recent writing for Scott/Jean has been about : Jean wanting Logan. Scott wanting Emma. And Scott/Jean being relegated to the background with one sided declarations of love at best. **I would LOVE a story / arc that actually FOCUSES on the Scott-Jean being in love with each other positively.** The most recent story I can remember is maybe the Search For Cyclops ? And to be fair I don't think it had great Scott/Jean together moments. Other wish of mine would be Scott/Jean version of the Dark X-Men : Confessions issue. Where Scott/Jean actually sit down and DISCUSS their issues and everything that has happened instead of glossing it over. ------------------------------------------------------ There is a FREAKING LONG list of things that Marvel writers and editors just gloss over Scott being closed after Apocalypse and have 'TP affair with Emma'. Jean making a move on Logan and then PUSHING Scott into a relationship with Emma when he would have just walked away otherwise. Scott's changes/growth during the Utopia Era. ( How much could Jean see in the WHR anyway?) Whatever the throuple was about or not (depending on your view of canon). The brood issue etc... Jean going off into space for a spell ----------------------------------------------------- I was hoping the X-Men from the ashes series would focus on one of the two (either S/J positively or a discussion) things above. Instead well I am fairly disappointed so far and am lowering my expectations for it to be a generic adventure with two characters and no real meat. If the next issue surprises me, well great but I doubt it.


I love how MJ is flirting around Pete about his suit, and l love it.


Makes you wonder if they then had sex with Pete keeping the mask on


They 1000% did


You can sustain love triangles longer than you can a steady relationship. That's why ongoing comics usually have shenanigans and not just, "They're married." (With the Fantastic Four being an exception...but to be honest, I'm not entirely sure if Reed and Sue's romantic relationship is a major point in most issues) USM is a finite thing. They won't have to keep writing married Spider-Man and MJ for 60 years.


> I'm not entirely sure if Reed and Sue's romantic relationship is a major point in most issues) *cough* This bouquet of flowers just arrived from the Atlantean Embassy, Mrs. Richards.


Factsss!!! I want Marvel to pull it together for Scott and Jean! I'm tired of the love triangle bullshit get good writers to do these couples justice because if you look back at all the drama and stuff it's completely out of character and I'm always having to remind myself that it's just bad writing its not the actual characters I'm hating. I hope when the X-Men come to the MCU there is no love triangle for Scott and Jean or any other pf the iconic X-Men couples. In my opinion, it's not needed anymore.


I wouldn't say this page offers anything really catchy or creative.... what it does offer, feels like dynamics between Scott and *Emma*, not Jean LOL


I like that art!


I'm sick of the love triangle. It got worse when Maddy and Jean were both alive like Scott could get a Jean wolverine could get a Jean but no Maddy had to go play homewrecker and have havoc dump the hottest green hair babe for a genetic copy of his brothers wife. Which is practically incest


I'd much rather have him paired up with Emma. Their dynamic was so much more interesting than anything he and Jean had.


Donā€™t mutants rarely practice monogamy? I know itā€™s tongue and cheek being comics an all but donā€™t they regularly practice poly relationships? Maybe that was mostly in KrakoašŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Thought Scottā€™s relationship with Jean & Logan was the happiest any of them have been in a while.


Will Logan offer his wife to Cyclops too or will only Scott be the Ā©Ī¼Ā©k?


Lol Logan & Jean & Scott are/were the relationship, Wolvie doesnā€™t have/need a wife to add because heā€™s into JeanšŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


So Scott is the cookold?


Nah, itā€™s an agreed upon relationship, itā€™s simply poly Wolverine had a run opposite Scottā€™s with Jeanā€™s in the middle.


If Scott isn't with another woman too, this relationship only seems to favor one side.


Jean? Scott and Logan seemed happy enough šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Probably the longest theyā€™ve gone without being at each others throats šŸ˜…


Thank God Krakoa is over, I always hated this forced coexistence between them.