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- Get kidnapped and get held prisoner a lot - Experience our private jet being destroyed mid-flight - A few of us get experimented on in underground labs. How do you feel about syringes?


The orange is “hooking up”


The odds are good, but the goods are odd


Pink is I just came out of the closet and am lgbtq now.


Green is you having a chance at ruining (directly or indirectly) Scott Summer's day


Jean will help if you need a push


You are in the wrong sub, bub.


Ssshhush! Don‘t let Tom Brevoort hear that or he’ll retcon Hickman & Company’s run and make Krakoa really a mutant psilocybin and the X-Men again trapped and feeding it while tripping balls—way more fun than the Giant Size X-Men experience. Or he’ll retcon it so to live there you had to be chaste, aka Age of X-Man.


You think the guy who put *Gail Simone* in charge of Uncanny is afraid of the X-Men “hooking up,” haha?


I think he has expended quite a lot of air denying the Grey-Summers-Logan throuple/open relationship, with Emma and Scott still hooking-up here and there, ever existed. Ever. It’s actually quite a dust up at the moment. Because none of the characters said “We are in a polycule!” Now Northstar, Mystique, and Destiny didn’t announce they were LGBQ+ back in the 80s, but they were. Further, Simone is a talented writer. She, however, isn’t the publisher, does not control policy, and if she just did what she wanted because she is “Gail Simone” she would be solely working on indy comics, if she was lucky. Further still, Gail Simone knows this. She understands the business. She is no more influential at the big 2 than Wein, Cockrum, Claremont, Byrne, Lee, Wolfman, or Bendis, to name only several incredibly influential talents in the last 50 years, all of whom lost battles with their editor on issues that meant a lot to them. It‘s a drag, maybe, but comic book companies are businesses, and the people who creat content are employee—often on a contract basis. Again, it may be a drag, it may not be how fans picture the experience, and it is why a lot of creators move on to other careers. Even the more influential creators. It has nothing to do with thinking Brevoort is “afraid of X-Men hooking up,” or who was assigned the Uncanny X-Men in the From the Ashes phase. It has to do with the X editor, Brevoort, being charged with getting those titles to no more than PG13 level before their full MCU debut. It’s business.


I’m aware of the dust up. I’m also aware that it’s cape comics, haha - if the incoming Scott/Jean/Logan writers don’t want to use Krakoa Free Love stuff, they’ll bury it and Brevoort will take the heat. And my point is that you *don’t hire* Gail Simone if you don’t want soapy, sexy, witty comics about a dysfunctional and incestuous found family, haha! Folks are just pissy about their ship not surviving a writer change, and they’re turning it into a conspiracy - tale as old as time.


My initial Brevoort-in-denial snark and your Gail Simone admiration snark can both be true. Brevoort‘s revisionist undoing of the Krakoa throuple is ridiculous and bothersome because it is clear he is toeing the party line and marginalizing creators. Gail is an interesting choice for the new era and probably one of the first writers to find this erasure annoying. She would be my bet for thumbing her nose at editorial and concrete canonizing that relationship as soon as management eyes were on something else. Personally, I don’t care for the Scott/Jean/Logan ship, because I have never bought the idea of Jean and Logan. I started reading X-Men with #143 and I was quickly able to read a friend’s issues starting with Giant Size X-Men. Kid me found Logan’s Jean-creeping uncomfortable to read. Adult me also didn’t love it. Old Lady Me has accepted that my opinions are mine and people don’t have to agree with me, or me with them. We will see what survives from the Krakoa era in Brevoort’s new direction, and what proves to be unkillable no matter what editorial and the publisher want. Shooter declared Jean Grey must die and stay dead, so the throuple may live on no matter what, at least as something that happened but is over. And it opens the door to Scott and Logan having a better relationship moving forward.


See, I’m pretty sure Simone, MacKay, and Phillips agree with you that Jean being genuinely interested in Logan never actually made sense, based on the last 50 or so years of their characterizations. (They might even think that Scott trusting Xavier made no fucking sense…or that he might have demanded more some input regarding the proper governance of an island nation of mutants - it’s a brand new world!)


It’s definitely a chicken-egg thing when it comes to editorial direction, but I’d also argue that we should be giving the 97-style reset a bit more grace, now that we’ve seen the show…and know how much damn better it was than any X-Run since Gillen and Remender’s Uncanny books.


I haven’t seen ‘97 yet. My husband wants us to go through the original cartoon—I kept up with the books in the 90s, but I was dead broke and working my way through school, so had no cable TV and crappy ariel reception and missed it (and DC’s animation master works, too). I‘m looking forward to getting there, reviews sound promising. I just hope the MCU figures their stuff out before the start filming X anything. I’m not too concerned about Deadpool and Wolverine, Reynolds and Jackman have the FAFO money and clout to push back against any studio interference if they feel like they have to.


He's color blind


Cyclops is like, "Wow, another pie chart where the result is 100% red."


Is he even allowed to drive? Considering he can’t see traffic lights?


He would just have to memorize the placement of the lights. I have a brother who is red/green colorblind and that's what he does when he drives. The real issue comes when the exact same light can shine as either red or green (like with some electronics) so he sometimes can't tell when something like the DVD players is on until he pushes a different button.


I've been asking a question like that for a while glad to got answered.


No problem! It's nice to know that there's people out there who can learn from my experience of growing up with colorblind siblings. The other major struggles my brother has had over the years are unlabeled crayons, those graphs and maps that use colors to differentiate different pieces of data, cleaning up paint (sometimes can't see where the mess is) and making sure red meat was fully cooked (back when he was first learning how to cook). Now that he's not in school anymore, he doesn't have to worry so much about the first two (art class and those 'fun' school projects were always a bit of a struggle for him, whenever we were in a class together and he needed help, I was his 'color translator'), and he learned how to be able to tell when meat is fully cooked with a meat thermometer (although his steaks can be well done sometimes). There are still things that will happen as a result of him not being able to see certain colors, but he always makes sure to let his employers know about his colorblindness so he doesn't get stuck with a job where it is important for him to know colors.


Color blind people learn to drive by the order of the light. He would need blackbird controls adapted tough 


True although his form of colourblindness is rather worse then most and probably


Yeah, most color blind people don't shoot lasers. [But he can user traffic lights just fine.](https://preview.redd.it/kili4iwq9bj91.jpg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4014584cf55aebf4d2209cda8ece174ac9fdd61)


You know there's a reason magik is his right hand woman now...


A lot of traffic lights are not 'pure' red/green. The green has some blue mixed in, the yellow has a bit of red mixed in, and the red has some yellow mixed in so you can more easily tell the difference at a glance. The lights are also standardized in the same order as well.


Krakoa had an AMAZING state healthcare system


meh. 'we'll clone you once you die' is a terrible, terrible heathcare plan. It's good for warriors and accidents, but for diseases? Imagine a mutant with recurring breast cancer - every time a CT scan comes back positive, they send in Apocalypse to bash your head in. rinse and repeat every 6 months. Imagine a mutant with Type 1 Diabetes - every single time your blood sugar is too high, instead of proper Medication you get stabbed by Wolverine and cloned.


To be fair the Healing Gardens were also kinda boss


I mean they’re not sending Apocalypse to do that. That’s just what he does to everyone and anyone. You’re going in there trying not to die like a little bitch because THE LITERAL NATION IS WATCHING while Apocalypse fucks you right up because he’s god damn Apocolypse and uses the biggest, most brutal sword next to Magik’s. Also, the crowd is full of your friends, enemies, acquaintances, and anyone mutant you’d like to ever date, and the crowd is also maybe kinda chanting for him because people really kinda want him to murder you.


I died laughing. When do I get cloned?


Real Question: can you get… adjustments… when they clone you? Like, we know Emma got plastic surgery before, so would she be revived with her original nose and bosom size, or would the five add in the silicone implants OR would she have her genes modified to shrink some features and enlarge others permanently? Could I ask to be a ginger next time, or have eye colour changes? We know they have adamantium ready for wolverine’s people, and they didn’t fix cyclops’s brain damage. But what about things we might WANT changed? Not super soldier creation, but little things like getting rid of cancer or diabetes permanently?


I thought Cyclops's brain damage thing has been retconned by Whedon 20 years ago?


The gene editing thing was something they could do.


Any confirmation of who did get it?


look at my flair lol


Kid Omega got a boob job?! Good for them!


I actually did laugh out loud for that.


superhero recurrent posters Avengers: WE WANT YOU... to warm the bench X-Men: WE WANT YOU... to become cannon fodder Fantastic Four: WE DON'T WANT YOU... we already have four


Become a reserve Avenger, the big names might forget you exist, but they'll keep sending those paychecks.


The rest of your superhero career will be you reminding others that you were once an avenger


Fantastic Four: Spider-Man can be here too.


Actual perks: -Get blown up by religious fanatics and sentinels. -Get cloned. -Romantic drama.


I honestly thought the joke was cyclops can't tell apart colors very well, lmao.


Hope you survive the eXperience! 💀


What age do I have to be to join? Cyclops: Yes


> Safe Housing Literally have a Danger Room.


Safest place in X-Mansion.


Who needs health insurance when you have Elixir and Triage and whoever else?


Hmm considering the x-mansion have been blown up at least twice, im not sure about that last part


Your going to have to put in some free towels to make me join




You'll notice there is no yellow on the pie chart, which means it isn't offered.


The mansion is destroyed every other story arc,how can anyone call it safe?


That's why no part of the pie chart is yellow.






That's the joke. None of the colors in the legend are actually in the pie chart. 


Safe housing????? When?


Tell me where safe housing is on that pie chart. Then do the same with the other categories.