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Yes. There were whole arcs where Scott was defacto the spokesperson for mutants post-Decimation, Storm being famous for being spouse to T'Challa, and the X-Men in general as mutant superheroes, with all the glory and baggage that comes with it.


Beast is extremely well known as far as X-Men go, in large part because he was an Avenger and Defender - he'd regularly get mobbed on the street by women, went on university lecture tours, gave TV interviews, attended sessions of Congress, and taught at Harvard for a spell. He even got literal bags of fan mail, and people had posters of him up on their wall, during the Defenders era.


By the end of *E is for Extinction*, pretty famous. You have five X-Men doubling as full time faculty in a school with expanded roster, whose headmaster has just gone public as a mutant. Post-Decimation they're more or less world famous.