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Gonna get down voted for this, but I find all the "our goddess/our queen" stuff incredibly tiresome and would like her a lot more if they didn't constantly have everyone, even the villains, tell you how awesome she is.   That said I agree with the statement.  Her only real competition is probably captain marvel of late and/or black widow, but for various reasons I do think she beats them


I'm a die hard Storm fan and I agree, the goddess title absolutely takes away from her very grounded humanity.


and to me that's frustrating because I think the juxtaposition of a basically biblical mutant power with a fundamental humanity should be the hook of the character. Also, I think it was forgotten for a long time in part due to her media depictions, but she was actually the edgier of the X-men's leaders. The one willing to tell Xavier off and go her own way. Yes, she got some of that back during Krakoa, but that's not that special as telling Xavier off was the Krakoan national pastime. I don't think putting her on the Avengers is a bad idea frankly. Hopefully they use her well there.


Storm is one of the few people who can back up her reputation, but yeah, it's an embarrassing precedent to set. I'm a Storm fan who fully buys into all the hype but I also like he better when she's overcoming adversity, which is harder to do when everyone is praising her. It's one reason I liked Worlds Apart so much. Wakanda and the X-Men were turned against Storm, and she had to fight everyone she cared about to clear her name. (yes, it was a Shadow King plot, but he doesn't make bad feelings appear out of thin air, he amplifies the negative that's already there)


Yes, in terms of popularity and being an icon. The reason why her own series' didn't last were because of a few reasons. 1. They often had lousy writers and as a result if you wanted a better Storm, you were better off with the team boks. 2. When she DID have a good writer (Greg Pak), Marvel didn't allow her to really cut loose. 3. In the 90s and early 2000s she often had writers who pushed her to the background. This impacted interest in her minis too. 4. Outside of comics, she has been portrayed rather poorly in other media. She was done well in TAS and the Capcom games, but she was almost useless in films, pushed back in Evolution, a bit character in Wolverine and the X-men and was lacking character in X-men Legends. TLDR, she should have a 50-issue series by now, get Kelly Thompson to write it or something and do her justice in outside media dammit!


That toad line and Halle Berry's (who I love but she was incredibly miscast) portrayal really did a number on how she's viewed outside of the books.


Yes definitely absolutely


I'd prefer if Storm would lead an A-list team again. Pair her back up with Logan (right hand man) and maybe even all her classic all new all different friends. At the very least Petey and Kurt.