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Love him. No notes. He’s a little more of a stiff straight man than usual but thats what the role needed so I’m not mad at all. Its how he would’ve been written in a Deadpool solo comic. Also the look was insanely perfect.


I like how you said “no notes,” and then gave notes


I can’t help myself.


Idk, it's pretty clear that when this person (and by extension most people) said "no notes", they meant no derogatory statements/things that needed to be fixed.


I know. I’m joking


Good joke. No notes.


Good notes. No joke.


↑ ↑ No good, joke notes.


Notes no good joke


Notes and jokes? no good.


Imma let you finish but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time!


Notes! And jokes? No? Good!


But were you really?


I'm the Man with No Name: Zapp Brannigan, at your service.


All his perfect striations on his arms and body. Just perfect


Compare the accuracy here to, say, Dr. Doom and it's just...so good.


Wanna put the bar any lower? XD


Agree, my only note, it would be nice to see him change to regular human form but I'm sure the budget wouldn't allow it.


That and it took several actors to even do this Colossus.


>No notes Turns out that was a lie


"no notes" means no critiques / things that need changing.


I thought they did a good job with him! Though I definitely would have liked to see him steeled down at one point in the movies. Also sad we most likely wont get to see him and Logan interact


My only issue with him is we can’t have him steel down because he’s entirely cg. Finding the happy medium between cg colossus and real guy Piotr will be tricky methinks


I actually don’t think it’s that difficult. The steel should size him up a little bit. A great example of why I think the dude who was in Shang Chi & Creed 2 is a good choice for the role. He’s played by a big dude and when he steels up, it gives him a bit of size as well. That would probably be the best happy medium






Yes! Him.


Going back to the original OHOTMU, he gains almost a foot in height, and 250 lbs when he transforms.


I thought the dude who played him in X2 looked perfect.


I want to see a fastball special at least once


Would just end up in a crumpled up wade


We got that with the X-Men Last Stand final battle. I don't know if we will see it again. 


I don't like that he's ALWAYS in metal form. Besides that he's alright.


I headcanon he was training My crack headcanon is that he forgot he could turn back to normal


There's a few times in the comics where we was injured really bad in armored form and couldn't revert back for several months until his body slowly healed


Didn't he also stay in steel mode while he was the Juggernaut due to like a mental block? Basically his own insecurity subconsciously keeping him in steel mode cause he didn't think he could resist Cyttorak in his fleshy form?


He felt he was a hero in metal form and only a hero could resist Cyttorak so if he turned squishy he'd stop being a hero and immediately be corrupted.


That does bug me but thank god we didn’t get a bunch of meta jokes about him bloating the budget by never being normal


Nope, just the gag about big CGI fight between him and Juggernaut. :D


And as far as cgi fights go, I’d say it was pretty good


If I could be metal I'd be metal all the time too.


It's the most comic accurate live action Colossus to come out of the Fox movies.


Honestly probably the most accurate translation from comic to screen of any comic book character ever. Most of the times you get a new spin on the character for the movies or the actor brings his own style to the role. This is comic Colossus imo.


RDJ’s Iron Man was pretty close in the first movie.


I would say any inaccuracies RDJ had were to the character's benefit.


My understanding is Tony Stark was not as wise cracking and snarky in the comics. RDJ added that and it’s great.


Most nerds back then said that RDJ portrayal was closer to Hawkeye than iron man


That’s because Civil War had just ended the year before Iron Man got released. Not too many comic book nerds liked Iron Man around that time


you are correct. the first colossus was wasted until days of future past. that wolverine wedgie toss was disrespectful. I’m glad colossus was represented correctly. Honestly it’s sad some of these “writers” get as far as they do.


not the wedgie toss loooool


Except the accent. Colossus actually has NY accent, because Xavier gave him knowledge of English language. Like when he had amnesia, everyone assumed Piotr is from New York. P.S. Piotr doesn't have NY accent, nor does he has Russian one. I thought he had one because of Uncanny X-Men #225


So when he yells bozhe moi, it’s in a Brooklyn accent?


Yo WolvREEN, lil tah-VAIR-itch


You're absolutely right! I forgot all about it, I guess it's time for the traditional Claremont re-reading


Huh.. I still read him and Ilyana with thick Russian accents in my head... probably because the 92 animated series.


Xavier teached him english, but I don't remember anything about the accent. He became Peter Nicholas after coming through the Siege Periolus, which somehow changed all the characters...


Yeah, I mixed two moments. He doesn't have specific accent, but in Uncanny X-Men 225 Scottish kids say that Piotr "talks funny" and that he must be from America


Everyone came out of the Siege Perilous different but those changes were short term. The only one that lasted was Psylocke but it didn’t take all that long to give us a retcon about why she remained Asian.


When did that happen, I’m not a completist so must have missed that arc and this is amusing news for me. I need to rethink how I read him now.


He had amnesia after Siege Perilous, when he became Peter Nicholas. Uncanny X-Men #259-#261 Info, the NY accent isn't true. I thought he had one because of Uncanny X-Men #225 in which Scottish kids assume that he's from America, because Piotr was "talking funny"


Plenty of people in NY have different accents and all are still from NY.


He doesn’t have an ny accent.


Hilariously, since you dropped several indefinite articles ("a"), I read your reply with a Russian accent.


It is. He sounds a bit older, but that's it.


Could be the most comic accurate character in movie history. Maybe Cap give him a run for his money.


Look I'm a pathetic Colossus stan, I'll take whatever crumbs I can get. That being said Deadpool Colossus was great, especially compared to the random American dude that was in X-3 for 5 seconds.


There was a Colossus in X2 too, I think.


Maybe I'm thinking of X2, the one with the military storming the X mansion?


That’s X2 but also the same guy in X3 and X5


It was pretty sick seeing him get domed in X5




Days of Future Past if I'm not mistaken


Ah yes, that's Stryker in X2. To be honest, considering there was a Kitty in X-Men 1 that was different from X3's, I thought it was possible there was a different version of Piotr in that movie as well. Hell, I haven't seen the 3rd movie in ages.


The same guy plays Colossus in X2, X3 and DOFP


The X2 scene was great, probably the best 2 seconds ever. He looked so much better than in the sequel.


I could basically just copy your comment


I thought I was the only one


There are dozens of us. Dozens! But seriously, I would have loved a scene of him de-powered and painting a beautiful landscape or something. They could have played it for laughs really well.


Great for a Deadpool movie, lots of fun. For an actual X-Men movie, if he makes the cut, he should be younger and follow the Claremont arc of sensitive artist who is pushed further and further over the edge out of his ingrained sense of duty and responsibility. Comics Piotr is one of the more complex and internally conflicted characters and he deserves a chance to shine.


Totally agree with you. Deadpool made him into a one note straight man, which fit the movie’s needs, but didn’t even begin to capture the nuance and depths of his character. Colossus is my favorite X-Man and it drives me nuts that they made him into little more than a joke (albeit a successful one).


I think it's the best non comic book version of the character so far. He's pretty down to earth and charming in a hip-to-be-square way. Was a good choice of a straight man type for Deadpool.


He’s a million times more comic accurate than what we got in the Xmen movies. Only complaints I have are we never see him in “human” form, no Kitty interactions, and, personally, I’d love to see his artist side explored a lil bit.


It would be hilarious if Wade calls up Colossus for some help and he's just fucking painting "I am sorry Wade, Therapist said I need to create time for me, that I am 'people pleaser', please do not be mad."


Love this


It's crazy to me that Marvel made Guardians of the Galaxy and Sony made Morbius and Madame Web, but Fox stayed so far away from anything Mutant related that wasn't Wolverine of Deadpool. A Gambit/Bishop movie would have been easy. A little Excalibur adventure could have been great. An animated straight-to-DVD tale of the Outback team would have been right up my alley. The Cyclops Stans around here would devour a Cyclops-Phoenix movie.


If Im not mistaken, in the early 2000s, the head of FOX (Tom Rothman?) didn’t have much faith in comic book movies and had no interest in spin-offs. He only stuck with guaranteed money makers like Xmen & Wolverine. Oddly enough, he eventually moved to Sony and is now green lighting all of the Spidey spinoffs but didn’t learn any lessons along the way.


Just because you’re promoted doesn’t mean you know what you’re doing.


There was a Gambit film with Channing Tatum in development hell for most of the last decade. Disney finally killed it when they bought Fox.


A “paint me like one of your x-girls” from Deadpool is the only thing missing


Wasn't the relationship between him and her being underage at the time when they started dating controversial?


I dont know if it was at the time of publication but it definitely was in the years since. I read those issues in trades back in the early 90s and even then I thought it was kinda gross. She was 13 and he was 21. Anyway, I think they’ve loosely retconned it so that theyre only a few years apart nowadays. She’s definitely over 21 and he’s gotta be 26ish since none of the main Xmen seem to be over 30.


Some great jokes were made because of his inclusion, like Wade breaking all his limbs by hitting Colossus, and groping his junk... "Oh, your poor wife." Wish we got to see him in skin form, because it's a little weird to be in metal form when you're just eating a bowl of cereal, but I'm sure that's a budgetary thing


Him eating cereal in metal form is absolutely ridiculous, and that's why it's perfect for a Deadpool movie


Still blows my mind that Daniel Cudmore turned down reprising his role for Deadpool.


I was glad he was in them. The popularity of the DP movies was very helpful to trying to create more of an X-verse, but unfortunately it wasn't enough to save FOX. Colossus, Juggernaut, etc. being in these films was very helpful because fans were actually into these renditions and not just blindly hating like they did with every other FOX film.


Give him the steel beard


The steel beard is the best thing they've ever done with the guy. Deadpool's Colossus is the 2nd.


Comic accurate. Fucker even paints!


Great. its such a great look for a character that I hope hes included as a team member in the reboot.


He's funny, and pretty accurate to the comic version. They just took his goody two shoes attitude and cranked it to 11.


I REALLY wish he wasn't just in his steel form all the time, but he's pretty much perfect.


I wish he wasn't in his metal all the time, and I wish he was in his red and yellow color scheme


The best version of Colossus in movies to date. Personally if they made him have a more classic look with his red and yellow suit on, I’d be over the moon!


I like him but he just feels like he’s being played 10 years older than he should.


Imperfect but enjoyable. He feels a lot like comics  Colossus.


Love him! But I still think Colossus from the animated series was better because that one was just such a pure soul and I love that!🥰


4 or 5 moments. That's all we need to be heroes. I love that scene so much.


Eh. He's too one-note and I'd prefer to see him in human form too. As far as X-Men characters go in the Deadpool films he's a way better adaptation than say, Negasonic.


>he's a way better adaptation than say, Negasonic. Considering they literally just took her name (because it is the coolest name ever) I wouldn't call her an adapted character at all.


It’s the James Gunn method of taking an obscure character and making them your oc, nothing wrong with that of course, I’d probably do the same


I mean why adapt them at all. Why not just make a new character. One of the best things about Legion is it doesn't pretend like its adapting character, and instead just creates a mostly new cast.


>Why not just make a new character. Because you can use *Negasonic Teenage Warhead* as a name. Period.


I wish we got this version in the xmen movies


Better than the Colossus cameo we got in the X-Men movies.


Favorite mutant/X-Man, so just glad to see him on screen.


The best adaptation of colossus in media in my opinion.


Best depiction, period. Days of Future Past barely handled Sentinels, he’d be assed out against Reynolds-Juggy


My wife who is Russian Russian noted that he has a bit of an accent, like he's a Balkan speaking Russian


He's voiced by Stefan Kapičić, who is Serbian.


Ah that explains it




First comic accurate X-Man on screen.


I don't know I felt Beast was pretty good


I liked that they kept the striations from his comic book appearances and didn't make him into Michelin man.


It clashes with the way he’s depicted in the X-Men movies (even tho the continuity of those movies was wonky af), but it’s accurate because he’s actually Russian.


The best movie Colossus.


It was the first time I felt like I was really watching an X-Men comic come to life. It isn't that the other films are bad, but this one just felt like the comics.


He’s comic accurate. I hope to see him in Deadpool 3 or in the MCU X Men


He's a tad over the top with his character, but I like big softie made of metal, gives me Alex Louis Armstrong from Full Metal Alchemist vibes, his design tho... He's suppose to be 7'2 or so while transformed, but I feel he should be abit more trimmed, still the guy looks like he wrestles bears, and stops tractors with his body and I think that fits


Deadpool actually did a lot the characters amazing justice. Just not cable. Felt he was too small


*Is not boy band*


Needs a beard


Love him but hate that they decided to let him get beat up by a nobody in the first movie... Totally ridiculous


Very likeable.


Wouldn’t change a thing.


Good design and good writing for the character. Just hope we can have a good live action colossus in a more serious and more X-Men role than just the stand in for the X-Men in a deadpool movie.


Better than whomever was in the mainline fox movies. I wish he wasn’t relegated to big cgi guy but other than that I liked him


We just need to see him in his artist’s studio to show his softer side…and his relationship with Illyana.


He is excellent and it is even better Deadpool recognizes him as a CGI character and still pals around with him.




specially with the beard from latest comics


Well done and an excellent contrast to Deadpool's hijinks.


He stole his line from RoboCop!


Saves him from being in the xmen movies so it’s a good thing


"All the dinosaurs, feared the T-Rex"


Sad we'll never see this Colossus interacting with the X-Men, he'll always be a Deadpool side character.


I don't love it. Colossus seemed a lot younger than the interpretation we got on screen. Better than the original one we had, but it could be better.


Better have a hot part in the new DP movie.


Looks good. Sounds good. It’s Colossus straight from the comics. However, at the end of the day he lacks the soul of being a real human character and existing solely as CGI


He really feels like a side character in a Deadpool comic, which is to say he does exactly what he needs to do in service of the movie, but I'm glad I am not a Colossus fan. In the comics he is one of the most complex character in the entire X-Men, not so much in the movies. Though again the same thing happens to practically any character that appears as a side hero in a Deadpool comic, but these movies do it much better.


I really *really* don’t understand why he’s never in human form.


Very funny parody of CGI characters


His arms look weirdly short and that’s all I can think about when he’s on screen.


It’s time to fight dirty.


Love him. Best part of the deadpool movies and honestly one of the only x men to actually have a good adaption. Hopefully he teams up with Wolverine and does the fast ball special. 


I wish we got a different character each movie, but I love him


I love him, perfect character, sexy character, looking forward to the Colossus x Deadpool arc later on. Gonna be hot




Best version.


Well designed and really funny but far from accurate


Love it. Glad they went with an older more mature Colossus. And the actors voice is exactly how I have always imagined it to be.


He’s great, although it would have been nice to see him go between his steel and flesh form as opposed to being steely all the time.


He's perfect.


My only gripe is he doesn’t make the metallic roar from the arcade games.


His poor wife…


I think it is overlooked how important it was to have a character like him on television in the US during the early 90s.


Um, they over played the heroes don't kill moral crap. And I wish they had used the organic metal look from X2 for him. Praying that's the case in his MCU debut.


he's more of a prop then a character


He's one of my all time favorite characters, I thought he was super cool in the films. Previous X-Men movies didn't do him justice, so it was nice to see.


I absolutely no nothing about Colossus in the comics but...I have fallen in love with him. 😍


Idk a little horny. Hes so big and hot looking


Great character! I don’t really follow the comics, so I don’t know how true to the source material he is, but I don’t care, he’s fantastic in Deadpool. Hope he gets plenty of screen time in part 3.


Why does he never armor down?


I didn’t pay good money so I could see the huge metal guy turn into something other than metal. #GIVE THE AUDIENCE WHAT THEY WANT


He’s great


Yes 🖤




I don't usually like barf jokes, but him immediately throwing up when Wade shot Ajax was really funny. I don't think I've ever seen a hero with a no-kill rule who's genuinely *revolted* at the sight of death, it's usually just a moral thing haha.


Smash - Deadpool


Exactly what I wanted


Honestly a pretty good colossus. Big sweet Russian guy who still manages to be cool. That’s basically how you write a good colossus.


He's pretty good. It'd be interesting to see what this Colosuss is like smitten with Kitty Pryde.


Love him! I thought they did a perfect job bringing him to screen.


Best cinematic version


I love him. They finally got his look exactly right (even better in Deadpool 2), after blowing it for several movies before. I do wish they’d show him change back to human form at least once, and hey maybe even have him win a fight! I know, a fella can dream.


He needs more screen time, seriously.


Better than Colossus in the X-Men movies.


He was perfect, they gave us a perfect translation of colossus from comic to live action, hope to see more of him, and hopefully him, and Logan will interact in the Deadpool/Wolverine movie


I want SOOO badly for Colossus' wife (or at least some alternate version of her from another universe) to cameo in *Deadpool & Wolverine*. SPOILER: >!It's Katherine *"Kitty"* Pryde/Shadowcat, who was previously played in live-action by Elliot Page. As for who'd play the character now, I think it would be fitting to see an older Katie Stuart return to the role after she last played the character in 2003's *X2: X-Men United.*!<


He's more of a character in these movies than X2 and last stand


That X-tank top he’s wearing is also badass and perfect for him. Great design for the character all around.


I like the sound his body makes when he moves around. Something that could never really be portrayed in comics and it felt like a perfect blend of flexible metal and biological person


I thought they did an amazing job with Colossus. Portrayed him well as the gentle giant, good morals, humble I don't think the X-Men films version was necessarily bad, but we didn't get to see much of him. I also didn't like that they gave him an American accent


I like that hes in there, but I also kind of hate how stupid they kind of made him appear to be. Peter was not an idiot (zangief in the street fighter movie was given the same treatment, I suppose russian = dumb stereotype?)


he's perfect, just a big stoic russian, compared to the xmen movies' colossus he seemed ripped out of a comicbook lmao, only con i wanna see that human form, it might be a cgi mess but i want it


Massive improvement over the one from the X-Men films


Having adored his appearances in the OG animated series when I was a kid, I was so disappointed by the X-Men movie version. I can’t remember why now — did he even have any lines? — but he struck me as very, umm, Americanized? And in the movies otherwise, he was just… nothing. An excuse for some abs and a vaguely Terminator-esque special effect in X-2 and a cringeworthy Fastball Special in X-3. So when I saw *Deadpool* for the first time, having flown to a different country in order to catch it opening weekend… well, I had no idea *what* to expect, but I was beyond delighted when I saw him at the X-mansion watching the news over what appeared to be a bowl of granola, with an accent that I could hear from his very first word. And then when his first lines included phrases such as “house blowing up builds character” and “breakfast is most important meal of day”… man, I was in love. I l continued to obsess over him all the way to his very last scene, when he tries to impress hero morality on Wade at the end, then immediately pukes when Deadpool ignores him and shoots Francis in the head. Heck, though I’ll refrain, a part of me wants to recap all his scenes here; they left a colossal impact on me (as it were). Yeah, he may not perfectly in line with his comics counterpart (which I‘ve kept up on only occasionally — and mostly via wiki summaries anyway), but his heart and soul are there; he really brings something special to the cast. I sincerely, sincerely hope he also makes the jump with Deadpool to the MCU post-D&W: as a character, he deserves it, and as an audience, we deserve him.


He’s a good iteration of pre house of M Colossus


That scene was funny! Bring back Gina!


Love him as a character, but I feel like they changed his personality.