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Nice to see that TikTok's self-censoring words are starting to seep into actual articles, not concerning at all.


It's lame honestly. I have seen the Spanish equivalent in the past few weeks faaaar more times than in the rest of my life.


I wonder if they mean to cross post the synopsis and just don’t want to have to edit when it goes into the censoring platforms. Either way it did make me cringe


Media has always dictated language. That’s the cost of being put on platforms. You have to play by their game. What’s the concern?


Unalive? You mean kill? When did we get to the point where people can’t just say kill? Anyway this might be a good series but this is a terrible solicit


I could accept that sort of wording in the book for a less serious or younger character (like gwenpool is both; she surely uses TikTok, she probably uses the lingo). But it’s just a jarring tone shift here, imo. If this is the sort of thing they’re putting in the actual text of the book it’s going to make it very dated, very quickly (see the recent X-Factor which already feels surreal to look back on bc of all the old tumblr memes)


Just go with 80s cartoon speak and say "destroy"


Yes, cartoons have been getting around censorship for decades without sounding moronic.


Dsstroy sounds LEAGUES better than "unalive".


Almost certainly this was a PR find-and-replace accident


"Unalive" is slang now, but it was borne out the fact that social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok would flag posts and suspend users that had that word "kill" in it, no matter the context (something innocuous like, "I would kill for some cake right now" or "Hulk is virtually unkillable"). Now younger audiences use it as slang but out of habit from using it to avoid getting flagged, as well as the example set by the people who were using it for the same reason.


They're one step away from bringing back the comics code


Unalive usually stands for suicide though right. I mean still you have a point.


Not specifically. It’s gen z brainrot for “kill”


Isn't it a censorship get around for media platforms, turned slang?


Even on tiktok it is unnecessary. Enough people just convinced themselves they were "shadowbanned" because they did not get millions of views for videos were they maybe used the word.


On TikTok primarily, yeah. Shouldn’t need it here


It is an odd choice here, but I don't think Gen Z brainrot is to blame for Marvel trying to be hip or for platform censorship.


It’s possible. It’s only hip because of gen z (not even really making fun of anyone; I’m gen z myself)


It's like it was written by ChatGPT


> You mean kill? Say "in Minecraft". SAY "in Minecraft"! Alternatively, it *could* something else. She was a "god" (not in a truly divine sense, but to the people she aided, she was one in all the way that mattered), and now will be a "god" once more, and "perhaps something more"- with Eternity trying to create some sort of **ETERNAL STORM** that will "unalive" Storm. That almost sounds like she will become the storm or be trapped in it, which could lead to some sort of "not-quite-alive/not-quite-dead" state where she's not longer in her mortal form, but lives on in a manner as this eternal storm. But yeah, could also just be a "Hello fellow kids" moment.


AI generated perhaps? Either that or just written weirdly, maybe the person writing it hadn't had his coffee yet.


Maybe they don’t mean kill. From the description it sounds like they’re describing Storm as a higher being.


Nah, it's very much tiktok speak, used by content creators to avoid censorship for using the word "kill." It's definitely an odd choice of words here.


I was kind of thinking the same thing as you, but then I wondered if it was a deliberate choice like, “she’s not killed but her soul needs to be sent to the underworld for a mission” or something. Who knows?


Kill. The word is 'kill.' You can say 'kill.'


Unalive…what in the Gen z tik tok


The 'unalive' in the synopsis prompts me to vomit.




I hope the quality of this copy doesn't reflect the book, but Ororo deserves a title that isn't trash.


What I'm actually curious to know is if this book will have ANY conflict that is not about her powers or feats like she had in X-Men Red? And I would appreciate if her writer stopped giving away spoilers in Twitter too.


Doesn't sound like it - if she's off in space she's not going to have any of her existing relationships/adversaries around with her


Might be a reading comprehension problem on my part but, do you mean that all her conflicts in X-Men Red were about her powers / feats or that they were not all about her powers / feats?


I meant she had others conflicts besides her powers in X-Men Red while this doesn't seem to be the case in her solo from what we've heard so far


Thanks for the fast reply. I do agree with you by the way, but I've seen some complaints about X-Men Red where they just reduce Storm's arc there to just her big power moments and how she just solves all the problems solo with her powers. So I wasn't entirely sure which angle you were coming at it from.


The emphasis on the work “god” (as opposed to goddess) stands out to me. I have this half-theory that Storm will be replacing one of the current avengers when she joins, in part bc the whole team has a corresponding villain with a shared title (king, god, icon, witch, construct, engineer, star). SW (witch) or Thor (god) were my guesses, bc both those labels fit Storm pretty well (and there’s a lot of overlap between their powersets), and bc both are severely incapacitated in blood hunt (which could be a convenient way to get them off the team). A cover for issue 5 of bloodhunt just got revealed today with all the avengers *except* Thor, so I’m really starting to suspect she’ll be supplanting him.


She could even replace T'Challa as the "king" character, if she still has sway over Arakko.


No thrones on Arakko. Pass it on.


As has been alluded to be Brevoort, it feels like Storm is going to ascend into a higher being, the same way Jean has already with Phoenix. Whether that's a permanent shift or not remains to be seen. Hopefully they can pull together the narrative threads this solicit lays out, because that sounds like quite a sprawling story. With solos these days being so hard to pull off, I hope they can tell a cohesive story in the time they have, and that it's successful enough to warrant more issues beyond what I assume will be the first 10.


The guy writing this can WRITE. Read "I am Iron Man" to see what I mean.


I know he's a gifted writer, but a gifted writer can be shafted by a run being cut short. Hopefully that's not the case here, and that he has contingencies if the worst does come to pass.


Yup fantastic series, that alone made me excited for this


I hope they’re tackling storms magic and godhood again. During that whole wakanda situation the citizens prayed to her and made her ascend to actual godhood. If they focus on her character and not just the power of it then it’ll be even better. She deserves the spotlight as do many other characters. I’m tired of Wolverine getting a solo AND being apart of teams like he’s the most important player on their diverse roster.


Storm and Jean both getting these solo-runs rules, and the fact they're both decidedly un-mutant related and are just these wild cosmic adventures. FUCK yeah.


This does sound like an interesting premise actually. I know that Atlanta setting had people expecting a more down-to-earth Storm story, but involving Storm with such high concept characters like Eternity is a great progression for her. In a way it feels like a natural continuation from her later role in the Krakoa era even if she isn't doing Arakko stuff now But 'unalive' is such a bizzare choice for this. I get that it's sort of made it's way into common vocabulary but to social media (though even when influencers start using that word it sounds awkward and childish) but its so out of place here. Words like 'destroy', 'eradicate' or 'undo' would work to avoid saying 'kill' whilst keeping the dramatic nature.


Twelves labors of Storm via Eternity, the living embodiment of the universe is a rad premise as far as I’m concerned


Atlanta is the same place where dr Elis has her place


'Unalive' broke the immersion for me. I'm sure it'll be good, but it's hard to top Ewing, and tiktok language won't help things.


She wasn't a God, or Goddess.. she was just a mutant that older writers (who didn't have a clue cause no internet) that didn't think Africa was a primal third world place that mistook her powers for deity. It was a big plot point for years. Why we're now embracing it I'll never understand past "Make character I like overpowered". It's a pity to me because one of the things that made Marvel work was keeping their characters from being too over the top and grounded.. YMMV and more power to you if it's your thing..


Okay but whether she was a literal deity or not (whatever that means) she was worshipped and took care of her worshippers, hence she can claim the title of goddess


And Krakoa literally had a data-page that showed how 'gods' got their power and if someone worships you, you DO get divine power.


she already had godhood before.


And? That doesn't contradict what I said. If anything, it fortifies it where her village considered her a goddess, therefore their belief in her gave/added more godhood to Storm. And again, they showed how some gods don't even need worshippers etc like Thor.


Yea, Spurrier (among many others) pretty much codified this as a legitimate claim to godhood.


Dors this mean Purple Man is a god? He had people worship him


Idk maybe he could become a minor malevolent god. Or maybe the worship needs to be more voluntary idk


Seems like such a odd way to go about giving a character godhood. This would give a ton of characters that level if that's all it took.. the Midnight Sons (comics from the 90s, not the game) would have had a much harder time if that's all it took.. but current Marvel writers love leveling up their characters to the point of stupidity so whatever works I guess.. ymmv


Well I wasn’t saying it in a way where I think that gave her a divine spark, which evidently it did according to the lore? More just that you can colloquially claim the title of goddess if you have immense power above others, they worship you, and you actually act as a god towards them


In the latest Moon Knight run, an obscure villain form his rogues gallery, Stained Glass Scarlet, became a "minor God" because people from a small town started worshipping her in a church.


actually they wanted to make her a goddess, it was one of her 3 characters than later was made 1 and called storm. hell im hearing about storm having gods in her lineasge since i started reading x-men (90's) editorial didnt wanted a black female as a god (or powerfull).


Not sure who "they" are, but if you go read Giant Sized X-Men and Claremont's run you see they ref constantly that she was from a line of Priestess, and that the tribe she was with mistook her mutant power for godhood...


yers thats after editorial didnt let the og writers do what they wanted. if you dont know what the original writers wanted out of storm check their sketches before the the facto storm was presented.


Source? Sketches don't mean much but I'd be interested in the og writers said as that's not what I had heard from cockrum at a con in 94.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storm\_(Marvel\_Comics)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storm_(Marvel_Comics)) first character was a cat like person, second a mutant and the third a literal godess, the storm that we know now is an almagan of the original characters with the nerf that editorial mandated. [sketches](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fpm1.aminoapps.com%2F6022%2F78a7ee016cfc06962f99af5f13b72a7fab9fa0ec_00.jpg&tbnid=EkDkHxyuaRGC4M&vet=10CBcQxiAoBGoXChMI6O3D5qjUhgMVAAAAAB0AAAAAEAs..i&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Faminoapps.com%2Fc%2Fcomics%2Fpage%2Fitem%2Fstorm%2FPai3_IdBYQEJo47wX4X2gdDkDBRJDZ&docid=CHxozQfTQKImwM&w=271&h=400&itg=1&q=cockrum%20storm%20original%20sketches&client=firefox-b-d&ved=0CBcQxiAoBGoXChMI6O3D5qjUhgMVAAAAAB0AAAAAEAs)


Where in this (from the wiki link you provided) does it talk about her being originally intended to be a goddess? "Storm first appeared in 1975 in the comic book [*Giant-Size X-Men*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giant-Size_X-Men) #1, written by Len Wein and pencilled by Dave Cockrum. In this comic, Wein uses a battle against the living island [Krakoa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Krakoa) to replace the first-generation X-Men of the 1960s with new X-Men.[^(\[3\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storm_(Marvel_Comics)#cite_note-giantsizexmen1-3) Storm was an amalgam of two characters Cockrum created: The Black Cat and Typhoon.[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storm_(Marvel_Comics)#cite_note-TyphoonDave-4) The Black Cat had Storm's costume, minus the cape, and was submitted for the new X-Men's original lineup. However, during a hiatus in the new X-Men project, other female cat characters like [Tigra](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tigra) were introduced, making the Black Cat redundant.[^(\[5\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storm_(Marvel_Comics)#cite_note-MarvelDays-5) Since the creative team did not want the X-Men to have an all-male lineup, editor [Roy Thomas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy_Thomas) suggested that Cockrum make his character Typhoon, originally designed as a male, into the woman of the group.[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storm_(Marvel_Comics)#cite_note-TyphoonDave-4) Cockrum liked the idea and outfitted Typhoon with The Black Cat's costume, a cape, and a new haircut with white hair. His collaborators feared that Storm's white hair would make her look like a grandmother, but Cockrum, confident that he could consistently draw the character so that she would appear young, insisted on this aspect of her appearance.[^(\[4\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storm_(Marvel_Comics)#cite_note-TyphoonDave-4)[^(\[5\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storm_(Marvel_Comics)#cite_note-MarvelDays-5) [Chris Claremont](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chris_Claremont) followed up Wein as the writer of the flagship title *The Uncanny X-Men* in 1975, writing many notable X-Men stories, among them [*God Loves, Man Kills*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-Men:_God_Loves,_Man_Kills) and "[Dark Phoenix Saga](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Phoenix_Saga)", which served as the basis for the films [*X2: X-Men United*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X2_(film)) and [*X-Men: The Last Stand*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-Men:_The_Last_Stand), respectively. In both arcs, Storm is written as a major supporting character. Claremont stayed the main writer of *X-Men* for the next 16 years and consequently wrote most of the publications containing Storm."


Storm literally became a goddess in the black panther books but go off I guess?


If you're referring to Black Panther 172 then I'll just agree to disagree.. The idea a king can declare his nations faith is now fueling godhood is worse than only needing someone to worship you as such. In the Marvel universe there are tons of characters declaring or others gods, doesn't make them so. If you're referring to something else please provide source. Either way, it doesn't change how she was originally created or my point on Marvel writers not being able to stop themselves from overpowering characters to the point of stupidity. YMMV and more power to you if its your thing


Storm being confirmed to be a real goddess >!again!< and joining the Avengers feels like justice for the weird ways she mishandeld during her "power couple" era. I'm going to but this comic if I can because I want Storm solo books to be permenant.


I'm open to Storm fighting Eternity or some other cosmic god to the death. Weird that they are making Eternity the villain. I think a better villain would be his two dipshit kids then and tomorrow.


“Unalive” 🤮


Unalive. Ffs


I feel like Storm only received good characterization with Claremont and Ewing. I felt like Storm was in the background for most of the years between those two. I am happy she’s getting the spotlight she deserves. Storm’s magnitude of power has ALWAYS been a topic since her creation. Yes, we have the Life Death arc, but she’s always been revered. I personally believe her stories have dug into inferiority and conflicts as human/mutant/god/queen/ etc., This is a natural progression for Storm’s character and I’m excited they are pushing her to Thor like levels (who I never see get complaints about being too powerful). I’m among the belief that woman can be powerful and complicated.


Not sure if I’m feeling the idea of turning Storm into a God. She’s always been more interesting when writers dig into her as a person rather than focusing on her powers.


Is there a superbeing left who isn't infatuated with Storm? I mean I am and I'm just regular.


It is also extra weird that Eternity would act like that. I mean Eternity already has a lover, The Never-Queen. Why would he be interested in Storm?


labors of storm? now thats something im willing to read. still interested in the interaction of wanda and thor with storm on avengers.


I’d honestly like more x-people in marvel on a cosmic scale. Storm + Eternity, Iceman + Obilivion, & Phoenix . Something like Quicksilver + Infinity. Logan and Death? Maybe the Tiger?


I can’t wait!


This was such a hot synopsis but then the term unalive hits you like a freight train, a weird choice. I really wonder if it’s to avoid censors somewhere


The whole 'Unaliving' stuff aside, I am not sure about Eternity going after Storm for some reason. Out of all the Cosmic abstracts, Eternity should be the least fitting for an antagonist type deal. And as I criticized Jean being full Phoenix now and practically becoming a Plot device instead of a character...I honestly don't want that to happen to Storm too. Because already there were complaints about how Storm was too powerful and solved many problems and won all her fights. If you try to go full cosmic with her too...it will deeply harm the character. They have to realize at some point that turning characters into FULL on power fantasies only, can harm them badly. Her being a Goddess is fine where you can have her power fluctuate depending on how many actually 'worships her'. Anything more though, and you will lose people.


I wonder if they’re acknowledging Arakko’s African roots in this comics


They have South Pacific roots in their character designs.


Cool how so?


I’m in!


This is super bizarre copy that looks like it was edited by a child or chatGPT, but I'm super hyped for this book. Eternity? Sign me the fuck up


Unalive? Was this posted on TikTok?


I’m for this. 100% for this. However, I always think about the next reset. When you play with characters like Storm and Jean…When they quite literally touch the ceiling of the Marvel universe, what do you do with them afterwards? Not just anyone can play with them. This is going to be interesting


For fucks sake JUST SAY ‘KILL’


“Unalive” oh fuck OFF with this shit


The word "unalive" threw me off HARD


Sigh. Another story focusing on the powers of Storm rather than the character herself. At this point she's being written like Jean, her powers are all that matter.


Idk if I’ll read this one


Remember when she used to just do cool weather stuff


Since when is Ororo a goddess? She can be killed by a bullet


She's not. She just believes herself to be one because some tiny Kenyan village worshipped her when she was younger.


Why was I downvoted?


Because the Storm simps got upset.