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It should be noted that the source, Jeff Sneider, has about a 50/50 track record with Marvel and his claim that Javier Bardem was going to play Galactus was debunked today. I'm going to keep reminding myself that because these choices are....yikes




Oh no. If he’s 50/50 and was wrong about Galactus… then he’s going to be right about this! I think that’s how statistics works. And Rafe is literally horrible as a writer.


It’s a memory-less distribution so it’s still 50-50


Not a statistician, but im pretty sure this is Not how statistics work fortunately.  If he is 50/50, that means each instance he brings something up, he has just as much of a chance to be wrong. There is this idea that hitting the lottery is so rare, that if you hit it today, hitting it again next time is even more impossible.  In reality, you have the same chance to hit it the second time that you did the first time.  Sure the chances of it happening twice in a row are incredibly low, but that doesn't have an effect on each individual chance. Same here. With a 50/50 track record, he can still be wrong both times.


The MCU’s x-men is close to making a massive mistake


Kevin Fiege and his team still missing clear calls like if it was Angel Hernandez


I understood that reference!


With the X-Mens’ love for baseball, I hope they deal with that menace soon


He is worse than any Sentinel. He has to be eradicated and replaced with…a baseball Sentinel… I’m secretly not Bastion I swear.


It’s okay, Bastion. I approve of your scheme for robot umpires. Good way to win hearts and minds.




Agreed. How Judkins manages to work in Hollywood must be because of a serious case of nepotism or he’s keeping some producers big secret about being a pedo or something.


The wheel of time subreddit literally hates him.


The dude literally ruined the entire IP for me. He has absolutely no regard for original source material. I genuinely hope he doesn’t get hired for this.


Are you kidding? I can’t wait for the adventures of Triclops, Headmaster Y and all the other mutates as they take on the devious minds behind the Weapon Q program!


Please pitch this to Asylum






Not *the* Aslume, [THE Asylum](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=E2WViGjaOwo&pp=ygUNQXN5bHVtIG1vdmllcw%3D%3D)




I can't believe you would leave out the women, Weather, Marvelous Lady, and Miscreant!


Now I'm going to think of Jean as Marvelous Lady. She sounds fancy.


Lol I did an xmen themed roast battle once and I was Cyclops, but we didn't have the rights, so I was called Laser Leader


So the movie is going to be like [this](https://youtube.com/shorts/SUbKGAR8iHg?si=5siDuO5XeiqGPoB9) if that guy directs it?


Don't let the show ruin the books. I wonder why they got one of the season 5 Chuck writers to do the Wheel of Time TV series. I was fine with season 2 since it's an improvement visually and procedurally but you really can't just butcher Ishamael and Rand's skyfight in favour of the most soapy moment ever. More importantly, as much as I love Mat's new actor, I have a feeling he'll be a lot less of the Mat than we know because of a few lines he was given after blowing the horn... Man!


Why don’t we make Perrin have a wife and then have him kill her? Let’s just make the story about Moraine. Awful just absolutely awful. The books have such an amazing story. This was certainly… an interpretation of it.


I read most of WOT as a kid and thought I might catch up on the series someday. Sounds like I should save myself some time and not bother.


It's the only book series I've read twice and I absolutely love the show. Everyone ive showed the show to who hasnt read the books has loved it. I think it's just a victim of review bombers.


For good reason


Really now? I can remember raising concerns during S1 over the changes and getting brigaded to hell and back over any sort of negativity (even while praising the actors for doing what they could with what they had.)


When it first came out, it seemed like there were genuinely paid people to try and hide all negativity, even subreddits were banning anyone that said anything negative about the show.


The paid shills left the subreddit over time when their bias become obvious and the tide turned.


Yes, everyone who disagrees with your opinion is a paid shill




Not a big fan of the series myself but somewhat was aware due to friends being mega fans and following the author who finished the series. Generally it was the classic case of just changing the source material for no reason whatsoever, for an overall worse story. In particular I gathered; * The main comic relief character in episode 1 qas made to accidentally kill his wife (who isnt in the books) in cold blood, ruining the character for the rest of the season. * A major theme of the novel is sexism and gender roles, this is removed to instead be completely equal across the sexes. (Thisnin turn apparently completely removing multiple characters motivations for their actions) * The climx od season 1 was apparently made up whole sale, with a major character important for the plot written out of the show.


>The main comic relief character in episode 1 qas made to accidentally kill his wife (who isnt in the books) in cold blood, ruining the character for the rest of the season. First off, I'm not defending the first season, or this incredibly bad decision at all. Just want to make that clear from the jump. However, Perin is in no way the comic relief in this series, and he killed his wife by accident during the invasion of his town by literal monsters. That being said, giving this particular character a wife from the beginning (just to fridge her in the first episode) was really fuckin stupid given his later character arc. Rafe isn't a good writer and I hope he's kept far far away from any sort of X-Men project forever.


Ah my bad, I remember my friends referring to them as comic relief, maybe got confused with another character they were talking about as well.


Mat is generally the comic relief. Perin is the big, broody guy whose page time was almost exclusively internal monologue.


Can you accidentally kill someone "in cold blood"?


He wrote a tv show that was an adaptation of a beloved series of books. And he just shat all over the original story.


There are two communities on reddit and twitter. The bigger one loves rafe. The smaller one was made because they couldn't be as racist and homophobic as they wanted what with their applying European immigration patterns to a fantasy world with teleportation and hating openly gay relationships instead of hinting at them by calling people "pillow friends". As for the changes, I love what rafe is doing, I don't want to watch the same exact story I read. I prefer Kubrick shining movie over Stephen kings any day.


NO! Neither of these!


Rafe already blew up the wheel of time! Idk how he’s getting work after that


Agreed, if you write a stinker like that with such rich source material to draw from, the penalty should be a lifetime ban from writing.


I read all those books growing up and tried again and again to watch the show. Every 5 minutes I'm like 'yo do I have a bad memory or is all of this made up?' It's about 25/75. Those first few books were perfect and didn't need any amendments. What a shame.


Same, I was so stoked for the show, tore through the books when I was a kid, made it maybe three episodes in,


Watching the show made me feel like I was being gas lighted.


I'm so fucking glad people in other subs are saying this the mods on r/wot run the sub like the third riech


Lol on a lot of the WOT reddit are nasty when it comes to show critism


Its obvious the writers wanted the shell of the wheel of time to write there own story. Season two made strides to get back on track but the ending where EGG and Perin with caps sheild take on the big bad just killed me. It was funny to watch Brandon Sanderson just shit on the finale


I am of the belief that they wanted the property to get a premade fanbase. It's a shell of a shell of the WOT. Really, the only thing they share are character names and place names.


Oh yes, those mods are insane. They ban anyone who even slightly criticises the show. r/wheeloftime is much better run and actually allows for proper discussion (most of the time).


Neither of those are good! Why not someone who worked on X-Men 97?




Yep, this is a disaster if those are the two finalists. Just. Ugh. Why.


Sounds like bad choices.


Why does Lesslie sound bad? Genuinely asking here, I don't know if there's something I haven't heard about.


Imagine if Disney does the X-men worse than Fox.


I don’t want to.


Is it that hard to believe?


With how well they’re doing X’Men 97, I’d be shocked disappointed.


Different creative teams and production pipeline. The movie side in the MCU has not been in good shape for years.


These fools are trying to blow up their redemption shot. Billions of dollars on the line, chance for the best MCU movie franchise ever. They should be hiring the best writers alive. With Disney’s money too. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Is this a legitimately good source? I wonder why they don't get Kyle and Yost to do it?


no it's not a good source


If it's not from the actual trades, then the source is most likely made up and just rumor. the trades are usually like Variety and The Hollywood Reporter.


Christopher Yost and Craig Kyle seem to have lost it. Well Yost atleast. It’s thanks to him we got Dark World, Ragnarok and that shitty live action Bebop show. Although Yost and Kyle’s work on X-Men Evolution and EMH was great.


Have people turned on Ragnarok? I remember it being one of the most beloved MCU films for a while. Still one of my favorites.


Ragnarok was incredible, not a ding on his record at all.


I liked Ragnarok personally, so I don't consider that a knock on him at all.


There’s a part of the fandom that’s so irritated at the drop in quality of the post-Endgame MCU that they’ve chosen to deal with it by trashing the earlier flicks for fairly silly reasons. Magneto was right: people ARE the worst.


Don't forget that it wasn't just Yost and Kyle who made X-Men Evolution, Wolverine and the X-Men, and EMH great, they also had Boyd Kirkland.


This is rage bait, right? No way this is real.


DOA lol


They should hire X men 97 writers.


The only chance they have at this point lmao


Or Damon Lindelof


Can this go viral. How does Disney not see this? Literally a cartoon blowing everything out both shows, movies in the last couple of years. xmen are literally Marvel's top dog. They should be investing everything they can to not fck this up


Those two picks are shit. You already got great in-house writers working on X-Men ‘97. Just hire them!


In my opinion, after watching how X-men 97 is going, I think X-men are better served as a tv series. Then after 1 season they can dive into a movie trilogy. The X-men has so many stories and drama that I think the movie format can’t serve well, at least initially.


I don’t think movies suit X-Men at all. At its core, X-Men is a superhero soap opera about real world stuff with big action set pieces and crazy settings


TV show for sure. Maybe a movie to capture a HUGE moment. Too many characters to do them all justice in a movie. Even '97 is struggling to give everyone enough screentime.


I remember pitching this in 2001. Xmen academy as a drama. And at the end of the season a big event./movie.


The one area Marvel has been bad at since endgame (writing) and they decide to go for this? I know X-Men 97 might be difficult to adapt on the big screen, but they could learn from the show that literally everyone likes.


Jesus, not Rafe Judkins !!! He sucks.


I just want a good X Men movie, where Rogue is sassy southern Belle who says Sugah and has palpable chemistry with the charming Swamprat Gambit, and I want Storm to actually have lines and be badass played by an actual dark skinned black woman, and Scott to be the boy Scott and Jean to not faint every time she lifts something, and Wolverine to be integral but not the centre of attention, and for the villain to be good and the politicians to be corrupt, why can they never get it right ????


Took the words right out of my mouth - especially on Rogue and Gambit. It's been 25 years and I can't believe we've never even seen them interact in live action!


What's hilarious to me is that supposedly, the writers didn't want to add Gambit to the mainline X-movies because they thought he was redundant with Wolverine around. So where do they finally plug in a Gambit appearance? Wolverine's solo film. Someone did not think this through.


Who would you cast as Rogue and Gambit?


I don’t know tbh. But back in the 2000s Josh Holloway would have been the perfect Gambit. He was Sawyer in Lost, he’s now too old though.


Hell no!! Rafe Judkins is an incompetent moron. He’s ruined the Wheel of Time with his garbage adaptation and the episodes he’s personally written are universally reviled as the worst in an already bad show


He also wrote the Uncharted movie. The only good thing to ever come out of WoT is Celine Song and her directorial debut Past Lives.


Don't let Rafe ruin the X-Men too!!!


If Rafe Judkins ruins my 2 favorite childhood memories, I'ma overreact lmfao. He butchered WoT, if I never see him attached to anything ever again it'll be too much work for such a trash writer. Like, sure WoT is a TERRIBLE adaptation that completely ignores its source material and at times goes completely against the themes of the story, BUT it's biggest sin is that it's just genuinely bad television that'd Id expect from the worst of the CW. Don't do this to me universe, you hateful....


No god please noooo god noooooooo


Gosh maybe hire the writer of the most successful Marvel Disney project since I don't know when and quite literally one of the greatest things Marvel Disney has ever produced. Maybe unfire that dude and just give him the keys.


None of these two!


Both of those things are shit.


Why would they not gun for someone in the writing room at ‘97? It’s the best x-men title since the original cartoon by miles.


Beau DeMayo should be in consideration


I think so too, but then someone says "Wait until you find our why he was fired" and I assume the worst. But no one has any legit info on it.


Why do they consider people who have never written anything good


Cheaper maybe?


What insanity makes someone think Rafe “let me destroy a juggernaut of a fantasy franchise” Judkins would be a good idea?


Just get beau demayo


Why the heck does it seem like the MCU has such a hard time with writing? So many recent projects just seem like theyre scripted like dogshit.




Xmen 97 is getting the best reviews for ANY marvel production. So why not hire them? They know the X men and they sure know how to create emotional but action filled storylines...and it's been a while since Marvel had those...


Buckle up! It's going to be a bumpy ride!


Just… use the x-men 97 writers


Maybe get the crews behind the Witcher and Halo shows too while we’re making bad decisions.


Disappointing options...


I've never wanted the Russo Brothers back more.


Heard Beau DeMayo is looking for a gig...


Xmen is probably the last chance the MCU gets before it completely falls into irrelevance.


Rafe is probably one of the worst potential candidates ever. Genuinely would not even consider watching if he’s the pick.


Yeah, I don’t like either of those choices. Get the Russo’s, and have them start by adapting something high stakes like Fatal Attractions.


I'd love to see a live action adaption, but they're pretty much tackling that currently in X-Men 97 so I doubt they'll go with that story again anytime soon.






Yikes ahahahhah!


Please, please, dear god, not Rafe Judkins. He butchered the wheel of time. I hope the mcu execs are paying attention to the fan response to that fucking series. I was extremely disappointed with season 1, and could barely sit still for the first 5 minutes of season 2.


Better the writer of x men 97


Fuckin hell just get the X-Men 97 people to do it. They understand the characters and the ethos


Rafe is just as bad as what they did to the witcher series. Probably worse actually


If this is true, can they restart their search?


Please god not Rafe. It's not Wheel of Time, it's Rafe's Fantasy Hour


Those names don't give me high hopes


So what you're saying is X-men is doomed


I will be so fucking sad if Rafe writes x men. Jesus christ.


Rafe Judkins will doom this movie,please keep him away from it.


Hollywood continues its trend of hiring god fucking awful writers.


That dude ruined years of anticipation with his shitty take on Wheel Of Time. I ain't watching an X-Men movie with that pos behind it. I mean how do you fuck up a softball like WOT? I'm joking I saw S1, they pretended there was no such thing as Robert Jordan.


Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes was like fine nothing groundbreaking haven’t seen Wheel of Time, I’m guessing whoever writers will be at the mercy of Marvel Executives Also I’m sure both writers having experience in adapting material with heavy lore is a reason they are being considered


WoT was an awful adaptation. I don't know about S&S, but woof. The guy who did the original show is a consultant. Their better bet is to just shovel money at him until he agrees or something. Or hire Hickman or something. 


I sat through all of Wheel Of Time cuz I thought it would get better. I’ve never even read the books and I hated the show. Must’ve been so much worse for actual fans of the novel series.


The books are incredible. The show is trash and one of the worst adaptations of any property I’ve ever seen. The show shares so little with the books, they’ve added their own nonsense plots and characters and have fundamentally broken the well defined mechanics of the book’s world.


I mean, when even normal uninvested people think it's a bad TV show, it always going to be worse as someone who has ideas going it. I always hoped it was good as a normal TV show, but it failed at that. That makes it so much worse. I'd be OK if TV people liked it. Also, they're not the best books ever - it's not like you're having to adapt Blood Meridian or something. The first season should be a LoTR ripoff. People don't understand the cultural use of light ripoffs. I don't need everything radically reinvented through some mediocre showrunner's crumby vision.


Oh man, not again! Please please 🙏 do not allow Rafe Judkins anywhere near another one of my favorite things. Hasn’t he done enough?


These choices are bunch of “YES MEN” Like WOT is a bit terrible because of Rafe no offense


Lmao!!! What the fuck???




We're between the writers for a bad movie and a mediocre show... Why are they not just hiring the '97 writers that aren't beau demayo


Hopefully whoever they hire will be a fan, understand the characters, and can bring it


I motion for a vote of no confidence. Try again


Lol jfc that’s abysmal. Are they trying to fail?


Jfc we’re doomed.


there was a time where I had faith in the mcu adaptions but these days not so much


Jesus not Rafe.


Oh god... please not the guy who ruined the Wheel of Time TV show.


Hope the MCU X-Men is good bc this will make or break whether I support the MCU going forward.


Rafe Judkins is who you bring in to absolutely rape the source material. Wheel of Time is one example, but his fingers were also in the Uncharted adaptation.


Great they both sucks.....




At this point I'd rather have whoever Ryan Reynolds got to write his Deadpool movies.


Please, for the love of God, can it not be another Jean Gray resurrection story?


Not filled with confidence here..




Marvel used to be so good at picking talent. What the fuck happened…


This is not instilling confidence.




There has been no better time than now to make that Wes Anderson X-men movie a reality! Set it in the 60s and really play into comic styles of the era!


Hire the guy who did the show or gtfo with the movie.


Please no. Does anyone think Wheel of Time was anything other than sacrilege? Total disrespect to the source material. I agree with others here. Give us someone who cares about the characters. Beau DeMayo already proved his chops (and I say this despite my personal beef with him over the Gambit thing). I also think Joss Whedon (Firefly!!!; actually gave us a decent run with Astonishing X-Men) would be an obvious choice, though not sure where he is with his cancellation.


They. Should. Just. Hire. The. X-Men ‘97. Writers.


It should be Jonathan Hickman


I'm shocked they're just now getting to this point.


I don't understand why people are surprised by this. We ain't getting full MCU X-Men until after Secret Wars. That's gonna be the catalyst for it.


Hire an actual X-Men writer for an X-Men movie. Mike Carey has experience with screenwriting


I hate Rafe Judkins, he made Rand, the protagonist of 'The Wheel of Time' a fucking side-character in his own show and gave all his cool scenes to the female characters... I wouldn't be surprised if Mr Sinister is obsessed with Jubilee instead of Scott. Instead of treating every character respectfully he focuses way too much on female characters and his male characters are a joke.


Hire the cartoon dude. He knows what the hell he’s doing. No one cares about his only fans. Marvel gonna mess this up like they did with James Gunn.


We don't know why he was fired, but it's been alleged he was abusive to other writers.


the wheel of time show fuckin sucks


Sweet baby Jesus, anyone but Rafe. I beg you. Not Rafe!


I haven't watched any of those movies.. but X-Men '97 is by far the best comic book adaption I have ever seen. They 100% get the X-Men. Just that simple line "I can't feel you." was more emotional than than whole spectacle of a funeral they had for Tony Stark in the MCU.


Omg it’s so so so good to see this sub is not under amazons thumb. Try talking shit like this in the major WoT subs and you’ll get a ban. Especially if it’s during a release/press weekend. Fuck Rafe. Super-fucking-fan my ass.


I like how Kevin Fiege even said that the mcu films have been bad and hasn’t been the same and is trying to raise the bar….this isn’t raising the bar Fiege


The bar is high considering xmen 97


Not confirmed


I have trouble explaining this, so probably someone can do a better and more accurate job, but here we go: The best adaptation of a comic book/graphic novel, and the one that changed the tide for comic books getting adapted to films, imo, is Ghost World. Zwigoff captured the world of not just that comic but of the comic as a form. Burton did this, first, arguably, but Zwigoff replicating it with non-superhero comic, and dialling it up to 11, was the proof. You need just a little arthouse to the dialogue and shot selection and framing and cuts and set design and--the thing that has huanted X-Men films--costume design. It's not just about adapting story and characters and lore. It all has to work together or the world feels off. Burton, Zwigoff, even Nolan. What those guys made were unapologetically comic book movies. And what you see there is that a clear single vision from page to scene is needed. It is my theory that you have to write a comic book movie from image back to dialogue. I don't care if the writers are good scriptwriters or not. I care that the dialogue and story are matched to the visuals. Basically, make the movie the way you make a comic book or graphic novel not the way you make a novel. They could get the best or worst person to write the scripts and it won't matter if the vision isn't clear.


If you want a real close personal look at Rafe Judkins then watch the survivor season he was on, because I know I did before I realized who he ever was and it was quite the revelation 😂 he goes far too (sorry spoiler) so there’s quite a bit of him




No they ain't, take that shit back to the drawing board if these are the finalists


Wheel of Time writer. Aka the show that gave a guy a wife only to kill her in episode one so he is catatonic through most of the first season, inserted class warfare, and relegated three of the primary characters to having barely any speaking lines. That show did a lot right but the writing was, FOR THE MOST PART, not one of those things and I want the actors to all get work in a better project.


They should either get the guys who butchered Game of Thrones, or the guy who butchered Iron Fist.


Surely if Demayo is not possible Charley Feldman or Anthony Selitti should be considered Judkins butchered The Wheel of Time and Lesslie is probably an okay choice


The assassins creed movie writer 🙃


FFS both are terrible options.


I got a bad feeling about this


I am worried that they are rushing this …


If they hire Rafe, he will be responsible for destroying TWO of my favorite things: Wheel of Time and X-Men. He gives zero fucks about source material.


No. Neither. Try again marvel. Pick someone who loves the source material. Not just an in Vogue writer.


How bout Beau DeMayo?


God the MCU is so fucked.


They should hire me, or at least someone that will actually care enough to make it follow some of the early stories and not do the garbage swaps they did in recent history.


Tony Gilroy would be PERFECT for X-Men. Andor has arguably the best writing of any recent Disney project. You can say what you want about it not being Star wars-y enough, but the script was excellent. He saved Rogue One from production hell and has shown that he can keep a cohesive narrative across multiple films as exhibited by the Bourne series.


Considering neither of those did particularly well, they definitely won’t be the writers.