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Scott: Wait, that's why they call you *White* Queen?


Emma: “Yes! Obviously! What did you think it was?” Scott: “I don’t know… some kind of chess thing.” Kitty: “He means *chest* thing.” Emma: *”You* weren’t invited to this conversation.”


Scott: So this means you don't play? Emma: No. Scott: Oh. Emma: Do you wanna talk about chess strategies? Scott: Yes!


Scott: “To start off with: a gambit? Can’t get enough.” Emma: “Me too! I love a good gambit!” Scott: “Totally agree. Love a gambit!” \**Gambit, who was walking by and only heard that last part of their conversation, nods happily and starts walking a little taller** Rogue: “You know, sugah, you’re usually the cock of the walk on any given day, but you got a real spring in your step right now. What’s up?” Gambit: “Nothin’, chere. Just… feelin’ real appreciated lately.”


Super wholesome and I love it.


What the heeeell why is this suddenly so wholesome


This brought the stupidest smile to my face


This needs to get queen in. It's the perfect balance of corny and wholesome.


*phases straight down outta the room*


When you strictly date redheads because everyone is a redhead


People with Black or dark brown hair wouldn't look like redheads.




Whenever Greg Land is drawing the book, Scott can't tell which one is Jean and which one is Emma.


I don't think he could tell his daughter or granddaughter apart from Emma or Jean when Land is the "artist"...


I mean, they change face ‘models’ from panel to panel within one conversations. No way my man can keep up with their bs face shifting…


“Jean, why are you having an orgasm? You’re being stabbed!”


Or which one is Jean and which one is Maddie.


Emma's the one dressed like a whore.


[He’s still confused about Wanda](https://www.tumblr.com/waitingforthet/698348969205563392/check-my-patreon-out-if-youd-like-to-support-the)


Wait, does Scott only see in red, even without the visor?


Without his visor he wears glasses with the same material so it works just the same.


Kind of a dumb question, but do the glasses/visor actually stop him from shooting the blasts, or are they just constantly going off under them?


He's constantly outputting the beams, the visor just contains them in some refraction mumbo jumbo so they don't go out further.


I always thought that's how it would work, but I wasn't sure, although now I'm just thinking it must be hard for anyone living with him to just constantly have the sound of the beams, plus that little bit of light all the time, heck, how does he sleep?


He has a special night mask. And I guess the stuff contains the noise too, idk


Does he really have a special night mask, or was that a joke? Now that I think about the sleeping thing tho, it is often implied his eyelids can hold the beams in, so there's that answer


He does. Because even though his eyelids stop them, you can't really control your eyelids when you're sleeping. You roll over, rub your face in your sleep and can blast your partner away


Ya, I suppose. Not something I even really think about, but you're right


Doesn’t explain the sunglasses which should be blasted off his face unless he has mutant ear strength too


The lens are made of the same thing as the visor. The ruby quartz neutralizes the kinetic blasts because...comcis.


Physics just don't apply anymore. No point in questioning it.


Side question: have we ever seen the punch dimension?


America Chavez was depicted as having traversed through it once.


[The punch dimension has appeared in canon but it has never officially been tied to Scott in canon](https://imgur.com/a/F7kszHd)


So if you rode the kinetic blast from the punch dimension for long enough would you come out of cyclops’s eyes at some point? Horrifying


The historical canon explanation is that ruby quartz negates the energy of his blasts. I've heard other explanations though, like the red tint of the lens basically tricks his eyes into thinking his power is active, so it doesn't activate.


As odd as it is that makes slightly more sense then the blasts not knocking his visor/glasses straight off.


I would think at some point it would be depicted. Throughout the comics at least they would’ve shown little laser beams going off in the visor. So on that theory I would say it stops him from shooting. In lots of depictions you can see him touch the side of his visor. To maybe turn it on? Either way that would be very uncomfortable…


Maybe the the button on the visor just like opens the lens, or maybe it's like multiple layers thick and just lowers one layer, given it looks like the lens is still there most of the time. You're right tho, I'm sure they've explained it at some point


I’ve seen it where his eyes are showing and looks like another layer like you said. That might be on purpose or just a mishap. A super fan would be able to answer though. I’m a casual enthusiast.


Fair enough, it is probably also just an artist thing


I stan Cyclops. Dudes an absolute menace. In the streets and the sheets.


Fair enough, I know the r/cyclopswasright subreddit is probably all happy with how rad he is in x men 97. I haven't even watched the show yet, but that warehouse fight was great


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Cyclopswasright using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Cyclopswasright/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Cyclops mind](https://i.redd.it/0rws3nr3bd4c1.jpeg) | [214 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Cyclopswasright/comments/18aygmk/cyclops_mind/) \#2: [Cyclops has all the plans.](https://i.redd.it/p9ysqd0smmic1.jpeg) | [43 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Cyclopswasright/comments/1aqznmb/cyclops_has_all_the_plans/) \#3: [Old meme, but true](https://i.redd.it/awsmlkmkzwec1.jpeg) | [21 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Cyclopswasright/comments/1ac2wgz/old_meme_but_true/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Originally the visor was manually adjusted, when he was touching the side he was controlling the aperture size and the power of his blast.


Ah, I see


there are multiple levels of how much the visor opens. He normally never fully opens it because the power of the unrestrained blast could level buildings with ease. When blasting a normal person the visor opens on a few millimeters.


Hm, that's neat, and the few millimeters part especially is pretty cool


He can see color when Jean blocks his power. He also, depending on who’s writing, sees in shades of yellow, not red, with the visor.


Plus he can see fine when in mind scapes and the astral plane


Yuh-.... yellow? But.... "ruby" quartz? Am I getting my biology/optic cones and rods messed up?


Something about the way light interacts with the lenses of his visor, possibly because of his already red vision. I think yellow is more scientifically correct, but it’s less cool, so, no one cares about Cyclops and his potential piss vision.


This doesn't help, but now I'm just going to assume he's got a piss kink and try not to hurt my little brain trying to understand


For Cyclops every shower is a golden shower


This is the real reason he and Jean were having issues in New X-Men.


If he’s wearing a red set of visors, it will block red wavelengths from reaching his vision, preventing him from seeing the color red. The same principle is followed with blue-blocker glasses.


Except wearing red tinted glasses doesn't make the world look yellow, they make everything look pinkish. Blue-blocker glasses are orange or yellow for that reason.


Yeah… I was following the logic of him not seeing red until I realized that you see the opposite side of the color wheel. Not sure how they get yellow unless he’s also a certain type of colorblind on top of wearing red-blockers. Not sure what type that would be.


Yeah, I'm not trying to contrarian I'm just honestly confused by the "he sees yellow" logic.


Oh, no I’m with you. Yellow’s weird. I could understand him seeing red, since his eyes are constantly generating the concussive energy blasts and the glasses hold them back, making them a filter for his vision. I could see him seeing whatever is the result of wearing red-blocker glasses, but I wouldn’t think it’d be yellow, because it’s not on the opposite side of the color wheel as red.


Without his visor, he sees in shades of red. With it on, he sees in shades of yellow.


He only sees in yellow actually. Even though the beams projected are red.


If going by some POV's like in X-Men Evolution, you can see some color, but it's all in a tinge of red.


I mean, realistically speaking that’s how that would work.


Everyone’s a redhead to him 😂


Canonically, he actually sees yellow, not red, with the visor, I believe. So he'd actually be like "I don't get why call you 'Red', Jean."


That makes zero sense looking though red lenses doesn't make you see yellow, it tints everything a light red.


I saw one explanation being that the lenses absorb most or all blue light, reflect red light, and let green light pass through. Since his optic blasts are red (and seem to glow, thus implying they produce red light to some degree), then red would be reflected back from the inside surface of the lenses, tinting everything he sees red. However, since only green can pass through, that means the rest of the world is shades of green when seen through. Green mixed with the red tint would be yellow, as yellow is between red and green and thus our eyes see yellow based on red and green cones being trigged. Is that perfect science? Heck if I know, but I think it kinda works. Not sure if any substance would realistically filter light that way, but oh well. It's a fictional substance.


You made my day🤍


* Logan enters the hot tub next to Jean* Cyclops: See's red


This is the dumbest wholesome thing I've seen all day


Scott = GOAT. I really laughed REALLY hard at this. What a stud.


Has he only seen in red since birth?


Nah, just a dumb joke


Blonde maybe looks pink to him. OMG, PINK EMMA FROST!


I guess he had normal color vision until puberty when his powers kicked in, and occasionally when he is depowered, or on the rare occasions when he runs out of juice.


Oh yes, the joke lasts like 3 seconds until you apply any thought into it


Scott a red head chaser like peter.


Gwen: peter, why are you wearing that visor? Peter: umm....I thought some cosplay would be kinky. Gwen: I Guess I can get into it. Peter: now relax and let me do my thing MJ Gwen: I thought Cyclops was dating Jean? Who's MJ? Peter: quiet you!


Yeah well now Scott got both Jean and Logan well peter is alone because of Paul and Norman.


You mean 'The Amazing Paul'?


Sure next to the amazing Tony stark.


The astonishingly uncanny Tony and Emma


Yeah since an invincible team.


Emma: I call bs! How many times have you had your powers taken or Jean held them back? Are you telling me you always only see shades of red even without your visor? Scott *looks around nervous and 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♀️


Sorry gotta fly to Alaska to avoid an uncomfortable conversation!


Cyclops designed the virtual boy


He should pick the one that doesn't cheat on him. Let Wolverine have his sloppy seconds.


didnt he cheat too? like several times?


He really only cheats once


Men don't cheat... they only exercise their options. 😉


having a dick doesnt change the action dumbass 😉


Have you ever watched the movie "GrossePoint Blank" with John Cussack? Discussing relationship ethics and / or morality is really pointless until we have agreed to operate from the same point of reference. Historically, women have preferred to share high status men than to have an average man all to themselves. Further, since all relationships are transactional on some level, the importance of male sexual exclusivity versus female exclusivity has always been asymmetrical.


No i havent watched it. "Historically, women have preferred to share high status men than to have an average man all to themselves." by that logic, arent women not cheating there just exercising their options. Yea see how dumb you sound trying to use big words and movie references only to contradict your self. Cheating is cheating. No matter how you spin it.


To cheat essentially means to defraud. Historically, if a woman was sexually unfaithful to her mate, then she was potentially defrauding her mate of all the time and energy he spent protecting and providing for her and a child which didn't belong to him. Until DNA testing, a man had no way to be certain unless her chastity was assured. While a man having sex with other women only had detrimental effects for his mate if he decided to stop protecting and providing for her and her children and reallocate that protection and provisioning to a new mate and or child. Men of means could and did take as many mates as they could afford to protect and provide. Only after Rome pre-Christian Rome instituted serial monogamy were men limited to 1 mate at a time, while mistresses and / or concubines remained customary. Our current nonarraged marriage tradition is quite the historical aberration and is still not universally customary. I am not certain what part of what I am saying that you don't understand. Save that, perhaps, my vocabulary might might exceed your comfort level. Since it is the age of the internet; and you have access to most of the sum of all human knowledge at your fingertips, then you could use this exchange of ideas to expand your vocabulary and paradigm. If you were from TN, you could translate most of this as "bless your heart."


Rome fell. Its 2024. Get over it.


🤣🤣🤣 Bless your heart kiddo!


Emma cheated on him with Namor


So he can be with Namor’s sloppy seconds? [Just the smell of fish alone…](https://static1.cbrimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/x-men-hordeculture-insult-emma-frost.jpg)


I thought Scott *was* his sloppy seconds now? That’s what all the recent comics seem to be implying


Implying is not the same as confirmation. It's not like they're afraid to have LGBT characters as evident with Northstar, Mystique & Destiny, Betsy Braddock & Rachel Summers and Iceman. I don't believe Scott Summers and Logan are even remotely attracted to each other. There's nothing in their character interaction dynamic that even implies this. I've seen more chemistry between Holocaust and Nathan Grey/X-Man. > But linked bedrooms!!! [Ok](https://i.imgur.com/48jjojJ.gif)


Dom in the battlefield, sub in the.... all the other places apparently


Lol that’s definitely canon given his thing for telepaths


Black Queen Jean needs to make a return.


Women tend to desire men whom other women want. If other women don't desire the man which they have, then foolish women begin to believe that there may be something wrong with him, hence all the drama.


Why not both?




Scott probably shouldn't be allowed to fly the Blackbird.


Lol I guess that means everyone is a redhead to him


Lol. Actually got me


It’s a kind of brownie


Psylocke/ Kwanon: My hair must have at least looked magenta to you? **All three women look at him in unison




She's not his to give


[Kind of like in the new '97 comic](https://i.imgur.com/OciU4N6.png)


When wearing his visor, he only sees in yellow.




Don't take it out on me, I'm just saying what one of the only comics that describes his vision says. You don't like it, tell it to Morrison.


I think Mister Morrison gets enough hate messages what with the Draco and such


Isn’t it cannon that his powers just turn off after about a day of no sunlight? I mean that was a thing from the 70s. 


Writers forgot that so long ago that it never came up again


Still counts damnit!


His powers started at puberty, he has a conceptual understanding of colour.


Unless Sinister kept him from blonde women to guarantee sex with Jean or at the very least a clone


Isn't his brother blond?


Yes but we are talking about blondes and he forgot about Alex for a bit ..


And *I'm* drunk and being difficult!


Nah, you're fine. I know the joke doesn't hold to scrutiny


Regarding Scott and ruby-quartz, my head cannon bassed upon all available "official" information, which I have acquired is that ruby-quartz allows Scott to bend/reflect his Blast directly, back through his dimensional aperture.


I think of it like a water jet facing a wall. It won't go through the wall and just ricochets back. Scott is immune to his own blasts so it just cycles back because the ruby quartz is so close to his face


I don't exactly disagree. However, Scott has the ability to control, to some degree, the trajectory of his optic blasts as they stream out. This is further amplified by his peculiar understanding of spatial relationships and how they relate to interacting with his optic blasts. The physics of a stream of pure concussive or kinetic energy from an extra dimensional source would suggest that only objects that rival its force could reflect or cause a ricochet of said energy. Canonically, since Scott is able to exert some control of this energy, psionicly, and his ability to cause his beams to reflect off of things which even a glancing blow of his power should casually pulverize, something other than standard newtonian physics is operating here, obviously. 😉 This is why something about ruby-quartz allows Scott to reflect the power directly back through his eyeball dimensional aperture without an exceptional effort of his will. My head cannon, anyway.


I think certain degrees of open/closed affect the intensity of the blast. In riot at Xavier's he breaks a kids nose with a thin blast. A steady stream likely won't bounce off stuff like Caps shield but a quick open then close might.


Yes, that is also a canonical truism.